
Rhymes & songs

HELLO SONG (Sung to the tune of London bridge is falling down)

Hi, hello and how are you?

How are you?

How are you?

Hi, hello and how are you?

How are you today?


Oh, the Grand old Duke of York (bounce baby during marching)

He had ten thousand men. He marched them up To the top of the hill,

And marched them down again.

And when they were up they were up

(lift baby in the air)

And when they were down they were down

(lower baby back onto lap)

And when they were only half way up

They were neither up nor down.


Hickory, dickory, dock,

The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one,

(Clap hands once)

The mouse ran down, Hickory, dickory, dock.

(lower baby to the ground and back up)

Hickory, dickory, dock.

The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck two,

(Clap hands twice)

The mouse said, “Boo!” Hickory, dickory, dock.

Hickory, dickory, dock.

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck three, (Clap hands three times)

The mouse said, “Whee!”

Hickory, dickory, dock.

Hickory, dickory, dock. The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck four, (Clap hands four times)

The mouse said, “No more!”

Hickory, dickory, dock

Incy Wincy spider

Incy Wincy spider climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain and washed the spider out

Out came the sunshine, and dried up all the rain

So Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again.

Jack Be Nimble

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over The candlestick

Five Little Monkeys

Five little monkeys swinging in the tree

Teasing Mr Crocodile,

you can’t catch me

Up came Mr Crocodile,

quiet as can be

SNAP Four little monkeys swinging in the tree…

Three little monkeys… Two little monkeys….

One little monkey…

No little monkeys swinging in the tree

Teasing Mr Crocodile,

you can’t catch me

Up came Mr Crocodile,

quiet as can be



Open them shut them

Opem them shut them

Give a little clap

Open them shut them

Open them Shut them

Lay them in your lap

Creep them creep them

Creep them creep them

Right up to your chin

Open wide your little mouth

But do not let them in!

Shake them shake them

Shake them shake them

Shake them just like this

Roll them roll them

Roll them roll them

Give a little kiss


This little piggy went to market, This little piggy stayed home.

This little piggy ate roast beef,

This little piggy had none. And

this little piggy cried,

"wee wee wee wee" all the way home.

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A smooth road, a smooth road,

a smooth road, a smooth road (with baby on your knees,

stroke baby’s legs on each ‘a smooth road’)

A bumpy road, a bumpy road,

A bumpy road, a bumpy road (bounce baby gently on the ‘bumpy’ road)

A rough road, a rough road,

A rough road, a rough road (The road is a little more bumpy)

A hole!

(Baby ‘falls’ in the space between your legs)

It's raining; it's pouring

It's raining; it's pouring. The old man is snoring.

He went to bed and bumped his head, And he wouldn't get up in the morning

I’m a Little Teapot

I’m a little teapot Short and stout

Here is my handle Here is my spout

When I get all steamed up Then I SHOUT

Tip me over pour me out.

I HEAR THUNDER (melody: Frere Jacques)

I hear thunder, I hear thunder (Hold hands at ears listening)

So do I, so do I,

Pitter-patter raindrops,

pitter-patter raindrops (Hand twinkling raindrop movements)

I’m all dry, so am I (Hold body and show its dry)

I hear thunder, I hear thunder (Repeat hands to ears)

Hark, don’t you? Hark, don’t you? Pitter-patter raindrops, pitter-patter raindrops

(Hand twinkling raindrop movements)

I’m wet through, so are you (Hold body in cold shiver)


Here we go round the garden (walk your fingers around baby’s stomach)

Like a teddy bear (continue walking)

1 step, 2 step

(walk your fingers up towards baby’s chin)

Tickle under there! (tickle under the chin)

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Galoomp went the little green frog

Galoomp went the little green frog one day

Galoomp went the little green frog, Galoomp went the little green frog one day, And his eyes went gloomp, gloomp, gloomp


We all know frogs go Lah dee dah dee dah, Lah dee dah dee dah, Lah dee dah dee dah, We all know frogs go Lah dee dah dee dah,

They don't go gloomp, gloomp,gloomp.

Dingle-dangle Scarecrow

When all the cows are sleeping,

And the sun has gone to bed, Up jumps the scarecrow, And this is what he says:

“I’m a dingle, dangle scarecrow,

With a flippy-floppy hat,

I can shake my hands like this,

I can shake my legs like that.”

When all the hens are roosting,

And the moons behind a cloud,

Up jumps the scarecrow,

And shouted very loud

“I’m a dingle, dangle scarecrow,

With a flippy-floppy hat,

I can shake my hands like this,

I can shake my legs like that.”

Two little dicky birds

Two little dickie birds sitting on a wall (hold a finger or fist for each bird)

One named Peter, one named Paul (bend or wiggle each finger or hand)

Fly away Peter, fly away Paul (move fist or finger to the side to hide each bird)

Come back Peter, come back Paul (bring fist or finger back to the front)

If you’re happy and you know it (Match actions to song)

If you’re happy and you know it –

clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it –

clap your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it Then you really ought to show it

If you’re happy and you know it – clap your hands!

(Add other verses such as “blow a kiss”,

“rub your tummy” or “have a giggle”.)


Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are.


(Roll hands round & round)

The Wheels on the bus go Round & round Round & round, Round & round.

The wheels on the bus go Round & round,

All the way to town

(Use arms as wipers)

The wipers on the bus go

"Swish, swish, swish,

Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish"

The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"

All the way to town

(Bounce up & down)

The children on the bus Bounce up and down

Up and down, Up and down.

The children on the bus go Up and down

All the way to town

(Put closed hand to eyes)

The babies on the bus go waa waa waa waa waa waa, waa waa waa

The babies on the bus go waa waa waa All the way to town

Hey diddle diddle (Bounce your baby to the rhythm of the song)

Hey diddle, diddle

The cat and the fiddleThe cow jumped over the moon

The little dog laughed to see such funAnd the dish ran away with the spoon

Row, row, row your boat (Sit your child in lap and rock back and forth,

or lie child on floor and move arms or legs in rowing motion)

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the streamMerrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream

(start the second verse rocking a little faster)

Rock, rock rock your boat

Faster down the streamTry not to fall overboard

And don’t let out a scream

Here we go round the mulberry bush

Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.

Here we go round the mulberry bush so early in the morning.

Little Peter Rabbit (Make bunny ears for Little Peter Rabbit,

cross your fingers for the fly

and touch the body part that the fly lands on)

Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose

Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose

Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose

So he flipped it and he flopped it (make a swatting action)

And it flew away. (make the fly go away)

Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his ear

Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his earLittle Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his ear

So he flipped it and he flopped it

And it flew away.

Three cheeky monkeys (Bounce baby in time to the song)

Three cheeky monkeys bouncing on the bed (lower baby to the ground and back up)

One fell off and bumped his head Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said

No more monkeys bouncing on the bed! (wiggle a finger)

Two cheeky monkeys…

One cheeky monkey…

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Five in the bed

There were five in the bed

And the little one said Roll over, roll over (hands roll in time)

So they all rolled over and one fell out There were four in the bed

And the little one said Roll over, roll over

(hands roll in time)

So they all rolled over and one fell out

There were three ….

There were two ….

There was one in the bed and the little one said “Goodnight”.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear, teddy bear, touch your nose,

Teddy Bear, teddy bear, touch your toes, Teddy Bear, teddy bear, touch the ground,

Teddy Bear, teddy bear, turn around.

Teddy Bear, teddy bear, climb the stairs, Teddy Bear, teddy bear, say your prayers, Teddy Bear, teddy bear, turn out the light

Teddy Bear, teddy bear, say goodnight!

Are You Sleeping

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping Brother John brother John Morning bells are ringing Morning bells are ringing

Ding dang dong Ding dang dong

Five little ducks

Five little ducks went out one day Over the hills and far away

(hold up fingers, march them over your shoulder & behind back)

Mother Duck said “Quack, quack, quack” (make duck beak with f ingers and quack together)

But only four little ducks came back (Repeat, reducing numbers by one each time until none come back)

Mother Duck went out one day over the hills and far away Mother Duck said “Quack, quack, quack”

And her five little ducks came back.

Humpty Dumpy

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king’s horses All the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty Together again.

ABC Song


Now I know my ABC’s Next time won’t you sing with me?

Giddy Up

Giddy up, Giddy up, Giddy up horsey

Giddy up, Giddy up Go, go, go,

Giddy up, Giddy up, Giddy up horsey

Giddy up, Giddy up Whoooaaah

Head and Shoulders

Head, shoulders, knees and toes Knees, toes,

Head, shoulders, knees and toes Knees, toes

We all clap hands together Eyes, and ears and mouth and nose

Head, shoulders, knees and toes Knees, toes

We all clap hands together

Ring-a-ring o' rosie

Ring-a-ring o' rosie, A pocket full of posies,

A-tishoo! A-tishoo!We all fall down.

Hokey Pokey

You put your right hand in You put your right hand out You put your right hand in And you shake it all about You do the hokey pokey

And you turn around And that’s what it’s all about

Oooh the hokey pokey Oooh the hokey pokey Oooh the hokey pokey

And that’s what it’s all about

(You put your left hand, right leg, left leg, Head, tongue, bottom… etc)

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree Merry merry king of the bush is he

Laugh kookaburra laugh kookaburra Gay your life must be.

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O

And on that farm there was a duck E I E I O

With a quack-quack here And a quack -quack there

Here a quack, there a quack Everywhere a quack-quack Old MacDonald had a farm

E I E I O (substitute other farm animals and their sounds)

Rock-a-Bye Baby

Rock-a-bye baby On the tree top

When the wind blows The cradle will rock

When the bough breaks The cradle will fall

Down will come baby Cradle and all

Five Little Speckled Frogs

Five Little Speckled Frogs (Hold five fingers on top of your other arm)

Sat on a speckled log eating the most delicious bugs. Yum! Yum!

One jumped into the pool (Jump a finger off the log into the pool)

Where it was nice and cool now there are four green speckled frogs

(Hold up Four, Three, Two and One finger)

This Old Man

This old man he played one He played Knick Knack on my tum With a knick knack paddy whack

Give a dog a bone This old man came rolling home

This old man he played two He played Knick Knack on my shoe

With a knick knack paddy whack Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home

This old man he played three He played Knick Knack on my knee

With a knick knack paddy whack Give a dog a bone

This old man came rolling home etc

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey; Along came a spider,

Who sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away

Mary had a little lamb

Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow.

And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day which was against the rule.

It made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb at school.

London Bridge is Falling Down

London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady

Build it up with wood and clay, Wood and clay, wood and clay, Build it up with wood and clay,

My fair lady.

Wood and clay will wash away, Wash away, wash away,

Wood and clay will wash away, My fair lady.

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa baa black sheep have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir three bags full.

One for the master, And one for the Dame,

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

GOOD-BYE SONG (Sung to the tune of London bridge is falling down)

Good-bye, good-bye,

We’ll see you soon,See you soonSee you soon

Good-bye, goodbyeWe’ll see you soon,

On another day

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