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Rex Bell Morris on Marathon Tips for New Runners

PHILADELPHIA, PA, Rex Bell Morris owns Fitness Works gym in Seattle,

Washington. Each day, Rex helps clients achieve their personal fitness and weight loss

goals. For some individuals, this involves dropping a significant amount of weight,

while others just want to get active and add more physical activity to each day. Rex is

no stranger to running, and has issued a statement to the press regarding a new article

that offers tips for beginner runners on training for a marathon.

For some people, the idea of running a mile or two seems impossible, so it is almost

laughable to consider going for 26.2 miles. For these individuals, Rex advises breaking

the training process into small, manageable chunks. Instead of feeling frustrated upon

trying and failing to run long distances right away, he suggests starting slowly and

working on building up endurance. For some people, this means spending a few weeks

just walking briskly for extended periods of time. Others may benefit from running for

a few minutes at a time, then dropping the speed down to a walk before running for a

few minutes once again.

Time is another essential part of successfully training for a marathon. For those who

regularly run long distances, less time is needed in order to prepare for the event.

However, people who are new to running will want to start prepping their bodies at

least six months in advance of the marathon. Fitness trainer Sidney Collie explains

that this strategy is an effective one, stating, “The first month of training is the most

difficult. It takes two to three months for your body to adjust, and in the third and

fourth months, you will get the hang of it.” He explains that the lengthy prep time is

necessary so that a runner’s body can adjust to changes.

Rex Bell Morris explains, “Asking the body to have the stamina to run a marathon is a difficult thing. An

individual should not just expect that they are ready to take on this challenge right away. A slow training

process helps to get a person ready for this goal without putting stress on the body, thus helping to avoid


For those who are looking to get into running but have no real training regarding the

sport, it is wise to seek guidance from a professional. This individual can provide

coaching and help an individual to become able to run longer distances, without

risking injury.

Rex Bell Morris supports this idea noting, “While it may seem as though there’s not

much to running, the sport requires knowledge and care in order to succeed while

protecting the body from harm.”

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