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Hindawi Publishing CorporationEURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and NetworkingVolume 2008, Article ID 589623, 14 pagesdoi:10.1155/2008/589623

Review ArticleHow IMS Enables Converged Services for Cable and3G Technologies: A Survey

Mehdi Mani and Noel Crespi

Department of Wireless Networks and Multimedia Services, TELECOM SudParis, Institut TELECOM,9 Rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry Cedex, France

Correspondence should be addressed to Mehdi Mani, [email protected]

Received 31 August 2007; Revised 17 December 2007; Accepted 21 February 2008

Recommended by Weihua Zhuang

The IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) is a service control overlay standardized by the 3GPP. The IMS is based on session initi-ation protocol (SIP) to establish, modify, and terminate the sessions. It provides a clean separation between services, signaling,and media with the potential to enable control and management of services over multiple transport technologies. In the scope offixed-mobile convergence, this paper is dedicated to presenting a review of how cable networks can be integrated into IMS tech-nology to achieve 3G-cable horizontal convergence. Cable networks, as one of the major fixed broadband access technologies withPacketCable architecture, are able to provide broadband internet access and VoIP in addition to cable TV. In this article, we reviewthe evolution in PacketCable architecture to take up IMS. In this way, we consider the standardization and research activities toaddress this integration. We review some important challenges such as SIP protocol compatibility, defining unique user profile,required enhancement in authentication process, QoS and charging system.

Copyright © 2008 M. Mani and N. Crespi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.


Fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) is an important area ofresearch which brings in mutual advantages for both fixedbroadband access providers and mobile operators. This con-vergence, in the initial phase, allows the users of each domainto benefit from services which are developed in the otherdomain. For instance, the mobile users may receive videostreaming offered in cable technology on their cell phones,or the users can send and receive SMS/MMS on their fixedphones and PCs.

In the next phase, the goal is to create combined ser-vices by horizontal convergence of services provided in mo-bile and broadband access domains. Horizontal convergenceis a concept in contrast with traditional vertical interconnec-tion of service-specific network technologies. In vertical con-vergence, the integration is only at transport level and not atservice level. The horizontal convergence of fixed-mobile do-mains creates innovative multimedia services such as uniquenumbering, common contact lists, and remote private videorecorder (PVR) programming by cell phones. Moreover, newcapabilities such as receiving the bandwidth consuming ser-

vices on cell phones via broadband access or content shar-ing over fixed and mobile devices can be provided for theusers.

To reach this goal, the need for a standardized servicecontrol overlay that provides a clean split between data trans-port and service level is indispensable. The role of this con-trol overlay will be to make the services provided in a domainreachable to the users of other network technologies.

Based on session initiation protocol (SIP), IMS is themost complete IP-based service control plane that sets up anoverlay on the underlying transport infrastructure and pro-vides the possibility of end-to-end IP-based services.

All the services that are developed by service providerswill be connected to IMS via a standard and SIP-based inter-face called IMS service control (ISC). With such architecture,the new services can be developed independently from un-derlying infrastructure technologies by different service op-erators and be connected to IMS via ISC. This reduces thetime to market for emerging services and is more profitablefor operators.

IMS is standardized by the 3GPP [1] for the 3G mobiletechnology, however, other wireless and wire-line network

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technologies such as Wimax, WiFi, xDSL, and broadbandCable accesses are also being integrated into IMS.

TISPAN [2] Project—Telecommunication and In-ternet converged Services and Protocols for AdvancedNetworking—in European Telecommunications StandardsInstitute (ETSI), in the field of Next-Generation Networks(NGN) Project [3], is considering part of the work on IMSdone by 3GPP as their Service Layer Model [4].

In the USA, cable multiple systems operators (MSOs) arealso involved in IMS standardization activity in 3GPP as partof the recent Cable Television Laboratory (CableLab) Projectcalled PacketCable 2.0 [5].

PacketCable [6] is introduced and standardized by Ca-bleLab to provide IP multimedia services over HFC (HybridFiber Coax) access networks. VoIP is the only major IP-basedservice considered in PacketCable 1.x [7, 8]. In contrast, Ca-bleLab in PacketCable 2.0 is seeking to develop such archi-tecture to provide advanced SIP-based services in Cable net-works by adopting IMS as the service control overlay. In thisway, PacketCable 2.0 modifies different aspects of the Pack-etCable 1.x specifications.

Migrating from PacketCable 1.x toward PacketCable 2.0with IMS is a promising strategy to achieve Cable-Wirelessservice convergence. In fact, the flexibility of IMS in adopt-ing new services can answer future business needs by intro-ducing new services for the customers of both technologies,such as: “One-Number phone service,” “Unified Messaging,”“Video on Demand (VoD) streaming to cell phone,” “Con-tent Sharing between Cell Phones, Personal Video Recorders(PVR), and other devices,” “Remote PVR programming bycell phones,” and “Buddy List spanning devices.”

In this paper, we give an overview of important issues forthis interconnection between Cable accesses and IMS. Theorganization of the paper is as follows.

In the second section, we introduce the overall IMS ar-chitecture and its basic functional elements. This section alsodiscusses how IMS facilitates fixed-mobile convergence. InSection 3, we give a brief review of the PacketCable 1.x ar-chitecture and then present IMS-based architecture of Pack-etCable 2.0 in detail. Then in Sections 4–8, we review theimportant challenges such as SIP protocol extension, uniqueuser profile and authentication, QoS control and resourcereservation, and charging and billing system. Finally, the im-portant points are summarized in Section 9.


IMS [1] was first standardized in 3GPP Release 5 to cre-ate an IP-based control plane between the underlying IP-based transport plane infrastructure and the Service Plane(see Figure 1). This overlay is set up based on SIP with newIMS functional entities in order to separate the path of IPmedia from signaling messages. SIP is a signaling protocolfor IP telephony, multimedia conferencing, instant messag-ing, and presence which is standardized in IETF [9].

While IMS originates from the mobile market, it is ac-cess independent and various access technologies like WiFi,Wimax, DSL, and broadband cable access technology are in-

tegrated into it. In Release 5, IMS was specified based onIPv6.

In Release 6, the specification has evolved to allow a for-mal independence of the IMS from the access with the intro-duction of the IP-CAN (IP-Connectivity Access Network), asa generic access network.

IMS provides the possibility for providing end-to-end IPmultimedia services, increased potential for service integra-tion and easy adoption of different services such as instantmessaging and presence and video conferencing.

Furthermore, IMS allows third-party service providersto connect their services to the IMS via standard interfaces(ISC/Sh) [1].

In Release 6 (frozen in March 2005), the required mech-anisms and signaling flow for new services including IMSMessaging and Conferencing and Group Management weredefined and some existing features were enhanced such as

(i) interworking between IMS and non-IMS networks;(ii) lawful interception;

(iii) option of IPv4-based IMS.

The work on IMS continued in Release 7 [1] on more en-hancements such as (but not limited to) the following.

(i) Voice call continuity (VCC) between CS and IMS [10].With VCC, the user can switch a call between CircuitSwitched and IMS domain. This is achieved by anchor-ing the calls which are registered for this service in aVCC server in the IMS domain.

(ii) Support of Emergency Calls in the IMS. In Release 7,the IMS elements necessary to support IP Multime-dia (IM) emergency services are defined [11]. This ar-chitecture allows emergency sessions to be prioritizedover nonemergency sessions.

(iii) IMS access via fixed broadband technologies. In thisrelease PacketCable and TISPAN started collaboratingin 3GPP specifications to integrate Cable and xDSLinto IMS [12].

(iv) IMS architecture and signaling flow for supportingconferencing [13] and messaging [14].

The work on IMS is being pursued in Release 8. In thisrelease, the work on enhancement of IMS architecture forfixed-mobile convergence continues; and modification ofcorresponding specifications will be carried out with collab-oration of TISPAN and PacketCable.

A general picture of IMS architecture with basic elementsis presented in Figure 1. In the rest of this section, the role ofeach element will be explained.

2.1. IMS functional components

In this section, we introduce very basic IMS componentswhich play key roles in session signaling process.

P-CSCF (Proxy-Call Session Control Function) is the en-try point to IMS for User Equipment (UE). It is also the entitythat should secure the link for the user to protect the privacyof its messages. P-CSCF may support SIP compression in or-der to reduce the load on the radio interfaces. The SIP-basedGm interface is specified between UE and P-CSCF.

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3rd party AS SIP AS CSE








PSTN legacynetwork











Mi Mj

CSE: CAMEL serviceenvironment

RAN: Radio accessnetwork

Figure 1: 3GPP IMS architecture.

UE discovers the corresponding P-CSCF after its attach-ment to the network and during successful activation of itsPDP Context using either PDP Context Activation signalingor DHCP [15].

I-CSCF (Interrogating-CSCF) is the entry point of theoperator’s home domain for other operators’ CSCFs. It actsas a SIP-proxy by routing SIP requests received from anothernetwork towards the S-CSCF. In addition, in the registrationphase, it assigns the right S-CSCF to the UE. This assignmentwill be performed by interrogating the HSS to check the S-CSCF capabilities and user profile. The I-CSCF access to HSSis provided via Cx interface which is based on diameter [16].Furthermore, the I-CSCF may hide topology, configuration,and capacity of the domain by adopting Topology Hiding In-terworking Gateway (THIG) functionality.

S-CSCF (Serving-CSCF) acts as a SIP Registrar or homeproxy as defined by IETF-RFC-3261[9] located in the user’shome domain. It controls the session of registered users andinvokes the requested services. The S-CSCF rejects commu-nication when the media parameters are not in line with theuser’s service profile or with the local policy.

In addition to these call session control entities, othermain IMS entities can be summarized as follows.

PDF (Policy Decision Function). This is logically a cen-tralized entity that makes the policy decision according tothe policy rules and the dynamic and static information ofthe network. This decision will be transferred to the ac-cess router (i.e., GGSN in 3G) which plays the role of Pol-icy Enforcement Function (PEF). Consequently, accordingto the PDF decision, PEF allocates the resources for thesession media. In Release 5, the PDF was enclosed in theP-CSCF. Moreover, the interface between PDF and GGSNwhich is called Go was based on COPS [17]. But Release 6introduces a clear separation between the P-CSCF and thePDF function. With this extension, other non-SIP-based ser-vices will also benefit from the resource control mechanisms.Gq interface was defined between P-CSCF and PDF [1] asshown in Figure 1. Go and Gq are used for resource reserva-

tion and authorization and diameter replaced COPS in thisrelease.

HSS- Home Subscriber Server holds location information,Initial Filter Criteria (iFC), and shared secrets of users. HSSstores the user identifications and the relations between thedifferent public and private identifiers of users for Authenti-cation, Authorization and Accounting (AAA).

AS (Application server) is a generic name for the en-tities in charge of services. An AS can be a SIP AS (themost common case), a third-Party Service AS, or a CAMELserver (CSE). CAMEL (Customized Application for MobileEnhanced Logic) is the standard for mobile Intelligent Net-work [18]; this type of server can be used by the IMS throughan interworking gateway (IM-SSF) for GSM legacy servicessuch as prepaid. The AS is either localized in the user’s homenetwork or in a third-party domain.

BGCF (Breakout Gateway Control Function). BGCF de-termines the next hop for routing of a SIP message termi-nating in PSTN/CS. For PSTN/CS terminations, the BGCFselects the network in which PSTN/CS breakout is to occur.If the BGCF determines that the breakout is to occur in thesame network in which the BGCF is located, then the BGCFselects a MGCF which is responsible for signaling interwork-ing with the PSTN/CS Domain. If the break out is in anothernetwork, the BGCF will forward this session signaling to an-other BGCF in the selected network.

MGCF (Media Gateway Control Function) is considereda SIP endpoint. It translates ISUP/BICC messages from thePSTN side to SIP signaling in the IM CN subsystem side andVice versa. The MGCF performs the signaling interworkingto the PSTN and controls the Media Gateway (MGW) whichis responsible for media format conversion.

2.2. Why IMS facilitates horizontalfixed-mobile convergence

Traditionally, telco and mobile operators have created anddeployed what is referred to as the vertical service platform

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Wireless services Internet services Telephony services

WirelessCS/PS Internet Wireline


Figure 2: Traditional vertical service platform.

CxCx CxCx

Cx Cx

Cx Cx




Sh Sh Sh






GmGm GmG

o Go




Application/service planeCable technology

servicesWiFi services 3G services

3rd party AS SIP AS CSE










IP transport plane

Cable access technology WiFi


SIPDiameterResource authorisation/reservation

CSE: CAMEL service environmentRAN: Radio access network

IMS (control plane)


Figure 3: IMS Overlay architecture and blended multiple access.

architecture (see Figure 2) to handle voice/data services.However, these types of silo solutions mean allocating ded-icated resources and components for each service. Each newservice needs new signaling, a management system, networkprovisioning, and a service control protocol. All of these leadto the services which are highly dependent on the domainin which they are implemented. Moreover, the service of onedomain is not accessible for other technologies except thata dedicated gateway is defined for each service domain totranslate the signaling and protocol for other domains.

Such a model might just be tolerable while the number ofservices is limited. However, developing multimedia servicesto address miscellaneous user demands in this model is likelyto be complex, unorganized, and expensive. This will be evenmore difficult and almost impossible for convergence of fixedand mobile services.

On the other hand, as shown in Figure 3, in the modelproposed by IMS, services become independent of networkinfrastructure technology. IMS is another significant step (af-ter Intelligent Network) to eliminate the cost and complexity

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of building a separate smokestack network for each new ser-vice. In IMS, each service will be connected to the networkvia standardized interfaces and become available to the usersin any access technology. This is an architecture that makes itsimpler and more cost effective for operators to roll out newand personalized services. IMS enables the development anddeployment of converged IP infrastructure in which servicesare shared across multiple access technologies. IMS localizesthe users in different domains and access technologies andtriggers the required services for the users.

Deploying IMS by operators of fixed and mobile meansimplementation of a uniform service control overlay whichuses a unique IP-based signaling (SIP). In this model, CSCFsdeployed in different domains are interconnected. This al-lows a domain access to services of other domains.

Uniform application service interface (ISC) and accessi-bility of services of other domains enable service convergencebetween different domains.

According to all of these features, IMS is considered as thedominant solution for providing fixed-mobile convergence.

Cable access providers, in addition to cable TV, today areable to provide broadband internet access and VoIP. How-ever, by deploying IMS new service paradigms and capabili-ties will emerge.

In the next sections, we give a survey on research andstandardization activities to deploy IMS in “Cable Technol-ogy” in order to achieve cable-wireless convergence.


PacketCable is a project conducted by Cable Television Lab-oratories Inc. (CableLabs) and its cable operator memberswith the goal of enabling a wide variety of Internet-Protocol-based multimedia services over two-way hybrid fiber-coax(HFC) cable access systems [6]. PacketCable specificationshave been released in four project phases: PacketCable 1.0[7], PacketCable 1.5 [8], PacketCable Multimedia (PCMM)[19], and PacketCable 2.0 [5].

Before going through the architectural details of Packet-Cable, it is worth mentioning that in all of the cited devel-oping phases, the architecture utilizes the services of threeunderlying networks: the HFC access network, the managedIP network, and the PSTN (see Figure 4).

PacketCable 1.0 [8] defines the subscriber environmentand its interfaces to other network components includingCable Modem (CM), Multimedia Terminal Adapter (MTA),Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS), and Call Man-agement Server (CMS).

CM connects user device to the cable access. MTA pro-vides for the user codecs and all signaling and encapsulationfunctions required for media transport and call signaling ontop of IP. It may be implemented as a standalone device orembedded in the Cable Modem.

The CMTS provides data connectivity and complimen-tary functionality to cable modems. The CMTS is located atthe cable system head-end or distribution hub on the opera-tor side of HFC access networks. The CMS provides call con-trol and signaling related services for the MTA and CMTS. Itis a trusted network element that resides on the managed IP

part of the PacketCable network. The CMS consists of a CallAgent and a Gate Controller. Call Agent (CA) refers to thecontrol component of the CMS that is responsible for pro-viding signaling services.

To control a call, NCS (Network Call Signaling) proto-col is used between CMS as the server and the MTA as theclient [20]. NCS is a revision of Media Gateway Control Pro-tocol (MGCP) [7]. The Gate Controller (GC) is a logical QoSmanagement component within the CMS that coordinatesall quality of service authorization and control.

Finally, the RKS (Record Keeper Server) collects all thecharging information from CMS and CMTS to providebilling information.

PacketCable 1.5 extends the definition of two conceptsintroduced in the PacketCable 1.0: the Zone and the Domain[8]. A PacketCable Zone is defined as a single CMS and theendpoints it manages. A PacketCable Domain is the set of se-curity realms managed by a single administrative and/or legalentity. The PacketCable 1.5 has introduced interconnectionof different operator zones. The SIP is considered the signal-ing protocol between different CMSs.

In the next release, CableLab specified PCMM [19] toprovide advanced IP-based services in Cable accesses. Ac-cording to new requirements, the functional elements are en-hanced. In this release, CableLab has defined the functionalcomponents and interfaces necessary to provide Quality-of-Service (QoS) and Resource Accounting to any multimedia-based application. The Policy-based admission control archi-tecture defined in IETF RFC2753 [17] is adopted. CMS is di-vided into two separate components: an Application Man-ager (AM) and a Policy Server (PS). It can be said that theApplication Manager is the advanced version of the CA andthe Policy server is the advanced version of the Gate Con-troller. Policy Server acts as the Policy Decision Point (PDP)defined in RFC2753. According to the available applicationresources, user profiles, and network policy rules, a PDP de-cides to accept or deny a requested multimedia session.

The Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) function is also sup-posed to be inserted in CMTS. According to the authoriza-tion token issued by the PDP (Policy Server in this case), thePEP allocates the resources for the media transfer of the ac-cepted session.

The Policy and QoS signaling protocols, event messagegeneration for resource accounting, and security interfacesfor multimedia architecture are defined in PCMM specifica-tions [8].

3.1. Migrating toward PacketCable-with-IMS

To reach a scalable and reliable architecture for horizontalFixed/Mobile Convergence, CableLabs has decided to adoptIMS as the service control overlay in the PacketCable 2.0project. In the frame of this project, CableLabs is collaborat-ing with 3GPP in order to modify and reproduce some IMSaspects.

The target architecture in PacketCable 2.0 will have es-sential differences from the current architecture. With theexisting architecture in PacketCable 1.x, horizontal fixed/mobile convergence is impossible. As shown in Figure 5(a),

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In PCMM,CMS issplited over twoseperated entities: AMand PS










IP domain Azone 1



Domain Bzone 2

Domain Bzone 3

Managed IPbackbone



Figure 4: PacketCable 1.x architecture.

the IP services of one domain will not be accessible for otherdomains, since the connection of different IP domains is al-ways via PSTN. Indeed, the cost of the call between differentIP domains will be considerable because of signaling transla-tion and media packet transformation in the borders.

To migrate to PacketCable 2.0 with IMS overlay, MSOsmay choose a step by step and evolutionary strategy to reusethe existing infrastructure as much as possible [21].

Figure 5 shows these evolution phases in the PacketCa-ble architecture. It is a reasonable strategy that (i) utilizesproven technology; (ii) generates new revenues and reducesthe costs; (iii) incrementally adds applications and features.

In the first phase, as depicted in Figure 5(b), PSTN will bebypassed by adding the I-CSCF function in BGCF. Althoughin this phase SIP devices cannot be supported, some servicesthat are more easily implemented on SIP, such as voice callingand click to dial, may be implemented for the conventionalCable user endpoints. These are the services which can makedifferentiation for MSOs from telephony provider competi-tors. In the second phase of migrating toward IMS, MSOsmay support SIP clients by adding the P-CSCF functionsand developing SIP MTAs (see Figure 5(c)). In addition,S-CSCF functions should be included in the CMS. There-fore, an IMS-like service control overlay will be set up withcompletion of this phase. Moreover, by expanding the cus-tomer space, MSOs are able to focus on their business goalsand provide more advanced service features such as con-ference calling, call forwarding, and integrated voicemail andmessaging.

Finally, in the last phase of architecture evolution, thefixed-mobile convergence will happen.

The IMS architecture is supposed to be implementedcompletely in this phase (see Figure 5(d)). Then different Ap-plication Servers of cable and 3G domains will be convergedby using IMS standard interfaces. In this architecture, non-SIP-based end devices are supported as well as SIP-based de-vices (SIP endpoints or SIP-MTAs). Therefore, CMS is en-hanced and is not replaced by S-CSCF [21]. The three mainenhancements in CMS are firstly, interconnecting to HSS bydeploying diameter interface; secondly, defining ISC inter-

face to access to SIP-based ASs; and thirdly, setting up theSIP session on behalf of non-SIP-based end devices.

In [22], the details of the required architecture and sig-naling flow for a non-SIP-based device access to PacketCa-ble IMS are introduced. If the user device does not supportSIP (or the user does not own SIP-MTA), the description ofhis requested media in SDP will be negotiated by using NCS.The CMS receives this request and verifies if the user has theright to the requested media according to its profile resid-ing in HSS. If the user is eligible for the requested service inIMS, CMS will act as the User Agent (UA) on behalf of theuser and provide the required SIP messages for the next SIPProxy.

When the user uses a SIP-based device, it sends the SIPmessages to P-CSCF directly. Then P-CSCF forwards the SIPrequest to the proper CMS.

PacketCable 2.0, by IMS integration, specifies a revolu-tionary architecture at the service layer. Table 1 has comparedPacketCable 1.x with PacketCable 2.0 architectures to sum-marize the advantages of IMS over existing service deliverysystem in Cable technology.

PacketCable 2.0 replaces NCS with SIP. NCS is a central-ized signaling protocol to control nonintelligent legacy tele-phony end devices. With NCS, CMS monitors the end de-vice status and issues the corresponding signaling to establishor terminate a session. The end device has no intelligence toprovide the required call control signaling. In contrast, SIPproposes distributed signaling architecture with intelligentend devices. The end devices are able to provide call controlsignaling and react to the incoming requests. Consequently,the involvement of IMS components (including CMS) in ses-sion signaling is limited to AAA functions, session routing,and service triggering.

Hence, with elimination of responsibilities for end de-vice control, supplementary services such as session fork-ing/merging, caller ID presentation/restriction, and call for-warding may be implemented on board in CMS. Moreover,PacketCable 2.0 is able to support a variety of advanced enddevices to satisfy end users demands for high quality experi-ence of multimedia services.

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Packetcable 1.xMTA

Packetcable 1.xMTA

Packetcable 1.xMTA

(a) Signalling Architecture in PacketCable 1.x



Packetcable 1.xMTA

Packetcable 1.xMTA

Packetcable 1.xMTA




(b) By-passing PSTN for inter-CMSs sessions



SIP MTA Packetcable 1.xMTA

Packetcable 1.xMTA

Packetcable 1.xMTA


Dual modephone










(c) Supporting SIP-based users by implementing P-CSCF functionality










SIP MTASIP MTAPacketcable 1.xMTADual mode

phone (SIP UA)









(d) Fixed mobile convergence

Figure 5: Evolution phases of PacketCable architecture toward PacketCable-with-IMS.

On the other hand, Packetcable 2.0 introduces essentialenhancement from the application and service point of view.Based on SIP, IMS facilitates the implementation of advancedtelephony services like voice/video conferencing, messaging,push to talk, and so on.

Furthermore, the flexibility of IMS in the applicationlevel and its unified service triggering interface allow the ser-vice components to be combined and new advanced ser-vices to be defined. Therefore, with PacketCable 2.0, this ser-vice combination can happen between Cable and 3G do-mains and provide interesting services such as single fixed-mobile numbering, Unified Messaging, Video on Demand(VoD) streaming to cell phone, Content Sharing betweenCell Phones, Personal Video Recorders (PVR) and other de-vices, Remote PVR programming by cell phones, and Buddylist spanning fixed/mobile devices.

Single fixed-mobile numbering means that a mobile/fixeduser, using a multimode terminal, will be able to be roamedin a cable/3G technology network and have access to the lo-cal services. Figure 6 shows a scenario where a user of 3G do-main is roamed in a Cable network domain.

The SIP signaling route and the session flow for registra-tion are, respectively, shown in Figures 6(a) and 6(b).

In this scenario, a wireless cable modem from one sidecreates a 802.11 WLAN and from the other side is connectedvia HFC access to Cable IP domain. The 3G user is equippedwith a multimode 3G/802.11 device. This device connects tothe WLAN of the CM, obtains an IP address, and discoversthe P-CSCF in the cable domain. After this stage, this user isready to register in IMS level. To this end, it submits a registerrequest.

Upon receipt of the register request, the P-CSCF exam-ines the “home domain name” to discover the entry pointto the home network (i.e., the I-CSCF) where the requestshould be transferred.

Then, I-CSCF interrogates HSS by submitting Cx-Query/Cx-Select-Pull. The HSS checks whether the user isallowed to register via that P-CSCF according to the user sub-scription and operator limitations/restrictions. Then if theuser was authorized for this registration, HSS returns the S-CSCF name or capabilities corresponding to the user serviceprofile by sending Cx-Query Resp/Cx-Select-Pull Resp to theI-CSCF.

The register request arrives at the S-CSCF. The S-CSCFdemands HSS for information about the indicated user in-cluding service filter criteria (iFC). Based on the filter criteria,

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Table 1: Analysis of PacketCable 2.0 architectural evolution over PacketCable 1.x.

PacketCable 1.x PacketCable 2.0

Signaling technology NCS SIP/IMS

Functionality CentralizedDistributed Multimedia Signaling

Architecture with presence and identity

Endpoints supportedMTA (Multimedia Terminal Adapter)only for legacy Phone/Fax

Any SIP phone including SIP MTA

SIP Phone and Soft Phone

Set-top box

Video Phone

PCs and Game Consoles

Dual mode handsets

Applications & Services Old Telephony System via IP

Enhanced Voice Services

Video Conferencing

Presence-based Messaging

IP Centrex

Interconnection to 3G domain orother IP-based domains

Vertical Horizontal

Signaling Path: Via PSTN Signaling Path: provided by IMS

Media Path: Via PSTN Media Path: IP core

Not IP-based IP-based

Converged Fixed/Mobile Services NA

Single fixed/mobile numbering

Unified Messaging

Video on Demand (VoD) streaming to cell phone

Content Sharing between Cell Phones

Personal Video Recorders (PVRs) and other devices

Remote PVR programming by cell phones

Buddy List spanning devices


Shared Presence Service

the S-CSCF sends register information to the service controlplatform and performs whatever service control proceduresare appropriate. Finally, S-CSCF accepts the registration re-quest of the user and replies with a 200-OK.

From this step on, the user is able to establish a call ses-sion. Figure 6(c) demonstrates a call session establishmentroute as well as session flow originated by a 3G user roamedin the cable domain.

Adoption of IMS in PacketCable is a big step towardthe horizontal convergence of Cable access technologies andwireless mobile systems. However, to achieve this, thereare important concerns in signaling compatibility, resourcereservation, and security. In the following sections, these is-sues and corresponding solutions will be reviewed.


SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is introduced by IETF inRFC 3261 [9]. It is a signaling protocol to establish, modify,and terminate the IP-based multimedia sessions. SIP mes-sages which are called SIP methods consist of four mainparts: User Identity, Method Type, Header Fields, and SIPbody. A SIP client will be identified with a type of UniformResource Identifier, called SIP URI. It has a similar format

to email addresses containing a user name and a host name.The method type shows the name of the SIP messages. TheSIP methods are divided into two main categories of Requestsand Responses. SIP header fields provide the message routeinformation. RFC 3261 defines seven mandatory fields: To,From, Contact, CSeq, Call-ID, Max forwards, and Via. Finally,in the message body, there are the media parameters such asmedia type (video, voice, etc.), codec type and bit-rate thatare described by employing the Session Description Protocol(SDP) [23].

There are differences between the standard SIP definedby IETF and the SIP recommended by the 3GPP. The 3GPPspecifies extensions for SIP header fields and SIP messages.

In the case of SIP header fields, these extensions include.

(i) supplementary header fields [24] which are definedin IETF as optional such as Path header and service-route header. Path header is completed during regis-tration phase to identify the route between the UE andits S-CSCF. This header is inserted in the SIP regis-ter request and its corresponding 200-OK answer. Onthe other hand, an S-CSCF may use a Service-Routeheader field to inform UAs of the route that will endto that S-CSCF. The Service-Route header field is in-cluded by an S-CSCF in the response to a register

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Cable access Cable domain




3G homedomain

3G user 802.11 CM





Cable domain


3G userHSS

3G home domain









Cable domain








3G, callerhome domain


3G, calleevisited domain




SIP signalling flowbetween caller and callee

Caller Callee





OKOK(INVITE response)

ACK3G, callee

home domain


Figure 6: (a) Registration path for a 3G User Roamed in Cable Domain. (b) Registration Signaling Flow for a 3G User Roamed in CableDomain. (c) Originating Call establishment route/session-flow for a 3G User Roamed in Cable Domain.

request. Consequently, a registering UE learns of theroute that may be used to request services from the sys-tem it just registered with.

(ii) 3GPP specific header fields, for example, the subsetof P-headers [25] (P-Access-Network-Info, P-media-authorization, P-Called-Party-ID, P-Visited-Network-ID, etc.)

Moreover, in the case of SIP messages, update which is a mes-sage defined as an extension to SIP by IETF for modifyinga session characteristic [26] is mandatory in IMS to be usedfor starting the resource reservation process. In addition, im-plementation of Prack is mandatory in IMS. Prack is an SIPProvisional Response used as an acknowledgment.

These differences may not appear critical in a closed en-vironment but may raise some concerns regarding interoper-ability with other domains SIP platform.

Fortunately, most of these extensions are also consid-ered in PacketCable architecture. Indeed, update and Prackare both considered in PacketCable. Furthermore, regardingheader extension, PacketCable has also defined 23 manda-tory headers that CMS must support [20]. These extensionsenable PacketCable systems to provide a robust multimediaservice platform supporting basic telephony and custom call-ing features. Nevertheless, neither path header nor P-headersare supported in PacketCable 1.x architecture.

This incompatibility does not present a problem when a3G-domain originating-session terminates in a PacketCable

domain. This is because 3GPP in Release 6 has defined a newprocedure allowing an IMS user to establish a session end-ing to a SIP user in a pure IETF SIP network [27]. However,those procedures are only for interworking with an externalnon-IMS SIP network and do not allow a non-IMS user toregister and access an IMS network. This is the main reasonthat PacketCable 2.0 considers all of the mandatory headersdefined by IMS 3GPP.


In converged networks, a key issue is how to define aunique subscriber profile to be authenticated and authorizedthrough different access technologies for the shared services.

Furthermore, the user profile should be more completeand the access network information should be added. In 3Gnetworks, the Cell ID (P-Access-Network-Info in SIP header)clarifies the current serving cell in the registration phase [27].In fact, the end device is capable of obtaining this informa-tion and putting it in their registration messages directly (P-header in SIP register message). For Cable access, two impor-tant issues in location information provision must be consid-ered.

Firstly, the legacy devices in Cable access networks arefixed devices. Hence, they are not designed to be capa-ble of adding their location information to their signaling

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messages. To cope with this concern, in [22] we have pro-posed that new versions of MTAs should be able to obtainthe location information and add it to signaling messages inthe registration phase [22].

The second issue is defining which kinds of informationcan identify the attachment point of the user in Cable access.According to the fact that CMTS is the first attaching point inthe operator domain, we consider that its MAC or IP addressis the essential information for location identification. In ad-dition, Cable Modem MAC/IP can be used as supplementarylocation information.

In addition to the required improvement in the user pro-file, there is necessity for reliable and secure authenticationsystem. In the first releases of IMS (before Release 7), the onlyauthentication and key agreement (AKA) system which wasspecified by the 3GPP was IMS-AKA. This is an authentica-tion system based on USIM/ISIM approach. The UMTS Sub-scriber Identity Module (USIM) and IMS Subscriber IdentityModule (ISIM) are found on the Universal Integrated Cir-cuit Card (UICC) of 3G devices [28]. USIM-based IMS-AKAand ISIM-based IMS-AKA authentication require the phoneto be equipped with the operator UICC card (i.e., a 3G SIMcard) with USIM or ISIM capability. In the absence of UICC(because of hardware limitation), ISIM can be provided as asoftware module on end devices (PCs).

However, PacketCable 2.0 needs to support devices whichdo not contain or have access to any kind of ISIM. This lim-itation also exists for any other fixed access technologies.Therefore, to cope with this issue and extending IMS ser-vices for fixed legacy devices, SIP Digest [5] authenticationapproach is included in IMS [15].

5.1. SIP Digest authentication deployment in IMS

SIP Digest is a challenge/response approach defined in SIPfor authentication of messages and access to services. Inthis approach, unlike that of IMS-AKA, the challenges arenot precomputed (in UICC) but are computed in real timeby S-CSCF. To have the minimum impact on the exist-ing IMS architecture, PacketCable 2.0 adopts this approachby maintaining the existing headers of SIP messages (i.e.,Authentication-Info header) used in the register phase.

Figure 7 shows the SIP Digest flow messages.Adding support for SIP Digest has some impacts on some

IMS elements as explained in the following.

(a) S-CSCF should be able to compute the challenges/response required for authentication of the user. Inaddition, S-CSCF has to include an Authenticate-Infoheader in 2xx responses (e.g., 200 OK) following a suc-cessful authentication of UEs.

(b) HSS: Cx interface should be enhanced. Indeed, digestauthentication adds new parameters to be transmittedvia Cx to S-CSCF. These parameters allow S-CSCF tocompute the required challenge responses in the reg-istration phase. In addition, HSS itself should store allthe required parameters for challenge computation ineach user profile.


Convergence of different access technologies will not beachieved unless they provide a secure and reliable connectionfor the clients. The privacy of users should be protected dur-ing the time of signaling exchange. On the UMTS access net-work, at the time of attachment, a primary PDP (Packet DataProtocol) [29] context is created for the signaling flows. PDPis the resource reservation protocol used in UTMS Accesses.By using PDP, on the path between a Mobile User Agent andGGSN through SGSN, a certain amount of resources will beallocated to the authenticated user to allow him to send andreceive session signaling messages in a secure manner thatprotect the privacy of the exchanged information. In 3GPPRelease 5 the primary PDP was also supposed to be used formedia transfer. This is possible because in the access network(From UE to GGSN), before signaling messages arrive in theIMS domain (P-CSCF), they pass through the same routewith media packets.

However, media QoS and security requirements are dif-ferent from those of signaling messages; therefore it is notefficient to use the same PDP context for both signaling andmedia. Hence, in Release 6 of 3GPP, the notion of SecondaryPDP Context was also considered [29]. With this possibility,according to the session QoS parameters that are negotiatedbetween two call parties, another PDP context will be createdto exchange the session media.

For the IP-based access technologies other than UTRAN(UMTS Radio Access Network), there is no PDP context.Consequently, there is a need for an IPSec [30] tunnel be-tween the UE and the first reliable router in the access net-work (CMTS in the case of Cable Technology) to exchangesignaling and media packets, including RTP, TCP/IP, SecureRTP, and SIP (see Figure 8). However, using the same tunnel,the IP address and the port number are inefficient withoutbeing able to distinguish flows with different QoS require-ments.

On the other hand, it is definitely inefficient establish-ing a dedicated tunnel for each media flow since it involves alarge amount of signaling exchange for each flow and impliesa heavy process load on the network resources (routers andswitches).

To achieve a tradeoff, we have proposed a solution basedon two tunnel categories: one for conveying signaling flowand the other for media flow [22].

In an IPSec tunnel, all the traffic flows will have the sameheader (Source and Destination IP address, port no.) andthen the five-tuple criteria will no longer be useful for trafficdifferentiation.

Our proposed solution is that different media flows in thesame IPSec tunnel are distinguished by DiffServ Code Point(DSCP) marks.

The User end devices should support a DSCP [31] valueto mark the media packets according to their authorized QoSclass. Indeed, this function may be added to MTA on behalfof legacy devices in Cable access which do not support anyresource reservation protocol like Diffserv.

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Authorization: ‘privateID’, realm, URI


Authorization: ‘privateID’, realm, URI

(3) MAR-Cx

Retrieving authenticationvector for this ‘private ID’

(4) MAA-Cx

Returning authenticationvector


Calculating andreturning the challenge


Forwarding the challenge

Calculatinganswer basedon thechallenge


Replying with thechallenge response


Forwarding thechallenge response

Calculating thechallenge answerand comparing tothe user answer

(9) SAR-Cx

Requesting the userprofile

(10) RAA-Cx

Returning userprofile including:public IDs, iFCs

(11)200 OK

(12)200 OK Includingauthentication-InfoheaderIncluding


Figure 7: Authentication process based on SIP digest.



3G domain



Secondary PDP: RTP, TCP/IP, UDP, ...

primary PDP: SIP, secure SIP, DHCP, AAA, ...







Primary IPSec tunnel: SIP, secure SIP, DHCP, AAA, ...

Secondary IPSec tunnel: RTP, TCP/IP, UDP, ...

Cable modem/MTA

Cable domain


IMS signalling path

Media path


Figure 8: Resource reservation for media and signaling.

IMS adopts the application-level policy-based resourcereservation model defined by IETF in [17] for allocation ofresource to traffic flows. This model is also considered inPacketCable 2.0 for resource reservation. Figure 9 displaysthe adopted QoS system in PacketCable 2.0.

The PacketCable Application Manager (AM) is primarilyresponsible for determining the QoS resources needed forthe session, based on the received session descriptors fromP-CSCF, and managing the QoS resources allocated for a ses-sion.

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QoS parametersdescribed in SDPinside SIP request

Determiningthe required


Applying thenetwork

policies to therequest

Allocating theauthorisedresources







Rx Diameter

Figure 9: Resource reservation model.

Determining the QoS resources for a session involves in-terpreting the session information and calculating how muchbandwidth is required, determining the correct PacketCableMultimedia traffic profile, and populating the traffic classi-fiers (DSCP Marks). This also involves determining the num-ber of flows necessary for the session (e.g., voice only versusvoice and video session) and managing the association of theflows to the session.

The Policy Server (PS) primarily acts as an intermediarybetween the Application Manager(s) and CMTS(s). It appliesnetwork policies to the Application Manager requests andproxies messages between the Application Manager and theCMTS. The AM resides in CMS and the PS may be deployedin CMS too. In the case that the PS is implemented as a standalone component, diameter [16] is used to provide a secureinterface between the AM and the PS. CMTS is the policy en-forcement point. It allocates the authorized resources to thetraffic flow according to the tokens assigned by Policy Server.The interface between PS and CMTS is based on COPS [19].


Different operators need to exchange billing information fordifferent reasons [32].

(i) Service content (the user uses the service content cre-ated by home or visited domain);

(ii) Roaming;(iii) Interconnection (the callee domain charges the caller

domain);(iv) Conveyance (some part of the backbone used to con-

vey the media/signaling is provided by another opera-tor).

For these features, the operators need to define enhancedbusiness models which can apply all types of charging (in-cluding volume, time, session, content, etc.) to create attrac-tive plans for users and achieve interesting agreements withthird parties that provide services contents.

IMS has set an advanced charging approach whichachieves matching of traffic and service information [32, 33].The IMS charging correlation information is encoded in theSIP P-Charging-Vector header. This header contains the fol-lowing parameters: IMS Charging ID (ICID), access networkcharging identifier, and Inter Operator Identifier (IOI).

Two charging approaches (corresponding to real timeand non-real time) have been specified in the IMS [32]:offline charging based on charging information and onlinecharging based on charging events messages. In the offline ap-proach, transport and IMS elements (SGSN, GGSN, P, I andS-CSCF) report their charging information to Charging DataFunction (CDF) and then CDF creates a call detail record(CDR) and sends it via an interface to the billing domain[33].

Online charging is much harder to implement. The eventinformation of bearer, IMS, and service layers should be sentto a correlation function. The correlation function has accessto user credit and according to this information is capable ofdeciding if there is enough credit for the session during thecall. Online charging is essential for services like prepaid.

As Figure 10 shows, PacketCable 2.0 also considers a sim-ilar approach [34]. CDF will be deployed to collect the charg-ing information from IMS elements. Moreover, in the under-lying network, event messages are sent to the Record Keep-ing Server (RKS) as they are generated (online) or alterna-tively, once generated, Event Messages may be stored on theCMS/CMTS/MGC and sent to the RKS in a single file (of-fline).

Using the unique billing correlation ID (BCID) assignedto a given call, the RKS and CDF collect all the individualevent messages for a call and send them to the Billing System.The Billing System assembles them into a single call detailrecord (CDR).

The charging information is included in the P-ChargingVector header. For the non-IMS devices mentioned inSection 4, it is the role of CMS to create the P-headersto enable mapping of charging information created in thePacketCable and 3G domains. For offline charging, for each

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Figure 10: PacketCable 2.0 charging and billing system.

session (unified by its Call-ID), RKS should be able to pro-vide all charging information for service content, roaming,conveyance, and interoperation related to the P-Charging-Vector.

This unified charging architecture in 3G and broadbandCable facilitates users of one domain roaming in another.Moreover, by a federation of operators of fixed and mobile,the users may receive one unique billing for both their fixedand mobile access.


The work on getting IMS integrated in broadband fixed tech-nologies is also being pursued by a standardization bodyin ETSI, called Telecommunications and Internet convergedServices and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN)[2].

TISPAN is the ETSI core competence centre for all aspectsof standardization for present and future converged networksincluding service aspects, architectural aspects, protocol as-pects, QoS studies, security related studies, and mobility as-pects within fixed networks, using existing and emergingtechnologies. TISPAN activity is within the scope of the ITUNext-Generation Network (NGN) Project. The first releaseof TISPAN architecture has been published and the work onits second release is being followed [4]. The specified archi-tecture is structured according to a service layer and an IP-based transport layer.

The service layer includes four major subsystems as fol-lows.

(i) The core IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS).(ii) The PSTN/ISDN Emulation Subsystem (PES).

(iii) Other multimedia subsystems (e.g., IPTV DedicatedSubsystem) and applications.

(iv) Common components (i.e., used by several subsys-tems) such as those required for accessing applications,charging functions, user profile management, securitymanagement, and routing data bases (e.g., ENUM).

The “Core IMS” [4] is a subset of the 3GPP IMS which isrestricted to the session control functionalities. Application

Servers (ASs) and transport/media related functions such asthe Multimedia Resource Function Processors (MRFP) andthe IMS Media Gateway function (IMS-MGW) are consid-ered to be outside the “Core IMS”.

The transport layer provides IP-connectivity to userequipment under the control of the network attachment sub-system (NASS) and the resource and admission control sub-system (RACS). These subsystems hide the transport tech-nology used in access and core networks below the IP layer.

NASS provides the required functionalities for IP addressprovisioning, IP layer authentication and authorization ofnetwork access according to user profile and so on.

RACS is the TISPAN NGN subsystem responsible forthe implementation of procedures and mechanisms handlingpolicy-based resource reservation and admission control forboth unicast and multicast traffic in access networks and corenetworks. TISPAN architecture is proposed for broadbandaccess technologies like xDSL.

In addition to the standardization activities by PacketCa-ble and TISPAN, there are also other research activities to in-tegrate IMS in WLAN and WiMax Technologies [35–38].

In [39], 3GPP has proposed an architecture to allowWLAN access to 3G services. This is a general architectureto provide access to all services in the 3G domain includingIMS services. With the proposed architecture, the roamingof 3G users in the WLAN domain is feasible. However, inthis architecture convergence is obtained with a Master/Slavestrategy. Indeed, in this 3GPP approach, it is 3G which con-trols the access to services and defines the correspondingpolicies.

In [35], a strategy for step by step deployment of IMSin WiFi technology is presented. The main idea of this workis to allow WiFi operators to deploy their own IMS servicesin their realm and provide an equivalent 3G/WLAN conver-gence strategy.

Finally, we should mention that there is also some re-search on Wimax integration in IMS. In [37], different levelsof service integration between 3G and Wimax based on IMSare analysed.


This paper reviewed the evolutionary migration from Pack-etCable 1.x architecture toward Packetcable 2.0 with IMSto reach horizontal Fixed/Mobile Convergence. Some devel-opment of existing elements and functions in PacketCableand IMS required for that interconnection is discussed. Newcombined services and client capabilities which answer thefuture business requirements of cable technology operatorswere introduced. Moreover, four important challenges forthis convergence were analyzed in particular: (i) differencein implemented SIP protocol in PacketCable and the 3GPPIMS, indicating the necessary SIP header extensions in Pack-etCable, (ii) possibility of defining a unique user identity andenhanced authentication process for users with no access toUSIM, (iii) resource reservation and QoS control, and (iv)charging and billing issues. In all of these issues, the supportof legacy devices is considered as well as IMS user agents.

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[1] 3GPP, “IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS),” TS 23.228, Release8, Version 8.2.0, September 2007.

[2] ETSI, “TISPAN NGN Functional Architecture,” ES 282 001.[3] ITU-T Recommendation Y.2011, “General principles and gen-

eral reference model for next generation networks”.[4] ETSI, “TISPAN IP Multimedia Subsystem core component,”

ES 282 007, Version 1.2.6, 2007.[5] PacketCable 2.0,

specifications20.html.[6][7] PacketCable Architecture Framework Technical Report, PKT-

TR-ARCH-C01-071129, November 2007.[8] PacketCable 1.5 Architecture Framework Technical Report

PKT-TR-ARCH1.5-V01-050128, January 2005.[9] IETF, RFC3261, “Session Initiation Protocol”, June 2002.

[10] 3GPP, “Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS,” TS 23.206Release 7, Version 7.5.0, December 2007.

[11] 3GPP, “IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) emergency sessions,”TS 23.167, Release 7.0, Version 7.6.0, September 2007.

[12] 3GPP, “TISPAN; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Functionalarchitecture,” TS 23.417, Release 7.

[13] 3GPP, “Conferencing Using the IP Multimedia Core NetworkSubsystem,” TS 24.147, Release 7, Version 7.6.0, September2007.

[14] 3GPP, “Messaging using the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Net-work (CN) subsystem,” TS 24.247, Release 7, Version 7.2.0,June 2007.

[15] 3GPP, “Signalling flows for the IP multimedia call controlbased on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session De-scription Protocol (SDP),” TS 24.229, Release 8, December2007.

[16] IETF, RFC3588, “Diameter base Protocol”, September 2003.[17] IETF, RFC2753, “A Framework for Policy-based Admission

Control”, January 2000.[18] 3GPP, “Customized Applications for Mobile network En-

hanced Logic (CAMEL),” Release 7, June 2006.[19] PacketCable Multimedia Specification, PKT-SP-MM-I03-

051221, December 2005.[20] PacketCable CMS to CMS Signaling Specification, PKT-SP-

CMSS-I03-040402, April 2004.[21] J. Rosenberg, “Migrating to IMS and PackeCable 2.0: How

to Transition to New Multimedia and Fixed Mobile Applica-tions,” Cisco Systems, 2006.

[22] M. Mani and N. Crespi, “Access to IP multimedia subsys-tem of UMTS via packetcable network,” in Proceedings ofthe IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference(WCNC ’05), vol. 4, pp. 2459–2465, New Orleans, La, USA,March 2005.

[23] IETF, RFC4566, “SDP: Session Description Protocol”, July2006.

[24] IETF, RFC3608, “Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) ExtensionHeader Field for Service Route Discovery During Registra-tion”, October 2003.

[25] IETF, RFC3455, “Private Header (P-Header) Extensions to theSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) for the 3rd-Generation Part-nership Project (3GPP)”, January 2003.

[26] IETF, RFC3311, “The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) UP-DATE Method”, September 2002.

[27] 3GPP, “IP multimedia call control protocol based on SessionInitiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol(SDP),” TS 24.229, Release 8, September 2007.

[28] 3GPP, “UICC-terminal interface; Physical and logical charac-teristics,” TS 31.101, Release 7, Version 7.0.1, June 2007.

[29] 3GPP, “End-to-End QoS Signalling Flows,” TS 29.208 Release6, Version 6.7.0, June 2007.

[30] IETF, RFC2401, “Security Architecture for the Internet Proto-col”, November 1998.

[31] IETF, RFC2474, “Definition of the Differentiated ServicesFields (DS Fields) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers”, December1998.

[32] 3GPP, “IMS Charging,” TS 32.260, Release 8, Version 8.1.0,October 2007.

[33] 3GPP, “Telecommunication management; Charging manage-ment; Charging Data Record (CDR) file format and transfer,”TS 32.297 Release 7, Version 7.0.0, October 2006.

[34] PacketCable 2.0, “Quality of Service Specification,” PKT-Sp-QoS-101-070925, September 2007.

[35] M. Mani and N. Crespi, “Adopting IMS in WiFi technology,”in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on MobileTechnology, Applications and Systems (NGCS ’07), pp. 333–337,ACM, Singapore, September 2007.

[36] F. Xu, L. Zhang, and Z. Zhou, “Interworking of Wimax and3GPP networks based on IMS [IP Multimedia Systems (IMS)Infrastructure and Services],” IEEE Communication Magazine,vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 144–150, 2007.

[37] A. Hasswa, A. Taha, and H. Hassanein, “On extending IMS ser-vices to WLANs,” in Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conferenceon Local Computer Netwrks (LCN ’07), pp. 931–938, Dublin,Ireland, October 2007.

[38] M. Mani and N. Crespi, “New QoS control mechanism basedon extension to SIP for access to UMTS core network via dif-ferent kinds of access networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE In-ternational Conference onWireless andMobile Computing, Net-working and Communications (WiMob ’05), vol. 2, pp. 150–157, Montreal, Qubec, Canada, August 2005.

[39] 3GPP, “3GPP System to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)interworking; System Description,” TS 23.234, Release 7, Ver-sion 7.6.0, December 2007.

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