Page 1: Results analysis of questionnaire

Results/analysis of questionnaire.

From these results I can imply that my target audience is aged between 15-19 all 100% of the people that filled out my survey are between the ages of 15-19 I predicted that most people would be between this age range as that is the age range my magazine is aimed at.

From the results from the second question I can see the majority of people that filled out my results would like to pay £1-£3 this is a reasonable price of a music magazine I predicted most people would choose the cheaper price as everyone loves a bargain.

A large proportion of people that filled out my survey get their music from the internet via free downloads and a small proportion get their music from iTunes. I predicted barely anyone would get their music from CD as technology is advanced so it’s easier to get music online.

I was surprised of the results from the 4th question as radio and iPod drew with the amount of people that listen to music on it I expected more people to listen to music on their iPod, however I wasn’t surprised that the majority listens to their music on their phone/mp3 as most teenagers have either a phone of mp3.

From the results from question 5 I can see that most of my target audience are students this is predictable as they are aged between 15-19. One person that filled out my survey is employed this shows the minority of the teens I’m aiming my magazine at works.

From the results from question 6 I got mixed results as quite a few people went to gigs 0-2 per month, as well as 2-4 1 person goes to gigs per month more than 4 times.

A larger proportion of the people that filled out my survey would like gift vouchers as opposed to a free CD and tickets to a gig. This was predictable as barely any of the people that filled out my survey gets their music via CD and not a lot of people that filled out my survey go to gigs on a regular basis.

I was surprised at the results for question 8 as I expected 100% results for females on the front cover as an attractive female on the cover attracts customers and gets sales on magazines.

From the 9th questions results I can see that most of the people produce their own music.

From the last questions results I can see that most of the people that filled out my questionnaire would like to see more of unsigned artists this is good as all artists start off unsigned looking for support from the public.

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