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Questionnaire Results

I created my questionnaire to help me figure out my audience and understand what they wanted to be in my magazine and also what they would expect to be in it. My results will then effect my final magazine.

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Which of the following music magazines do you like best?

Almost half the people I asked said Q magazine and then the next best was Kerrang. This allows me to know what my target audience is already in to and help me to know what to include in my own magazine.

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What colours would you expect to see in an indie rock magzine?

People said; Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, White and Purple. From these results I will have a clear colour scheme to stick to throughout my making process.

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Which masthead do you most like?

A lot of people liked Indie Fusion and The Music Scene. They said that it would appeal to them and make them want to know more. People also liked Refrain as they thought it was short enough to remember and stick in your head.

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Almost half of them said Florence and The Machine as they liked the artist and identified the artist as indie rock. A lot of people said The XX and Oasis for the same reasons. Knowing this I will need to make sure that my audience will be able to identify the artist I choose as indie rock as they feel it is important.

Which artist or band would you consider best to front an indie rock magazine?

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Please rank order the sort of article you would like to see in an indie rock magzine?

The majority of people ranked an interview with a group or artist as the highest. They said they would be more interested in finding out more about their favourite artist and bands. A lot of people also said that they would like to read a review on a band or artist for the same reason. Because of these results my article will be an interview on a band or artist.

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What would you consider best to cover an indie rock magazine?

It was a close call between a female group and a female artist. People could relate to a female more and prefer it so to cover my magazine I will choose either one as I know both would be successful.

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What type of cover image would encourage you to buy a magazine?

The majority of votes went to a female group and then second most went to a female artist. So again my audience want to see females in my magazine. Due to these results I will definitely have a female artist on the cover.

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