Page 1: Responses of bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises to impact …. UA Observations on... · 240 dB re 1 lPa (single-pulse sound exposure level [SEL] 198 dB re 1 lPa2 s), and the

Responses of bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises to impactand vibration piling noise during harbor construction



1Lighthouse Field Station, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen,George Street, Cromarty, Ross-shire, IV11 8YL UK

2Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0HT UK3Sea Mammal Research Unit, Scottish Oceans Institute, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 8LB UK

Citation: Graham, I. M., E. Pirotta, N. D. Merchant, A. Farcas, T. R. Barton, B. Cheney, G. D. Hastie, and P. M.Thompson. 2017. Responses of bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises to impact and vibration piling noise duringharbor construction. Ecosphere 8(5):e01793. 10.1002/ecs2.1793

Abstract. The development of risk assessments for the exposure of protected populations to noise fromcoastal construction is constrained by uncertainty over the nature and extent of marine mammalresponses to man-made noise. Stakeholder concern often focuses on the potential for local displacementcaused by impact piling, where piles are hammered into the seabed. To mitigate this threat, use of vibra-tion piling, where piles are shaken into place with a vibratory hammer, is often encouraged due to pre-sumed impact reduction. However, data on comparative responses of cetaceans to these different noisesources are lacking. We studied the responses of bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises to both impactand vibration pile driving noise during harbor construction works in northeast Scotland, using passiveacoustic monitoring devices to record cetacean activity and noise recorders to measure and predictreceived noise levels. Local abundance and patterns of occurrence of bottlenose dolphins were also com-pared with a five-year baseline. The median peak-to-peak source level estimated for impact piling was240 dB re 1 lPa (single-pulse sound exposure level [SEL] 198 dB re 1 lPa2 s), and the r.m.s. source levelfor vibration piling was 192 dB re 1 lPa. Predicted received broadband SEL values 812 m from the pilingsite were markedly lower due to high propagation loss: 133.4 dB re 1 lPa2 s (impact) and 128.9 dB re1 lPa2 s (vibration). Bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises were not excluded from sites in the vicin-ity of impact piling or vibration piling; nevertheless, some small effects were detected. Bottlenose dol-phins spent a reduced period of time in the vicinity of construction works during both impact andvibration piling. The probability of occurrence of both cetacean species was also slightly less during peri-ods of vibration piling. This work provides developers and managers with the first evidence of the com-parative effects of vibration and impact piling on small cetaceans, enabling more informed riskassessments, policy frameworks, and mitigation plans. In particular, our results emphasize the need forbetter understanding of noise levels and behavioral responses to vibration piling before recommendingits use to mitigate impact piling.

Key words: acoustic disturbance; anthropogenic noise; behavioral response; coastal development; environmental riskassessment; marine mammal conservation; marine protected area.

Received 13 October 2016; revised 2 March 2017; accepted 10 March 2017. Corresponding Editor: Brooke Maslo.Copyright: © 2017 Graham et al. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.� E-mail: [email protected]

❖ 1 May 2017 ❖ Volume 8(5) ❖ Article e01793


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There is increasing awareness of the potentialimpacts of anthropogenic noise on marine mam-mals (Southall et al. 2007, Williams et al. 2015),requiring consideration within environmentalassessments under many national and regionallegislative frameworks (McCarthy 2004). How-ever, efforts to develop policy frameworks andrisk assessments for anthropogenic noise expo-sure are hampered by uncertainty over thespatio-temporal scales at which different noisesources may impact marine mammals (Nowaceket al. 2007, Ellison et al. 2012).

Pile driving during the construction of marineinfrastructure (e.g., harbors, wind farms) canproduce high levels of noise that may injure ordisturb marine mammals (Bailey et al. 2010b,Brandt et al. 2011, Russell et al. 2016). Expertgroups have developed noise exposure thresh-olds to provide an indication of the potential riskof injury from piling noise. However, uncer-tainty over behavioral responses to pulsedsources has constrained efforts to develop simi-lar criteria for behavioral responses to impactpiling noise (Southall et al. 2007). This can resultin conservative estimates of behavioral displace-ment (Thompson et al. 2013b), requiring devel-opers to modify project plans and mitigatepotential risks. While precautionary measuresminimize certain risks to protected marine mam-mal populations (Jefferson et al. 2009), they maydelay or prevent infrastructure projects thatcould provide wider environmental benefits(Inger et al. 2009). In some cases, vibration pilinghas been encouraged as a quieter alternative toimpact piling. The vibratory hammer uses pairsof rotating eccentric weights to apply oscillatorydownward force on the pile, and is suitable foruse in softer seabed types. However, uncertaintyremains over the extent to which marine mam-mals may respond to these different noisesources. Similarly, some of the mitigation mea-sures used to reduce source noise levels (seeWursig et al. 2000, Verfuss et al. 2016) couldresult in additional environmental costs, forexample, through increased vessel traffic andcarbon outputs. Cumulative impact assessmentsare therefore needed to underpin decisions thatbalance the environmental benefits and costs ofdifferent management and mitigation options.

With increasing pressure to develop coastalinfrastructure (Bulleri and Chapman 2010), theseassessments require an understanding of how thescale of behavioral responses to different noisesources varies across species and contexts (South-all et al. 2007, Ellison et al. 2012, Williams et al.2015). This evidence base has increased throughrecent studies on the extent of displacementaround pile driving (Brandt et al. 2011, D€ahneet al. 2013) and seismic surveys (Thompson et al.2013a, Pirotta et al. 2014a). However, these studiesgenerally focused upon harbor porpoises Phocoenaphocoena and impact piling. Although theseresults can inform risk assessments for other spe-cies and piling techniques, they may increase con-servatism as harbor porpoises are consideredparticularly responsive to anthropogenic distur-bance (Tyack 2009, Tougaard et al. 2015). Manyenvironmental assessments for coastal develop-ments worldwide must consider potential impactson both harbor porpoises and bottlenose dolphinsTursiops truncatus; both species have a worldwidedistribution and are protected under the EU Habi-tats Directive (Hoyt 2012) and the U.S. MarineMammal Protection Act. While bottlenose dol-phin responses to other anthropogenic stressorssuch as boat traffic (e.g., Buckstaff 2004, Pirottaet al. 2015) and dredging (Pirotta et al. 2013) havebeen studied, no empirical data exist to permitcomparison of species-specific responses to differ-ent pile driving noise sources.Noise exposure assessments in coastal envi-

ronments are also subject to uncertainty overnoise propagation in shallow complex habitats(Jensen et al. 2011, Farcas et al. 2016), and base-line variability in ambient noise levels (Hilde-brand 2009). Understanding of underwater noisepropagation is underpinned by studies in ocea-nic waters (Urick 1983), where it is more reason-able to assume simple spherical spreading. Incontrast, inshore marine mammal foraging habi-tats are often characterized by complex hydrog-raphy associated with finer-scale variation incoastlines, bathymetry, and freshwater inputs.Here, we studied the responses of coastal bot-

tlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises to pilingnoise during the extension of a harbor quay inNE Scotland. We used an array of passive acous-tic monitoring (PAM) devices to compare spatio-temporal patterns of variation in the occurrenceof both species within a baseline year prior to

❖ 2 May 2017 ❖ Volume 8(5) ❖ Article e01793



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construction (2013) and during the year of con-struction (2014). We also collected data onreceived levels of impact and vibration pilingnoise at different sites to optimize noise propaga-tion models for this coastal area. These modelswere then used to predict received noise levels atdifferent sites within our PAM array to relateobserved variation in behavioral responses topredicted noise levels. Finally, data on ambientnoise levels were analyzed to place reportednoise levels from piling in a broader context.


Study site and construction schedulesThe study was conducted within the Moray

Firth Special Area of Conservation (SAC), an areadesignated to protect a small population of bot-tlenose dolphins that range along the east coastof Scotland (Cheney et al. 2014). In 2014, con-struction works took place at the Nigg EnergyPark (57°41.670 N, 4°1.910 W; Fig. 1) to extend an

existing quayside. This site is adjacent to theentrance to the Cromarty Firth, a core area withinthe SAC that is frequented by both bottlenosedolphins and harbor porpoises (Bailey et al.2010a). Under the European Habitats Directive(92/43/EEC), this required an assessment of thepotential impact of this new development uponthe conservation status of the bottlenose dolphinpopulation (Marine Scotland 2014b).Construction work was carried out from 14th

April to 24th October 2014 between 06:00 and18:00 Greenwich Mean Time mostly using vibra-tion piling techniques (Marine Scotland 2014a)but impact piling was required for some largerstructural piles. The pattern of piling was highlyvariable, and on days when piling took place, thetotal duration per day ranged between 0.23 and8.92 h (impact; median = 4.02 h) and 0.02 and5.97 h (vibration; median = 1.49 h; Appendix S1:Table S1). Inspection of piling records provided bythe developers revealed minor inconsistencies andmissing data (with respect to the start and end

Fig. 1. Map of the study area showing the location of the Nigg Energy Park, the core study area (dashed box)in the Cromarty Firth and the CPOD sampling sites used in 2013 (open circles) and 2014 (black dots).

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times of individual piling events) that potentiallycompromised analyses of fine-scale responsesto variability in the duration of piling activitybetween days. Instead, we compared measuresof dolphin and porpoise occurrence between daysin which impact (n = 13) or vibration (n = 123)piling did or did not occur. This approach wasconsistent with regulator policy for evaluatingand managing impact piling activity, wherepotential disturbance is considered in terms of“days of piling” (Marine Scotland 2014a).

Noise monitoring and analysisUnderwater noise levels were recorded at three

locations (Fig. 2) using autonomous noise recor-ders (Wildlife Acoustics SM2M Ultrasonic, Wild-life Acoustics, Inc., Maynard, Massachusetts,USA). Recorders were independently calibrated asdescribed in Merchant et al. (2014). Measurementswere made at a sampling rate of 96 kHz, record-ing continuously at sites 2 and 3, and for 10 min/hat site 1. Data from sites 2 and 3 (Fig. 2) were ana-lyzed in PAMGuide (Merchant et al. 2015) todetermine received noise levels. These receivednoise levels were used to model piling sourcelevels, taking account of local bathymetry, tidelevels, and sediment types (Range-dependentAcoustic Model [RAM]; Collins 1993, Farcas et al.2016). This enabled prediction of the received sin-gle-pulse SEL throughout the line-of-sight domain.See Appendix S2 for details of modeling work.

Ambient noise data from site 1 (Fig. 2) wereavailable from hourly 10-min samples recordedbetween 1st July and 8th August 2014. This loca-tion was outside the line-of-sight area over whichreceived levels could be reliably predicted (Fig. 2),but represents an area where previous studiesrecorded relatively high densities of encounterswith bottlenose dolphins (e.g., Hastie et al. 2003,2004). Variation in ambient noise levels (RootMean Square [RMS] average in range 0.1–10 kHz)was compared in relation to piling as a factor, firstduring days (four levels: impact, vibration, bothpiling types, or no piling) and then at a finer scaleduring 10-min samples (three levels: impact,vibration, or no piling). Variation in daily ambientnoise levels was modeled using a standard gener-alized linear model (GLM) assuming thatnoise levels were independent between days.Ambient noise levels from hourly samples weremodeled using a Gaussian generalized estimating

equation (GEE)-GLM following the modeling pro-cedure described below (using Julian day as thegrouping factor in a working independence modelautocorrelation structure, allowing model residu-als from all samples within each day to be autocor-related but assuming independence betweendays).

Assessing responses of cetaceans to piling activitySpatio-temporal variation in the occurrence of

dolphins and porpoises was studied using PAM inthe baseline year prior to construction (2013) andthe year of construction (2014). In each year, weused a series of fixed sampling sites in a core studyarea within the Cromarty Firth (where exposure topiling noise was expected to be highest) and inadjacent areas up to 15 km away (Fig. 1). We usedCPODs (Chelonia Ltd.,; seeAppendix S3 for full details) to monitor dolphinand porpoise echolocating behavior at 28 sites in2013 and 25 sites in 2014 (Fig. 1).At each site, data were summarized to assess

potential impacts using three different metrics asresponse variables: first, the presence or absenceof a species on each day of sampling (from 06:00to 18:00); second, the number of hours in whicheach species was detected within that 12-h period(hereafter detection positive hours 12, or DPH12);and third, the duration of all dolphin and porpoiseencounters that started between 06:00 and 18:00.Data on cetacean occurrence in 2013 and 2014

were placed in a broader context using twosources of long-term monitoring data from thisstudy site. First, CPOD data were available from asite at the entrance to the Cromarty Firth (Fig. 1)for a five-year baseline period (2009–2013). Second,capture–mark–recapture (CMR) estimates of bot-tlenose dolphin abundance within the Moray FirthSAC were available during the same five-yearbaseline period, and in 2014 (Cheney et al. 2014).Here, we also selected the subset of data from sur-vey encounters that either started or ended withinthe Cromarty Firth study area (see the dashed rect-angle in Fig. 1), and estimated the number of indi-viduals using this smaller study area. This alsoprovided information on the turnover of individu-als through the 2014 construction period. See Che-ney et al. (2014) for full details of survey protocolsand CMR analysis.We first assessed whether there was a sea-

sonal trend in the dolphin and porpoise metrics

❖ 4 May 2017 ❖ Volume 8(5) ❖ Article e01793



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using GEE-generalized additive models (GAMs)following the modeling procedure describedbelow in the final paragraph of this section. Wefitted an interaction with the factor Year todetermine whether the seasonal trend differed

between baseline (2013) and impact (2014)years.The effects of impact piling and vibration

piling were then tested for all three metrics andboth species in separate models at two temporal

Fig. 2. Modeled predictions of received levels of noise from (a) impact piling and (b) vibration piling, withinline of sight of the Nigg Energy Park. Predictions are (a) depth-averaged received single-pulse sound exposurelevel (SEL) for an impact strike and (b) depth-averaged one-second SEL for vibration piling.

❖ 5 May 2017 ❖ Volume 8(5) ❖ Article e01793



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and spatial scales (Appendix S4: Table S1). Foranalyses at the smaller spatial scale, only datafrom the subset of near-field CPOD locationswithin the Cromarty Firth were used, wherenoise levels were predicted to be highest and pil-ing activity would be more detectable by animals(Fig. 1).

For the larger temporal-scale analysis, we testedwhether or not impact or vibration piling causeda change in the dolphin and porpoise metrics in2014 compared to 2013 (the baseline year), and atwhat spatial scale. We selected data from thosedates in 2014 when there were (1) vibration pilingand (2) impact piling, and compared these withdata from the corresponding dates in 2013, whenthere was no piling. Models compared days in2014 when a given type of piling occurred to thesame days in 2013: (1) within the Cromarty Firth(interaction of factor Year with linear Distancefrom the source) or (2) over the entire array (inter-action of factor Year with factor Area).

For the smaller temporal-scale analysis, using2014 data only, investigation of the effects ofvibration piling was constrained because therewas strong collinearity between the seasonaltrends in dolphin and porpoise metrics andvibration piling. We therefore restricted analysesat the smaller temporal scale to the effect ofimpact piling. We tested whether or not impactpiling caused a change in the dolphin and por-poise metrics within 2014, and at what spatialscale. We selected data from those dates in 2014when there was impact piling and comparedthese with data from those dates in 2014 whenthere was no impact piling. Models comparedimpact piling days in 2014 to days withoutimpact piling in 2014: (1) within the CromartyFirth (interaction of factor Piling with linear Dis-tance from the source) or (2) over the entire array(interaction of factor Piling with factor Area).

We used GAMs to assess whether there wasany seasonal trend in the dolphin and porpoisemetrics (Wood 2006), by fitting Julian day as a B-spline with four degrees of freedom, with oneinternal knot positioned at the mean value. Weused GLMs (Nelder and Wedderburn 1972) toassess the effect of piling activity on the dolphinand porpoise metrics at both temporal and spatialscales. We used binary GLMs (with a logit link) tomodel animal presence and absence, PoissonGLMs (with a log link) for the DPH12 response

variable, and gamma GLMs (with a log link) forencounter duration (a non-negative continuousresponse variable). Given the spatial pattern ofour sampling sites and known CPOD detectionranges, we did not expect the dolphin and por-poise metrics to be spatially independent; there-fore, all models were fitted using GEEs (Liang andZeger 1986, Hardin and Hilbe 2003) implementedin R [R Development Core Team 2015] using thelibrary geepack. Julian day of each year was usedas the grouping factor, allowing model residualsfrom all sites within each day to be autocorrelated.We tested the autocorrelation structures for theresiduals available in the geepack library usingthe quasi-likelihood under the independencemodel criterion, or QIC (Pan 2001). An approxi-mate version of the QIC, the QICu, was used toassess whether variables should be retained or notin the model (Pan 2001). The significance of thecovariates was assessed using Wald’s tests basedon robust GEE-estimated standard errors (Hardinand Hilbe 2003). Distance from source (the mini-mum at-sea distance between each CPOD and thepiling location in meters) was modeled as a linearterm, and the remaining covariates were includedas factors: Year (two levels, 2013 and 2014); Piling(two levels, piling or no piling); and Area (twolevels, within the Cromarty Firth or outside theCromarty Firth; see Fig. 1).


Characterization of piling noiseMedian peak-to-peak source levels from mea-

surements of 10 hammer strikes on 1st July2014 were estimated to be 240 dB re 1 lPa(range = 8 dB), with a single-pulse SEL sourcelevel of 198 dB re 1 lPa2 s. The broadband r.m.s.source level based on two 6-s samples of vibra-tion piling on 15 April 2014 was estimated to be192 dB re 1 lPa. See Appendix S5: Fig. S1, forexample, waveforms; Appendix S5: Fig. S2 forfrequency spectra; and Audio S1 and Audio S2for sample audio files. Using the impact pilingdata to optimize the acoustic propagation model,spatial variation in received single-pulse SELwas predicted within line of sight of the pilinglocation (Fig. 2; Appendix S6: Tables S1, S2).Acoustic recordings from site 1, at the entrance

to the Cromarty Firth, indicated that broadbandambient noise levels did not vary significantly

❖ 6 May 2017 ❖ Volume 8(5) ❖ Article e01793



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between days in which piling (impact, vibration,or both piling types) did or did not occur(v23 = 4.98, P = 0.17).

Using the developer’s piling records (App-endix S1: Table S1), we identified 10-min samplesfrom 386 h when there was no piling, 58 h withvibration piling, and 19 h with impact piling. Atthis finer scale, the analysis showed that pilingactivities increased hourly broadband noise levelssignificantly (v22 = 7.02, P = 0.03; Fig. 3). How-ever, noise levels in hours with impact piling didnot differ from those in hours with vibration pil-ing, but the sample size was small (58 h withvibration and 19 h with impact piling).

Responses of cetaceans to piling activityBottlenose dolphins were detected on most

days in 2013 and 2014, whereas harbor porpoiseoccurrence was generally lower (Fig. 4). Model-ing identified seasonal trends in the occurrenceof both species for all three response metrics,although the fine-scale detail of seasonal patternsvaried between 2013 and 2014 (P < 0.001 for theinteraction between seasonal trend and year, forall models). The general trend was for a decreasein bottlenose dolphins and an increase in harborporpoises from May to October.

Long-term data from the Cromarty Firth siteconfirmed that seasonal patterns seen during 2014were within baseline levels for the previous fiveyears, with a summer increase in dolphin occur-rence and winter peak in porpoise occurrence

(Fig. 5). Similarly, the estimated abundance ofbottlenose dolphins within the Cromarty Firthdid not differ from the abundance estimate for theSAC in 2014 and was comparable to the five-yearbaseline abundance estimates in both areas(Fig. 6). The individual sightings matrix illustratesthat the same individuals were observed regularlyin the Cromarty Firth through the summer untilthe end of August 2014 (Appendix S7: Table S1and Fig. S1).While overall abundance in the study area dur-

ing 2014 was similar to baseline, more detailedanalysis detected responses of bottlenose dol-phins to impact piling activity using 2013 data asthe control. All three metrics were lower in theCromarty Firth during days on which pilingoccurred, but this effect was only retained bymodel selection and significant for the durationof encounters (Appendix S4: Table S2). Here, thesignificant interaction between year and areaindicates that encounters decreased by 237 s onaverage within the Cromarty Firth on days whendolphins were exposed to impact piling noise,whereas encounter duration at sites outside thisarea increased by 277 s on average (Fig. 7c). Atthe smaller spatial scale, there was no supportfor models that included distance from pilinglocation within the Cromarty Firth as a potentialcovariate explaining any of the spatial variationin encounter duration (Appendix S4: Table S2).For harbor porpoises, year had a significanteffect on both DPH12 and encounter durations(Fig. 7h, i), but the lack of a significant interac-tion with area suggests that this was not relatedto impact piling activity (Appendix S4: Table S2).Analysis of the effect of impact piling on dolphinand porpoise occurrence at the smaller temporalscale using 2014 data alone gave very similarresults (Appendix S4: Table S3).Significant year–area interactions were also

detected for the probability of occurrence of bothbottlenose dolphins (Fig. 7d) and harbor por-poises (Fig. 7j) on days in which vibration pilingtook place (Appendix S4: Table S2). For bot-tlenose dolphins, this interaction was also signifi-cant for encounter duration (Fig. 7f) but effectsizes were extremely small and confidence inter-vals for both significant metrics overlapped. Theeffect of vibration piling on harbor porpoiseoccurrence appeared slightly stronger (Fig. 7j),but even this reduction was relatively small.

Fig. 3. Averaged broadband (0.1–10 kHz) RMSambient noise levels at site 1 during 10-min samples inwhich there were no piling, vibration piling, andimpact piling.

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Fig. 4. Seasonal variation in the median number of hours during daytime (with interquartile ranges) that (a)bottlenose dolphins and (b) harbor porpoises were detected on CPODs within the Cromarty Firth in the summersof 2013 and 2014. Days when piling occurred in 2014 are colored: red for impact piling; blue for vibration piling;green for days where both vibration and impact piling took place.

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The effective regulation of activities producingunderwater noise remains constrained by uncer-tainty about the spatial and temporal scales over

which marine mammals may be displaced(Southall et al. 2007). This can prove especiallychallenging when balancing environmental andsocio-economic costs of potential mitigation mea-sures (Nehls et al. 2007, Jefferson et al. 2009).

Fig. 5. Monthly variation in the median number of hours (with interquartile ranges) that (a) dolphins and (b)porpoises were detected at the long-term study site within the Cromarty Firth.

❖ 9 May 2017 ❖ Volume 8(5) ❖ Article e01793



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Our study indicated that two protected cetaceanspecies were not completely displaced by impactor vibration piling in a coastal habitat. While lessovert effects of disturbance were detected, effectsizes were small, probably as a result of the muchlower received broadband noise levels in ourstudy area compared to those recorded in previ-ous studies of impact piling offshore. Anticipateddifferences in the extent of responses to impactand vibration piling were not realized. Only bot-tlenose dolphins showed a measurable (butweak) behavioral response to both impact andvibration piling, reducing the amount of timethat they spent around the construction worksduring piling (Fig. 7). The similarity in responsesto vibration and impact piling was perhaps dueto the unexpectedly high source level of vibrationpiling (192 dB re 1 lPa) compared to impact

Fig. 6. Abundance estimate of bottlenose dolphinsin the Special Area of Conservation (black diamonds)and the Cromarty Firth (clear squares) each year(2009–2014).

Fig. 7. Comparison of the effect of impact and vibration piling on three metrics of bottlenose dolphin and har-bor porpoise occurrence determined from passive acoustic monitoring within the Cromarty Firth (in red) andoutside the Firth (in black) in 2013 (no piling) and 2014 (piling). Red asterisks indicate statistically significantinteractions between year and area.

❖ 10 May 2017 ❖ Volume 8(5) ❖ Article e01793



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piling (198 dB re 1 lPa s), and the stronglypulsed sound signature of the vibration piling(Appendix S5: Fig. S1b), which was more compa-rable to impact piling than previously thought.These findings re-affirm the need to carefullyconsider potential impacts of noise on cetaceansduring coastal infrastructure developments, par-ticularly as displacement by impact piling wasmore limited than expected from previous stud-ies (Schuster et al. 2015), and vibration pilinghad greater impacts than anticipated. This couldbe particularly important if the use of vibrationpiling to mitigate perceived impacts of impactpiling extends the overall construction period.Other management implications depend criti-cally upon whether these findings reflect genuinedifferences in the sensitivity of these two species,or differences in methodology, the nature andscale of the noise sources, or ecological context.

Methodological considerationsStudies of small cetacean responses to under-

water noise have typically been limited to short-term investigations using echolocation clickdetectors (Carstensen et al. 2006, Brandt et al.2011, D€ahne et al. 2013). This approach assumesthat variations in acoustic activity reflect changesin relative density and these, in turn, reflectcumulative individual responses to the noisesource. Studies integrating acoustic and visualsurvey methods provide increasing support forthis approach (D€ahne et al. 2013, Thompsonet al. 2013a, Williamson et al. 2016). However,some variation in acoustic detections may resultfrom changes in behavior rather than animaldensity (Pirotta et al. 2014a, b), but these method-ological issues are common both to our studyand earlier studies of harbor porpoise responses.

All these studies share the challenge of identify-ing appropriate controls when consideringresponses to industrial developments. This is con-strained by logistic and commercial issues, as wellas the inherent variability in natural systemsinvolving highly mobile marine predators. Here,we analyzed cetacean responses at two spatialand two temporal scales, but there was strongcollinearity between the seasonal trends in ceta-cean occurrence and vibration piling activity.Consequently, we were unable to test for the effectof vibration piling using only 2014 data, andour analyses at the smaller temporal scale were

constrained to the effects of impact piling(Appendix S4: Table S3). Finer-scale analyses werealso not possible due to lack of detail on the tim-ing of piling in reports to regulators. Nevertheless,results from both spatial and temporal scales usedin our study were consistent, providing evidencethat impact and vibration piling significantlyinfluenced some measures of dolphin occurrence,but effect sizes were small and seasonal occur-rence remained within baseline variabilityobserved during the previous five years. Whilebaseline levels in dolphin occurrence were rela-tively high and consistent between years (Fig. 5a),porpoise occurrence was much lower (Fig. 5b).Consequently, any comparison of responses wasalso constrained by species-specific differences instatistical power. Previous studies of porpoiseshave generally been undertaken in offshore sand-bank habitats where higher baseline densitieswould have improved the potential to detectfiner-scale responses in this species. Similarly, thelarge difference in the number of days of impactpiling compared to vibration piling reduced thepower to detect differences in responses to thetwo piling methods and increased the chances ofdetecting significant effects for vibration piling.

The nature and scale of noise disturbanceStudies of anthropogenic noise on cetaceans

require measured or modeled estimates of thereceived levels experienced by their subjects (e.g.,DeRuiter et al. 2013, Isojunno et al. 2016). Withoutthis information, interpretation of the response, orlack of response, to a particular source of sound isdifficult (Nowacek et al. 2007), preventing transla-tion of findings into management advice or regula-tions. Here, we recorded levels of impact pilingnoise at two locations, enabling us to predictreceived sound exposure levels (SEL) throughoutthe line-of-sight domain. The median peak-to-peaksource level of 240 dB re 1 lPa was comparable toimpact piling of 4-mmonopiles at an offshore wind-farm (peak-to-peak source level 235 dB re 1 lPa2;Tougaard et al. 2009). However, predicted receivedsingle-pulse broadband SEL values within 1 km ofthe piling site were much lower in our shallowwater study area: 133.4 dB re 1 lPa2 s at 812 mcompared to 176 dB re 1 lPa2 s at 720 m (Brandtet al. 2011) and 164–170 dB re 1 lPa2 s at 750 m(D€ahne et al. 2013). Despite similar source levels,differences in local propagation characteristics may

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explain the lower response by harbor porpoises inour study area. This highlights the need for furtherresearch in other areas and the importance of usingappropriate underwater noise modeling to developsite-specific environmental assessments (Farcaset al. 2016).

Observed fine-scale behavioral responses bydolphins to piling occurred at predicted receivedsingle-pulse SEL values of between 104 and136.2 dB re 1 lPa2 s for impact piling andbetween 98.8 and 131.7 dB re 1 lPa2 s for vibra-tion piling (Appendix S6: Tables S1, S2). Onlytwo studies previously examined behavioralresponses of dolphins to pile driving. Wursiget al. (2000) found no significant change in abun-dance of Sousa chinensis during harbor construc-tion works, but dolphins increased travel speedsduring piling. Their noise measurements are notdirectly comparable, but estimated receivedlevels were 7–9 dB lower in our study area(Appendix S6: Table S1). Paiva et al. (2015)detected fewer surfacing Tursiops aduncus duringpiling at received levels similar to those recordedin our study.

Variations in responses to anthropogenic noisemay also result from differences in signal-to-noise ratio, highlighting the importance ofparallel estimates of ambient noise. Broadbandambient noise levels within our study site didnot differ between piling and non-piling days,although ambient noise levels were higher dur-ing hours with piling. Modeling indicated thatpiling noise propagation was strongly influencedby the complex bathymetry at the site, andreceived noise levels deviated substantially froma simple range-based relationship (Fig. 2). Thesepredictions were confirmed by measurements,potentially explaining the lack of a gradient inresponses with increasing distance from source.A gradient in harbor porpoise responses to piledriving during offshore wind farm constructionwas observed in some (Brandt et al. 2011, D€ahneet al. 2013) but not all previous studies (Carsten-sen et al. 2006, Tougaard et al. 2009). A possibleexplanation for a lack of gradient in responseswith increasing distance is that animals respondprimarily to the novelty of the sound, rather thanabsolute noise level or signal-to-noise ratio, asseen among dolphins that responded to boatphysical presence but not noise levels (Pirottaet al. 2015).

The ecological context of disturbance responsesBehavioral responses to anthropogenic noise

may vary in relation to species, individual condi-tion, habitat, context, and previous exposure tonoise (Gill et al. 2001, Beale and Monaghan 2004,Southall et al. 2007, Ellison et al. 2012). Our studyarea has a long history of exposure to anthro-pogenic noise from oil and gas activities, fisheries,and shipping (Halpern et al. 2008, Thomsen et al.2011). Consequently, individual porpoises anddolphins using the Moray Firth may have habitu-ated to, and/or become more tolerant of, anthro-pogenic noise compared to those in less heavilyimpacted areas, potentially contributing to theweak behavioral responses to pile driving. Addi-tionally, vibration piling occurred almost dailyduring the five-month study. Responses of harborporpoises to airgun noise declined during ashorter (10-d) seismic survey (Thompson et al.2013a). As for all previous passive acoustic stud-ies of harbor porpoise responses, interpretation ofthese changes was constrained by uncertaintyover whether or not the same individuals wereexposed in different phases of the study. In con-trast, repeated sightings of recognizable bot-tlenose dolphins confirmed that some individualscontinued to use the impacted area throughoutthe construction period (Appendix S7: Table S1).Our study design did not permit us to determinewhether or not habituation was occurring. How-ever, if tolerance levels did increase through time,estimates of the mean response for the entirestudy period may underestimate initial responsesof na€ıve individuals.Harbor porpoises are considered particularly

sensitive to underwater noise (Tyack 2009,Tougaard et al. 2015). While there was a slightlystronger effect of vibration piling on harbor por-poise occurrence, their overall weaker responseto impact and vibration piling compared to bot-tlenose dolphins was not expected. This couldhave been due to low statistical power, or varia-tions in response could result from differences inecological context. Thus, the availability of alter-native habitat and relative predation risk couldhave influenced responses to disturbance (Gillet al. 2001, Frid and Dill 2002). During baselinestudies in 2013, all three metrics for dolphinoccurrence were similar in both the core and thewider study area, whereas porpoise occurrencemetrics were higher within the core area (Fig. 7).

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Page 13: Responses of bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises to impact …. UA Observations on... · 240 dB re 1 lPa (single-pulse sound exposure level [SEL] 198 dB re 1 lPa2 s), and the

During impact piling in 2014, dolphins increasedtheir use of unexposed areas, whereas porpoisesdid not. While bottlenose dolphins may appearmore susceptible to impact piling noise than har-bor porpoises, harbor porpoise responses may beconstrained due to a higher mortality risk fromdolphin attacks (Ross and Wilson 1996) in alter-native areas (Frid and Dill 2002, MacLeod et al.2007).

Finally, apparent differences in the strength ofporpoise responses to impact piling noise in thisand previous studies may result from the use ofadditional mitigation measures. Earlier work wasconducted during windfarm construction whereacoustic deterrent devices (ADDs) were used todisplace individuals and minimize near-field inju-ries. Consequently, reported responses to pilingwere cumulative responses to pile driving noiseand ADD deployment (Brandt et al. 2011, D€ahneet al. 2013). Acoustic deterrent devices are knownto have far-reaching effects in the absence of pilingnoise (Brandt et al. 2013a, b). Efforts to optimizeassessment and mitigation measures during antic-ipated increases in coastal construction activity(Bulleri and Chapman 2010) therefore require bet-ter understanding of the relative influence of dif-ferent high-frequency (ADD) and lower-frequencypiling noise sources on behavioral responses.


Previous studies of the behavioral responses ofharbor porpoises to pile driving have typicallyobserved a short-term reduction in porpoise detec-tions within 20 km of the piling site, leading to anexpectation that impact pile driving will cause sig-nificant displacement of porpoises. The lack of astrong behavioral response to both types of pilingby either species observed in this study shows thatthis is not always the case and suggests that in cer-tain circumstances management measures to miti-gate displacement should be reviewed. Our resultsalso emphasize the need for better understandingof the noise levels and behavioral responses tovibration piling before recommending its use tomitigate impact piling. Most importantly, ourstudy exposes a need to examine each develop-ment separately, using appropriate noise modelingtechniques to better predict noise exposure, partic-ularly at sites with differing or complex bathyme-try, thereby avoiding overly conservative license

consent conditions. This study provides stakehold-ers, including developers, managers, and regula-tors, with scientific evidence on the behavioralresponses of bottlenose dolphins and harbor por-poises to piling noise from both impact and vibra-tion piling at a coastal site. As such, our resultswill inform risk assessments, policy frameworks,and mitigation plans associated with the planningand licensing of coastal developments.


This project was funded through the DECC OffshoreEnergy Strategic Environmental Assessment Pro-gramme using equipment previously purchased byDECC, Scottish Government, Oil and Gas UK, COW-RIE and Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd. Scottish Nat-ural Heritage, Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd., MORL,Marine Scotland, The Crown Estate and Highlands andIslands Enterprise all provided funding for photo-identification surveys. We thank Bill Ruck and col-leagues from University of Aberdeen and Moray FirstMarine for fieldwork support, and Global Energy, Cro-marty Firth Port Authority, and other local stakeholdersfor information on the construction program. JohnHartley, Francesca Marubini, and two anonymousreviewers kindly provided comments on the manuscript.


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❖ 16 May 2017 ❖ Volume 8(5) ❖ Article e01793



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