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Respiratory System 22

Functional Anatomy of the Respiratory System1. Complete the following statements by inserting the correct letter in the answer blanks.

a. cleanse d. nasal septum g. sinuses j. warmb. larynx e. nostrils h. thyroid k. vocal cordsc. cartilage f. moisten i. pharynx

_____ 1. Air enters the nasal cavity of the respiratory system through the _1_. The nasal cavity is divided by the midline _2_. The nasal cavity mucosa has several functions. Its major

_____ 2. functions are to _3_, _4_, and _5_ the incoming air. Mucous membrane-lined cavities called _6_ are found in several bones surrounding the nasal cavities. They make the

_____ 3. skull less heavy and probably act as resonance chambers for speech. The passageway common to the digestive and respiratory systems, the _7_, is often referred to as the

_____ 4. throat; it connects the nasal cavity with the _8_ below. Clusters of lymphatic tissue, tonsils, are part of the defensive system of the body. Reinforcement of the trachea with

_____ 5. _9_ rings prevents its collapse during pressure changes that occur during breathing. The fact that the rings are incomplete posteriorly allows a food bolus or bulge anteriorly

_____ 6. during its transport to the stomach. The larynx or voice box is built from many cartilages, but the largest is the “Adam’s apple” or _10_ cartilage. Within the larynx are

_____ 7. the _11_, which vibrate with exhaled air and allow an individual to speak.

_____ 8.

_____ 9.

_____ 10.

_____ 11.

2. Using the key choices, select the letter in the answer blank.

a. alveoli c. conchae e. esophagusb. bronchioles d. epiglottis f. trachea

_____ 1. Closes off the larynx during swallowing

_____ 2. Windpipe

_____ 3. Actual site of gas exchange

_____ 4. Smallest conducting respiratory passageways

_____ 5. Fleshy lobes in the nasal cavity which increases its surface area

_____ 6. Food passageway posterior to the trachea

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3. Figure 23-1 is a sagittal view of the upper respiratory structures. First, correctly identify all structures provided with leader lines on the figure. Then select different colors for the structures listed below and use them to color in the coding circles and the corresponding structures on the figure.

nasal cavity larynx pharynx trachea

Figure 23-1

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4. The following questions refer to the primary bronchi. In the spaces provided, insert the letter R to indicate the right primary bronchus and the letter L to indicate the left primary bronchus.

_____ 1. The primary bronchi which is more horizontal

_____ 2. The primary bronchi which is the most common site for lodging of a foreign object that has entered the respiratory passageway

_____ 3. The primary bronchi which has the larger diameter

The Lungs and Pleural Coverings

5. Figure 23-2 illustrates the gross anatomy of the lower respiratory system. Intact structures are shown on the left; respiratory passages are shown on the right. Select a different color for each of the structures listed below and use it to color in the coding circles and the corresponding structures on the figure. Then complete the figure by labeling the areas/structures that are provided with the leader lines on the figure.

Trachea primary bronchi

Larynx secondary bronchi

Figure 23-2

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Mechanics of Breathing6. Many changes occur within the lungs as the diaphragm (and external intercostals muscles)

contract and then relax. These changes lead to the flow of air into and out of the lungs. The activity of the diaphragm is given in the left column of the following table. Several changes in condition are listed in the column heads to the right. Complete the table by checking () the appropriate column to correctly identify the change that would be occurring relative to the diaphragm’s activities in each case.

7. Use the key choices to respond to the following descriptions. Insert the correct letter in the answer blanks.

a. external respiration c. inspiration e. ventilation (breathing)b. expiration d. internal respiration

_____ 1. Alternate flushing of air into and out of the lungs

_____ 2. Period of breathing when air enters the lungs

_____ 3. Exchange of gases between alveolar air and pulmonary capillary blood

_____ 4. Exchange of gases between the systemic capillary blood and body cells

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8. Four nonrespiratory movements are described here. Identify each by inserting your answers in the spaces provided.

a. cough b. hiccup c. sneeze d. yawn

_____ 1. As just described, but clears the upper respiratory passageways

_____ 2. Sudden inspiration, resulting from spasms of the diaphragm

_____ 3. Increases ventilation of the lungs; may be initiated by a need to increase oxygen levels in the blood

_____ 4. A deep breath is taken, the glottis is closed, and air is forced out of the lungs against theglottis; clears the lower respiratory passageways

9. The following section concerns respiratory volume measurements. Using key choices, select the terms identified in the following descriptions by inserting the appropriate letter in the answer blanks.

a. dead space volume c. inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) e. tidal volume (TV)b. residual volume (RV) d. expiratory reserve volume (ERV) f. vital capacity (VC)

_____ 1. Total amount of exchangeable air

_____ 2. Gas volume that allows gas exchange to go on continuously

_____ 3. Amount of air that can still be exhaled (forcibly) after a normal exhalation

_____ 4. Respiratory volume inhaled or exhaled during normal breathing

_____ 5. Air in respiratory passages that does not contribute to gas exchange

Gas Exchanges in the Body10. Using the key choices to correctly complete the following statements, which refer to gas

exchanges in the body. Insert the correct letter response in the answer blanks.

a. air of alveoli to capillary blood f. higher concentrationb. carbon dioxide-poor and oxygen-rich g. lower concentrationc. capillary blood to alveolar air h. oxygen-poor and carbon dioxide-richd. capillary blood to tissue cells i. tissue cells to capillary bloode. active transport j. diffusion

_____ 1. All gas exchanges are made by _1_. When substances pass in this manner, they move from areas of _2_ to areas of _3_. Thus oxygen continually passes from the _4_ and

_____ 2. then from the _5_. Conversely, carbon dioxide moves from the _6_ and from _7_. From there it passes out of the blood during expiration. As a result of such exchanges,

_____ 3. arterial blood tends to be _8_ while venous blood is _9_.

_____ 4. _____ 6. _____ 8.

_____ 5. _____ 7. _____ 9.

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Transport of Respiratory Gases by Blood

11. Complete the following statements by inserting your answers in the answer blanks.

_______________________ 1. Most oxygen is transported bound to _1_ inside the red blood cells.Conversely, most carbon dioxide is carried in the form of _2_ in the

_______________________ 2. _3_. Carbon monoxide poisoning is lethal because carbon monoxide competes with _4_ for binding sites.

_______________________ 3.

_______________________ 4.

Homeostatic Imbalances of the Respiratory System

12. Match the terms in Column B with the pathologic conditions described in column A.

Column A Column B

_____ 1. Labored breathing or “air hunger” a. apneab. asthma

_____ 2. Chronic oxygen deficiency c. chronic bronchitisd. dyspnea

_____ 3. Together called COPD e. emphysema f. eupnea

_____ 4. Normal breathing in terms of rate and depth g. hypoxiah. lung cancer

_____ 5. Infection spread by airborne bacteria; a recent i. tuberculosis alarming increase in drug users and AIDS victims

_____ 6. Condition characterized by fibrosis of the lungs and an increase in size of the alveolar chambers

_____ 7. Incidence strongly associated with cigarette smoking; outlook is poor

_____ 8. Respiratory passageways narrowed by bronchiolarspasms

_____ 9. Lack or cessation of breathing

_____ 10. Condition characterized by increased mucusproduction, which clogs respiratory passagewaysand promotes coughing

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