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Mener Mercado, Kenneth Iho, Jomari Manforte

BS Information Technology, BS Computer Engineering


Background of the Study

Young people are the world's largest resource in development. Forty percent of the

world's population is under 20 years of age and over 1 billion people are between the ages of 15

and 25. In some developing countries, youth constitute more than two thirds of the population.

Young people who are given early access to information and communications

technologies (ICT) tend to become early adopters and adapters of the technologies, skills valued

for spurring innovation and economic growth. Youth are at the forefront of societal

transformation through ICT because technology is what they have grown up with, what they

know more about than their parents, and what gives them an edge. With the Internet, young

people have acquired a powerful new tool to connect, communicate, innovate and take action on

things that matter to them on a scale that transcends their locality, making them global actors.

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Young people's high level of social consciousness are often underestimated, but they care

about many things including climate change and the environment, the spread of HIV and other

diseases, economic inequality and the lack of employment opportunities, social justice and

human rights. Because of their ideals, those among them who are proficient with ICT and are

motivated to create change have a propensity for linking the use of the technologies to

development goals. (Empowering Youth to Change the World with ICT and Entrepreneurship,


An empowered youth is a nation’s best hope for the future. Given their inspiring capacity

for creativity, ingenuity and restless energy, it is vital to create an environment that can harness

these positive qualities and nurture them to be able to forge towards the future with confidence

and noble expectations.

With ICTs vast powers and potentials as a major catalyst of economic growth, it is being

harnessed by the Philippine government to help narrow the income disparities among Filipinos

and bridge the existing digital divide among the different regions and communities in our

country. (ICT and the empowerment of the Filipino youth,

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The use of computers and the Internet can aid communities by supporting communication

and access to information, thereby building social capital and community capacity. Using

computers can assist the community planning process, community participation, and information

sharing. Computer-mediated communication can build community awareness, encourage local

decision making and dialogue between groups, and support disadvantaged communities. Status

barriers can be reduced, and online communication with disenfranchised groups, such as women,

people of colour, and those with disabilities, can be promoted.

Youth are among the disenfranchised groups. Adults typically view youth as the cause of

community deterioration rather than as a community asset. Youth often feel they have little voice

in their communities. Youth participation in their communities can positively influence programs

so that they are more responsive to youth’s needs and can help support youth’s sense of self-

determination from a community and individual perspective, thereby promoting their health.

Increasing youth community participation, however, has been problematic. Since computers are

an important aspect of youth culture, they may offer solutions to increasing and supporting

community participation.

Youth have used computer technology to support various community projects. Websites

are seen as potential vehicles to support community building among groups that confront

prejudice and domination. Hart argues that electronic publishing has the potential to broaden the

reach of children’s voices and provide instant feedback. Children can use information and

communication technologies to increase their participation in public life through better access to

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information, collective action, a more level political playing field, and the ability to include their

views in decision making. Despite the claims of the benefits and barriers of computer

technology, no research was found that addressed its use in community development work with

youth. (Computers and the Internet: Tools for Youth Empowerment,

This research will investigate the role of technology in improving the lives of youth our

research will be conducted to the department of IT/CS students of PCU and to know how it can

affect positively and negatively, what are the proper ways to use technology efficiently.

Statement of the Problem

this research is conducted to investigate how the information technology can be used as source of

youth empowerment and self reliance for the youth.

1. what is the demographic profile of the respondents?

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Degree program

d. Year level

2. How can information technology be used for youth empowerment?

3. What are the perceived effects of using technology in empowering students of PCU?

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Significance of the Study

To the students of PCU -this research gives information to the students the benefits of

using technology in empowering their life in school, helping them easily reach out to other

student by the use of internet. Give them opportunity to learn and to express their thoughts

through social networking sites.

To the faculty of the PCU - this research will give them information to know what is the

advantages and disadvantages of using technology and to help them guide the students to use

technology the right way.

To the community - this study makes the community be aware to the effects of

technology in their area. Giving information to the constituents of the community the useful

ways in using technology.

To future researchers - The researchers can have a comparative analysis and basis for

future study regarding on how information technology empower the youth or a similar research


To the user - This study would help the user understand the ways in using technology to

be prosper in the career that they will take.

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Definition of Terms

Youth - The period between childhood and adult age; Young people considered as a

group. (

Empowerment - The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in

controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights; to give power to (someone).


Information technology - The study or use of systems (especially computers

and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information.



Social Networking Sites (SNS) - refers to the means of interactions among people in

which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities

and networks. (

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) - Information and

communications technology (ICT) refers to all the technology used to handle

telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audiovisual

processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.


Technology - The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially

in industry. (

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Method of Research

This study utilized the descriptive method of research. As widely accepted, the descriptive

method of research is a fact-finding study that involves adequate and accurate interpretation of

findings. Descriptive research describes a certain present condition. Relatively, the method is

appropriate to this study since it aims to describe the effects of information technology in the

lives of every youth.

Research Instruments

The technique that was used under descriptive method is the normative survey approach and

evaluation, which is commonly used to explore opinions according to respondents that is

represented by the students of PCU. The survey is appropriate in this study because it enables the

researcher in formulation of generalizations.

Direct-data survey aims on collecting pertinent data about technical analysis. Accordingly,

direct-data survey is used to reveal the status of some phenomenon within an identified class of

people, organisations, or regions at a particular time through questionnaire to directly collect

information (Brubaker & Thomas, 2000).

The questionnaire survey respondents were given ample time to assess how can information

technology help empower the lives of youth . Their own experiences are necessary in identifying

its strengths and limitations. 

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Data Gathering Technique

Two types of data were used: the primary and the secondary data. The primary data were derived

from the answers respondents gave in the self-administered survey questionnaire prepared by the

researcher. The survey questionnaire used in this research is have eleven questions composed of

three parts , two types of closed-ended questions and one open-ended contingency questions. The

first part is a four-point scales, the second part is a multiple choice question with 4 choices, and

the last part is a contingency question followed up by an open-ended question . The secondary

data on the other hand, were derived from the findings stated in an online documents and

literatures related to the research problem. These were based from the articles about empowering

youth with the use of information technology.

Sampling Technique

The study will have respondents from the students of PCU in both the CBT and CASTE

course/programs. All of these participants were selected through purposive sampling. This

sampling method is conducted where each student is selected because they have the quality to

become a part of the sample. As all students of PCU possess the characteristics of becoming a

research participant, this is said to be the most efficient sampling procedure.

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Statistical Treatment

The following statistical treatment will be used by the researcher to answer the

specific problems and in testing the hypothesis of the study.

Percentage distribution – describes the relationship of a part to its whole. The

information gathered from computation can be summarized in percentage distribution (Adanza

and Martinez 2002).

Important characteristics of a large mass of data can be readily assessed by

grouping the data into different classes then determining, the number of observations that fall in

each of the classes such as arrangement, in tabular form is called a frequency distribution.

The formula for the computation of percentage distribution is

%= fNx100


% = percentage

f = frequency

N = total number of respondents

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Table interpretation

Total number of respondents = 24

Strongly agree Agree Slightly disagree Strongly disagreef % f % f % f %

1. Familiar with the concept of

youth empowerment

3 12 10 42 11 46 0 0

The results shows that 46 % of the students are not familiar with youth empowerment concept

and 42 % also say that they slight familiarize with the concept and few who are strongly familiar

with the concept. Because of the lack of concert for this concept almost half of the respondents

are not aware of the youth empowerment.

Strongly agree Agree Slightly disagree Strongly disagreef % f % f % f %

2. Youth empowerment is

beneficial to society

5 21 12 50 7 29 0 0

Out of 24 students 12 of them or 50 % of the students agreed, 21 % strongly agreed and 7

students equivalent to 29 % answered that they slightly disagree. Many of the respondents agree

and strongly agree because youth empowerment not only empower youth but also the society, by

applying what they learn they can also help the society prosper.

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Strongly agree Agree Slightly disagree Strongly disagreef % f % f % f %

3. Youth empowerment is for every young


3 12 15 63 6 25 0 0

The results shows that 63 % of the students have answered that they agree that youth

empowerment is for every young people. 25 % also say that they slightly disagree and few who

are strongly agree. This means that every young people should know the concept of youth

empowerment and gain benefits from public programs.

Strongly agree Agree Slightly disagree Strongly disagreef % f % f % f %

4. Youth empowerment is technologically related concept

1 4 16 67 7 29 0 0

The results shows that 67 % of the students answered they agree that youth empowerment is

technologically concept 29 % slightly disagree and only 4 % strongly agree. Most them agree

because nowadays almost every youth can use computer and using technology can help young

people in their chosen career.

Strongly agree Agree Slightly disagree Strongly disagreef % f % f % f %

5. Youth empowerment

can only be technologically related concept

0 0 5 21 18 75 1 4

Most of the students answered they slightly disagree that youth empowerment can only be

technologically related concept, 5 students answered they agree and 1 strongly agree. Youth

empowerment can be express not just knowing technology. But doing things that can empower

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every youth, like honing different skills they possess, so that is why most of the students


Strongly agree Agree Slightly disagree Strongly disagreef % f % f % f %

6. Benefited from youth

empowerment?0 0 12 50 11 46 1 4

The results shows that 50 % of the students agree that they have benefited from youth

empowerment, 46 % slightly disagree and 4 % strongly disagree. The lack of awareness and

programs for youth empowerment shows that only half of the students have benefited from it.

Strongly agree Agree Slightly disagree Strongly disagreef % f % f % f %

7. Have you ever been self

reliant?4 17 7 29 12 50 1 4

The results shows that 50 % of the students answered slightly disagree that they are self reliant,

29 % answered that they agree and both 4 % on strongly agree and strongly disagree. Half of the

respondents disagree because they lack confidence of themselves, they fear that they can make

mistakes or they can't express what they want to do.

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Strongly agree Agree Slightly disagree Strongly disagreef % f % f % f %

8. desired to be self reliant? 6 25 13 54 5 20 0 0

The results shows that 54 % of the students agreed that they have desired to be self reliant, 25 %

strongly agree and 20 % slightly disagree. Almost all of the respondents agreed in this question

because they want to be independent, to have confidence in their skills so that they can gain

income and show that even a youth can be independent.

9. What ways do you feel best the youth empowerment programs can be promoted?



Frequency 9 7 8 0 24

Percentage 38 29 33 0 100

The results shows that 38 % of the students answered that seminars is the best choice in

promoting youth empowerment programs, 33 % on public awareness campaigns and 29 % on

media. Seminars took up the highest answers because in a seminar they can easily acquire a

knowledge and skills, by having hands-on activities and having direct contact with others they

will gain confidence with themselves. While in the other two choices can they only gain

information about that youth empowerment program.

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10. Anything you are really good at(talent)? if yes what?YES Answered YES NO

f %computer related, dancing,

singing, playing piano, basketball

f %

12 50 12 50

Total = 24

The results shows that 50 % student answered that they are good or have talent in computer

related things, singing dancing, playing piano and playing basketball, and 50 % answered they

don't have thing they're really good at. Half of the respondents answered that they do not have

talent because they lack confidence of themselves or they can't express what they are really good

at, they fear that someone will criticize that talent they have.

11. Used your IT gadgets to help? if yes how?YES Answered YES NO

f %teaching, communicating,


f %

7 29 17 71

Total = 24

The results shows that 71 % of the students answered that they don't use their electronic devices

to help others, and 29 % said that they use it help others by teaching, communicating, and

repairing. Most of the young people today tend to use electronic devices for their self

satisfaction. They do not use technology properly and use it for something they cannot benefit

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from, like taking selfies, streaming absurd videos online, reading and commenting useless topics

in social media sites.


The survey is made up of 11 questions and we made a table for every question. The

number of respondents that taken the survey is twenty four. In the first, one to eight questions

most of the answers is in agree and slightly disagree, the highest percentage is question number

five with eighteen over twenty four that answered slightly agree and equal to seventy five

percent. In the question nine we notice that there is only a small gap on the answers, nine

answered on the first choice, seven on the second choice, and eight on the third. In the table for

question ten and eleven, first the answers is divided equally and the second most of the

respondents answered no, that takes up seventy percent.


The survey have eleven questions that asks about the awareness of every respondent

about information technology and youth empowerment. First we ask if they are familiar of youth

empowerment concept, almost half of the respondents have doubts on the concept on youth

empowerment. we also asked if they benefitted from youth empowerment and half of them

disagreed. Which means youth empowerment is not known because of the lack of awareness and

programs about this concept that will help every youth in their careers.

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In order to come up with a good research, a researcher must go through a rigid and

difficult process of gathering data, reading and rereading the articles, organization and so forth.

In the methodology part, finding articles which were conducted in different methods in order to

discuss how technology can help empower youth. By critiquing this articles I have learned to

organize my thoughts and ideas, separate the important and relevant facts from the not so

important ones. We were able to produce a research proposal by reading different articles. The

objective of those articles is to discuss more profoundly Youth empowerment and Information


After doing our review on related literature, we gained ideas, knowledge and information

about the proposal of our topic. Questions regarding my research were established like "What is

Youth empowerment?, What is Information technology?, How can information technology

empower young people?". Young people nowadays are misemploy the technology instead of

using it wisely. They need proper guidance by giving them awareness about how information

technology can empower their live by means of seminars, public campaigns, government

programs, or school activities.

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In doing this research we conclude that the rewards of a youth empowerment approach in

every young people are significant. By giving them chance they can do anything and not only

they helping themselves but also the community in applying the skills that they have learned.

Youth empowerment will create new leaders that will make the nation prosper. Having a main

objective in a research is very important, our aim is to give awareness to the students of PCU the

significance of youth empowerment.


It is highly recommended to continue the proper way to use social networking sites,

internet, electronic gadgets, and other technology related things. Guiding other youth and

teaching them to become aware of the benefits that they will gain. We think that the government

or other authority should produce more programs that can help young people and continue it for

the next generation that will come.

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