Page 1: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

Research PaperChoose a concentration camp:









Page 2: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

January 14, 2015

• Get out your yellow assignment sheet for your research paper and all of the notes you have collected!• Also have some blank paper out to

begin writing your research paper

Page 3: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof


• Must be 2 typed pages• Double-spaced• 12 point Times New Roman• No cover page – name goes at top of page;

your title is the name of your camp• Must include a Works Cited (4 sources)• Must include 3 in-text citations using MLA


Page 4: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

A Works CitedMust be in alphabetical order!!

Page 5: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

Works Cited

"Adolf Hitler." Jewish Virtual Library. n. page. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.

Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Globe Book Company, 1992.

Verhoeven, Rol and Rian. Beyond the Diary. New York: Scholastic, Inc.,1992.

Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York: Bantam Books, 1960.

Wistrich, Robert S. Who’s Who in Nazi Germany. Jewish Virtual Library, 1997.

Page 6: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

• You can use this website to help you cite• Copy and paste (or re-type) the citations onto

a separate sheet of paper• Alphabetical order!!!!

Page 7: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

HitlerHitler was the leader of the Nazi

Party in Germany. He was responsible for “organization, implementation and execution of the Holocaust, the systematic extermination and ethnic cleansing of six million European Jews” (Wistrich). Along with the dictators of Italy and Japan, Hitler planned to annihilate the Jewish race. Thesis


In text citation

Page 8: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

How to write a thesis statement:

(After reading 3-4 articles on your topic) 1. Think about what all you learned about your topic.2. Write “I learned that ____”3. Scratch out I learned that

Page 9: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

Thesis Statement

• Think about what your ENTIRE paper is about• The main idea of your paper is ….• Make this into one sentence= thesis sentence

* Make sure your statement focuses on the one big idea of the paper--don't crowd this statement with small details.

*express one main idea

Page 10: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

Introductory Paragraph

• A good introduction does more than just introduce the thesis, or main idea, of a research paper. It grabs the reader’s attention.

• One way to begin is with a surprising fact or statistic. • Some writers interest their readers with a fascinating story

related to the topic. • Others start with a striking quotation. Think about the

topic you have selected and the main idea you want to convey.

• Your thesis sentence belongs in your introductory paragraph

Page 11: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

HitlerHitler was the leader of the Nazi

Party in Germany. He was responsible for “organization, implementation and execution of the Holocaust, the systematic extermination and ethnic cleansing of six million European Jews” (Wistrich). Along with Italy and Japan, Hitler planned to annihilate the Jewish race.

Introductory Paragraph

Page 12: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof


• Organize the remainder of your paragraphs according to categories

• This will depend on your notes and the information you have

• No jumbled mess of information and DO NOT repeat information throughout the paper

Page 13: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

Conclusion Paragraph

• Sum up the paper!• Read your introductory paragraph again and

restate the thesis• Concluding thoughts

Page 14: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

NameTitle (camp)

• Introduction (including thesis)• Body Paragraphs

*3 in text citations • Conclusion

Works Cited (separate page)

Page 15: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof


• Organize your notes first• Categories (people, location, daily life, etc)• Begin to write the introduction or start with the body

paragraphs• EXPOSITORY- you are informing me about the camp-

NOT TELLING A STORY!!!!!• All facts- not your opinion• Use your own paper to write the research paper- we

will use an editing checklist and then write the final draft in the computer lab.

Page 16: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

Research Paper Grading Rubrics: Introductory Paragraph/Thesis Statement _______/15

Body Paragraphs/In-text citations _______/50

Closing Paragraph _______/10

Works Cited _______/15

Followed Directions on Project _______/10

Total _______/100

Page 17: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

There will be 4 grades taken from this Research Unit!!

Daily1. Library Research/Participation2. MLA Citations3. computer lab participationMajor4. Final Typed Research Paper w/corrected Works Cited

Page 18: Research Paper Choose a concentration camp: Auschwitz Belzec Bergen-Belsen Buchenwald Chelmno Dachau Gross-Rosen Koldichevo Majdanek Mauthausen Natzweiler-Struthof

Final Research PaperDue Date:


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