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1.1 Background of the Study

In the era of globalization, rapid changing happens in economic, technology and

development. Capability is the highest priority of management even in government

sector. In fact, the management capability can be seen in business and administration

through employees and organizational performance. Besides, the management leadership

and competence is the key of management practices that lead to sustainable performance,

efficient service delivery, and excellent growth in business.

Most organizations rely upon their leaders to facilitate the changes and

innovations required to maintain the competitive advantage. Leaders are recognized as

persons who can single handedly create order out of chaos, and direct the organizations

through unthinkable environmental instability. Leadership always changing due to the

circulation of time so does the change in employee requirements resulting in a demand

for change in the relationship between a leader and their subordinates.


According Brindusa Maria POPA in his research stated that some analysts say

that leaders are born, others say that leaders can be made and yet, both sides are right and

there are inborn qualities that make a leader but they alone are not enough. These

qualities need to be acquired and most of all, experience needs to be accumulated. So,

effective leadership means the success of the organization. Besides, effective leadership

is the extent to which a leader continually and progressively leading and directing his or

her followers to the agreed destination which is defined by the whole group. Through the

research by Nadeem Bhati and Ghulam Murtza Maitlo said that the bass theory of

leadership states that there are three basic ways to explain how people become leaders.

The first two explain the leadership development for a small number of people. These

theories are:

1) Some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadership. This is the Trait


2) An important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion which brings out

extra ordinary leadership qualities in an ordinary person. This is the Great event


3) People can choose to become leaders. People can learn leadership skills. This is

the Transformational leadership Theory. It is the most widely accepted theory.

It is argued that effective leadership has a positive way on the performance of

organization (Maritz, 1995; Bass, 1997; Charlton, 2000). Behling and McFillen (1996)

confirmed the link between high performance and leadership in the United States by

developing a model of charismatic or transformational leadership where the leaders’


behavior is said to give rise to inspiration, awe and empowerment in his subordinates,

resulting in exceptionally high effort, exceptionally high commitment and willingness to

take risks. As a result, many leadership theories have been proposed in the last fifty years

which are claimed to have influenced effectiveness of organizations where they have

been employed through employee performance.

Leadership style will impact the employees’ readiness, ability and willingness of

subordinates if it is good matched. With these consequences, a synchronized pattern of

works will be obtained for better performance towards the organizational goals. It also

found that employees who obtained a higher willingness scores were more satisfied with

their job and had higher job performance and lower turnover intention. Leadership

behaviors affect outcomes such as group performance and goal attainment by influencing

the behaviors of subordinates in order to increase the perception of work values.

On the other hand, employee performance is an important building block of an

organization and the factors which lay the foundation for high performance must be

analyzed by the organizations. Since every organization cannot progress by depending on

one or two individual's effort, it is collective effort of all the members of the organization.

Performance is a major multidimensional construct aimed to achieve results and has a

strong link to strategic goals of an organization (Mwita, 2000). However, the

organization need to effective and efficient managers and employees to be able to achieve

their goals in order to achieve better performance toward organization goals and

objective. So, the manager's leadership styles are very effective in right driving of the

employees for organizational purposes. That means, practice the best style of leadership


will lead to increased employee performance as well as organizational effectiveness and


In fact, the government agencies must act as a catalyst in helping the private

sector to increase national economic parameter to compete in this era and achieve the

Vision 2020. Thus, the leadership styles play a prominent role in order to ensure

employee to give their best performance to the government institution. So, to achieve

excellent service, leadership is the most important factor in order to produce a good

result. Therefore, this research investigated the relationship between leadership styles and

employee performance.


1.2 Background of company

RTM or Radio Television Malaysia is a government owned television network

and it broadcasts from its headquarters in Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur. RTM maintains

and controls a number of radio and television stations. At present, it runs 6 national, 2

international, 17 states, 11 district radio stations and 2 television channels TV 1 and TV 2

(RTM, 2010).

When it started transmission on 1st April 1946, RTM was established as Radio

Malaya operating out of Singapore. On 31st August 1957 when Malaya received its

independence, Radio Malaya was split into two with the original studios in Singapore

managed by a new station called Radio Singapura while Radio Malaya moved to Kuala

Lumpur going on air from the new location on 1st January 1959 (RTM, 2010).

Radio Malaya was later named Radio Malaysia on 16th September 1963 with its

signature transmission trademark words Inilah Radio Malaysia (This is Radio Malaysia).

Services rendered under Malaysia Television (Malaysia TV) started on 28th December

1963 in the Klang Valley and Selangor. The 10 month old Television Singapura which

was launched on 16th February 1963 became part of Malaysia Televisyen till 1965 when

Singapore broke away from Malaysia (Penyiaran, 1987).

Radio Malaysia later became Rangkaian National (National Channel) on 1st

January 1971 and became the nation’s first 24 hour radio station. In 1978 Rangkaian Satu

(Network One) was renamed Malaysia Television Satu. A year later Rangkaian Dua was

renamed Malaysia Television Dua. New separate logos for both networks were launched


the same year. The following year, Malaysian Televisyen and Radio Malaysia merged to

become Radio Television Malaysia, RTM (Penyiaran, 1987).

As of 2007, RTM controlled 17 per cent of television viewing market in the

country behind Media Prima with 54 per cent and Astro with 29 per cent. But of late

neither RTM or Astro has made the top 20 television programmes (KAS Democracy

Report, 2008). However, RTM has become television broadcasting in Malaysia was a

government monopoly for almost twenty years.

In addition, RTM have several of department which are management, strategic

development, radio program, television program, broadcast operations, public relations,

Berita Hal Ehwal Semasa, marketing and promotion, music services and Media Jakim.

RTM have divided into four building which are Wisma TV, Wisma Berita and Wisma

Radio as well as IBC. The total numbers of employee in RTM about 40,000 people that

work at different department and fields. Each department has consists around 100 people

and mostly women employees conquered of each department especially in management

and administration department.

The department of Berita Hal Ehwal Semasa has consists two division which are

Finance and Administration section and Ehwal Semasa section. The researcher found that

in department Ehwal Semasa section has divided into several units which are admin,

Selamat Pagi 1Malaysia and Hello on Two (Siaran pagi), Siaran Langsung, Bicarawara,

Majalah and Biz Malaysia. In this department, admin will conducted everything about the

management and administration of employees such as salary, overtime, leave, task and

responsibilities and others.


Therefore, RTM have been established to address social need and group activities.

Throughout human history, the developments and changes happen and it done by

individuals and groups associated with the presence of a person as a leader. In this

department, most of task and activities that have they done as a team. So, in the team, we

need a good leader and group members for ensure the task and activities complete

successfully. Thus, RTM considered the leadership as a function is an important

component of management. The presence of leaders in the group with a competent skill is

a must and that skills can be seen as a style of leadership. A leader will lead the group to

achieve a certain goals in the organization. However, the relationship between manager

and employees is strongly bonding together be important to ensure the performance of

organization and employees.


1.3 Statement of the Problem

Many researchers consider leadership style as an important variable in influencing

an organization’s functions. Robbins (2003) indicates the management function of

leadership is mainly aimed to manage employee behavior and by explaining and

predicting employee productivity, resign rate and job satisfaction in an effort to reach the

ultimate goals for employees’ aggressive job involvement and the commitment to


According Chen and Silverthorne (2005) stated the influence of leadership style

on job performance, satisfaction, stress, and turnover intention has been well established.

Despite leadership style has an impact on organizations, departments, and teams as well

as work climate and atmosphere, leaders who want the best results should not rely on a

single leadership style (Goleman, 2000).

The interest in the influence of leadership on workers performance represents an

alternative to the traditional focus on the leader as the center of attention and power, or as

sun in the organization. Although the qualities of leaders are obviously important, leaders

need the skills to engage followers in productive and satisfying mutual pursuits.

However, this is a different from the usual way of seeing leader qualities as possessions,

rather than interpersonal links to others involved in shared activities.

Because not all leaders wish to be participative, understanding and overcoming

reluctance to involve with followers and think it is important. It will be a source of

resistance in the problem of shared responsibility that needs to be accountable. For

employees to accomplish their work, the managers must encourage them such as


employees, co-workers, supervisors and customers. Because this is effective and efficient

leadership styles, the human factor must be critically looked out from the employee

performance. Therefore, within this research will make an effort to investigate the

relationship among leadership style and performance of employee.

Additionally, every government institutions and employees has his or her own

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to achieve as determined by the stakeholder. Other

than that, the employee performance includes performing the duties; meeting the task

deadline and gain the departmental goal is very crucial and it always link to the

leadership in the organization. That means, when it comes to explain how and why

certain organization has impressed out competitive advantages, it needs to increase

attention towards the leadership style, which is the key factor to determine the level of

organization and employee performance.

In short, this study aims at addressing key questions by examining autocratic,

democratic, and laissez-faire leadership styles in managing Radio and Television

Malaysia (RTM) employees with good governance. It is important to investigate the

relationship of the three leadership styles which are autocratic, democratic, and laissez-

faire with the employee's performance.


1.4 Research Objectives

The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of leadership styles

and employee performance. Specifically, the study sought:

i. To identify the implementation of leadership style in the selected department at


ii. To determine the work performance among employees at selected department

towards their manager leadership style.

iii. To examine there is a relationship between leadership style and employee

performance in the RTM.

1.5 Research Questions

The research questions used in this study are:

i. What type of leadership style practice in Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM)?

ii. Is there any relationship between leadership style and employees performance at

Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM)?

iii. Are Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM) employees satisfied with their

leadership style?


1.6 Theoretical Framework

The figure 1.0 shows the theoretical framework for the level the relationship

between Leadership Style and Employee Performance. There are two variables which are

Independent Variable (IV) and Dependent Variable (DV). The Independent Variables for

this study are factors that influence the Employee Performance. In the words, the

leadership styles that the managers use in their leadership towards their employees. The

dimensions for Independent Variables (ID) are Autocratic approach, Democratic

approach and Laissez-faire approaches that theory by the Lewin, Lippit and white (1939).

Then, the Dependent Variable for this study is their effectiveness for employee

performance. In the Independent Variables, it show the three types of leadership style

which is Autocratic approach, Democratic approach and Laissez-faire approach is the

most factor that will influence the Employee Performance among the employees.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1.0 The Theoretical Framework of the relationship between Leadership Styles

and Employee Performance

There is several hypothesis for this study which are :

H1 : There is a significant relationship between autocratic style and employee


H2 : There is a significant relationship between democratic style and employee


H3 : There is a significant relationship between laissez-faire style and employee


H4 : There is a significant relationship between leadership styles and employee



1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study was focused on whether there is a relationship between

leadership styles on the performance among the employees in public sector in Radio

Television Malaysia (RTM). The public sector has been chosen because many of the

government agencies use the different leadership styles where maybe have possibility

that the delivery system be weak and inefficient.

1.8 Significance of the Study

This study is significant as a reference to all staff in the organization, in order to

understand how important the leadership styles on the employees' performance as well as

organization performance. It is expected that the findings of the study would benefit

organizations to gain high performance in their organization. The following discussion

outlines the contribution this study can make in the area of employee, organizations, and

future researcher.

Contributions to the Employee

A staff that feels motivated and has confidence in the organization’s vision can be

productive. A leadership style has a direct influence on employee morale. Autocratic

leaders that do not seek input from employees tend to alienate their staff and diminish the

employee feeling of involvement. Democratic leaders are open to employee involvement

and allow employees to feel part of the company’s success. When the staff feels


alienated, morale and productivity suffer. A manager that involves employees in the

organization builds morale and improves productivity (Anderson, 2010).

Contributions to the Organizations

Knowledge of management practices provides a set of tools and practices integral

to change management initiatives among employees in the organization. Meanwhile,

competencies afford government department to be more structured through directed

goals, clear and consistency in planning and capable to become competent workforce.

This study found organizations that indulge in knowledge management practices possibly

will have a direct effect on a positive organizational performance. In a similar way,

competencies served as an indicator of success through variety of skills. Hence,

government departments may have a balance work-life as well as improve their

productivities. It is also hoped that the management of the government can have an early

exposure as intellectual capital represents significant value to their bottom line. Thus, this

study contributed to the public agency as the main platform of country’s competitiveness.

The government agencies may also not only improve their job performance but also

productivity of the organization. This study also brings in the nature of ideas that

organizations own where knowledge management had emerged and existed in Malaysia.

Hence, this would take the result as an on-going real world application of the ideas that

the organizations did practice knowledge management.


Contributions to the Future Researcher

The research that be conducted can be used as a references source for future

researchers in order to investigate the relationship between leadership styles and

employee performance.

1.9 Limitations of the Study

In this study, there is some limitation that the researcher faced are:

There are few limitations when doing this research. First, the total number of

respondents is too small where the study will be only at selected department. The

population of this study is limited to staffs employed in the Ehwal Semasa section at

Radio Television Malaysia (RTM). From this section, the researcher takes half

respondents at that section for represents for whole department. From here, the researcher

can get much information about the relationship between leadership style and employees


Second, the researcher conducted this study within employees from selected

department only in Radio Television Malaysia (RTM). This condition limits the

generalized of the results. The study is not able to cover the whole Malaysia. Therefore,

future researchers need to examine employees from various organizations in Malaysia as

to generalize result of the study.


Third, the questionnaire was distributed during lunch break where employees are

rushing to take their meal before the lunch break ended. To some extent, might affect the

result where the respondent might just simply answer without reading the question


Last but not least, a major limitation of many studies as well as this study is that

most researchers rely on cross-sectional results that are seldom replicated. Moreover, this

study is limited by self-reliance upon attitudinal information provided by the respondents.

1.10 Definition of Terms

The definition of terms was provided to ensure uniformity and understanding of

these terms throughout the study. The meaning of these terms obtained from several

references that have found by the researcher. The following terms are defined in

accordance to this study:


In this context, leadership can be defined as an activity of a leading group or an

organization. According Jong and Hartog (2007) described leadership as a process to

influence people in order to get desired result. Lok and Crawford (2004) proclaimed that

leadership plays a vital role in determining the success and failure of an organization.

Thus, the leaders help to stimulate, motivate, encourage and recognize their followers in

order to get key performance results.


Leadership styles

Leadership style is defined as the pattern of behaviors that leaders display during

their work with and through others or followers (Hersey & Blanchard, 1993). Miller et al.

(2002) view leadership style as the pattern of interactions between leaders and

subordinates. It includes controlling, directing, indeed all techniques and methods used

by leaders to motivate subordinates to follow their instructions.

Autocratic Approach

Autocratic leadership styles is also referred to as authoritarian, boss-centered, or

dictatorial leadership, autocratic leadership styles is characterized by close supervision

(Liebler and McConnel, 2004). The manager who practices these types of leadership

gives direct, clear, and precise directions to employees. Autocratic leaders, provide clear

expectations for what needs to be done, when it should be done and how it should be


Democratic Approach

Lewin's study found that democratic leadership is leaders offer guidance to group

members, but they also participate in the group and allow input from other group

members. The democratic leaders encourage group members to participate but retain the

final say over the decision-making process. Democratic supervisors make extensive use

of the ideas, seggestions, and recommendations of their subordinates (Zane K. Quible,




According to Liebler and McConnel (2004), Laissez-faire leadership is based on,

the assumption that individual are self-motivated. Another definition Laissez-faire is

described as hand off, fence-straddling and absentee management. The Laissez-faire

leaders offer little or no guidance to group members and leave decision-making up to

group members. The manager who performed these types of leadership will avoid giving

orders, solving problems, or making decisions.

Employee performance

Employee performance can be defines as the activities that related to job related

of a worker and how well the work are been done. Many business personnel directories

help their employee in order to achieve suggested areas of improvement. According

Charity Tinofirei (2011) stated that employee performance is the successful completion

of tasks by a selected individual or individuals, as set and measured by a supervisor or

organization to pre-defined acceptable standards while a efficiently and effectively

utilizing available resources within a changing environment.


1.11 Summary

In nutshell, the leadership styles as the important element in order to achieve

better performance of employees in organization. The researcher found that there is

relationship between the leadership styles and employees performance. The leadership

styles will be investigated in these researches which are autocratic, democratic, and


It is showed that three types of leadership style should be practice in organization

to ensure that employee on the right side in implement to effectiveness of work

performance. Based on employee performance, the organization's goal can be achieve

successfully and give a good performance in the organization.




This study proposed to determine the relationship between the leadership styles

and employee performance among government sector at Radio and Television Malaysia

(RTM), Angkasapuri, Kuala Lumpur. The dependent variable of this study is employee

performance. The dimensions that consist in independent variable for this study are

autocratic approach, democratic approach, and laissez-faire.

2.1 Definition of Leadership

Different management authorities have defined the term leadership in various

terms. According M.L. Voon, M.C Lo et. al cited leadership definition from Northouse

(2010) as a process of interaction between leaders and followers where the leader

attempts to influence followers to achieve a common goal. There is a common thread,

however, among the different definitions of leadership. However, as stated in Vecchio,

Hearn and Southey (1999) claimed that leadership is a process through which a person

tries to get organizational members to do something, which that person desires. Luthans


(2005) stated through a study conducted by Ayaz Khan (2010) leadership is when you

boil it down; contemporary leadership seems to be a matter of aligning people toward

common goals and empowering them to take actions needed to reach them. Yukl (1989)

points out that numerous definitions of leadership have circulated around the involving

and influence process. Through a study conducted by Loganatan a/l Yagambaram (2012)

stated the some of the definition and perspectives of the contemporary researches; Bass

(1990) defined leadership as follows:

i. Leadership as a focus of group process

ii. Leadership as personality and effects

iii. Leadership as the art of inducing compliance

iv. Leadership as the exercise of influence

v. Leadership as an act of behavior

vi. Leadership as a form of persuasion

vii. Leadership as a power relation

viii. Leadership as an instrument of goal achievement

ix. Leadership as emerging effect of interaction

x. Leadership as a differentiated role

xi. Leadership as an initiation of structure

Through this study also stated that leadership as a combination Yukl (1989) defined

leadership as influencing task objectives and strategies, influencing commitment and

compliance in task behavior to achieve these objectives, influencing group maintenance

and identification as well as influencing the culture of an organization.


In addition, based on a study conducted by Loganatan a/l Yagambaram (2012)

also cited leadership definition from Roming (2001) as "A two way street, interaction

field, visionary goals, focused creativity, structured participation, proven knowledge, and

transferred authority." It is also found that leadership as an interpersonal interaction

process under certain situations that guides a group to move together towards a specified


Apart from that, a different view on leadership is found based on the definition

given by Bass (1990) defined leadership as a process of interaction among individuals

and groups that includes a structured or restructured situation, members’ expectations and

perceptions. Leadership can be explained as the ability of an individual to have power

that focuses on how to establish directions by adapting forces (Go et al., 1996). From an

organizational perspective, Schermerhorn (1999) believed that leading is a process used

to motivate and to influence others to work hard in order to realize and support

organizational goals, while Hersey et al. (2001) believed that leadership influences

individuals’ behavior based on both individuals’ and organizational goals. Robbins

(2001) defined leadership as the ability of an individual to influence the behavior of a

group to achieve organizational goals. It is possible to conclude from these discussions

that leadership is a group of phenomena, whereby leaders are distinctive from their

followers, and can influence individuals’ activities to achieve set goals in their



2.2 Definition of Leadership Styles

Dr. Mukhles Al- Ababneh cited leadership styles definition from Wood as a major

subject for researchers because it is still an attractive attribute about leadership among

academics and managers. As well, the attention to leadership styles has come for

subordinates since they like to work more effectively and productively when their

managers adopted a specific leadership style. A study conducted by Andreia ISPAS

(2012) through Hughes, et al (1999) and Mintzberg (1973) as written again by Clark H. et

al. (2009), many authors agreed that a leaders' style varies according to his or her

personality, environment, education, training, and personal philosophy. Hersey and

Blanchard (1993) stated through a study conducted by Haslina Che Ngah, et al (2013)

leadership style is defined as the pattern of behaviors that leaders display during their

work with and through others. Hence, Miller et al. (2002) view leadership style as the

pattern of interactions between leaders and subordinates. It includes controlling,

directing, indeed all techniques, and methods used by leaders to motivate subordinates to

follow their instructions.

According to Kavanaugh and Ninemeier (2001) stated through a study conducted

by Haslina, et al (2013) there are three factors that determine the type of leadership style:

leaders’ characteristics, subordinates’ characteristics and the organization environment.

More specifically, the personal background of leaders such as personality, knowledge,

values, and experiences shapes their feelings about appropriate leadership that determine

their specific leadership style; employees also have different personalities, backgrounds,

expectations and experiences, for example, employees who are more knowledgeable and


experienced may work well under a democratic leadership style, while employees with

different experiences and expectations require an autocratic leadership style. Some

factors in the organization environment such as organizational climate, organization

values, composition of work group and type of work can also influence leadership style.

However, leaders can adapt their leadership style to the perceived preferences of their

subordinates (Wood, 1994). More specifically, power has been considered as the

potential of a process to influence people that stated by Hersey et al. (2001) and a part of

the influence process at the core of leadership (Northouse, 2004) as well as the rights that

allow individuals to take decisions about specific matters (Rollinson, 2005). Hence, the

leaders will be more effective when they know and understand the appropriate usage of

power (Hersey et al., 2001).

Based on a study conducted by Mukhles Al-Ababneh (2010) stated that leadership

styles can be classified according to the leaders' power and behaviour as autocratic,

democratic and laissez-faire, where styles are distinguished by the influence leaders have

on subordinates (Mullins, 1998; Rollinson, 2005). According to Aksyah Nasrah (2012)

stated that Gadot (2007) added these three categories create a hierarchical sequence of

leadership styles based on the degree of the movement that leader expresses in his actions

and according to the extent of its effectiveness. In sum, leadership style were monitored

in organization, differentiated by their ownership structure, activities and business

functions, where there are different hierarchical structures and where leadership roles are

defined differently (Mitrovic et. al, 2011).


2.3 Definition of Autocratic Style

According Tandoh V. C. (2011) as stated in the research, the autocratic leadership

style that the manager retains most authority for himself and makes decision with the

mind that subordinates will implement it. The manager is not bothered about attitudes of

the subordinates toward a decision but they are rather concerned about getting the task

done. The manager tells the staff what to do and how to do it asserts themselves and

serves as an example for the subordinates. With the authoritarian style, the focus of

power is more with the manager and all interactions within group also move towards the

managers. Furthermore, the manager solely exercise decision making and authority for

determining policy, procedures for achieving goals, work tasks and relationships as well

as control of rewards or punishments (Mullins, 2002). However, this style would be most

appropriate in emergency situations and would normally be considered justified by the

group, that is, where the general climate of the group is supportive and mature.

Apart from that, a different view on autocratic leaders is insist on doing it all

themselves. They have all the power, make all the decisions, and do not often tell anyone

else about what they are doing. If you work for an autocratic leader, your job is usually to

do what you are told. An autocratic leader often maintains his authority by force,

intimidation, threats, reward and punishment, or position. Although he may or may not

have a clear vision, and may or may not be steering the organization in the right direction,

he is not concerned with whether anyone else agrees with what he is doing or not.

Besides, through a study conducted by Maj Earl Russell (2011) indicated that autocratic

leadership is the most extreme form of transactional leadership. Leaders have absolute


control and do not allow subordinates to provide input. In some cases this type of

leadership can take the form of a dictatorship. Toxic leaders are prevalent with this style

leading to high staff turnover and limited organizational accomplishment. However, this

type of leadership can be effective when unskilled labor is used or in high stress

situations requiring immediate actions as long as the advantages outweigh the


According to research that conducts by Howard, autocratic leadership allows

quick decision-making, and eliminates arguments over how and why things get done. At

the same time, however, it may reduce the likelihood of getting a range of different ideas

from different people, and can treat people badly, or as if they do not matter. If, as is

often true, the leader is concerned with his own power and status, he will be looking over

his shoulder, and moving to squelch any opposition to him or his ideas and decisions.

Innovation or the use of others' ideas is only permissible if it is part of the leader's plan.

Autocratic leaders often leave fear and mistrust in their wake. Others in the

organization tend to copy their protection of their position, and their distrust of others'

ideas and motives. Often, autocratically led organizations are not particularly supportive

of personal relationships, but much more keyed to chain of command. Everyone has

his/her own sphere, and protects it at all costs. Communication tends to go in only one

direction up as a result of which rumor can become the standard way of spreading news

in the organization. All too often, however, it can sacrifice initiative, new ideas and the

individual and group development of staff members for the predictability of a highly

structured, hierarchical environment where everyone knows exactly what he is supposed

to do, and follows orders without question.


In addition, based on the study of leadership styles was undertaken by Kurt Lewin

and his colleagues stated that the autocratic leadership is usually seen as having four

characteristics which are 1) the leader makes all important decisions, 2) the leader is

primarily concerned with task accomplishment, not the happiness or satisfaction of

followers, 3) the leader maintains considerable social distance from followers, and 4) the

leader motivates followers by punishment rather than by rewards. Whereas, through a

study conducted by T.J.R. Thisera (2013) was found the autocratic leadership is

multifaceted and encompasses a diverse range of behaviors including assingning

followers to particular jobs, emphasizing deadlines, checking that followers observe rules

and regulations, setting deadlines, and pressuring followers to work hard that inspired by

Misumi (1985). Thus, an important aspect of autocratic leadership is pressure that is

pressuring followers to work hard and to maintain quality standards by sampling their

work, monitoring their performance as well as setting and emphasizing deadlines.

In organization perspectives, some organizations are characterized by autocratic

leadership such as military, organization those involve religious hierarchies, businesses

and others. Autocratic leadership seems to be most appropriate in cases in which

employees are new and untrained in their jobs. It works best with larger groups. It also

seems to be called for when detailed instructions or high-volume production are

necessary. It can be appropriate in situations where time is limited, employees challenge

has been mismanaged by a prior leader. Hence, the autocratic leadership is also useful

when work frequently must be coordinated with other divisions of the organization.


2.4 Definition of Democratic Leadership

A study conducted by Maj Earl Russell (2011) claimed that democratic leadership

is exemplified by the leader encouraging subordinate participation to contribute to the

decision making process. This motivates subordinates to work harder as it gives them a

sense of belonging and ownership. But the leader for this type of leadership styles still

makes the final decisions and everyone gets involved in brainstorming and discussion.

These types of leadership more focuses on quality and not quantity or speed toward the

works or task those need to accomplish by the employees and organization. The key for

this type of leadership to work is communication between manager and employees. The

employees must be able to communicate their idea or opinions effectively so that the

leader fully understands their position if the leader is going to use the employee input to

help complete the task in organization. For instance, if the organization needs to make

democratic leadership effective the employees must have a working knowledge

concerning the intricacies of the organization. Thus, without this knowledge the

employees cannot to provide informative input or make relevant suggestions.

On the other hand, a democratic leader understands that there is no organization

without its people. He looks at his and others' positions in terms of responsibilities rather

than status, and often consults in decision-making. While he solicits, values, and takes

into account others' opinions, however, he sees the ultimate responsibility for decision-

making as his own. He accepts that authority also means the buck stops with him.

Although he sees the organization as a cooperative venture, he knows that he ultimately


has to face the consequences of his decisions alone. Democratic leadership invites the

participation of staff members and others, not only in decision-making, but in shaping the

organization's vision. It allows everyone to express opinions about how things should be

done, and where the organization should go. By bringing in everyone's ideas, it enriches

the organization's possibilities. But it still leaves the final decisions about what to do with

those ideas in the hands of a single person.

Apart from that, a different view on democratic leadership is found based on the

definition given by Mullins (2002) defined democratic leadership style as exhibited

where the focus of power is more towards the group as a whole and where there is greater

interaction within the group. The manager shares the leadership functions with members

of the group where he or she takes part as a team member. The manager would

characteristically lay the problem before the employees and invite discussion. Through a

study conducted by Tandoh V. C. (2011) stated that the manager's role is to be a

conference leader rather than that of decision taker. The manager allows the decision to

emerge out of the process of the group discussion instead of imposing it on the group as a

boss. The democratic leadership is appropriate only in instances where the nature of the

responsibility associated with the decision is such that group members are willing to

share with their manager or the manager is willing to accept responsibility for decision

which he or she has not made personally.


The democratic leadership is viewed as an important aspect of empowerment,

teamwork, and collaboration. It has been observed that an organization is more effective

when those who will be affected by the organization's decisions are fully involved in the

decision making process. Prerez, Milstein, Wood and Jacquez (1999) claimed that it is

believed that employee’s share a sense of responsibility for the organization when they

are allows participating actively in decision making. It is proven in Goleman et al. (2002)

are of the view of democratic leader is keeps staff morale high and therefore positive

climate prevails in the organization.

Nevertheless in the studies reviewed, it have different view on democratic

leadership is found based on a study conducted by Nadeen Bhatti and Ghulam Murtza

Maitlo et al. (2011) stated although the democratic leader will make the final decision, he

or she invites other members of the team to contribute the decision making process. This

not only increases job satisfaction by involving employees or tem members in what's

going on, but it also help to develop people's skills. Employees and team members feel in

control of their own destiny, such as the promotion they deserve and so are motivated to

work hard by more than just a financial reward. As participation takes time, this approach

can lead to things happening more slowly but often the end result is better. The approach

can be most suitable where teamwork is essential and quality is more important than

speed to market productivity.


2.5 Definition of Laissez-faire Leadership

A leader can take a number of different approaches to leading and managing an

organization. A leader's style of providing direction, implementing plans and motivating

people is the result of his or her philosophy, personality, training, and experience. For

example, if a leader has a laid-back personality, they may also lead with a laid-back style,

giving employees plenty of freedom. Laissez-faire leadership also known as delegate

leadership is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group

members to make the decisions. Researchers have found that this is generally the

leadership style that leads to the lowest productivity among group members.

A study conducted by Nadeen Bhatti and Ghulam Murtza Maitlo et al. (2011)

claimed that the laissez-faire leadership style involves non interference policy, allows

complete freedom to all employees and has no particular way of attaining goals. This

leadership style also means that the leader provides the employees with guidance and

materials then lets the employees develop courses of action and eventually make the

decisions. The leader monitors work and answers question of employees. Those

experienced employees often aspire to be leaders therefore accept the responsibility.

Additionally, the laissez-faire leader is one who believes in freedom of choice for the

employees, leaving them alone so they can do as they want. Through the encyclopedia of

leadership stated by Ronald (2004) pointed that the basis for this style of leadership is

twofold. First, there is a strong belief that the employees know their jobs best so leave

them alone to do their jobs. Second, the leader may be in a political, election-based

position and may not want to exert power and control for fear of not being reelected.


According study conducted by Aksyah (2012) cited laissez-faire leadership

definition from Hamidifar (2009) as a free style sot of leadership style. There are several

characteristics such as no exchange relationship between leaders and followers, decision

made by the employees but the leaders not accountable for the decision, no information

shared, late action and authority useless. Whereas, laissez-faire leadership is just ordinary

style and it cannot come across the speed of quality standard and the stress of

improvement and effectiveness (Frischer, 2006). However, as stated in Frischer (2006)

also claimed that the leaders who hold this style are tending to hand over the task and

power, this action is not because to empower the followers, otherwise it is because to

escape from the responsibility. Furthermore, Frischer (2006) also has give more clear

about the characteristics of this leadership style which are, the leader tend to give the

team members a widely freedom in execution task, provide the team with resources,

avoiding from participating as well as no evaluative comments. Hence, this leadership

style is obviously are negative to the performance in terms of productivity, attitude of

change and encouragement of participation in organizing the organization.

Robbins (2007) defined the laissez-faire leadership is obviously shows the leader

tends to relinquish the responsibilities and escape from making decision to the

organization. Moreover, this leadership style set up the work standards and utters them in

one-way and top-down direction with minimal information, thus, there is also minimal

participation, communication, and resources provide to perform the job given (Ronald

2004). More explanation from Ronald (2004) about the laissez-faire where it is the

exchange of information about job, the policies, and procedures is occurring among the

employees. So, it will affect the organizational processes whereby the processes will be


out of direction that because of there is no clear direction and the leader just comes back

if there are crisis happen. In short, the laissez-faire is a free leadership style where no

teamwork among the team member and the leaders give a freedom to the team member to

decide whatever they want for the sake of the organization.

Different situations call for different leadership styles. In an emergency when

there is little time to converge on an agreement and where a designated authority has

significantly more experience or expertise than the rest of the team, an autocratic

leadership style may be most effective. For highly motivated and aligned team with a

homogeneous level of expertise, a more democratic or laissez-faire style may be more

effective. The style adopted should be the one that most effectively achieves the

objectives of the group while balancing the interests of its individual members.

2.6 Definition of Employee Performance

In the literature employees' individual performance was studied through

dimension such as "quality of performance" and "productivity." It is argued that effective

leadership has a positive influence on the performance of organizations (Maritz, 1995;

Bass, 1997; Charlton, 2000). Ultimately it is the performance of many individuals that

culminates in the performance of the organization, or in the achievement of

organizational goals. Effective leadership is instrumental in ensuring organizational

performance (Cummings and Schwab, 1973; Hellriegel, Jackson, Slocum, Staude, Amos,

Klopper, Louw and Oosthuizen, 2004).


As a result, many leadership theories have been proposed in the last fifty years

which are claimed to have influenced the overall effectiveness of the organizations where

they have been employed. In the competitive world business environment it is vital that

organizations employ leadership styles that enable organizations to survive in a dynamic

environment (Maritz, 1995; Bass, 1997). It is also proven by Karatepe et al. (2006) that

recommended the managers to find out which are the variables that can lead frontline

employees to a high performance. Some results of the studies showed that trait,

competitiveness, self-efficacy and effort are significant predictors of frontline employee


From the initiation of globalization, the foremost confront for manager is to

expertise different strategies to boost organization's performance that claimed by Habib,

Khurram & Idress (2010) in a study conducted by M. Umer Paracha, Adnan Qamar &

Anam Mirza et al. (2012). For the strength of an organization job satisfaction plays a vital

role which has significant effect on employee performance. And the word performance

used to pass on the individual aptitude to be inspired, stirring, pioneering and to

determinant to achieving the goals on the organization (Walumbwa & Hartnell, 2011). As

well, based on a study conducted by Andreia ISPAS (2012) cited employee performance

from Motowidlo & Van Scotter (1994) stated that the construct employee performance

has two dimensions. First one refers to task performance or technical job performance

and second dimension is about contextual performance or interpersonal job performance

(Yiing & Ahmeed, 2009).


In the study conducted by M. Umer Paracha, Adnan Qamar & Anam Mirza et al.

(2012) also found that the employee performance with extraverted leadership and gave

very interested results, employee performance are increased under the extraverted

leadership when employees are passive. And if employees are proactive, result will be

opposite (Grant, Gino & Hofmann, 2011). Furthermore, these researchers also have

studied employee's performance with variety of variables. As a result, these researchers

found that satisfied employees not only are the cause of increasing employee

performance but also they don't think to leave organization (Opren, 1986). Hence, the

organization also need arranging training secession for their employees in order to

enhance job satisfaction because organization know satisfied employees will give more

performance (Jones, Latreille & Sloane, 2004). However, Baird and Blair (2009) claimed

that the major involvement to give up any organization by satisfied employees, how

much they are satisfied the level of productivity will be high as much. Thus, Biswas

(2009) claimed that the organizational communication act in way to fastening workforce

by transmitting cultural norms from an organizational framework to an individual’s way

of life in the organization and by supporting style of manager also plays incredible role

for increasing employee's performance.


In many ways, the style of its leader defines an organization. If the organization is

to be faithful to its philosophy and mission, its leader's style must be consistent with

them. An autocratic leader in a democratic organization can create chaos. A leader

concerned only with the bottom line in an organization built on the importance of human

values may undermine the purpose of its work. For that reason, being conscious of both

your own style as a leader and those of others you hire as leaders can be crucial in

keeping your organization on the right track.

2.7 Relationship leadership and employee performance

Leadership style is an important determinant of employee job satisfaction. The

reactions of employees to their leaders will usually depend on the characteristics of the

employees as well as on the characteristics of the leaders (Wexley & Yukl 1984).

Employee performances influenced by the internal organization environment, which

includes organizational climate, leadership types and personnel relationships (Seashore

and Taber 1975).

The quality of the leader-employee relationship or the lack thereof has a great

influence on the employee’s self-esteem and job satisfaction (Chen & Spector 1991

Brockner 1988; De Cremer 2003). Employees are more satisfied with leaders who are

considerate or supportive than with those who are either indifferent or critical towards

subordinates (Yukl 1971). As Wilkinson &Wagner (1993) argued, it is stressful for

employees to work with a leader who has a hostile behavior and is unsupportive. If

subordinates are not capable of figuring out how to perform the work by themselves they


will prefer a leader who will provide adequate guidance and instructions (Wexley & Yukl

1984). Negative leader-employee relations reduce productivity and increase absenteeism

and the turnover to the organization can be quite high (Keashly, Trott, & MacLean 1994;

Ribelin2003).It is argued that effective leadership has a positive influence on the

performance of employees in the organization (Maritz, 1995; Bass, 1997; Charlton,

2000). Ultimately it is the performance of many individuals that culminates in the

performance of the organization, or in the achievement of organizational goals. Effective

leadership is instrumental in ensuring organizational performance (Cummings and

Schwab, 1973 Hellriegel, Jackson, Slocum, Staude, Amos, Klopper, Louw and

Oosthuizen, 2004).

As a result, many leadership theories have been proposed in the last fifty years

which are claimed to have influenced the overall effectiveness of the organizations where

they have been employed. In the competitive world business environment it is vital that

organizations employ leadership styles that enable organizations to survive in a dynamic

environment (Maritz, 1995; Bass, 1997).

Furthermore, it is generally accepted that the performance of any group of people

is largely dependent on the quality of its leadership. Effective leadership behavior 4

facilitates the attainment of the subordinate’s desires, which then results in effective

performance (Maritz, 1995; Ristow, et al., 1999). Hellriegel and Slocum (1996:445)

define leadership as “influencing others to act toward the attainment of a goal”. Rutter

(1995:27) adds that leadership “involves moving people in a direction that is in their long

term interests.”


A definition by Bass (1997) that encompasses the majority of different

definitions surrounding the construct of leadership states that “leadership has been

conceived as the focus of group processes, as a matter of personality, as a matter of

inducing compliance, as the exercise of influence, as particular behaviors, as a form of

persuasion, as a power relation, as an instrument to achieve goals, as an effect of

interaction, as a differentiated role, as an initiation of structure, and as many

combinations of this definition”. Leadership has been altered over time, with the change

in employee requirements resulting in a demand for change in the relationship between a

leader and his subordinates.




This chapter gives detail descriptions of the steps to be taken in carrying out the

research project. In this section, the researcher will determine Research Design, Sampling

Frame, Population, Sampling Technique, Sample Size, Unit of Analysis, Data collection

Methods, Data Collection Procedures, Instrument, Validity of Instrument and Plan for

Data Analysis.

3.1 Research Design

A research design is to design the study in such a way that the requisite data can

be gathered and analyzed to arrive at a solution. The research design chooses for this

study is descriptive study. According to (Salkind, 2009) descriptive research focuses on

events that occur in the present. The descriptive study also is undertaken in order to

ascertain and able to describe the characteristics of the variables of interest in a situation

(Sekaran 2010). This study focuses to the relationship between leadership styles and

employees’ performance in the organization.

This study is conducted in natural environment of the organization with the

minimal interference. For the reasons, the researcher has not interfered with the normal

activities in the office (Sekaran, 2010). The study setting for this research is field study

that means the research can be done on the natural environment where the work proceeds


normally. Through Sekaran (2010) stated that research is done in a non contrived setting

with no inference with the normal work routine. Additionally, Sekaran (2010) state that

time horizon aspects can be divided into two which are cross-sectional and longitudinal

studies. Cross-sectional refers to the study which can be done in which data are gathered

just once, perhaps over period of days and weeks or months in order to answer the

research question. While longitudinal studies refer to the study that is done more than one

point of time. For this research, the researcher use cross-sectional studies because the

questionnaire will distribute only once in whole period of the research.

3.2 Sampling Frame

According to Sekaran (2010), sampling frame refer to the listing of elements in

the population from which the sample is drawn. The sampling frame for this research was

taken from employees who work Radio and Television Malaysia, Angkasapuri at Ehwal

Semasa Section from grade B44, B42, B41, B32, B28, B27, B22, B17, and N11. The

total of population information will be provided by Administration clerk in Ehwal

Semasa Section.

3.3 Population

Population refers to the entire group of people, events or things of interest

researcher wishes to investigate (Sekaran, 2010). The population for this study referred to

the total number of the staff employed in Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM) at Ehwal

Semasa Section. Based on the information obtained, it was found that total numbers of

employees who are currently working at Ehwal Semasa Section are 113 people.


A total of 113 of them are divided into 3 categories which are permanent staff, contract

staff, and piecemeal staff. The table below shows that the category and quantity of staff

in Ehwal Semasa Section:


1. Permanent Staff 55

2. Contract Staff 42

3. Piecemeal Staff 16

Table 3.0: The category and the quantity of staff in Ehwal Semasa Section

3.4 Sampling Technique

The sampling technique used in this study was probability sampling that is

stratified random sampling. This sampling technique was selected because the respondent

of this research were consists of 86 RTM employees that were chosen from Current

Affair Department in Radio Television Malaysia (RTM). The researcher distributes the

instruments (questionnaire) among staff at Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM)

conveniently without biases.

3.5 Sample size

According to (Salkind, 2009) a sample size should be big enough to help answers

the research question accurately, but not so big that the process of sampling becomes

uneconomical and inefficiently. Moreover, according (Salkind, 2009) keep in mind that

30 is the general magic number how many participants should be in each group.


Therefore, in this study the researcher will select about 86 out of 113 respondents to

participate in this study from the population of employee. The respondent selected

randomly and without biases. It includes employees from staff that is in different

position, age, and gender.

3.6 Unit of Analysis

The study is based on the individual as unit of analysis where by the data will be

collected from each individual staff member employed in selected departments that is

Ehwal Semasa Section in Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM), Angkasapuri, Kuala


3.7 Data Collection Method

For this research, the researcher will be collected and will be used both primary

and secondary data in order to ensure the purpose of this study will be achieved.

i. Primary data

The primary data refer to information obtained first-hand by the researcher

on the variables of interest for the specific purpose of the study (Sekaran,

2010). For this research, the researcher had used one of the primary data

methods to collect data which is questionnaire. The questionnaire will be

distributed to 86 respondents in Ehwal Semasa Section, Radio and

Television Malaysia (RTM). The questionnaire were distributed and

collected by hand from the respondent. The feedback gains from the


respondents were used to determine the relationship between the

independent variables and the dependent variable.

ii. Secondary data

According Sekaran (2010) state that the secondary data refer to

information gathered from sources that already exist. The secondary data

can be internal and external to the organization and accessed through the

Internet or perusal of recorded or published information. The secondary

data in obtaining data sources can be collected with quickly and it

inexpensive. This study used the secondary data in obtaining the

information through journals and articles to identify the findings done by

many researchers regarding the leadership styles and employee

performance. For instance, the researcher will be accessed via online

database in Uitm library such as Emerald and Ebscohost as well as using

Google Scholar.

As well, the organization website ( also will be

used as the secondary data in obtaining the overall information about

background of the organization. The demographic background of the

employees provided by Administration Clerk in this department also

included as secondary data. Last but not least, the project research done by

the senior in faculty as the references to the researcher also indicated as

secondary data that it can be guide the researcher in making the good

written thesis.


3.8 Data Collection Procedures

In this study, the data was collected by distributing a set of questionnaire. The

questionnaires were personally sent to the respondents by the researcher. Designed in two

major sections, the questionnaires nominate respondents (employees) to give their

personal details, job information and they are also required to response to all the

questions derived from the questionnaires. A cover letter was attached to explain the

objective of the research. Follow up was made in order to ensure that the respondent’s

answer the questionnaires correctly. The questionnaires then were collected within one


3.9 Instrument

In this study, the instruments used for data collection purpose is by using a

questionnaires. These questionnaires consist of three major sections or categories. Section

A was about the Personal Particular of Respondent or demographic background. For

instance were gender, age, race/ethnic, highest education and position and working

experience. Meanwhile in section B, it focuses on type of leadership that practice in their

department. But in this section will be divided into three elements which are autocratic

leadership, democratic leadership and laissez-faire leadership. In section C, the questions

were concentrated on employee’s performance and employees feel about the



3.10 Validity of Instrument

The face and content validity of the questionnaire was established by referring to

panel of expert from Faculty of Business Management, UiTM Puncak Alam which is

Encik Abu Hassan Ibrahim, who has knowledge in the related field of study. Feedback

from these experts was used to make necessary changes to the questions before sending it

out to the respondents. Meanwhile, the face validity was used to check errors and


3.11 Data Analysis

After the questionnaires were collected from respondents, all data were analyzed

using the descriptive statistic which includes percentages, frequencies, mean, mode, and


The data collection will be measure by correlation. It will indicate the direction,

strength, and significance of the relationship among all the variables. The data will be

collect based on demographical aspect (age, gender, etc.) and geographical aspect.

Besides that, an interval scale allows to perform certain arithmetical operations on

the data collected from the respondents by using Likert scale. A five-point Likert scale

was used, anchored by research 1 (strongly disagree); 2 (disagree); 3 (neutral); 4 (agree);

and 5 (strongly disagree). The data collection will be recorded in SPSS system. The

results were supported with graphs and illustration.


3.12 Summary

As a conclusion, methodology consists of method that using by the researcher in

order to collect and obtain the information that needed to complete the research. This

chapter has explained the methodology that the researcher used which are research

designs, sampling frame, population, sampling technique, sample size, unit of analysis,

data collection methods, data collection procedures, instrument, and data analysis. This

study using questionnaire in order to obtain the information and then the data will analyze

by using SPSS system.




4.0 Introduction

The chapter highlights the analysis of findings obtained through data collected

from respondents. Thus, the elements that will be discussed in the chapter are obtained

from data of the survey return on analysis of question related to the study. The elements

are covering the analysis of demographic background, leadership styles and employees

performance. The distribution of questionnaire sent out by hand. The total questionnaires

sent were 100 and 86 questionnaires were return.

4.1 Rate of Survey Returned

The percentage of survey rate is 86%. The questionnaires were personally

distributed to 100 of employees and get return 86 from the respondent at Department of

Current Affair (Seksyen Ehwal Semasa). The percentage of respondents was taken from

the administration employees, finance employees, producers, and assistant producers

from this department.


4.2 Reliability Test

Coefficient alpha is also known Croncbach's Alpha which is also often being used

to measure reliability. Reliability is the degree to measure any error that leads to

consistency of the result of the research.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha

Based on

Standardized Items

N of Items

.967 .967 28

Table 4.0 Reliability Statistics for Leadership Styles and Employee Performance

Based on table 4.0, the reliability statistic for Leadership Styles and Employee

Performance shows a rate of 0.967 which is more than 0600. This indicates the ranking is

considered as excellent.

Items Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

Autocratic .890 5

Democratic .928 5

Laissez-Faire .879 5

Employee Performance .938 13

Table 4.1 Reliability Statistics for All Variables


Based on table 4.1, it shows all the reliability of statistics of Leadership Styles and

Employee Performance as follows:

The reliability statistic for Autocratic leadership styles is 0.890. Hence, it can be

concluded that reliability statistic for Autocratic leadership styles is very good.

The reliability statistic for Democratic leadership styles is 0.928. Hence, it can be

concluded that reliability statistic for Autocratic leadership styles is excellent.

The reliability statistic for Laissez-Faire leadership styles is 0.870. Hence, it can

be concluded that reliability statistic for Autocratic leadership styles is very good.

The reliability statistic for Employee Performance is 0.938. Hence, it can be

concluded that reliability statistic for Autocratic leadership styles is excellent.


4.2 Section A: Demographic Background

4.2.1 Gender

This section used to determine the respondent’s background information such as

gender, age, education background, and length of working experience. The finding as

table 4.3 shows that the breakdown of respondents according to gender where a majority

with 54.7% (n=47) of the respondents were female while 45.3% (n=39) were male.


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Male 39 45.3 45.3 45.3

Female 47 54.7 54.7 100.0

Total 86 100.0 100.0

Table 4.3 Gender of respondent

Figure 4.0 Gender of respondent


4.2.2 Age of Respondents

The finding as Table 4.4 shows that, age group from 25-35 years old is recorded

the higher percentage that is 51.2% (n=44). Followed by the age group from 36-45 years

old with 16.3% (n=14). After that, it is followed by the age of group from below 25 years

old with the percentage of 15.1% (n=13). Then, it is followed by the age group from

more than 55 years old with the percentage 10.5% (n=9). The last and also the lowest

percentage is group from 46-50 years old with percentage of 7.0% (n=6).


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



below 25 years 13 15.1 15.1 15.1

25-35 years 44 51.2 51.2 66.3

36-45 years 14 16.3 16.3 82.6

46-50 years 6 7.0 7.0 89.5

more than 55 years 9 10.5 10.5 100.0

Total 86 100.0 100.0

Table 4.4 Age of respondent

Figure 4.1 Age of respondent


4.2.3 Occupational Status

The findings as Table 4.5 shows that occupation status with the highest

percentages is from group permanent, 78.7% (n=48). The second one is contract with

percentage of 14.8% (n=9) and the lowest percentage is from group temporary with 6.6% (n=4).


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Permanent 47 54.7 54.7 54.7

Contract 29 33.7 33.7 88.4

Temporary 10 11.6 11.6 100.0

Total 86 100.0 100.0

Table 4.5 Occupational Status

Figure 4.2 Occupational Status

4.2.4 Education Level


The findings shows the education level among respondents at Radio Television

Malaysia (RTM) with the highest group from bachelor group with percentage of 51.2%

(n=44). Followed by diploma group with percentages 23.3% (n=20). After that followed

by others group with percentages 9.3% (n=8). Next is group STPM and Masters with

percentage 7.0% (n=6) and the lowest group is PhD with percentages 2.3% (n=2).


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



PhD 2 2.3 2.3 2.3

Masters 6 7.0 7.0 9.3

Bachelor 44 51.2 51.2 60.5

Diploma 20 23.3 23.3 83.7

STPM 6 7.0 7.0 90.7

Others 8 9.3 9.3 100.0

Total 86 100.0 100.0

Table 4.6 Educational Level

Figure 4.3 Educational Level

4.2.5 Professional Level


The percentages as Table 4.7 shows which category describe respondent’s

professional level. The highest group is middle management with percentages of 72.1%

(n=62). Followed by lower management with percentages 18.6% (n=16). The lowest

group is top management with percentages 9.3% (n=8).


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Top management level 8 9.3 9.3 9.3

Middle management level 62 72.1 72.1 81.4

Lower management level 16 18.6 18.6 100.0

Total 86 100.0 100.0

Table 4.7 Professional Level

Figure 4.4 Professional Level

4.2.6 Years Worked In Your Current Organization


The findings as Table 4.8 shows the percentages of years worked in the

organization with the highest percentages is from group more than 5 years, 59.3% (n=51).

After that followed by 2-5 years with percentage of 25.6% (n=22). Then, the lowest

group is less than 2 year with percentage 15.1% (n=13).


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Less than 2 years 13 15.1 15.1 15.1

2-5 years 22 25.6 25.6 40.7

More than 5 years 51 59.3 59.3 100.0

Total 86 100.0 100.0

Table 4.8 Years Worked

Figure 4.5 Years Worked

4.3 Section B: Leadership Styles


This section in the questionnaire is to identify the implementation of leadership

styles at Radio Television Malaysia (RTM). Three types of leadership styles were study

in this research which is Autocratic leadership style, Democratic leadership style and

Laissez-Faire leadership style. The respondents were required to rate their level of

agreement or disagreement toward leadership styles according to Likert Scale where:-

1= Strongly disagree

2= Disagree

3= Uncertainty

4= Agree

5= Strongly Agree

Research Question 1 :

What type of leadership style practice in Radio and Television Malaysia (RTM)?


There were three leadership styles that have been tested to the respondent in the

questionnaires given to them by researcher. The independent variables of leadership

styles which Autocratic Leadership Style, Democratic Leadership Style and Laissez-faire

Leadership Style. In this study, the researcher used mean and standard deviation to

identify which leadership styles that practice among employees at Radio Television

Malaysia (RTM). According to Salkind (2009), mean is the sum of set score divided by

the number of scores. By using mean, the researcher can identify which of leadership

styles is highest score among the respondents degree for the leadership styles. Through

the study also states that standard deviation is the average amount that each of the

individual’s scores varies from the mean of the set of score.

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

AUTOCRATIC 86 1.00 5.00 3.7349 .82287

DEMOCRATIC 86 1.00 5.00 3.7698 .94384

LAISSEZ_FAIRE 86 1.00 5.00 3.6442 .74984

Valid N (listwise) 86

Table 4.9 Descriptive Statistic of Leadership Styles

From the table showed that the respondents agree that organization practiced a

Democratic leadership style which leads their employees where the mean for this tested

question is 3.7698 and the standard deviation is .94384. Whereby, mean of Autocratic

leadership styles placed of mean 3.7349 and the standard deviation .82287. The mean for

Laissez-faire leadership styles was 3.6442 and the standard deviation is .74984.

Descriptive Statistic for Democratic Leadership Styles


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

My supervisor believes that commitment

from employees is essential86 1.00 5.00 4.1860 .83330

My supervisor always is a role model to

the employees86 1.00 5.00 3.7093 1.14652

My supervisor allows participation in

decision making and problem solving86 1.00 5.00 3.7791 .98699

My supervisor plays his or her roles

effectively86 1.00 5.00 3.6860 1.08749

My supervisor always informed me about

everything86 1.00 5.00 3.4884 1.13494

Valid N (listwise) 86

Table 4.10

Based on the Table 4.10, it was found that the highest rate Democratic Leadership

Styles is on the question of “my supervisor believes that commitment from employees is

essential” where the mean is 4.186 while the standard deviation is .83330. Whereby, the

respondent’s rate the lowest degree Democratic Leadership Styles on the question “my

supervisor always informed me about everything” with the mean 3.4884 and the

standard deviation 1.13494. It can be concluded that most of the respondents agree that

Democratic Leadership Styles is the types of leadership that implement among

employees and affect the employee performance.

Research Question 2 :


What is relationship between leadership style and employees performance at Radio

and Television Malaysia (RTM)?

This section discussed regarding the relationship between leadership styles and

employee performance among employees at Radio Television (RTM). The research used

the Pearson correlation to test the relationship between leadership styles and employees

performance. Therefore, the result is as at Table 4.11 showed below.

Interpretation for Correlation Coefficient (Cohen, 1988)

Correlation Range Description

.8 -1.0 Very Strong

.6 - .8 Strong

.4 - .6 Moderate

.2 - .40 Weak

.0 - .20 Very Weak

Table 4.11 Correlation Coefficient

Correlation of leadership styles and employee performance (n=86)



Total_IV Total_DV


Pearson Correlation 1 .823**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 86 86


Pearson Correlation .823** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 86 86

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 4.12 Correlation between Leadership Styles and Employee Performance

Based on the finding, it shows there is relationship leadership styles and employee

performance. Table 4.12 shows the total score for correlation between leadership styles

and employee performance with r =0.823, p > 0.05 and n = 86. According to (Cohen,

1988) there is a very strong relationship between leadership styles and employee


Research Question 3 :


Are Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) employees satisfied with their leadership


Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation

I feel like I am a part of the company? 86 4.0233 .83984

I have the tools and resources to do my job well 86 3.8721 .85125

On my job, I have clearly defined quality goals 86 4.0000 .73565

I am sure my superior / supervisor will treat me fairy if

I hear all his / her directions86 3.8488 .98837

My supervisor’s manager visibly demonstrates a

commitment to quality86 3.8372 .82406

How satisfied are you with your involvement in

decisions that affect your work?86 3.7907 .88273

How satisfied are you with the information you receive

from management on what’s going on in the


86 3.6047 .97352

How satisfied are you with your opportunity to get a

better job in this organization86 3.5000 1.07101

Considering everything, how satisfied are you with

your job?86 4.0349 .75845

There is good communication from managers to

employees in the organization86 3.6279 1.04089

I feel encourage to come up with new and better ways

of doing things86 3.8605 .84244

I am thinking about changing to another organization /

department86 3.7442 .85662

I want to stay with my organization / department 86 3.7907 1.01884

Valid N (listwise) 86

Table 4.13 Descriptive Statistics of Employee Performance


Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 2 2.3 2.3 2.3

Disagree 1 1.2 1.2 3.5

Uncertainty 8 9.3 9.3 12.8

Agree 56 65.1 65.1 77.9

Strongly Agree 19 22.1 22.1 100.0

Total 86 100.0 100.0

Table 4.14 Frequency for Employee Performance

Table 4.14 shows that employees satisfied with leadership style practice at Radio

Television Malaysia with M=4.03, SD=.758 respondents answered "Considering

everything, how satisfied are you with your job?". From table 4.11, 65.1% respondent

answered agree, 22.1% strongly agree, 9.3% uncertainty, 2.3% strongly disagree and

1.2% disagree. This is a positive that employees at Radio Television Malaysia can accept

their leadership style. It can be conclude that most of the respondents agree and satisfied

with leadership styles.




5.0 Introduction

This chapter describes the conclusion and recommendations of the study

conducted by the researchers that focuses on findings gathered along this study. The

conclusion includes the analysis of demographic background of the respondents in which

employees from Radio Television Malaysia (RTM), leadership styles used by leaders

among them and it effect on their employees performance. Other than that, this chapter

also highlights on recommendation that can be considered in order to help employees

increase their motivation that may result in good work performance that align with

organization’s goal and objectives.

5.1 Conclusion


Based on the findings of the research, it can be concluded that the reliability of the

questionnaires has been tested by using the Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient Size. The

questions are divided into 4 different sections which are Autocratic Leadership Styles,

Democratic Leadership Styles, Laissez-faire Leadership Styles and Employee

Performance. The three sections are the independent variable and another one section is

dependent variable. Each section scores between a range of very good and excellent. The

overall reliability of questionnaires is excellent.

The researcher found that the majority of respondents of the study are female

respondent (47%). Most of the respondents were ages between 25 years old to 35 years

old (51.2%) and highest groups in occupations status is permanent (78.7%). Education

completed process by respondent was bachelor (51.2%). The category describe of

professional level is highest from respondents in middle management group (72.1%) and

the longest respondents years working experiences hold were more than 5 years (59.3%).

From the findings in Chapter 4, researcher found that Democratic Leadership Style

influence employees job performance among employees at Radio Television Malaysia.

This result shows that Democratic leadership style is becoming a favor among employees

due to it characteristics such as leaders show their participation approach to subordinates,

they focus on subordinates needs, listen to subordinates when they have a opinion or

problem, and tend to treat their subordinates as an individual rather than just

subordinates. These characteristic were seen very close to employees and make them feel

very warm when they deal with their leader and how it may increase their job

performance. (Yukl, O’Donnell and Taber, 2008)


In addition, for the second research question the result found that there is a

significant relationship between different leadership style and employees performance

among employees at Radio Television Malaysia (RTM). It also shows that different

leadership style used had gave different level of performance and this also depend on a

person perception towards their environment including their demographic background as

well as their working environment. Sometime people perceive autocratic leadership is

good in order to help them build their internal strength but some people think it too strict

and nor a good leadership style. This is because different people have different perception

and expectation towards certain situation. According to Hartman (1999), different

behavior pattern or traits will be effective in different situations and that the same pattern

is not optimal in all situations.

Based on the result, the third research question shows that employee satisfied with

democratic leadership styles that apply at Radio Television Malaysia (RTM). According

the result, with M=4.03, SD=.758 respondents answered "Considering everything, how

satisfied are you with your job?". It is important organization have a good environment

such as leadership style to make employees feels needed and this will help on their

performance in the organization.

Overall, from the result in the finding, the research question is answered and the

objectives for this study are achieved. However, the results for the independent variable

which are Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-faire style have small differences.

5.2 Recommendation


This study has been conducted on the relationship between leadership style and

employees performance at Radio Television Malaysia. Based on the findings, most of the

respondents agreed that there are significant relationships between leadership style and

employees performance.

Based on the results of the study, several recommendations and suggestion were

made to ensure that organization can improve their leadership skill effectively and

efficiently. Some of the recommendations are:-

1. Developing leadership skills

To develop the leadership capabilities, the organization’s leader can gain

the knowledge from various ways. Example of organization can develop

leadership skills such as, attending training or seminar on developing of

leadership skills, communication skills and team work skills. According to Martin

(2007), the leader need to achieve bottom-line results, but must do collaboration,

teamwork and innovation. To create an environment that facilitate the new skill

set for leaders, an organization must change its system and the way it operates to

allow people collaborate and work interdependently.

From the researcher opinion, the researcher would like to recommend the

organization to train their staff for leadership’s skills which they can lead their


subordinate effectively. In order to increase their knowledge about leadership the

researcher would like to recommend the organization a training or workshop

about the leadership.

2. Treat employees as important assets

Woodruffe (2006) stated that most of the organizations rarely miss an

opportunity to remind the audiences (and themselves) that their people are the

most precious assets. Through the study, he also mentioned that organization

should treat every member of their staff as an individual. He further added,

employees like to feel that there is someone available to whom they can turn for

advice if they need it.

From the researcher review, the employees must be treated with manner

and mostly being respected, paying them fairly and affording them opportunity

for career advancement, gives them the motivation by encouraging their hidden

best potential skill for development. Other than that, the organization should treat

their employees fairly and without biases, it can create dissatisfaction toward

other employees.

3. Empowerment


The organization should introduce a participative management in their

organization in which the employees are given change or opportunity to share

management responsibilities, including the decision making. Feeling trusted is a

gratifying feeling because it makes one feel useful as part of the team (Woodruffe,

2006). From the researcher opinion, when employees are given chance and

opportunity to make their own decision, it could establish and implement their

work goals. Thus, it will help employees to implement their tasks without any

boundaries that could limit their creativity, common sense and motivation.

Moreover, a leader should believe that the more employees knows about what is

right in their part of the organization, the more it will give the employees

confidence to make the right decision and increase their level of satisfaction.

Recommendations for Future Researcher


The findings of the study are needed for the future researches. There are

few recommendations for future research. Some of the recommendations are:-

1. As for future research, more research should be conducted in the study of

leadership styles in other organization in this area of study, regardless of its sector

either public sector or private sector. This is to ensure the research is not only

focused on particular industry or sector, but it can be implemented and carried out

to various industries.

2. It is recommended that further studies be conducted with larger sample size to

determine the accuracy of findings. The research should be conducted to a large

population, so that the result will be more accurate. This will help unit know their

leadership styles that lead to the employees’ performance. Thus, there can

implement the most appropriate leadership style toward their organization.

3. Besides that, the method of collecting data should not be limited by using

questionnaire itself. But it is recommended that an interview session should be

conducted with the employers and employees.



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