Page 1: Remembering 911 and Surrealism

Remembering 9 11Remembering 9 11

SurrealismSurrealistic Collage by Elly Potamianos (see link below)


Elly Potamianos9/11/2011

Page 2: Remembering 911 and Surrealism

Remember ing 9 11Remember ing 9 11Sur rea l i smSur rea l i sm

Fig 1 Collage-Surrealism "Destructive & Contrasting Results in War

Link to artwork:

As always, as I listened to the morning news on TV, sometimes getting ready from a distance I heard there seems to be a fire coming from the top floors of one of the world trade buildings. Now looking directly at the TV, I notice a video picture on the screen with smoke and fire coming out from the mid upper side of the building engulfing three or more floors. Concerned, and thinking of my half brother living out of state in the Manhattan area I set down immediately to watch. Within seconds in view a plane pierces the other building and the realization of an attack was now evident. I could only watch in a traumatizing state with my mind racing to make sense while noticing a few people outside at the top of one of the buildings looking, waiting, yet wondering whether they were to be rescued. God spared me from turning the channel and noticing that people were literally leaping and falling to their deaths from the unbearable heat. At the same time my thoughts were, “Oh, my God help them/us.” My mind was never clear enough to think that this explosive and shocking impact to such buildings would overheat and shatter them both to the ground, as many that went up instead of down to rescue and help, or to avoid intense heat and smoke. Even the little church at the bottom disappeared leaving scenes of ultimate surrealism.

For several days thereafter the shock continued with unexpected fire drills at work and still no contact of my half brother. All communications continued to not exist. He was alright, but was unable to go up to his 23rd floor apartment without any electricity. After that hearing the surviving stories helped tremendously, but to this day I can’t forget the anguish and devastation of all the people that didn’t die instantly, but eventually had to. Personally, I didn’t have to experience World War II, but the unjustified psychotic minds of people sickened and brainwashed to further make no sense. No cause is justified unless it is to benefit mankind, progress, and is confined as always, “as to the way.”

By Elly Potamianos

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