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Reiki Reiki Eggs and BakeyFebruary 16, 2015  /  Julie Greene

After much careful and deliberate consideration (about 30 minutes and a glass of cheap red wine) I made a life-changing decision that would elevate my physical, emotional and spiritual state to an entirely new level. I underwent a 90 minute Reiki treatment. Despite being 40 something AND living in LA, I have miraculously managed to avoid any kind of plastic surgery, choosing instead to invest in the belief that inner work will result in outer beauty. Armed with this conviction, I ceremoniously went under the hands of VioletSoul, a righteous, witchy Reiki Master with full abandon. I was genuinely surprised at how gentle the experience was, having anticipated a lot of agony and emotional release, but instead found the process to be incredibly soothing and relaxing. Although I did cry for a moment (that Heart Chakra really needed some attention) I enjoyed the experience fully and completely. I was also surprised to find that, according to this particular healer, my energy was actually  pretty good...I thought for sure my Sacral Chakra was completely blocked, but she assured me that my energy was flowing and that I only needed to work on my Throat Chakra. "Speak your truth," is what she told me (thus the resulting blog post.) Ultimately, I left the treatment feeling lighter, more open, and although I had the most intense dreams of my life that night, I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and re-aligned with my purpose. Hallelujiah. Of course, the experience did get me thinking...why doesn't everyone do this? Call me crazy, but if we wake up to the possibility that releasing toxins and purifying our systems, as opposed to injecting it with rat poison, will make us ladies look a whole lot better, we

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would then be more attracted to ourselves, and therefor to others. If I knew that every Sunday morning I could rise to a healthy serving of Reiki, I most definitely would, and probably will. Tending to our energy, letting go of blocks, and opening up our chakras is the best way I can think of to allow us to live a happy, fulfilled and beautiful life. So if the opportunity presents itself to you, like it did to me this week, put down your glass of wine, cancel your Botox appointment and let the healing power of Reiki fuel your inner beauty. Because we all want to look good, but what is point of looking good on the outside if we don't feel good on the inside. So there you have it my friends. My truth has been spoken...from the bottom of my Heart Chakra.

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