
Reg. No. ______ _

GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai -


Course: English Marks: 80

Course code: R101 Time: 3 Hours


1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data,if necessary. 5.Use of mathematical, steam tables and non programmable calculator is permissible.

Q.l. A) Rewrite the following sentences as directed (Any Ten) 1. Jom killed a snake. ( change the voice) 2. She was so proud that she did not apologise. ( Add 'Too' ) 3.It was very stupid of me to make such a mistake. ( Make Exclamatory ) 4. Akbar was the greatest Mughal Emperor. ( change the degree) 5.The officer said ," Let them see the Manager ". ( change into indirect speech) 6. I had to eat the pudding she gave me. ( change into negative sentence) 7. They had been writing in the wrong book. ( Rewrite in past continous tense) 8. No act of Lincon was without honesty. ( change into affirmative sentence) 9. He confessed his crime. ( change to complex sentence) 10. I was doughtful whether it was you .( Rewrite as negative ). 11.I go for a walk every evening. ( write the name of the tense in the sentence)

Q.1. B) Fill in the blanks with suitable propositions ( Any four) 04 1. Movie tickets are available ________kalaghoda ________ this

Friday. 2. The land was ploughed ________the farmer ________the help of a

trackter. 3. _______june 15th, I will go _______ my aunt to see the

international fair. 4. as he fell _______ debt, he decided to sell his house and live

a small hut. ---

5. The bus is leaving ________Nashik _______ 15 minutes.

Q.2. A) Correct the following sentences ( any four) 04 1. Will you tell me the price and say it in my ear? 2. These are not I keys, they are you keys. 3. I saw a elephant in the zoo. 4. What beautiful picture it is. 5. Got I have 20 out of 50 in the test.

Q.2. B) Add prefix and suffix (Any Eight) 08 1. Love ________02. _______ Lucky 03. true _____ _ 04. ________ behave 05. Skill _______ 06. ________ appear 07. great ________ 08. ________certain 09. slow ______ _ 10 _________friendly 11. drain _______ 12. doubt _____ _

q", <3 Q.A..~

Q.3. Use the following phrases in your own meaningful sentences,.... 12 1. Wash out 2. Move on 3. Dream of doing 4. my letter half 5. shake a leg 6. Pick up 7. End of story 8. struggle with 9. take over 10. all ofa sudden 11. go haywire.

Q.4. A) Fill in the blanks with suitable articles 'a', 'an', 'the' 04 1. Is there ________ post office near ________ house you live in ? 2. _______ son of my friend is ________ honest boy. 3. Ram ________ ________________________ brother of Gopal is honest boy. 4. ________ apple _______day, keeps ________doctor away. QA. B) Combine the following pairs using the words given in the bracket

06 1. Gorge Washington was a great man. He was a great leader. ( who) 2. The sunsets. Birds fly it their nest. ( when) 3. We have to save water. There is a scarcity. ( Since) 4. Sahil could swim well. He was only 5 years old.( although) 5. Raju went to the market. Ram went to the market. (and) 6. They gave me chocolates. Those are stale. (but)

Q.5. Write a letter to your principal, 08 Asking him to grant you permission to leave early from school as you have to go for a wedding.

Q.6. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. 12 " Enough is Enough" says sulakshana Negi, 22 years old, pulling out weeds from the almonds farm as her 2 year son plays in the gr'\ss next to ~ her. ~L

Sulakshana is angry because she does not believe that the elections will change anything in her hilltop village, where tribal customs have locked women in a time warp for generations. This is a growing sentiment among woman in Ribba, about 250 km north east of Himachal Pradesh, capital of Simla.

Women in tribal kinnawr district have nothing. They still cannot inherit property. The daughter can use the family estate but not sell it. Even occupation is unequally divided - women do most of the work in orchards and farm and at home. The men take the fruits and almonds to the market. Now a budding feminist movement is hoping to shake things up. Young educated woman who studied in colleges are coming back with broader view of life.

Zango Debi says" we need to change our laws in favour of woman ". The problem is that the women are also very conservative and won't come forward. There is a wall of silent opposition from the men, ever educated ones. Sulakshana Negi planned to approach the President, Pratibha Patil to ask for laws to be amended. She and many other women want to devote their life to helping woman find a place in the society.

1. Why is sulakshana Negi angry ? 2. What is the plight of the women in kinnawr? 3. What work do men and women do ? 4. What changes would the educated girls bring? 5. According to you, how can we change the attitude that men have

towards women in today's society? 6. Write the meaning of the following words.

i) wall of silence ii) conservative.

7.Give a suitable title to the above passage.

GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - 400001

EVEN TERM END THEORY EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY-2010 Course: Communication Skill Marks: 80

Course code: R102 Time: 3 Hours


1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate yoyr answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non programmable calculator is permissible.

Q.1. Answer the following questions briefly. (any 5) 20 a). Explain communication cycle with the help of a neat diagram. 2. Write disadvantage of oral communication. 3. One cannot live without communication. Explain briefly. 4. What are the principals of effective communication? Explain. 5. Explain haptics with the help of an example. 6. Define encoding and decoding. 7. Explain Artifacts with the help of an example.

Q.2. Write an essay of about 250 words on anyone of the following. 12 1. The power of press 2. Painting and photography 3. Science- advantage and disadvantage.

Q.3. Answer the following questions. ( any 2 ) 12 1. Draft a notice of a meeting regarding indispline and irregulatlities. 2.As the lab incharge write a report to the principal of the accident that took place in the chemistry lab while conducting practicals. Suggest some safety measures. 3. As a workshop supervisor, device a memo for the employees on the following points:

Subject: taking long tea breaks. Purpose: Loss to the company and general discipline.

a.5. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below. 08 Sand Artist Sudershan Pattanaik has decided to approach president elected

Barak Obama for help in setting up on Sand Art Park to promote global tourism. Definitely orrissa would have been ideal setting for such park. But the sand artist is angry with the government for dilly-dallging on handling over a patch of land on the beach. Sudershan has approached Obama for help. He wants to set up the park in Texas.

The reason he choose Obama is because he is the most powerful man on earth when it comes in moving things, sudershan has visited over 35 countries and participate in 38 international competitions.

He set up the golden sand art institute at puri in 1995 with only two students now there are 35.

a) Why has sudershan approached Obama ? b) What made the artist angry? c) What has been sudershan success story ? d) Why do you think artist struggle in Today's times?

a.G.A) A student association of yours collage has arranged for a formal farewell party for final year students. As General Secretary draft a farewell speech. 08

OR Imagine you are the college principal. Draft a welcome speech for the chief guest on occasion of Annual sports day.

a.G. B. Write short note on the following. 04 1. How to write an effective business letter? 2. What are the different types of business Letter prescribed in your syllabus? ,

Reg. No. _______


Course: Basic Science -I Marks: 80

Course code: R103 Time: 3 Hours


1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non programmable calculator is permissible.

a) Define fundamental unit & give its two example. b) Define - i) accuracy ii) precision c) Write the formula for the least count of vernier calliper & micrometer screw gauge. d) State & explain Hook's law. e)What is the effect of temperature & impurity on the surface tension of liquid? f) Give two example of good conductor & bad conductor of heat. f) State -i) Boyle's ii) Charle's law g) Define i) Total Internal Reflection ii) Critical angle i) The velocity of light in air is 3X108m/s & velocity in water is 2.4X1 08m/s. Find the refractive

index of water. j) Draw the diagram of cylindrical wave front & spherical wavefront. k) Write fullferm of LASER. I) An accelerated electron emits radiation of frequency 4.8X1 012 Hz if h=6.625 X1 0-34 Js.

Calculate the energy of the electron. m) Write two application of X-rays.

a) Explain production of X-rays with the help of Coolidge tube. b) Write four characteristics of photoelectric effect. c) Define unit. What are the requirement of standard unit. d) Define error. Explain different types of error occurring in the measurement.

e) Define stress. Explain its types. f) For a certain gas the difference between its specific heat is 140J/KgOK. If CP/CV is

1.2. Find specific heat of gas. g) Find the amount of heat conducted in one hour by a window pare 60cmX30cm thickness

3mm, if the difference between temperature is 50C& K=0.002Kcal/moCs. h) State & explain Newton's law of viscosity.

a) Define - i) Isothermal process ii) First law of themodynamics. b) Derive the relation a :13 : y c) Explain construction & working of He-Ne LASER. d) i) Explain laws of refraction ii) Population inversion.

a) When a light of wavelength 5400 A 0 is incident on a metal plate, the electrons are em with zero velocity. Calculate the threshold frequency & work function of the metal.

b) i) What is the effect of impurity & adulteration on the viscosity. ii) Principle of superimposition of waves.

c) Explain polarization of light with the help of diagram. d) Define steady interference pattern. Write two conditions to get it.

e) Describe stimulated & spontaneous emission of light. f)i) Write two characteristics of X-ray. ii) Draw a labelled diagram of photocell. c)Distinguish between Newton's corpuscular & Huygen's wavetheory of light (4points) g) The distance between the slit & screen is 1 m. The distance between two fringes is

0.362cm. If the distance between the slits is 0.2mm. Find wavelength of light.

GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - 400 001

EVEN TERM END THEORY EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY 2010 Course: Basic Science II Course code: R104 Marks: 80 Time: 3 Hours

Instructions: 1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non programmable calculator is

permissible. Q.1. Attempt any Five. 20

a) Define 'Isotopes' and 'Isobars". Give one example of each. b) Define 'Electrovalency'. Explain the formation of NaCI compound. c) Explain the terms 'Anode' and 'Cathode'. d) Write four purposes of alloying steels. e) What is 'Polymerisation' ? Write its types. f) Write four characteristics of organic compounds. g) Write four applications of Natural Rubber.

Q.2. Attempt any Three. 12 a) Describe Bohr's atomic theory. b) Explain Octate and Duplet rule with suitable examples. c) Explain Hund's Rule for filling up of the Orbitals. d) Distinguish between co-valent and electrovalent bond. (four points)

Q.3. Attempt any Three. 12 a) State and explain Faraday's 15t law of electrolysis. b) Write assumptions of Arrhenius theory of lonisation. c) What is electroplating? Describe silver plating. d) Same quantity of current was passed through CUS04 and AgN03 solution. If 3.207

gms of Cu is deposited. Calculate the weight of Ag deposited. (Eg. Wt. of Ag = 31.77) (Eg. Wt. ofCu = 108)

Q.4. Attempt any Three. 12 a) Write four applications of non-ferrous alloys; Duralumin. b) Write four physical properties of Cu metal. c) What are alloys? How are alloys classified? d) Write four applications of Ni-metal.

Q.5. Attempt any Three. 12 a) Distinguish between thermosetting and thermoplastics. b) Describe four limitations of Natural rubber. c) What are Plastics? Write any four Applications of pl<;lstics. d) What is natural rubber? How is it obtained from natural source?

Q.6. Attempt any Three. 12 a) Define 'Functional group' Write two functional groups with examples. b) Explain the term 'Aromatic Compound' with examples. c) Define Aliphatic Compound? Write three chemical properties of Aliphatic

Compound. d) What are organic compounds? How are they classified?

GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - 400001

EVEN TERM END THEORY EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY 2010 Course: Basic Engineering - I Marks: 40

Course code: R106 Time: 2 Hours


1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non programmable calculator is permissible.

a) Enlist different types of prime movers b) Define dedendum and velocity ratio c) Compare static and rolling friction. d) what is function of lubricants? e) State applications of solid lubricants. f) State Pascal's law. f) What is function of strainer and cylinder in hydraulic system? g) Define absolute pressure and gauge pressure

h) Describe working of hydraulic prime mover and state it's advantages. i) Compare gravity feed and forced feed lubricating system. j) Explain application of hydraulic system for printing machine with neat

sketch. d) State application of group drive and individual drives. e) Draw a neat sketch of centralized and decentralized compressed air system. f) Describe working of double acting reciprocating air compressor with neat sketch.

a) State advantages.and disadvantages of hydraulic systems. b)What are different types of mechanical drives used for power transmission. Explain working of anyone diagrammatically. c) State laws of static and kinetic friction.

GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - 400001

EVEN TERM END THEORY EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY 2010 Course: Basic Engineering II Marks: 40

Course code: R107 Time: 2 Hours


1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non-programmable calculator is permissible.'

a) Define current & state its unit. b) State ohm's law.

c) State Krichoffs voltages law. d) Three equal resistors of 18 Q value are connected in delta. Find their equivalent star

connection. e) What is form factor & peak factor of an AC quantity? f) Give the formulae for inductive & capacitive reactance.

g) Define the term magnetic flux density & give its unit. h) State Lenz's law.

i) Define work, Power & Energy. Give their units too. j) Give two characteristics of DC series circuit & 2 characteristics of DC parallel circuit. k) Explain the concept of power factor & true power in an AC circuit. l) State Faraday's first & second laws of electromagnetic induction. m) Explain the construction of shell type transformer. f) What is autotransformer? Give any two' applications of auto transformer.

a) Explain in brief the generation of three phase AC voltage & current. Show the sinusoidal representation of three phase AC quantity & their phase sequence.

b) Give the construction & working of step up & step down transformer. c) Explain magnetic hysterisis & hysterisis loop in details.


Course: Applied Mathematics I Marks: 40 Instructions: 1.Attempt all Questions. 2.llIustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3.Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4.Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5.Use of mathematical, steam tables and non-programmable calculator is permissible.

0.1 Attempt any Six.

12 2 2 2 a) Prove that log -.E.- + log JL + log ~ = 0 bc ca ab

b) State the nature of roots of the equation x2-6x+9=0

c) Expand (2x+3yt·

d) The diagonal of a rhombus are 16cm +12cm. Find its area. 2 2 2 e) Prove that cosec 8 - cosec 8cos 8=1

f) Find dy if y= x" +Iogx+ax +5sinx dx

g) Find dy if y= xaax


h) Evaluate f (tanx+cotx/ dx

0.2 Attempt any Four.

a) A metal strip having dimensions 11cm,7cm,&4cm is melted completely. How many coins each of radius 0.7cm & thickness 0.8cm can be minted.

b)Prove that ...........I 1-sinA

. \j 1 +sinA = secA-tanA

c) Differentiate l +/=a2

d) Find dy if y= cos·1 dx

Course code: R109 Time: 02 Hours

1-l1+l e) Find dy if x = asec8 y = btan8


f) Evaluate f 2x+5 dx x2+5x+6

cos3A + 2cos5A + cos 7 A cosA + 2cos3A +


b) Differentiate tanxX w.r.t (x)

c) Evaluate f lsinx dx


School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - 400001 EVEN TERM END THEORY EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY 2010

Course: Applied Mathematics II Course code: R11 0 Marks: 40 Time: 02 Hours Instructions: 1.Attempt all Questions. 2.llIustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3.Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4.Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5.Use of mathematical, steam tables and non-programmable calculator is permissible. Q.1 Attempt any six. 12


a) Evaluate f e,xdx o


b) Evaluate f dx 5 (x-1 )(x-2)

c) Find the mean of the following observations 480,490,495,500,505,515,485

d) The score of cricket player in test series was 3,24,0,44,44,0,90,9,87 and11 Find the median and modal runs of the player.

f) Find the Range of the following 3,5,10,8,15,6 f) Find the mean deviation of the following 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

g) If Z1 = 1 +2i Z2= -4+i find Z1' Z2 in the form of a+ib ru

h) Convert the exponential form 6e 6 into

Q.2 Attempt any four. 00

a) Evaluate f dx2+b2 2 o a x b) Calculate the mean of the following frequency distribution

Expenditure: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 Frequency : 14 23 27 21 15

c) Find the median of the following distribution Class intervals : 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40

Frequency 3 7 16 12 9 6

d) Calculate the standard deviation of the following table Class intervals: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

Frequency 3 5 8 3 1

e) Draw Histogram of the following data and find mode Class intervals: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

Frequency 3 5 10 9 7 6 4 3 2 1

(cos28+isin28) (cos8-isin8 )3

(cos38+isin38)2 (cos58-isin58)4

Q.3 Attempt any two. ]f-

a) Evaluate flog (1+tanx)dx o

b) Find the mean deviation from the mean Class mark 10 11 12 13 14 Frequency 3 12 18 12 3

c)If x+iy = sin (A+iB), prove that x2 + y2 cosh2B sinh2B

Reg. No. _______ _

GOVERNMENT INSTiTUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir •. J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. [\l. Road, Mumbai - 400001

, ;\.. EVEN TERM END THEORY EXAl'v1!NATiON HELD IN MAY 2010 Course: Reproduction Processes Course code: R202 Marks \: :80 Time: 3 Hours Instructions:

1. Attempt all Questions. 2"llIustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non programmable calculator is permissible.

Q.1. Attempt any Five. 20 a} What is line, continuous tone, halftone & digital original. b} Explain briefly colour temperature. Write the colour temperature of any 2 light sources. c} Show with diagram the structure of a black & white film. d} What is aberration? Discus anyone lens aberrations in detail.

e} Give the glossaries of any two: i} Focal length ii} Real Image iii} Latent image iv} optical density.

f} Discuss the different iliuminants used in reproduction processes. g} What is the necessity of flash exposure? How is it given? h} Discus the factors to be considered for selecting screen rulings.

Q.2. Attempt any Three. 12 a} Briefly discuss the components of the developer. b} Enumerate the two stages of image formation. c} State the defects in line negatives, With reasons & the remedies. d) Show with diagram the effect of improper screen distance.

Q.3. Differentiate between any Three. 12 a} Gray contact Screen - Magenta Contact Screen b} Intensity Scale Method - Time Scale Method c} Densitometry - Sensitometory

d} Horizontal Camera - Vertical Camera e} Digital Photography - Conversional Photography.

Q.4. Attempt any Three. 12 a} What is AM.,FM. & Hybrid Screen? b} Classify the different films based on colour sensitivity & contrast. c} Explain Characteristic curves. d} How & why is intensification & reduction carried out on a film negative?

Q.5. Discuss with diagram the working of any Three. 12 a} Roof Mirror b} Contact frame c} Densitometer d} Film Processor

Q.6. Attempt any Four. 12 a} What is density range, basic density range & end point dots? b} Discuss a flat bed scanner. c} List the steps in the making of line & halftone positives. d} Explain the two methods of determining the basic line exposure. e} How does a digital Camera record the image? How is it used for reproduction? f} List the steps in the manufacture of film emulsions.

GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - 400001

EVEN TERM END THEORY EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY 2010 Course: Binding and Finishing Marks: 80

Course code: R203 Time: 3 Hours


1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non-programmable calculator is permissible.

a) What are the major operations performed in binding & finishing. b) List the tools & equipments used for binding. c) List the materials used in finishing process. d) List the screening materials used in binding. e)Explain the importance of preforwarding operations. f) Explain the importance of forwarding operations. g) List the various screening methods & its importance in brief .

. a) List the major operations performed in binding & finishing. b) Explain what do you mean by preforwarding operations? List the main operations. c) What is the importance of covering materials. d) What are the different types of adhesives used in binding? what are the factors which affects

selections of adhesives?

e) Which different types of cutting m/cs are used for cutting? Explain with neat diagram their working & advantages & limitations. Also explain what safety precautions has to be taken while working on it.

f) List the different forwarding operations Also state advantages & limitations of every operation.

g) What are the different types of folding operations? Explain their methods in detail with neat diagram. Also state their advantages & limitations.

a) Which different types of boards are used in binding according to the applications. b) What is the importance of good gathering? Explain the working of gathering m/c Vi neat

diagram. c) Explain perfect binding machine with neat diagram. d) What is wire stitching? Explain the construction & working of wire stitching machir

e) What are the different types of laminations performed. Also explain the care to be to achieve best lamination.

b) What is thread securing? Explain its method & care to be taken. c) What are the methods of hand folding. State its limitations & advantages. d) Explain the working of book sewing m/c with neat diagram.

e) Explain the working of case making machine with neat diagram. f) Explain different types of 'covering'. g) Explain stationery book binding & loose leaf binding with their application areas. h) Explain the important stages to be followed while repairing old books.

Reg.No. _______


Course: Printing Processes Marks: 80 Instructions:

1. Attempt all Questions. 2.Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 4. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non-programmable calculator is permissible.

1. Answer any five question. a) Give four different segments of print media. b) Define various communication Technologies. c) Give detail chart of comparison of consumption of printed products from different segments of the

printing technology across the world. d) Give four consumables used in commercial & publication post press industry. e) What are the stages involved in Negative making. f) Define Graphic original along with its different types. g) What is DTP. Define in brief operations or stages involved in DTP.

2. Answer any two question. 12 a) Define various printing processes used in printing technology along with neat diagram of their

principles. b) Compare offset & letter press printing with its advantages & disadvantages. c) What are the stage involved in photosensitive platemaking for lithography.

3. Write short notes on (any four) a) Electronic media b) Digital printing c) Emulsion d) Foil stamping e) Flexography f) Continuous tone original.

4. Answer any three question. 12 a) What are the characteristics of full color original? b) Define various operations involved in prepress department. c) Name one example of renowned establishment in the following segment of printing industry in

India. I) Commercial Printing ii) Packaging iii) News paper iv) Advertising. d) What are the stages in development of printing technology?

5. Define following terms (any four) a)Brochure b) Packaging c) Cutting machine d) Gravure Cylinder e) Horizontal Gallery Camera f) Screen Printing.

6.Answer any two. 12 a) What do you understand by pre press? b) Explain post-press technology. c) What are the print characteristics to recognize the print process by which it is printed?


Course code: R205 Time: 3 Hours

GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - 400001

EVEN TERM END THEORY EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY 2010 Course: Printing Material Science Marks: 80

Course code: R207 Time: 3 Hours


1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non programmable calculator is permissible.

0.1 Answer any five questions. 20 a) List any four factors affecting selection of paper and explain any two factors. b) What are the general considerations in the formulation of a lithographic ink? c) What are heat set oils? How are they used in printing inks. d) State effect of paper dimensional in stability during printing. e) What is static and dynamic friction? State its importance. f) List the stages of paper manufacturing. Also write about wire and felt side of paper. g) Explain property of screen ink for viscosity, tackiness, ink length and ink thickness.

0.2 Answer any three questions. 12 a) Define ink tack and write the relationship between tack and viscosity. b) Write any 4 differences between dyes and pigments. c) Explain suitable method for gravure ink drying on plastic film. d) State types and requirement of resin in ink. ' e) How do the following ink problems occur? i) piling of ink ii) Mottle.

0.3. Answer any three questions. a) How are gloss and opacity of ink measured? b) How quick set ink dry on paper? c) State the following paper properties. i) Brightness ii) Whiteness iii) Gloss iv) Opacity. d) List the advantages of recycled paper.

0.4. Answer any three questions. 12 a) State 4 advantages of UV ink. b) Find relative humidity when temperature is 26° C , absolute humidity9.25 and amount of water vapour content is air - 8.30 g/m3. c) Describe the drying section of paper manufacturing machine. Draw diagram. d) What are the non- fibrous materials used in paper manufacture? e) What is internal bond strength? How' can it be tested?

0.5. Answer any three questions 12 a) Differentiate between organic and inorganic pigments giving an example for each. b) Define additives. Explain the role of plasticizers used in mlc manufacturing. c) Define II chromophores II and auxochromes with examples. d) Write any four characteristics of ideal ink used for waterless

printing in offset.

0.6. Answer any three questions. 12 a) Why is paper conditioned & calendered? b) How is I Burst Strength I of paper tested? c)What is the role played by driers in the drying of printing inks? Name 2 driers. d) Draw a pH scale. Write the effect of pH on printing. e) Define the following terms

i) Substance ii) Caliper and bulk iii) Porosity.

GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - 400001

EVEN TERM END THEORY EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY 2010 Course: Electronics Course code: R209 Marks: 80 Time: 3 Hours Instructions:

1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non programmable calculator is permissible.

0.1. Attempt any Five questions. 20 a) State the function & list applications of the following electronic components: Resistor, Capacitor. b) With the help of neat circuit & V-I characteristics, explain the working of forward biased PN

junction. c)Draw symbols & list the applications of the following diodes? Zener diode, Light Emitting diode. <i) Compare: CB & CE configuration of transistor. ~) Draw & explain V-I characteristics of depletion MOSFET. ( n-channel ) f) Draw neat construction & symbol of SCR List two applications of SCR. g) State the types of switches & draw symbol of any two switches. 0.2. Attempt any Three questions. 12 a) What is transducer? State the use of RTD. Draw a neat diagram of RTD. b) What is PLC? List the applications of PLC. State the necessity of PLC. c) Draw a neat diagram of half wave rectifier & explain it's working principle. d) Draw a neat diagram of Bridge rectifier & also draw the input & output waveforms. e) Draw symbols construction & list applications of Photo diode. 0.3. Attempt any Three questions. 12 a) Draw input & output characteristics of transistor in CE mode & explain the same. b) Draw a neat constructional sketch & symbol of N- channel enhancement MOSFET. c) List the different types of TIMER & COUNTER. d) Draw neat constructional sketch of General purpose Relay. State its applications. e) List the different types of Transducers. What is the difference between Active &

Passive Transducer. 1.4. Attempt any Three questions. 12 a) Explain with diagram the PLC structure. b) Define : Intrinsic & Extrinsic semiconductor. Give examples of both the types. c) State the function of filter. Draw a neat diagram of pi-type filter &explain its working. d) Draw & explain V-I characteristics of Light Emitting diode. e) Explain the working principle of NPN Transistor. 0.5. Attempt any Three questions. 12 a) Compare: MOSFET & BJT. b) Draw a neat constructional sketch of TRIAC & state its applications. c) What is ladder diagram? Explain with suitable example. d) Draw a neat circuit diagram of Full wave ( centre tapped) rectifier & explain its working principle. e) State the need for biasing a transistor .Draw a neat circuit of transistor with fixed bias. 0.6. Attempt any Three questions. 12 a) What are the different types of MOSFET? In what way they differs from each other. b) What is meant by Breakover voltage & Holding current of SCR? c) Compare: Half wave rectifier & Full wave rectifier. d) Draw & explain the working of MOSFET as a switch. e) i) State the applications of Inductor. ii) Draw construction of Light emitting diode.

Reg.No. ________ _

GOVERNMENT INSTITUTE OF PRINTING TECHNOLOGY Sir J. J. School of Art campus, Dr. D. N. Road, Mumbai - 400001


Course: Image Carrier Relief I Gravure Marks: 80 Instructions:

1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non programmable calculator is

permissible. Q.1. Attempt any Five. 20

a) Explain stages involved in single colour line block for letterpress printing process.

b) Explain advantages & limitation of duplicate plate. c) Explain optical & physical requirement of positive & negative in plate. d) Describe how immersion factor & current density affect electroplating quality. e) Write 4 advantages & two types of computer to plate technology. f) Explain causes & remedies involved in electroplating of copper & chromium. g) Explain why laser engraved cylinder gives good quality than electroplated

cylinder? Q.2. Attempt any Two.

a) Explain stages involved in rubber plate making. b) Explain physical & chemical properties of sheet photopolymer plate. c) Explain stages involved in liquid photopolymer plate.

Q.3 Attempt any Two. a) Explain factors affecting quality of liquid photopolymer. b) Explain routing, bevelling & mounting operation in block making. c) Describe troubles arise in Nylo plate & give related remedies.

Q.4. Attempt any Two. a) Describe structure & characteristic of gravure printing cylinder. b) Explain electroplating process in cylinder making. c) Explain gravure cylinder cell terminology.

Q.5. Attempt any Two. 12 a) Explain electronic engraving method of gravure cylinder manufacturing. b)Explain gravure cylinder making by laser engraving & its advantages over conventional methods. c) Explain troubles & remedies in electronic engraving of gravure cylinder.

Q.G. Attempt any Two. 12 a) Which metals used in block making? What are their properties? b) What is gravure cylinder reclaiming? Why it is important? c) Define volume formula for following

cell i) Inverted pyramid ii) Quadrangular iii) Hexagonal cell

Course code: R501 Time: 3 Hours

Reg. No. _______ _


Course: Image Carrier Plano Course code: R503 Marks: 80 Time: 3 Hours

Instructions: 1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non-programmable calculator is permissible.

1. Answer any five questions. 20 a) State requirements of +ve & -ve for different plate making techniques. b) State the importance of temperature, relative humidity & pH for chemicals used lithographic image

carrier. c) Describe the purpose of different quality control aids incorporated with photographic film for

lithographic image carrier. d) Explain working principle of image carrier used for waterless lithography. e) Explain the construction & working principle of whirler with diagram. f) Describe the process & steps involved in deep etch plate making. g) Describe the stages involved in photopolymer lithographic plate making.

2. Answer any three questions. 12 a) Describe how you improve the quality of lithographic image carrier using different quality contro

aids. b) Explain important stages involved in waterless lithographic plate making. c) Explain the importance of environmental conditions for good storage of litho plates. d) Explain the limitations of metal halide, carbon arc, mercury vapor lamp.

3.Answer any three questions. 12 a) Explain the importance of developer & gum arabic in litho image carrier. b) Describe the process of egg albumen litho plate making with advantages & disadvantages. c)Explain the sensitometric properties of diazo coating with their requirements in litho plates. d) Explain the process of graining with imp.material used. Also explain the effective ways to

improve contact liquid angle with plate. e) List the ideal chemical properties of base used for litho plates.

;.'. Answer any three questions. 12 a) Explain the working principle of printing down frame used for litho plate making. b) Describe the importance of plate finisher c) Describe the light sensitive chemistry & sensitometric properties of wipe - on coating. d) Explain the process of counter etching & its importance.

5.Answer any three questions. 12 a) Explain the function of deep etch solution & lacquer. b) Describe the feature of lithographic image carrier & its development from litho stone to metal plate. c) Explain the effective ways of storage of litho plates. d) What do you mean by waterless lithography compare it with conventional lithography.

6.Answer any three questions. 12 a) Explain the factors affecting the quality of litho plate. Also explain how to maintain the quality wi

control aids. b) What are the basic requirements of the base used to prepare litho plates. c) Compare metal halide with carbon arc lamp. d) Compare mercury vapor with pulsed Xenon lamp.


Reg. No. _______


Course: Packaging Technology Marks: 80 Instructions:

1. Attempt all Questions. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data, if necessary. 5. Use of mathematical, steam tables and non-programmable calculator is permissible.

Q1. Answer any five questions. 20 a) Describe the functions of good packaging. b) What is Carton? Give its functions. c) Compare the advantages of "Flexible packaging" over "rigid packaging" d) List down the properties of "PVC" & "Polystyrene". e) Compare the following in 2 points each

i) Shrink & Stretch Wrap ii) Dry & wet bond lamination. f)What are the factors to the considered while designing a pack for "food"? g) Explain the manufacturing process of Aluminum foil by giving 2application. Q2. Answer any three questions. g) Describe the printing process used for printing laminates with examples. h) Write down the grammage & 2 applications for I) Tissue paper ii) high gloss paper. i) Explain the term "Multi wall Sacks" by giving the materials of construction j) Explain the method of constructing" Plasting Woven Saiks" .

Q3. Answer any three questions. 12 a) Explain the working Principle of" Blown film Extrusion" with neat labeled diagram. b) Explain" Co-extrusion" Give properties of "Thermoset plastics". c) Describe the manufacturing process of blister pack designing a pack for "dairy Products" &

"Carbonated soft drinks". Q4. Answer any three questions. a) What is the operating principle of "Offset Printing". b) Describe the manufacturing process of "PET bottles" & 2 properties of" Thermoplastic". c) With the help of diagram, explain diff components of "Aerosol Cans". d) Explain the deterioration factors in "Coffee Powder & bakery products". e) Write any two physical properties for nylon & PVDC.

Q5. Answer any three questions. , a) Explain Corrugated fiber board. What are the different type of flutes? b) Explain the concept of Aseptic packaging in food packaging? c) Explain the construction & application of "Tetra Pack". d) List down the advantages & application of" bag in box".

e) Write any four purposes of lamination. Q6. Answer any three questions. a) Explain the manufacturing process of "Aluminum foil". b) List down the applications of "Tin Plates" & "Laminated tubes". c) What are the ill-effects of developing Packaging Industries on Environment. d) Explain the term "Bans & Restrictions" with respect to packaging.

Course code: R509 Time: 3 Hours

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