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  • 8/13/2019 Reflections Dec13


  • 8/13/2019 Reflections Dec13



    e find in the purport

    of the Nectar of

    Instruction, text six,

    Even if a devotee sometimes

    seems to be engaged in abominable

    activities, he should be considered

    a sadhu, a saintly person, because

    his actual identity is that of one

    engaged in the loving service of the

    Lord. In other words, he is not to be considered an ordinary

    human being. We sometimes get angry at a person for

    being dirty, even though that person may be in the shower

    getting clean. The point is that yes, there is some dirt, but

    uch person is becoming clean by taking a shower. Should

    we then throw them out or consider them to be useless,

    reating them like an outcaste or getting angry? When a

    devotee behaves like a non-devotee, becomes angry at

    n authority or the authority gets angry at the devotee in

    n excessive way, it can easily result in aparadha. Srila

    Prabhupada wrote in a letter to Vrinda devi on October 14,

    971, I have noted your several complaints against the

    devotees but it would be better to set the example rather than

    o criticize the defects of the devotees. We should always

    emember that we recruit members from people in general.

    t is not expected that every one of our members should be

    mmediately to the standard qualification. The best thing

    or you is to set the example by your personal behavior and

    ry to reform the others, not by criticizing but by friendly

    behavior. Its easy to criticize. The real challenge for us

    s to help improve the situation by helping in some way,

    specially by setting a good example ourselves.

    Lord Nityananda made it very clear that in this age

    we dont kill the Jagais and Madhais (icons of immorality),

    but rather we attempt to make them devoteeswe help

    mprove their qualities and character. This will show others

    he potency of Krishna consciousness. Haridasa Thakura

    ould have belittled the prostitute who tried to seduce him by

    aying, How can you possibly approach me? I am a sadhu.

    He could have cursed her and cursed all the generations

    onnected with her, or cursed her to get leprosy. Although

    he came with ill intent, he raised her consciousness. There

    re dozens and dozens of examples in our literature which

    learly show that we are not supposed to attack only the

    influence of Maya, but we must attempt to upgrade

    improve an unfortunate situation. It is one thing to att

    and then to get into a tit for tat mentality or comba

    pattern. Our position is to not waste energy in trying to

    down, defeat, or combat others because it wastes ene

    Even if we are successful in defeating materialistic id

    we have wasted valuable time in combat.

    Sometimes people know they are going to los

    argument, but they want to slow things down. They w

    to hurt us, and since they dont care if they lose, they w

    to inflict as much damage as they can. Some people

    unleash an onslaught of revenge, hatred, and enmity

    to create suffering. This happens in the legal system a

    There are times when people harass others through exces

    litigation even though they know they will eventu

    lose, because they want the opposing parties to suffer

    struggle. This is a dangerous aspect of Mayas tactics

    try to get Vaisnavas distracted from their actual miss

    The result is that when the devotees try to go about the

    business of distributing the mercy of Lord Caitanya, t

    have less enthusiasm, less energy, less resources, and


    This is Mayas espionage: Maya enters into

    environment wherever there is devotion. She seeks

    those who are the carriers of devotion and influences t

    to become enemies or to attack each other. Anyone

    criticize. We may criticize any leader, any authority

    criticize any devotee, but how much do we step forw

    to help, how much do we try to set the example of Kris

    consciousness. If one does not immediately leave u

    hearing the Lord or the Lords devotees blasphem

    he falls down from devotional service. That means

    vaisnava-aparadha is so heavy, that even if we are

    committing offenses, but remain in an environment

    permits them, our creepers will gradually weaken. We m

    not be criticizing devotees, but if others are engagin

    such criticism, by constantly hearing such criticism

    devotion will be weakened. If someone repeatedly

    you about their problems with another Vaisnava, you h

    to let them know that you dont want to hear it: Prabh

    there anything good about that person? Prabhu, how

    we help this person? We should put a stop to that crit

    type of conversation. It does not mean that we are be

    arrogant; rather, we are obligated to protect our devoti

    creepers. Prabhu, what can we do to help? Get t

    to reflect, or let them know that please, dont drop al

    this on me because I do not want to have my devoti

    experience shortened or limited.

    Help Peers Rather Than Criticizeby His Holiness B.T. Swami


  • 8/13/2019 Reflections Dec13


    It was approximately 1996 or

    1997 at the Institute House

    in Harwood, MD, which was

    newly built by Madhvacarya and

    Kunti. At any rate, Maharaja wasgetting ready to go away to a

    speaking engagement. Aja was his

    driver. For some reason, I got this

    bright idea that, as he was leaving,

    would blanket the sidewalk with flower petals in his path

    s he was walking to the car.

    So the moment came. As I gauged the time that he

    would come down the stairs, I rushed out ahead of him.

    After he put his shoes on and stepped outside, I was already

    here on the sidewalk dropping flower petals just ahead of

    him. About midway on his way to the car, he looked at mend said, Oh Jambavati, stop messing up the yard.

    Im sure he realized that, with my neophyte

    mentality, I was simply show bottling in terms of my

    doration. I was making a show of my reverence and my

    mood was that of guruworship and not at all appropriate

    or the time, place, and circumstance.

    I never, ever did that again. Afterwards, I think the

    only time I showered petals was during guru-pujawhen it

    was appropriate.

    How did you join the International Society for Krishna


    In my college days in the mid-

    90s, I developed an interest in

    paranormal and extra-terrestrial

    phenomena, while also beinginquisitive about Eastern

    spirituality. Even though I grew

    up in a church-going Greek

    Orthodox family in a small

    city, attended private Christian

    schools, and was even an altar boy,

    I lost interest in religious matters

    ater in my teenage years. This along with not having any

    prominent spiritual role models who resonated in my life, I

    more or less considered myself an agnostic. However, after

    meeting a somewhat spiritually-oriented girlfriend right

    before returning from DC to continue college after a

    years hiatus, my path was revealed for the better.

    This girlfriend was my vartma-pradarsaka-g

    or teacher who first gave me information and inclina

    towards spiritual life in the context of Krishna consciousn

    I recall early in our relationship that we were havin

    conversation over a phone call and she inquired about

    beliefs. I responded that I considered myself more or

    an agnostic. This response concerned her and she responthat in order for us to develop a deeper relationship, sh

    have to be with someone who had spiritual inclinati

    After that call, I was motivated through attachment to

    to make the first serious prayer that I can recall. I essent

    prayed something like, God, if You actually exist, if

    are real and it is in my best interest to surrender and s

    you, then I will do so fully. And that was that

    She later explained more to me about the H

    Krishnas and her involvement with devotees in the p

    I was open to it, but not that much proactively interes

    However, some time later, while walking down the stat my university, a plain looking kid inquired if I

    interested in Eastern philosophy. I replied somethin

    the extent that I was open to it and he then presented

    a Science of Self-Realizationfor which I gave a donat

    Upon showing the book to my girlfriend, she said

    this is Srila Prabhupada, the founder of the Hare Kris

    movement that she mentioned to me on occasion befor

    In the time to come, she showed me a box fu

    books which included Bhagavad-Gita and many sm

    BBT books. In time, I became absorbed in reading t

    and gradually gained a little taste and faith. There wa

    temple in the city I was living nor practicing devotees,

    I had the books and she even gave me her chanting be

    Once I moved to the Washington D.C. area after colleg

    was able to have regular association with devotees and

    to the temple often.

    How did you meet your spiritual master?

    I was introduced to Bhakti Tirtha Swami

    weekend program in suburban Maryland via my thgirlfriends devotee associate with whom she connected

    I consider him a vartma-pradarsaka-guru as well. W

    this girlfriend introduced me to Krishna consciousness

    cultivated my interest and supported me through the

    I received initiation and thereafter. It was he who brou

    me to the program and arranged for me to meet with Bh

    Tirtha Swami in person. Prior to this, I had listened to s

    of his lecture recordings and perhaps read an earlier b

    of his.


    Memories of His Holiness B.T. Swamiby Jambavati dasi

    Devotee Spotlight: Jayananda dasa

  • 8/13/2019 Reflections Dec13


    What are your current services and what services enthuse

    you the most in your spiritual life?

    My primary service is serving as the North American

    Minister for the ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry. Serving

    under His Grace Nrsimha Kavaca prabhu (Global Minister),

    we both offer full-time service for Deity worship related

    matters within ISKCON.

    Aside from this, I have been residing in Mayapur for

    around five months a year for the last few years serving as

    an administrator of the Mayapur Academy along with co-

    facilitating a couple units of our yearly course that begins in

    Karttika and finishes on Nityananda Trayodasi.

    Secondly, I am one of the currently active members of Hari-

    Nama Pressthe publisher of Bhakti Tirtha Swamis books.

    particularly work with the website aspects and eBooks.

    Additionally, I have more recently been involved with the

    editing, layout, and printing of our last book publication

    entitled Surrender: The Key to Eternal Life.

    Lastly, there is a GBC-related project that I offer some

    contribution towards for getting the ISKCON Law Book

    content better organized and reformatted into a digital file for

    easier accessing and searching.

    All these services have different aspects that enthuse

    me. The Deity Worship Ministry seva inspires me to continually

    earn and share with others a primary anga of devotional

    ervice that Srila Prabhupada established and emphasized for

    SKCON. The Hari-Nama Press service is gratifying because

    t is a direct service to my spiritual master. The ISKCON

    Lawbook service, while being a relatively small project, is

    fulfilling because it will make a small contribution toward

    having more informed members of ISKCON.

    How have you been able to apply the instructions of your

    piritual master to your own life?

    I cannot say that I have successfully accomplished

    his. I can say that during and after his passing in 2005, I

    became more appreciative of what he has offered to me and

    many others in the service of Srila Prabhupada. As a result, I

    have attempted to further dedicate myself to the process, for

    both my own ultimate benefit, as well to hopefully becomeable to assist others. I feel quite guilty that I wasnt a sufficient

    disciple prior to him leaving the planet, and thus this gives

    me some impetus to attempt to grow internally so that I may

    better please him now. Better late than never as they say

    How do you see Krishna manifesting His mercy in your life?

    s there a personal event where this has been evident?

    While I was in Vrindavan during Karttika 2009, I

    prayed that, while I was thankful for the financial situation

    hat my employment offered, I requested that it all be taken

    away if there was an alternative route that Krishna dee

    more beneficial for me. Upon returning to my job in the U

    I and some others on my team were unexpectedly dismi

    shortly thereafter. Since then, I have had the fortune of

    far being able to offer fulltime direct service to ISKCON

    spending half my time in Sridhama Mayapur.

    While there are usually financial challenges (real or percei

    from time to time for most of us, after having a taste

    always being engaged with more direct service and ha

    more opportunity for association with devotees, I cant ha

    consider going back to a life where so much of my time

    energy was dedicated to mundane business in the associa

    of many non-devotees.

    What do you see as the most significant obstacle facing

    expansion of the Hare Krishna movement? How do

    feel that devotees can tackle this obstacle?

    We are our own most significant obstacle in

    expansion of the Hare Krishna movement. However, it

    expand one way or another according to Lord Caitanyas s

    will. We simply have the great fortune for an opportunit

    get the credit and glory of being an instrument. While exte

    resistance may be there, the biggest trick of Maya is to cr

    schisms within devotee relationships and groups w

    ISKCON. As weve seen, this creates havoc. The solutio

    that we recognize this and perform acts that will purify

    own hearts. Most of us need to work on ourselves first

    foremost. How can we offer something of sufficient qu

    and quantity if we dont possess it ourselves?

    Copyright 2011 Hari-Nama Press

    All rights reserved. No part of this newsletter may be

    reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitte

    in any form, by any means, including mechanical,

    electronic, photocopying, recording, or other wise,

    without prior written consent of the publisher.

    Hari-Nama Press gratefully acknowledges the BBT

    for the use of verses, purports and photos from

    Srila Prabhupadas books. All such material are Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

    Designed by Tamal Krsna dasa

    Edited by Lila Katha devi dasi

    Photo of Bhakti Tirtha Swami: 2005 Lawson Knig

    Laksmivan dasa ACBSP


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