
Reflection on PlatoIdea: Finding happiness in harmony

Experience: -What will truly make a person happy are non material things that will benefit ones soul. But at the same time, ones bodily needs should also be addressed-This can be attained if there is balance between the 2 and there is harmony between the three virtues: courage, wisdom and temperance

Significance:-before immersion, college was just a way to get a good job that pays well-immersion in home for the aged-despite lack of material possessions, the elderly were still very happy -at the start of immersion, I was greatly bothered by how the area appeared-at the end, I didnt even notice the surroundings anymore. I was just glad to be able to be telling stories with the elderly

Insight:- I realized that to be truly happy, one must balance the needs of the body as well as that of the soul. One cannot just focus on one of those aspects.- One must exercise temperance in controlling this desire for material things and have the wisdom to realize when these desires are starting to take over and what one ought to do to overcome this. Courage is also needed to be able to be able to apply this in life-Finding a job should not just be about getting money. It should also be about using ones expertise in the right way such that it will not only benefit one financially but also benefit those in need of help.-helping others provides a much more lasting form of happiness compared to the happiness from material things

Response:- in the future, pick a job based on its ability to also allow you to use your abilities to help others. Dont just pick a job because of the money-at present, spend more time on other important things. Dont just focus on grades-exercise wisdom and temperance in deciding what is the right thing to do and have the courage carry it out.

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