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  • Turning to the other side of the argument, there are some drawbacks too. However, there are some cons too. The main/first/most important disadvantage of Another/An additional disadvantage is

    When we write a balanced argument, or we need to develop an argument, we most

    certainly have to list reasons. The following linking words can be of help: Firstly / In the first place / For a start / First of all Moreover / On top of that / Secondly / What is more Lastly / Finally

    I will start by looking at the advantages of living on campus. For a start, life is usually cheaper. For example, food and accommodation are often subsidized by the university and students who live off campus have to pay normal prices for everything. Moreover, you dont have to deal with things that go wrong in rented accommodation, such as washing machines breaking down or gas cookers that dont work properly. The most important reason is the time you save being so close to places like the library. Consequently, you have much more time to study. However, there are some disadvantages too. First of all, it is easy to spend all your time on campus and because of that you can lose contact with the real world. What is more, you dont have as much independence or freedom on campus as off. For instance, you normally cant choose what and when to eat. Finally, if you live on campus, it isnt necessary to develop the same life skills as you would if you lived off campus skills like managing the day-to-day running of a house.

    We also know the importance of a good conclusion in composition writing. Lets work on a more specific technique to write a conclusion in a balanced argument. A good conclusion generally consists of: 1 A general, one-sentence summary 2 A focus summary of the main points avoiding repetition of vocabulary 3 Something new/your opinion Lets apply this technique to the composition Advantages and disadvantages to living on campus:

    To sum up, we must bear in mind that the main reason for being at university is to study. Although it has some obvious drawbacks, living on campus allows students

    more time to study without the distractions and responsibilities of rented accommodation. As a result, I would recommend people to live on campus if they have the chance.

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