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*************************************************************************************************README FILE*******************************************************************************Welcome to my E-Portfolio for Unit 8 and Unit 10. In order to use the E-portfolio effectively please follow instructions below:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTRUCTIONS :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. To begin viewing the E-portfolio open the index.html file that you will find next to this README file using Google Chrome. *The best option for browsers is Google Chrome as other browsers may have complications with components of this E-portfolio.2. To navigate on the E-portfolio you will first be directed to the home page with 2 buttons directing you to Unit 8 and Unit 10 individually. Click on the button to go to the desired unit. Inside unit 8 you will find a menu bar on the left of the page that will help open different pages, in unit 10 you will find the navigation bar on the top of the page and just below the page banner. If at any time you wish to leave one unit and go to the other unit, simply go back home by clicking the page title "A-level applied ICT" and then using the buttons on the homepage.3. Please note that all links to .pdf files will open the respective .pdf file in a new tab. As .pdf files are large, they make take a several seconds to load.N.B Please set screen resolution to a height of 1280px ______________________________________________________________SYSTEM REQUIRMENTS (HARDWARE) :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please check the following list to see if you have the required harware specifications to view this e-book: - 256MB memory - 1.7 Ghz Intel processor or equivalent - Video card with 32MB memory - CD/DVD drive - Keyboard and pointing device - Colour, High resolution monitor, capable of supporting 1024 by 768 - Sound output (16 bit soundcard, output through speakers/headphones) ____________________________________________________________SOFTWARE REQUIRMENTS :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please use the following software to view the e-book: - Google chrome version 26.0.1410.43 or higher. The best option for browsers is Google Chrome as other browsers may have complications with components of this E-portfolio. *Please make sure that your version of Google Chrome has all the necessary plug-ins to play .swf files. - Adobe flash player version 11.0 or higher - Adobe Reader or any equivilant PDF file reader__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________By following instructions above and ensuring you have the required hardware as well as software specifications your viewing experience will be enjoyable.

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