Page 1: rDate: September 10, 2014 - Brampton...the City of Brampton on the attraction and retention of business, employment and investment in Brampton (Citywide) and in the Queen Street corridor

2011-2014 BARAC Marketing Program Information Update September 10, 2014 Presented by: Nancy Johnston, Manager, Business Development and Marketing

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Business Attraction and Retention Advisory Committee Date: September 10, 2014
Page 2: rDate: September 10, 2014 - Brampton...the City of Brampton on the attraction and retention of business, employment and investment in Brampton (Citywide) and in the Queen Street corridor


The Business Attraction and Retention Advisory Committee is a

voluntary body providing pro-active leadership, advice and support to

the City of Brampton on the attraction and retention of business,

employment and investment in Brampton (Citywide) and in the Queen

Street corridor stretching from Highway 50 to the east and Mississauga

Road to the west.

BARAC Mandate

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Goals and Objectives The Business Attraction and Retention Advisory Committee shall provide pro-active leadership, advice and support on: a) Business Attraction strategies and initiatives focused on targeted industry sectors that are located in key geographic markets, including international locations defined by the Business Attraction and Retention Advisory Committee. b) Business Retention & Expansion (BR/E) strategies and initiatives focused on assisting and supporting existing Brampton businesses. c) Creation and support of networks and partnerships to help achieve the mandate of the Business Attraction and Retention Advisory Committee, including the Brampton Board of Trade, Brampton Arts Council, BDDC/BDBA, Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance/Greater Toronto Area Economic Development Partnership, Peel Research Innovation Centre (RIC), International Chambers of Commerce, and other industry/government partners.

BARAC Goals and Objectives

2011 - 2014

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SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

International Airport Cost of Doing Business Business Friendly City Unionization

Fire Services Access to private capital (GTA)

Link R&D and Market Safety for Employees and Property

Electricity Supply Government Financial Programs – Business

Productivity Levels Wage Rates

Air Cargo Location Regulations & Development Control

Promote Infrastructure Availability of Quality Unskilled Labour

Parks & Recreation Municipal Incentives Promote Economic Assets Social Services

Water and Wastewater Supply

Wage Rates Occupational Composition – Workforce

A Multicultural City

Sports Facilities & Programs Composition of Workforce Commuter Rail (GO) Brampton’s Image asa Place to Invest, Live, Work

Police Services Education Levels Industrial Supply Network Linking R&D to Market

Highways Unionization Municipal Practice of Expanding Infrastructure

Available ICI Land

Parks, Trails, Open Space Property Tax Levels Restaurants and Clubs Name Recognition of Brampton

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Marketing Strategy – 2011

$355,000 annual budget

Domestic Marketing • Search engine management; media placements; video testimonials; web ads

• Print ads - EDCO directory; BBOT directory; Kaneff; GTMA Vantage; monthly Business Times; monthly Trade Talks;

International Marketing • Search engine management; media placements; print brochures; trade show plaques; video testimonials; international print ads;

Publications • Annual Report

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2012 • $427,919 annual budget • Developed RFP and hired Agency of Record (Barrett and Welsh) • Created new brand, 5 year brand strategy and brand guidelines • Brand launch at Sheridan College

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy Brampton’s new economic brand is all about who we want to be, what we want to be. We are not about boxes and cubicles. We are a people-powered economy.

Bramptonians bring a variety of skills, talents, knowledge and culture and work ethic that no other city boasts of. It is what drives economic development and will attract business to Brampton.

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2012

$427,919 annual budget 2012

Domestic Marketing • REIN tour; Air Canada Bus Tour; Toronto Real Estate Forum; RIC Centre events

• Print advertising – ad template with new branding; BBOT directory; Business Expansion; Business Facilities (2x); Business Times (monthly); Business Xpansion Journal (3x); Expansion Solutions (2x); Perspective Canada; Site Selection Magazine; skal; The Leader; Trade & Industry Development (2x); Trade Talks (monthly)

• Sponsorships/partnerships – CoreNet; SIOR;

International Marketing • Brochure and giveaways – MIPIM (Cannes); China; India; Brazil

• Media Buy – ICT and Food and Bev sector – Brazil; India; China

• Pop up displays; USBs; photography; gifts; technology

Publications • Annual Report

Marketing Strategy and Launch • RFP for advertising agency • Launch video

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2013 • $427,919 annual budget • 1st full year of 5 Year Marketing Plan

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2013

$427,919 annual budget 2013

Audience 1: City Hall/EDO employees • Brand workshop; brand guidelines brochure; sales folders; pull ups (4);

• City hall celebration campaign

Audience 2: Brampton Businesses and Community • Launch event • Preferred partners program - SBEC partnership (bus

backs; mall posters; guardian ads) – Farmers’ Market (recycled bags) – RIC Centre events

• Print Media – South Asian Focus; Guardian (2x); Business Times (3x); Hamdard Weekly; South Asian Generation Next (2x); Can-India News; Urdu Times; Here in Brampton; BBOT Directory;

• Videos – news stories; Beast/Power Ade videos (4) • Photography • Outdoor – billboards; transit

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2013

$427,919 annual budget 2013

Audience 3: Provincial and National Businesses • Leveraging brand associations – Fall Real Estate Show; ICCC Event; BDC Real Estate Show; CoreNet; Canadian Food Industry; Changing Landscapes; NAIOP 905 Tour; SIOR

• Investment Map • Annual Report • Web and Print Campaign – EDCO Directory;

Canadian Business; FDI; The Leader; Canadian Real Estate Wealth; Globe and Mail insert; Canada Construction and Design; SIOR web; BBOT web; skal; Business Facilities; Business Xpansion; BBOT directory

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2013

$427,919 annual budget 2013

Audience 4: National and International Businesses • Program support – updated video; ICCC promotional package; international print package; international brochure; USBs; Hong Kong Trade Show Panel; Chinese translation

• Marketing package – media bacdrop; Perspective Magazine; sales folders

Other • EDAC award submissions; EDCO award submissions; census card; branded tablecloths; branded stickers; branded ribbon; branded notebooks; branded glass water bottles; branded lanyards; branded stylus pens; EDO spiral presentations

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2014 • $427,919 annual budget • 2nd Year of 5 Year Marketing Plan

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2014

$427,919 annual budget 2014

Audience 1: City Hall/EDO employees

Audience 2: Brampton Businesses and Community • Preferred Partner Program – Sheridan College/BARAC; SBEC cobranding; BBOT Global Management Seminar; Farmers’ Market; ICCC Networking Event

• Print Media – BBOT Business Directory; Lifestyle Magazine; Guardian (3x)

• Testimonial Videos (12) • Photography • Outdoor billboards

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2014

$427,919 annual budget 2014

Audience 3: Provincial and National Businesses • Leveraging Brand Associations – CoreNet; Fall Real Estate Show; SIOR; EDCO Real Estate Alliance

• Annual report • Digital board for EDO • Advertising campaign – new creative for print

media • Media buys – Canadian Business; Area

Development; Global Trade; Business Facilities; Business Expansion;

• Print Campaign – Business Facilities; NAIOP development; Business Facilities; EDCO enhanced community profile; Canadian Business; Perspectives (3x); SIOR; ICCC Annual Mag; Business Times; Trade Talks (2x); Area Development; FDI Magazine; Canadian Real Estate Wealth; Design and Construction

• Sector profiles (6) • Community Profile • Lure Brochure

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Business and Community Marketing Strategy – 2014

$427,919 annual budget 2014

Audience 4: National and International Businesses • Program support – PAN-IIT Conference; Appreciation Items (pens, luggage tags, luggage scales); ipads and cases; delegation gifts

• Print marketing – international brochure (Portuguese, English, Mandarin, Italian, Turkish)

• Attraction video

Other • Logo modifications; EDCO submissions; EDAC submissions; IEDC submissions; EDO first floor hoarding; USBs; branded speakers; media backdrop;

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Brampton Outstanding Business Achievement Awards

• Recognized over 100 outstanding Brampton businesses from 2011-2014

• Awarded 35 BOBAAs • Hosted over 1500 people at the 4


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Brampton Outstanding Business Achievement Awards


2011 2012 2013 2014

BMP Metals Empack Villa Kitchens Aircraft Appliances

Wanigan Foods Nestle Open Storage Solutions Hampton Inn

IT Weapons HR WARE Nesco Canada Black & White Logic

Medtronic WG Pro Manufacturing Poutine! Dare to be Fresh Tandoori Flame

DB Schenker Jade’s Hip Hop Best Western PLUS Brampton Canamex Logistics

Sharpe/Way Group Peel Mutual Insurance Lawn Troopers T by Daniel

Practical Energy TriOS College Crawford Chondon & Partners Mandarin Restaurant Franchise Corp.

SIMS Recycling Smart Commute Gray Tools Wilson Chartered Accountants

Hy Power Nano David Sharpe (Bus. Person of Year)

Linda Ford (Bus. Person of Yea)

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Changing Landscapes Program Changing Landscapes Forum–Rogers Communications

o Brought together over 125 guests and featured presentations from local business leaders

o Purpose of the Forum was to execute an event that reflects on recent and current growth and encourages and develops business to business relationships in the City of Brampton

o Forum allowed a Brampton business (Rogers) to be showcased, while increasing visibility of BARAC members and educating guests on Economic Development services and new developments and projects in the city

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Changing Landscapes Program Changing Landscapes Partnering for Success at Sheridan

o Brought together over 125 guests and featured presentations from local business leaders

o Purpose of the Forum was to execute an event that is focused on advanced manufacturing in Brampton

o Forum allowed a Brampton’s Sheridan College to be showcased, while increasing visibility of BARAC members and educating guests on Sheridan/ABB advanced manufacturing facility, and financial incentive programs for advanced manufacturing businesses

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Contact Information:

Nancy Johnston Manager, Business Development and Marketing City of Brampton Economic Development Office

Phone: 905.874.3375 Email: [email protected]

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