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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 1

    BPO Company of the Year2011 INTERNATIONAL ICT AWARDS

    Feedback Handling and Data

    Analysis Learning Session

    Content Solutions Quality

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 2

    To effectively share Content Solutions - Quality bestbusiness practice in identifying the root causes of

    problems/events and data analysis.

    To provide and establish guidelines in handlingfeedback with emphasis on the responsiveness,

    recording, validation, prompt resolution,

    implementation, and evaluation of corrective and

    preventive actions (CPA).


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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 3

    Understand the importance of performing root causeanalysis

    The benefits of effective root cause analysis

    Understand the application of common tools in RCA

    Standardize the approach in feedback handling and

    data analysis across content solutions


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    What is quality?

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    Degree to which a set of inherent

    characteristics fulfills requirements ISO 9001

    Uniformity around a target value Six Sigma

    Conformance to requirements

    Philip B. Crosby;_ylu=X3oDMTBxNmpwcDRnBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcgR2dGlkA0kwODNfMTA1/SIG=1humjjakm/EXP=1216190633/**http:/;_ylu=X3oDMTByNG50bGRiBHBvcwMxNARzZWMDc3IEdnRpZANJMDgzXzEwNQ--/SIG=1hoivpejo/EXP=1216190510/**http:/
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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 6

    How Do We Measure Quality

    Client Survey

    Process Mapping

    Submission Performance

    Customer Feedback/complaints

    Quality Inspection

    the measurement of quality is the

    price of nonconformance.

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    Client Feedback

    Positive or Negative and Valid or


    Voice of the Customer (VOC)

    Measure on the client


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    What is a complaint

    An expression of

    dissatisfaction whether

    justified or not


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    Why do clientcomplain?

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    They complain because

    You have not met their expectations

    of what they think is a good level of


    You have not considered the level of

    service they wanted or expected

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    Win back the client complaining

    Client satisfaction

    An opportunity to improve


    Double your customer via word

    of mouth

    Why we need to handle complaints

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    Double your customer via word of mouth

    Why we need to handle complaints

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    How is it important?

    What makes excellent service

    excellent and poor service poor is

    very much about how organizationsdeal with problems and customer


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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 15

    Good and Bad Feedback Handling

    An error was identified in the

    conversion coding which wasnt

    identified in testing because this

    field is rare and not included in

    the test files. The software was

    updated on 21 March 2011 and

    this example has been added to

    the test material for all future

    software testing. This examplehas been added to internal

    documentation andchecklists

    This was human error. We

    have informed the operator.

    We apologise.

    Acceptable responseThis wont do

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 16

    If you receive a complaint

    Deal with it calmly

    Acknowledge it promptly

    Address the complaint be it big or


    Provide sound corrective action(s)

    Ensure that action will resolve theproblem

    Keep track of the complaints

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 17

    Basic Workflow

    Receipt of client

    FeedbackDefine the




    Implementationof CA

    CA Verification/Closure

    Acknowledge the

    feedbackCheck the validity

    and recurrence

    Corrective Action

    Submit toClient

    Finalize Report

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    Receipt of Client Feedback

    Acknowledge the complaint

    Let the client know that you are

    working on it and youll get back to

    him based on the agreed turn

    around time

    If possible, update the client

    regarding the status of the


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    Define the Feedback

    This will serve as the

    starting point of

    problem solving.

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    Sample feedback

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    Define the Feedback

    On January 9, 2012, a feedback for OXP100423 file was received fromShierly Nazareth, Production Editor. Incorrect fonts were used in the

    article: Banner/ Article type should be Perpetua font; Article Title -

    should be Perpetua font; Abstract should be Humanist; Main text

    should be Minion font.

    The errors were detected during PM proof checking. The errors

    resulted to a rework of the file.

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 23

    Check the Validity and Recurrence

    re.cur \ri-kr: to occur again after an


    We will consider a problem as recurringwhen the root cause is the same to

    previously handled and contained


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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 24

    Correction / Containment

    These are actions to contain the problem and fix until

    permanent correction is in place.

    things to be considered in containing the problem:

    > Are there products already delivered that are potentiallyaffected by the same error?

    > Do we have finished and or job in progress products that need


    > Do we need to install additional gate until the problem is


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    Is the process of inquiring

    into a matter through

    research, follow-up, study, orformal procedure of


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    Investigation Process

    Identify the problem clearly

    Retrieve relevant materials

    Evaluate the magnitude of theproblem

    Perform root cause analysis

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    Feedback Analysis/RCA

    Root Cause Analysis

    A systematic approach to get the true root causes of a

    process problemsit provides rational thinking on the

    influential drivers of the target problem

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    Root Cause Analysis

    Root Cause

    A fundamental breakdown or failure of a process which, when

    resolved, prevents a recurrence of the problem

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    Common tools used in RCA

    Five whys

    Fishbone diagram

    Pareto diagram

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    Five Whys

    Originally developed by Sakichi Toyoda and was used within Toyota

    Motor Corporation during the evolution of their manufacturing


    A question-asking method used to explore the cause/effect

    relationships underlying a particular problem. Ultimately, the goal

    of applying the 5 Whys method is to determine a root cause of a

    defect or problem

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 31

    Five Whys

    5 Why analysis must address two

    different problems

    > The first part is related to theprocess that made the defective.(Why made?)

    > The second one must addressthe detection system that was not

    able to detect the defective partbefore it became a problem.

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    Five Whys

    Even though the discipline is called 5 Why, it is not always

    necessary to reach 5 before the root cause of a problem is fullyexplained; or it may take more than 5 whys to get to the bottomof it. It will depend on the complexity of the process or theproblem itself.

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 33

    Five Whys

    5 WhysConclusionA good way to identify if the 5 Whys was done properly is to try to organize the

    collected data in one sentence and define it in an understandable manner. If this

    cannot be done or the sentence is fragmented or meaningless, chances are that there

    is gap between one or several of the whys. You then must revisit the 5 Why and

    identify those gaps to fill them in. If there is coherence in the way that the sentence is

    assembled, it shows consistency on the thought process.

    Something like:

    Problem Description occurred due to Fifth Why. This was

    caused by Fourth why mainly because Third Why was

    allowed by Second why, and this led to First Why

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    Five Whys

    5 WhysConclusionOne final point to ponder:

    Challenge the root cause(s) that resulted from the 5 Whys exercise to try to reproduce

    the defect. If you cannot there is a very big chance that you have not got to the

    bottom of it yet. If you do reproduce them, move on to the Corrective Action part and

    congratulate your team for a job well done.




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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 35

    Sample Feedback

    On January 9, 2012, a feedback for OXP100423 file was received fromShierly Nazareth, Production Editor. Incorrect fonts were used in the

    article: Banner/ Article type should be Perpetua font; Article Title -

    should be Perpetua font; Abstract should be Humanist; Main text

    should be Minion font.

    The errors were detected during PM proof checking. The errors

    resulted to a rework of the file.

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    Problem: Incorrect fonts was used in the article banner,

    article title, abstract and main text.

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    Fishbone Diagram

    A visual brainstorming tool used to help identify and categorizepotential root causes

    Also know as Cause and Effect Diagram

    Developed by Kaoru Ishikawa

    Used to explore potential causes that result in a single undesirable


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    Medium bone

    Tiny bone



    (Remedial Action)


    (Preventive Action)

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    Fishbone Diagram

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    Fishbone Diagram

    Causes arising out of the actions or performance of apersonManpower

    Causes arising out of the system s or procedures indoing workMethod

    Causes arising out of the items needed to deliver theserviceMaterial

    Causes arising out of the equipment used to deliverserviceMachine

    Causes arising out of the condition in which the workis carried outMother Nature

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    High number

    of CE Errors

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    Pareto Diagram

    A method for using the distribution of quantitative data andidentifying those with great impact

    It provides a visual representation of the variables which

    contributes to problems or issues

    An approach which ranks the contributing factors and identifies

    which are the ones which have the most impact on a problem or


    Separating the vital few from the trivial many

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    Pareto Diagram

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    How to create Pareto

    1. Type your data in column B and C

    2. Make sure that the data is sorted from highest to lowest

    3. Compute the cumulative count, %, and cumulative % using the

    formula. See left table.

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 51

    How to create Pareto

    1. You need to adjust the left and right labels.

    left label set the maximum to the total count of error

    right label set it the maximum to 100%


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    No Pareto effect


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    No Pareto effect

    N P ff

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    No Pareto effect

    S l f db k

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    On March 09, 2011, a feedback for JCP2012884 file was

    received from Jonathan Coronado, Production Editor.

    Numerous of typos was found in Abstract section. The

    file is written in German language.

    The errors were detected during PM proof checking.

    The errors resulted to rework.

    Initial investigation shows that spelling errors wereattributed to OCR, Spell Check tool and Inspection.

    Sample feedback

    Fi h B

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    Fish Bone


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    Problem: Incorrect Spelling in Abstract.

    Why were there typo errors in abstract?Because some of the characters were not recognized by the OCR


    Why some of the characters were not recognized?Because the language was not set to German thus accented

    characters were not recognized .

    Why was the language not set?

    Because the operator forgot to change the language in OCR tool.

    Why the operator forgot to change the language in OCR tool?

    Because during that time the operator processed multiple files.

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    I ti

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 59


    Problem: Incorrect Spelling in Abstract.

    Why the typos was not detected during proofreading?

    Because PR inspection checklist only require the start and end

    checking of abstract not the 100% data checking.

    Why the typos was not detected during QC inspection?

    Because QC inspection checklist only require the start and end

    checking of abstract not the 100% data checking.

    Fish Bone

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    Fish Bone

    Validation of Root Causes

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    Validation of Root Causes

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    Validation of Root Causes

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    Validation of Root Causes

    Corrective and Preventive Action

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    Corrective and Preventive Action

    Corrective Action

    A term that encompasses the process of reacting to product

    problems, customer complaints or other non-conformities and

    fixing them

    These are actions to eliminate the cause of the detected

    nonconformityor other undesirable action. This is taken to prevent

    recurrence of the problem.

    Corrective and Preventive Action

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 65

    Corrective and Preventive Action

    Preventive Action

    A process for detecting potential problems or nonconformances

    and eliminating them

    These are actions to eliminate the cause of thepotential

    nonconformityor other undesirable potential action. This is taken

    to prevent occurrence of the problem.

    Correction vs Corrective vs Preventive

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    Correction vs Corrective vs Preventive

    Finalize the Report

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    Finalize the Report

    Report should include the following:

    Client complaint

    Root Cause Analysis

    Corrective (and Preventive) Action

    Implementation Date

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    System and Tools

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 71

    System and Tools

    This aims to provide our

    valued customers, on-timesubmission of investigation


    System and Tools in feedback handling
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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 72

    System and Tools in feedback handling

    Serve as feedback database

    Automatic Email notification to process owners of their tasks as per

    agreed SLA for feedback report

    Track open items for follow up

    Generate report submission performance for feedback reporting

    Generate error and process source reports for easy analysis

    Database can be easily imported to excel file for manual manipulations

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    Data Analysis

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 74

    Data Analysis

    Data analysis is a practice in

    which raw data is ordered andorganized so that useful

    information can be extracted

    from it.
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    Basic Flow

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    Basic Flow




    Data Analysisand RCA

    Generation ofCorrective and



    Submission ofReport

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    Pie Chart

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    Pie Chart

    To show contribution of part to


    How much each part

    contributes to the whole by


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    Line graph

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 83

    Line graph

    A style of chart that is created by connecting a series of data

    points together with a line.

    To show trends or patterns overtime.

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    Data Analysis: Overall Rating

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    y g

    Illustrate the overall achieved rating (monthly or weekly)

    o Number of inspected files and pageso Number of logged errors

    Over seven thousand articles were

    inspected for the month of July and

    significant numbers of error were

    recorded in the inspected files .

    The overall reported Crest acceptance

    rate for the month of July is at 86%

    rate, this is 5 points higher from last

    month rate of 81%

    Data Analysis: Overall Rating

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    y g

    The overall reported Crest

    acceptance rate for the month of

    July is at 86% rate, this is 5 points

    higher from last month rate of 81%.

    Even though the team did not realize

    the single digit rejection rate target

    this month, its still worth to consider

    that the team still achieving

    continuous improvements every week

    an average of 4 points of

    improvements was recorded from

    week 1 to week 4 of July.

    Data Analysis: Process Ratings

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    y g

    Ratings of each evaluated process

    EPP Stacked Trending per Process








    Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr




    This show the EPP

    trending how each

    process contribute to the

    performance every


    A 0.09 EPP rate increase was recorded for this month. The team still achieved the Q2

    threshold of 0.28 EPP rate. The increase was attributed to the number of errors

    tabulated in this month samples, where 35% of the sampled pages has been verified

    with errors

    Data Analysis: Error Distribution

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 89


    Distribution of error types


    Monthly or weekly

    Crest errors had increased by only 2% and new set of error types top in this report was

    recorded. Topping on the list is the trim size-related error followed by incorrect capturing

    of author name where bulk of these errors was recorded in the first and second week of

    July. However, the team managed to lessen these errors in the succeeding weeks.

    Data Analysis: Error Distribution

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    BPO Company of the Year 2011 International ICT Awards 90


    Distributions of error types per supplier

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    BPO Company of the Year2011 INTERNATIONAL ICT AWARDS


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