
Rank these products in order based on how

“innovative” you think they are?

Learning Outcomes

What – Explain why it is important for a product to be innovative in the marketplace?

Explain why the function of packaging is essential to a business?

How – By creating a new and innovative product for our a business?

Why – To understand why a company needs a product to stand out in the market.

Activity – The I??????

Working in a pair you must come up with an innovative new Apple product to follow in the long line of their successes. Your work should be presented as a detailed sketch/diagram with clear annotations of how it works and who the target market is.

You must also design its packaging. Think about what the main functions of packaging are i.e. branding, promotion etc. You have 30


Peer Assessment

• Carousel – Post it notes!

• Whose idea is the most innovative and why?

• Whose packaging was most effective?

Is Packaging important?

Can you come up with 3 reasons why this bottle label is so important to


What are the aims of a business when packaging

any product? (You can think of any business here)

Reviewing Product…

USP Brand


Product Range


What are the connections between these Product


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