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Radyr Latchkey Club

Radyr Latchkey Club

The 2016 Radyr Latchkey Quality of Care Report

Matthew Koch & Gemma Greck

20th December 2016

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Radyr Latchkey Club

What is a Quality of Care Report and why do we do one?

The purpose of a Quality of Care Report is to give users of Radyr Latchkey a chance to have their say

on what they think is good, bad and what could be improved with regards to the provision and the

service that Radyr Latchkey provide. Furthermore, the report reviews the actions taken to improve

the service over the last year.

We would like to thank all children and parents for taking part in the recent survey. We had a

response rate of around 35 % (52 children, 46 parents), which has provided us with a large amount

of data that we have used to compile this report.

Presenting the results of the report:

We have compiled the answers to the multiple choice questions in to a graph for both the children

and parent’s response.

The surveys also asked what parents and children liked most and least about Radyr Latchkey.

Furthermore, it asked for suggestions for how we could improve the provision and the quality of

service we provide for children and parents. The most common answers to these question have

been summarised in bullet point tables.

If you do not see any of the suggestions or comments that you made in these tables, it may be

because it was not a common response. However, all responses have been kept on file and we will

be working to meet and address as many of the suggestions and ‘dislikes’ about our service.

Actions to be taken:

After reviewing all of the data Radyr Latchkey have compiled 9 key actions that we will attempt to

meet over the next year in order to improve the provision. The progress on these actions will be

reviewed in the next Quality of Care Report in December 2017.

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Radyr Latchkey Club

Children’s Feedback:

‘Unorganised play’ or ‘organised play’?

In Latchkey, we try to provide children with as much control over their play as possible by presenting

them with a variety of resources and the spaces to use them safely. The theory being that this allows

children to come up with their own games, learn how to solve problems and socialise with their

friends naturally without adults intervening too much.

We were interested to see if the children liked this approach, or prefer it when adults organise all of

the activities for them, as in many other after school clubs/activities.

46% of children preferred to be left alone, 34% preferred adults to organise activities and 20%

enjoyed a mixed approach.

We will continue with our current approach of providing children with the resources for unorganised

play, yet also providing some organised activities on the side such as cooking and craft.

Children’s Satisfaction Questionnaire Responses:

The Children were asked a number of multiple choice questions to find out if they liked attending

Latchkey and why. The results to these questions are presented in the graph below:

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Radyr Latchkey Club












Do you like the drinks and

snacks offered at the club?

Do you like the toys and board

games at the club?

Do you like playing games

outside at the club?

What do you think about the

staff at the club?

What do you think about the

place where the club is held?

(This means the main room,

outside play area, toilets etc.)

Do you like doing homework

at the club?

Children’s Satisfaction Questionnaire Responses

Like Okay Dislike No entry

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Actions to improve service for Children in 2017:

Actions for the Year 2016/17

Increase variety of activities


Raise Concerns about quality of toilets/premises

Try to provide access to better outdoor space

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Radyr Latchkey Club

Parent’s Feedback:

Would you like your child to have regular access to video games?

Many of the children in Latchkey have been requesting regular use of video games, consoles and

movies throughout the year. As a play setting, we try to provide children with what they want to do

so that they feel like they have more choices and control over the way they spend their time and

play. However, the regular use of video games can be a hot topic of debate among adults with both

advantages and disadvantages to regular use. We wanted to see what the parents thought about

their children having regular access to video games.

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Radyr Latchkey Club

The responses were fairly balanced, with many parents commenting that they wouldn’t mind as long

as children’s use of equipment is monitored and in moderation. As a result of this and the weight of

the number of children’s request for the provision of video games we will provide access up to a

maximum of two sessions a week. Furthermore, we will guarantee that these sessions alternate

throughout the term and work with children to ensure that they are not spending ‘too much’ time

on consoles and that everyone gets fair access.

Parent’s Satisfaction Questionnaire Responses:

The parents were given a number of statements relating to the service the club offers with a range

of responses they could give to measure their satisfaction. The results to these questions are

presented on the graph below:

Yes No Occasionally No Entry

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Parent's Satisfaction Questionairre Responses

Strongly agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree No entry

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Radyr Latchkey Club

Actions to improve service for parents in 2017:

Actions for the Year 2016/17

Find ways to allow 'Messy Play' and keep

children relatively clean

Invest more in varied

equipment and activities

Improve communications and frequency of


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Staff Feedback

Latchkey staff often receive feedback directly from children and parents and relay this to

Management in regular 1-2-1 and team meetings.

Actions for the Year 2016/17

More Team Meetings and provision of a meeting room

More equipment for craft activities

Regular rotation of equipment to

inspire increased

vairety of play

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Radyr Latchkey Club

• Review of 2015/16:

More off-site visits

Unfortunately, logistical problems including varied

pick up times of parents, lack of toilets,

cleanliness/security of parks etc. has hindered

many off-site visits during term time.

More themed parties

We have organised parties for the Seasons: Easter

party, Summer party, Halloween party and

Christmas party.

Holiday Club

We opened Holiday Club over the first 4 weeks of

Summer Holidays and will look to continue this.

Improve use/ quality of Scout Hall outdoor space

Unfortunately, our outside space has been reduced

in the Scout Hall.

Expand service

Breakfast Club has expanded to use the Scouts Hall

and the Guide Hall every day. After School Club has

been expanded to use the Scout Hall, Old Church

Rooms and the School. On a Thursday afternoon,

we have all 3 sites in use.

Open Inset days

Not achieved due to lack of staff availability.

Improve Scouts Hall Premises/ Parking

Painted, deep cleaned, toilet locks moved lower for

Children’s access, toilet foot stools, staff no longer

park in the Scout Hall car park.

New Toys/ Arts & Craft/ Activities

New: Varying sizes of foams, cars, men and

monsters, teddies, dolls, super hero costumes,

slime making, more books, added masks to fancy

dress variety, Arts & Craft expanded in Junior Halls

More variety of healthy snacks

We have added more healthy snacks to our menu:

Hummus, peppers, water melon, melon, pineapple


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