  • 1. Which of the following contains one fundamental and one derived unit?

    A. ampere kilogram

    B. ampere coulomb

    C. joule newton

    D. joule coulomb

    (Total 1 mark)




    IB Questionbank Physics 1

  • ithadigitalammetertobe0.10A.Theuncertaintyinthecalculate

    IB Questionbank Physics 2

  • dvalueof









    IB Questionbank Physics 3

  • ampere

    B. ampere coulomb

    C. joule newton

    D. joule coulomb

    (Total 1 mark)

    3. A skydiver of mass 80 kg falls vertically with a constant speed of 50 m s1. The upward forceacting on the skydiver is approximately

    A. 0 N.

    B. 80 N.

    C. 800 N.

    D. 4000 N.(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 4

  • 4. Joseph runs along a long straight track. The variation of his speed v with time t is shown below.

    After 25 seconds Joseph has run 200 m. Which of the following is correct at 25 seconds?

    Instantaneous speed / m s1 Average speed / m s1

    A. 8 m s1 8 m s1

    B. 8 m s1 10 m s1

    C. 10 m s1 8 m s1

    D. 10 m s1 10 m s1

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 5

  • 5. A car of mass 1000 kg accelerates on a straight, flat, horizontal road with an acceleration

    a = 0.3 m s2.The driving force F on the car is opposed by a resistive force of 500 N.

    The net (resultant) force on the car is

    A. 200 N.

    B. 300 N.

    C. 500 N.

    D. 800 N.(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 6

  • 6. A tennis ball of mass m moving horizontally with speed u strikes a vertical tennis racket. Theball bounces back with a horizontal speed v.

    The magnitude of the change in momentum of the ball is

    A. m(u + v).

    B. m(u v).

    C. m(v u).

    D. zero.(Total 1 mark)

    7. A brother and sister take the same time to run up a set of steps. The sister has a greater massthan her brother. Which of the following is correct?

    Has done the most work Has developed the greatest power

    A. brother brother

    B. brother sister

    C. sister brother

    D. sister sister

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 7

  • 8. A nuclear power station produces 10 GW of electrical power. The power generated by thenuclear reactions in the core of the reactor is 25 GW. The efficiency of the power station is

    A. 15 %.

    B. 35 %.

    C. 40 %.

    D. 60 %.(Total 1 mark)

    9. A cyclist rides around a circular track at a uniform speed. Which of the following correctlygives the net horizontal force on the cyclist at any given instant of time?

    Net horizontal force alongdirection of motion

    Net horizontal force normal todirection of motion

    A. zero zero

    B. zero non zero

    C. non zero zero

    D. non zero non zero

    (Total 1 mark)

    10. A solid piece of tungsten melts into liquid without a change in temperature. Which of thefollowing is correct for the molecules in the liquid phase compared with the molecules in thesolid phase?

    Kinetic energy Potential energy

    A. same greater

    B. same same

    C. greater greater

    D. greater same

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 8

  • 11. What is the mass of carbon-12 that contains the same number of atoms as 14 g of silicon-28?

    A. 6 g

    B. 12 g

    C. 14 g

    D. 24 g(Total 1 mark)

    12. A heater of constant power heats a liquid of mass m and specific heat capacity c. The graphbelow shows how the temperature of the liquid varies with time.

    The gradient of the graph is k and no energy is lost to the surroundings. What is the power ofthe heater?

    A. kmc

    B. mc


    C. k


    D. kmc


    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 9

  • 13. A transverse wave travels from left to right. The diagram below shows how, at a particularinstant of time, the displacement of particles in the medium varies with position. Which arrowrepresents the direction of the velocity of the particle marked P?

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 10

  • 14. The graph shows how the displacement varies with time for an object undergoing simpleharmonic motion.

    Which graph shows how the objects acceleration a varies with time t?

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 11

  • 15. Light travels from air into glass as shown below.

    What is the refractive index of glass?

    A. S




    B. R




    C. R




    D. S




    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 12

  • 16. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has a frequency greater than that of visiblelight?

    A. Ultraviolet

    B. Radio

    C. Microwaves

    D. Infrared(Total 1 mark)

    17. One electronvolt is equal to

    A. 1.6 1019 C.

    B. 1.6 1019 J.

    C. 1.6 1019 V.

    D. 1.6 1019 W.(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 13

  • 18. A battery of internal resistance 2 is connected to an external resistance of 10 . The currentis 0.5 A.

    What is the emf of the battery?

    A. 1.0 V

    B. 5.0 V

    C. 6.0 V

    D. 24.0 V(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 14

  • 19. In the circuit below, which of the following will cause the greatest increase in the reading of thevoltmeter?

    A. An increase in temperature

    B. An increase in light intensity

    C. A decrease in temperature

    D. A decrease in light intensity(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 15

  • 20. A spherical planet of uniform density has three times the mass of the Earth and twice theaverage radius. The magnitude of the gravitational field strength at the surface of the Earth is g.What is the gravitational field strength at the surface of the planet?

    A. 6 g










    (Total 1 mark)

    21. An electron passes the north pole of a bar magnet as shown below.

    What is the direction of the magnetic force on the electron?

    A. Into the page

    B. Out of the page

    C. To the left

    D. To the right(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 16

  • 22. Which of the following gives the correct number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus of

    carbon-14 ( )?C146

    Protons Neutrons

    A. 8 6

    B. 6 8

    C. 14 6

    D. 6 14

    (Total 1 mark)

    23. A freshly prepared sample contains 4.0 g of iodine-131. After 24 days, 0.5 g of iodine-131remain. The best estimate of the half-life of iodine-131 is

    A. 8 days.

    B. 12 days.

    C. 24 days.

    D. 72 days.(Total 1 mark)

    24. Which of the following causes the greatest number of ionizations as it passes through 1 cm ofair?(The total energy of the ionizing radiation is the same.)

    A. An alpha particle

    B. A beta particle

    C. A gamma-ray

    D. An X-ray(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 17

  • 25. What is the phenomenon that best explains why greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation?

    A. Resonance

    B. Interference

    C. Refraction

    D. Diffraction(Total 1 mark)

    26. In which of the following places will the albedo be greatest?

    A. A forest

    B. A grassland

    C. An ocean

    D. A polar ice cap(Total 1 mark)

    27. A wind turbine produces a power P when the wind speed is v. Assuming that the efficiency ofthe turbine is constant, the best estimate for the power produced when the wind speed becomes2v is

    A. 2P.

    B. 4P.

    C. 6P.

    D. 8P.(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 18

  • 28. A spherical black body has absolute temperature T1. The surroundings are kept at a lower

    absolute temperature T2. What is the net power per unit area lost by the body?

    A. T14

    B. T24

    C. (T14 T2


    D. (T14 + T2

    4)(Total 1 mark)

    29. The design of a nuclear power station includes an electrical generator. The function of thegenerator is to convert

    A. nuclear energy to kinetic energy.

    B. kinetic energy to thermal energy.

    C. thermal energy to electrical energy.

    D. kinetic energy to electrical energy.(Total 1 mark)

    30. What is the unit of surface heat capacity?

    A. J kg1 K1

    B. J K1

    C. J m2 K1

    D. J m3 K1

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 19

  • 31. Data analysis question.

    The photograph below shows a magnified image of a dark central disc surrounded byconcentric dark rings. These rings were produced as a result of interference of monochromaticlight.

    The graph below shows how the ring diameter D varies with the ring number n.The innermost ring corresponds to n = 1. The corresponding diameter is labelled in thephotograph. Error bars for the diameter D are shown.

    IB Questionbank Physics 20

  • (a) State one piece of evidence that shows that D is not proportional to n.





    (b) On the graph above, draw the line of best-fit for the data points.(2)

    (c) Theory suggests that D2 = kn.

    A graph of D2 against n is shown below. Error bars are shown for the first and last datapoints only.

    IB Questionbank Physics 21

  • (i) Using the first graph, calculate the percentage uncertainty in D2, of the ring n = 7.







    (ii) Based on the second graph, state one piece of evidence that supports the

    relationship D2 = kn.



    (iii) Use the second graph to determine the value of the constant k, as well as itsuncertainty.








    IB Questionbank Physics 22

  • (iv) State the unit for the constant k.



    (Total 11 marks)

    32. This question is about motion in a magnetic field.

    An electron, that has been accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 250 V, enters aregion of magnetic field of strength 0.12 T that is directed into the plane of the page.

    (a) The electrons path while in the region of magnetic field is a quarter circle. Show that the

    (i) speed of the electron after acceleration is 9.4 106 m s1.





    IB Questionbank Physics 23

  • (ii) radius of the path is 4.5 104 m.





    (b) The diagram below shows the momentum of the electron as it enters and leaves theregion of magnetic field. The magnitude of the initial momentum and of the final

    momentum is 8.6 1024 N s.

    (i) On the diagram above, draw an arrow to indicate the vector representing thechange in the momentum of the electron.


    (ii) Show that the magnitude of the change in the momentum of the electron is

    1.2 1023 Ns.



    IB Questionbank Physics 24

  • (iii) The time the electron spends in the region of magnetic field is 7.4 1011 s.Estimate the magnitude of the average force on the electron.




    (Total 7 marks)

    33. This question is about circular motion.

    A ball of mass 0.25 kg is attached to a string and is made to rotate with constant speed v along ahorizontal circle of radius r = 0.33 m. The string is attached to the ceiling and makes an angleof 30 with the vertical.

    (a) (i) On the diagram above, draw and label arrows to represent the forces on the ball inthe position shown.


    (ii) State and explain whether the ball is in equilibrium.





    IB Questionbank Physics 25

  • (b) Determine the speed of rotation of the ball.







    (Total 7 marks)

    34. This question is about a nuclear reactor.

    (a) Uranium is used as a fuel in a small research nuclear reactor. The concentration of U23592

    in a sample of uranium must be increased before it can be used as a fuel.

    State the name of the process by which the concentration of is increased.U23592


    (b) The reactor produces 24 MW of power. The efficiency of the reactor is 32 %. In the

    fission of one uranium-235 nucleus 3.2 1011 J of energy is released.

    Determine the mass of uranium-235 that undergoes fission in one year in this reactor.









    IB Questionbank Physics 26

  • (c) Explain what would happen if the moderator of this reactor were to be removed.






    (d) During its normal operation, the following set of reactions takes place in the reactor.

    (I)U Un 23992



    (II)ve 01


    23992 Np U

    (III)ve 0


    23993 Pu Np

    (i) State the name of the process represented by reaction (II).


    (ii) Comment on the international implications of the product of these reactions.





    (Total 11 marks)

    IB Questionbank Physics 27

  • 35. This question is about simple harmonic oscillations.

    A longitudinal wave travels through a medium from left to right.

    Graph 1 shows the variation with time t of the displacement x of a particle P in the medium.

    Graph 1

    (a) For particle P,

    (i) state how graph 1 shows that its oscillations are not damped.


    (ii) calculate the magnitude of its maximum acceleration.





    IB Questionbank Physics 28

  • (iii) calculate its speed at t = 0.12 s.





    (iv) state its direction of motion at t = 0.12 s.


    (b) Graph 2 shows the variation with position d of the displacement x of particles in themedium at a particular instant of time.

    Graph 2

    Determine for the longitudinal wave, using graph 1 and graph 2,

    (i) the frequency.


    IB Questionbank Physics 29

  • (ii) the speed.


    Graph 2 reproduced to assist with answering (c)(i).

    (c) The diagram shows the equilibrium positions of six particles in the medium.

    (i) On the diagram above, draw crosses to indicate the positions of these six particlesat the instant of time when the displacement is given by graph 2.


    IB Questionbank Physics 30

  • (ii) On the diagram above, label with the letter C a particle that is at the centre of acompression.

    (1)(Total 14 marks)

    36. This question is about mechanics and thermal physics.

    The graph shows the variation with time t of the speed v of a ball of mass 0.50 kg, that has beenreleased from rest above the Earths surface.

    The force of air resistance is not negligible. Assume that the acceleration of free fall is

    g = 9.81 m s2.

    (a) State, without any calculations, how the graph could be used to determine the distancefallen.



    IB Questionbank Physics 31

  • (b) (i) In the space below, draw and label arrows to represent the forces on the ball at2.0 s.


    (ii) Use the graph opposite to show that the acceleration of the ball at 2.0 s is

    approximately 4 m s2.





    (iii) Calculate the magnitude of the force of air resistance on the ball at 2.0 s.





    IB Questionbank Physics 32

  • (iv) State and explain whether the air resistance on the ball at t = 5.0 s is smaller than,equal to or greater than the air resistance at t = 2.0 s.





    (c) After 10 s the ball has fallen 190 m.

    (i) Show that the sum of the potential and kinetic energies of the ball has decreased by780 J.







    (ii) The specific heat capacity of the ball is 480 J kg1 K1. Estimate the increase in thetemperature of the ball.





    IB Questionbank Physics 33

  • (iii) State an assumption made in the estimate in (c)(ii).



    (Total 14 marks)

    37. This question is about nuclear physics.

    (a) (i) Define binding energy of a nucleus.



    (ii) The mass of a nucleus of plutonium ( ) is 238.990396 u. Deduce that thePu239


    binding energy per nucleon for plutonium is 7.6 MeV.







    IB Questionbank Physics 34

  • (b) The graph shows the variation with nucleon number A of the binding energy per nucleon.

    Plutonium ( ) undergoes nuclear fission according to the reaction given below.Pu239


    n BaSr n Pu 10




    23994 x

    (i) Calculate the number x of neutrons produced.


    (ii) Use the graph to estimate the energy released in this reaction.





    IB Questionbank Physics 35

  • (c) Stable nuclei with a mass number greater than about 20, contain more neutrons thanprotons. By reference to the properties of the nuclear force and of the electrostatic force,suggest an explanation for this observation.









    (Total 11 marks)

    38. This question is about electric circuits.

    (a) Define

    (i) electromotive force (emf ) of a battery.



    (ii) electrical resistance of a conductor.



    IB Questionbank Physics 36

  • (b) A battery of emf and negligible internal resistance is connected in series to tworesistors. The current in the circuit is I.

    (i) State an equation giving the total power delivered by the battery.


    (ii) The potential difference across resistor R1 is V1 and that across resistor R2 is V2.

    Using the law of the conservation of energy, deduce the equation below.

    = V1 + V2





    IB Questionbank Physics 37

  • (c) The graph shows the I-V characteristics of two conductors, X and Y.

    On the axes below, sketch graphs to show the variation with potential difference V of theresistance of conductor X (label this graph X) and conductor Y (label this graph Y).You do not need to put any numbers on the vertical axis.


    IB Questionbank Physics 38

  • (d) The conductors in (c) are connected in series to a battery of emf and negligible internalresistance.

    The power dissipated in each of the two resistors is the same.

    Using the graph given in (c),

    (i) determine the emf of the battery.




    (ii) calculate the total power dissipated in the circuit.




    (Total 12 marks)

    IB Questionbank Physics 39

  • 39. This question is about the energy balance of the Earth.

    (a) The intensity of the Suns radiation at the position of the Earth is approximately

    1400 W m2.

    Suggest why the average power received per unit area of the Earth is 350 W m2.




    (b) The diagram shows a simplified model of the energy balance of the Earths surface.The diagram shows radiation entering or leaving the Earths surface only.

    The average equilibrium temperature of the Earths surface is TE and that of the

    atmosphere is TA = 242 K.

    (i) Using the data from the diagram, state the emissivity of the atmosphere.


    IB Questionbank Physics 40

  • (ii) Show that the intensity of the radiation radiated by the atmosphere towards the

    Earths surface is 136 W m2.




    (iii) By reference to the energy balance of the Earths surface, calculate TE.





    (c) (i) Outline a mechanism by which part of the radiation radiated by the Earths surfaceis absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.







    (ii) Suggest why the incoming solar radiation is not affected by the mechanism yououtlined in (c)(i).





    IB Questionbank Physics 41

  • (iii) Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas. State one source and one sink (object

    that removes CO2) of this gas.

    Source: ..............................................................................................................

    Sink: ..................................................................................................................(2)

    (Total 13 marks)

    40. A particle of mass m is moving with constant speed v in uniform circular motion. What is thetotal work done by the centripetal force during one revolution?

    A. Zero

    B. 2


    C. mv2

    D. 2mv2

    (Total 1 mark)

    41. Which of the following is equivalent to the principle of energy conservation?

    A. Newtons first law

    B. The first law of thermodynamics

    C. Newtons second law

    D. The second law of thermodynamics(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 42

  • 42. Light travels from air into glass as shown below.

    The refractive index of the glass is













    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 43

  • 43. A light-dependent resistor (LDR) and a fixed resistor are connected in the potential dividercircuit shown below.

    The voltmeter reads 3.0 V. Which of the following changes would cause the reading on thevoltmeter to increase?

    A. Swapping the positions of the LDR and the fixed resistor

    B. Increasing the resistance of the fixed resistor

    C. Increasing the amount of light shining on the LDR

    D. Decreasing the amount of light shining on the LDR(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 44

  • 44. A positively charged particle follows a circular path as shown below.

    Which of the following electric fields could have caused the charged particle to follow theabove path?

    (Total 1 mark)

    45. Which of the following fuels has the highest energy density?

    A. Coal

    B. Gas

    C. Oil

    D. Uranium(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 45

  • 46. Data analysis question.

    The photograph below shows a magnified image of a dark central disc surrounded byconcentric dark rings. These rings were produced as a result of interference of monochromaticlight.

    The graph below shows how the ring diameter D varies with the ring number n.The innermost ring corresponds to n = 1. The corresponding diameter is labelled in thephotograph. Error bars for the diameter D are shown.

    IB Questionbank Physics 46

  • (a) State one piece of evidence that shows that D is not proportional to n.




    (b) On the graph opposite, draw the line of best-fit for the data points.(2)

    (c) It is suggested that the relationship between D and n is of the form

    D = cnp

    where c and p are constants.

    Explain what graph you would plot in order to determine the value of p.






    IB Questionbank Physics 47

  • (d) Theory suggests that p =

    and so D2 = kn (where k = c2).2


    A graph of D2 against n is shown below. Error bars are shown for the first and last datapoints only.

    (i) Using the first graph, calculate the percentage uncertainty in D2, of the ring n = 7.







    (ii) Based on the second graph, state one piece of evidence that supports the

    relationship D2 = kn.



    IB Questionbank Physics 48

  • (iii) Use the second graph to determine the value of the constant k, as well as itsuncertainty.








    (iv) State the unit for the constant k.



    (Total 14 marks)

    47. This question is about circular motion.

    A ball of mass 0.25 kg is attached to a string and is made to rotate with constant speed v along ahorizontal circle of radius r = 0.33 m. The string is attached to the ceiling and makes an angleof 30 with the vertical.

    IB Questionbank Physics 49

  • (a) (i) On the diagram above, draw and label arrows to represent the forces on the ball inthe position shown.


    (ii) State and explain whether the ball is in equilibrium.





    (b) Determine the speed of rotation of the ball.







    (Total 7 marks)

    IB Questionbank Physics 50

  • 48. This question is about simple harmonic oscillations.

    A longitudinal wave travels through a medium from left to right.

    Graph 1 shows the variation with time t of the displacement x of a particle P in the medium.

    Graph 1

    (a) For particle P,

    (i) state how graph 1 shows that its oscillations are not damped.


    (ii) calculate the magnitude of its maximum acceleration.





    IB Questionbank Physics 51

  • (iii) calculate its speed at t = 0.12 s.





    (iv) state its direction of motion at t = 0.12 s.


    (b) Graph 2 shows the variation with position d of the displacement x of particles in themedium at a particular instant of time.

    Graph 2

    Determine for the longitudinal wave, using graph 1 and graph 2,

    (i) the frequency.


    IB Questionbank Physics 52

  • (ii) the speed.


    Graph 2 reproduced to assist with answering (c)(i).

    (c) The diagram shows the equilibrium positions of six particles in the medium.

    (i) On the diagram above, draw crosses to indicate the positions of these six particlesat the instant of time when the displacement is given by graph 2.


    IB Questionbank Physics 53

  • (ii) On the diagram above, label with the letter C a particle that is at the centre of acompression.

    (1)(Total 14 marks)

    49. This question is about mechanics and thermal physics.

    The graph shows the variation with time t of the speed v of a ball of mass 0.50 kg, that has beenreleased from rest above the Earths surface.

    The force of air resistance is not negligible. Assume that the acceleration of free fall is

    g = 9.81 m s2.

    (a) State, without any calculations, how the graph could be used to determine the distancefallen.



    IB Questionbank Physics 54

  • (b) (i) In the space below, draw and label arrows to represent the forces on the ball at 2.0 s.


    (ii) Use the graph opposite to show that the acceleration of the ball at 2.0 s is

    approximately 4 m s2.





    (iii) Calculate the magnitude of the force of air resistance on the ball at 2.0 s.





    IB Questionbank Physics 55

  • (iv) State and explain whether the air resistance on the ball at t = 5.0 s is smaller than,equal to or greater than the air resistance at t = 2.0 s.





    (c) After 10 s the ball has fallen 190 m.

    (i) Show that the sum of the potential and kinetic energies of the ball has decreased by780 J.







    (ii) The specific heat capacity of the ball is 480 J kg1 K1. Estimate the increase in thetemperature of the ball.





    IB Questionbank Physics 56

  • (iii) State an assumption made in the estimate in (c)(ii).



    (Total 14 marks)

    50. This question is about nuclear physics.

    (a) (i) Define binding energy of a nucleus.



    (ii) The mass of a nucleus of plutonium ( ) is 238.990396 u. Deduce that thePu239


    binding energy per nucleon for plutonium is 7.6 MeV.







    IB Questionbank Physics 57

  • (b) The graph shows the variation with nucleon number A of the binding energy per nucleon.

    Plutonium ( ) undergoes nuclear fission according to the reaction given below.Pu239


    nBaSrnPu 10




    23994 x

    (i) Calculate the number x of neutrons produced.


    (ii) Use the graph to estimate the energy released in this reaction.





    IB Questionbank Physics 58

  • (c) Stable nuclei with a mass number greater than about 20, contain more neutrons thanprotons. By reference to the properties of the nuclear force and of the electrostatic force,suggest an explanation for this observation.









    (Total 11 marks)

    51. This question is about electric circuits.

    (a) Define

    (i) electromotive force (emf ) of a battery.



    (ii) electrical resistance of a conductor.



    IB Questionbank Physics 59

  • (b) A battery of emf and negligible internal resistance is connected in series to tworesistors.The current in the circuit is I.

    (i) State an equation giving the total power delivered by the battery.


    (ii) The potential difference across resistor R1 is V1 and that across resistor R2 is V2.

    Using the law of the conservation of energy, deduce the equation below.

    = V1 + V2





    IB Questionbank Physics 60

  • (c) The graph shows the I-V characteristics of two conductors, X and Y.

    On the axes below, sketch graphs to show the variation with potential difference V of theresistance of conductor X (label this graph X) and conductor Y (label this graph Y).You do not need to put any numbers on the vertical axis.


    IB Questionbank Physics 61

  • (d) The conductors in (c) are connected in series to a battery of emf and negligible internalresistance.

    The power dissipated in each of the two resistors is the same.

    Using the graph given in (c),

    (i) determine the emf of the battery.




    (ii) calculate the total power dissipated in the circuit.




    (Total 12 marks)

    IB Questionbank Physics 62

  • 52. This question is about the energy balance of the Earth.

    (a) The intensity of the Suns radiation at the position of the Earth is approximately

    1400 W m2.

    Suggest why the average power received per unit area of the Earth is 350 W m2.




    (b) The diagram shows a simplified model of the energy balance of the Earths surface.The diagram shows radiation entering or leaving the Earths surface only.

    The average equilibrium temperature of the Earths surface is TE and that of the

    atmosphere is TA = 242 K.

    (i) Using the data from the diagram, state the emissivity of the atmosphere.


    IB Questionbank Physics 63

  • (ii) Show that the intensity of the radiation radiated by the atmosphere towards the

    Earths surface is 136 W m2.




    (iii) By reference to the energy balance of the Earths surface, calculate TE.





    (c) (i) Outline a mechanism by which part of the radiation radiated by the Earths surfaceis absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.







    (ii) Suggest why the incoming solar radiation is not affected by the mechanism yououtlined in (c)(i).





    IB Questionbank Physics 64

  • (iii) Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas. State one source and one sink (object

    that removes CO2) of this gas.

    Source: ..............................................................................................................

    Sink: ..................................................................................................................(2)

    (Total 13 marks)

    53. This question is about motion in a magnetic field and electromagnetic induction

    An electron, that has been accelerated from rest by a potential difference of 250 V, enters aregion of magnetic field of strength 0.12 T that is directed into the plane of the page.

    (a) The electrons path while in the region of magnetic field is a quarter circle. Show that the

    (i) speed of the electron after acceleration is 9.4 106 m s1.





    IB Questionbank Physics 65

  • (ii) radius of the path is 4.5 104 m.





    (iii) time the electron spends in the region of magnetic field is 7.5 1011 s.



    (b) The diagram below shows the momentum of the electron as it enters and leaves theregion of magnetic field. The magnitude of the initial momentum and of the final

    momentum is 8.6 1024 Ns.

    (i) On the diagram above, draw an arrow to indicate the vector representing thechange in the momentum of the electron.


    IB Questionbank Physics 66

  • (ii) Show that the magnitude of the change in the momentum of the electron is

    1.2 1023 Ns.



    (iii) Estimate the magnitude of the average force on the electron.



    (c) A square loop of conducting wire is placed near a straight wire carrying a constantcurrent I. The wire is in the same plane as the loop.

    The loop is made to move with constant speed v towards the wire.

    IB Questionbank Physics 67

  • (i) Explain, by reference to Faradays and Lenzs laws of electromagnetic induction,why work must be done on the loop.







    (ii) Suggest what becomes of the work done on the loop.



    (Total 12 marks)

    54. Which of the following will reduce random errors in an experiment?

    A. Using an instrument having a greater precision

    B. Checking the calibration of the instrument used

    C. Checking for zero error on the instrument used

    D. Repeating readings(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 68

  • 55. A body accelerates from rest with a uniform acceleration a for a time t. The uncertainty in a is 8% and the uncertainty in t is 4 %. The uncertainty in the speed is

    A. 32 %.

    B. 12 %.

    C. 8 %.

    D. 2 %.(Total 1 mark)

    56. Which of the following lists two scalar quantities?

    A. emf, momentum

    B. emf, weight

    C. impulse, kinetic energy

    D. magnetic flux, kinetic energy(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 69

  • 57. The graph shows the variation with time t of the acceleration a of an object.

    Which of the following is the change in velocity of the object in the time interval 0 to 4 s?

    A. 8 m s1

    B. 4 m s1

    C. +4 m s1

    D. +8 m s1

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 70

  • 58. A car accelerates from rest. The acceleration increases with time. Which graph shows thevariation with time t of the speed v of the car?

    (Total 1 mark)

    59. Which of the following is the condition for a body to be in translational equilibrium?

    A. The resultant force on the body in any direction is zero.

    B. The velocity of the body in any direction is zero.

    C. No external force is acting on the body.

    D. No work is done on the body.(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 71

  • 60. A stone attached to a string is moving in a horizontal circle. The constant speed of the stone isv.The diagram below shows the stone in two different positions, X and Y.

    Which of the following shows the direction of the change of velocity of the stone when movingfrom position X to position Y?

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 72

  • 61. The graph shows the variation with force F of the extension s of a spring.

    The work done in changing the extension of the spring from 3.0 cm to 6.0 cm is

    A. 15 N cm.

    B. 30 N cm.

    C. 45 N cm.

    D. 60 N cm.(Total 1 mark)

    62. The energy of the molecules of an ideal gas is

    A. thermal only.

    B. thermal and potential.

    C. potential and kinetic.

    D. kinetic only.(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 73

  • 63. Oil with volume V has specific heat capacity c at temperature T. The density of oil is .Which of the following is the thermal capacity of the oil?

    A. cV

    B. r


    C. cVT

    D. T



    (Total 1 mark)

    64. The volume of an ideal gas in a container is increased at constant temperature. Which of thefollowing statements is/are correct about the molecules of the gas?

    I. Their speed remains constant.

    II. The frequency of collisions of molecules with unit area of the container walldecreases.

    III. The force between them decreases.

    A. I only

    B. I and II only

    C. I and III only

    D. II and III only(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 74

  • 65. A particle oscillates with simple harmonic motion with period T.

    At time t = 0, the particle has its maximum displacement. Which graph shows the variation withtime t of the kinetic energy Ek of the particle?

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 75

  • 66. An object is undergoing simple harmonic motion with light damping. The natural frequency ofoscillation of the object is f0. A periodic force of frequency f is applied to the object. Which of

    the following graphs best shows how the amplitude a of oscillation of the object varies with f?

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 76

  • 67. The graph shows measurements of the height h of sea level at different times t in the Bay ofFundy.

    Which of the following gives the approximate amplitude and period of the tides?

    Amplitude Period

    A. 6.5 m 6 hours

    B. 13 m 12 hours

    C. 6.5 m 12 hours

    D. 13 m 6 hours

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 77

  • 68. Two waves meet at a point. The waves have a path difference of

    . The phase difference4

    between the waves is







    D. rad.(Total 1 mark)

    69. Two electrodes, separated by a distance d, in a vacuum are maintained at a constant potentialdifference. An electron, accelerated from one electrode to the other, gains kinetic energy Ek.

    The distance between the electrodes is now changed to



    What is the gain in kinetic energy of an electron that is accelerated from one electrode to theother?

    A. 3


    B. Ek

    C. 3 Ek

    D. 9 Ek(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 78

  • 70. The graph shows the IV characteristics of two resistors.

    When resistors X and Y are connected in series, the current in the resistors is 2.0 A. What is theresistance of the series combination of X and Y?

    A. 7.0

    B. 1.3

    C. 1.1

    D. 0.14 (Total 1 mark)

    71. The definition of the ampere refers to the

    A. number of electrons passing a given point per second.

    B. force between parallel current-carrying conductors.

    C. power dissipated per unit resistance.

    D. amount of charge transferred per second.(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 79

  • 72. A spacecraft travels away from Earth in a straight line with its motors shut down. At one instant

    the speed of the spacecraft is 5.4 km s1. After a time of 600 s, the speed is 5.1 km s1. Theaverage gravitational field strength acting on the spacecraft during this time interval is

    A. 5.0 104 N kg1

    B. 3.0 102 N kg1

    C. 5.0 101 N kg1

    D. 30 N kg1

    (Total 1 mark)

    73. Two isolated point charges, 7 C and +2 C, are at a fixed distance apart. At which point is itpossible for the electric field strength to be zero?

    (not to scale)(Total 1 mark)

    74. A long straight wire carries an electric current perpendicularly out of the paper. Which of thefollowing represents the magnetic field pattern due to the current?

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 80

  • 75. Which nucleons in a nucleus are involved in the Coulomb interaction and the strong short-rangenuclear interaction?

    Coulomb interaction Strong short-range interaction

    A. protons protons, neutrons

    B. protons neutrons

    C. protons protons

    D. protons, neutrons neutrons

    (Total 1 mark)



    IB Questionbank Physics 81

  • andYhavethesameinitialactivity.Thehalf-lifeofXisTandtheh

    IB Questionbank Physics 82

  • alf-lifeofYis3T.Afteratimeof3Ttheratio

    Y substance ofactivity

    X substance ofactivity




    IB Questionbank Physics 83

  • C.











    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 84

  • 77. The nuclear equation below is an example of the transmutation of mercury into gold.

    + XAu Hg H197



    The particle X is a

    A. gamma-ray photon.

    B. helium nucleus.

    C. proton.

    D. neutron.(Total 1 mark)

    78. The Sankey diagram of a fossil-fuelled power station is shown below.

    Which of the following best identifies the thermal energy removed by water and the usefulelectrical energy output of the station?

    Thermal energy removed Useful electrical energy output

    A. 2 1

    B. 2 3

    C. 3 1

    D. 1 2

    (Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 85

  • 79. World energy resources include coal, nuclear fuel and geothermal energy. Which of thefollowing lists these resources in order of primary energy use in the world?

    A. nuclear, geothermal, coal

    B. nuclear, coal, geothermal

    C. coal, geothermal, nuclear

    D. coal, nuclear, geothermal(Total 1 mark)

    80. Which of the following processes leads to the production of a nucleus of plutonium-239 from anucleus of uranium-238?

    A. Neutron capture by uranium nucleus

    B. Radioactive decay of uranium nucleus

    C. Electron capture by uranium nucleus

    D. Nuclear fission of uranium nucleus(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 86

  • 81. Water is contained in a tidal basin behind a dam. The water has a depth h at high tide and zeroat low tide, as shown in the diagram.

    The gravitational potential energy of the water stored in the basin between a high tide and a lowtide is proportional to

    A. .h

    B. h.

    C. h2.

    D. h3.(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 87

  • 82. Surface X has a temperature TX and emissivity x. Surface Y has a temperature TY and

    emissivity y. The two surfaces emit radiation at the same rate.

    What is the ratio































    (Total 1 mark)

    83. Large areas of rainforests are cut down and burned every year. The result of these actions is

    A. reduced albedo.

    B. reduced carbon fixation.

    C. increased evaporation rate.

    D. increased mass of atmospheric methane.(Total 1 mark)

    IB Questionbank Physics 88

  • 84. Data analysis question.

    The speed v of waves on the surface of deep water depends only on the wavelength of thewaves. The data gathered from a particular region of the Atlantic Ocean are plotted below.

    The uncertainty in the speed v is 0.30 m s1 and the uncertainty in is too small to be shownon the diagram.

    (a) State, with reference to the graph,

    (i) why v is not directly proportional to .




    (ii) the value of v for = 39 m.


    IB Questionbank Physics 89

  • (b) It is suggested that the relationship between v and is of the form

    v = a

    where a is a constant. To test the validity of this hypothesis, values of v2 against areplotted below.

    (i) Use your answer to (a)(ii) to show that the absolute uncertainty in v2 for a

    wavelength of 39 m is 5 m2 s2.






    (ii) The absolute uncertainty in v2 for a wavelength of 2.5 m is 1 m2 s2. Using this

    value and the value in (b)(i), construct error bars for v2 at the data points for = 2.5 m and 39 m.


    IB Questionbank Physics 90

  • (iii) State why the plotted data in (b)(ii) suggest that it is likely that v is proportional to





    (iv) Use the graph above to determine the constant a.






    (v) Theory shows that a =

    . Determine a value for k.2





    (Total 11 marks)

    IB Questionbank Physics 91

  • 85. This question is about kinematics.

    Lucy stands on the edge of a vertical cliff and throws a stone vertically upwards.

    The stone leaves her hand with a speed of 15 m s1 at the instant her hand is 80 m above the

    surface of the sea. Air resistance is negligible and the acceleration of free fall is 10 m s2.

    (a) Calculate the maximum height reached by the stone as measured from the point where itis thrown.





    IB Questionbank Physics 92

  • (b) Determine the time for the stone to reach the surface of the sea after leaving Lucys hand.






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