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Audience Questionnaire. -music videos-

I decided to create an online questionnaire for 25 people to go online and answer to enable me to get some ideas of what people want to see in a music video, what people don’t want to see in a music video and what sort of things make a music video successful and appealing to an audience.

Why did I choose to create my questionnaire online?

The internet has now become part of the majority of peoples everyday life. This technology is not dominating society and I felt that by creating a questionnaire online would make it more accessible, easy to complete and would allow me to get results instantly that I can then analyse. Many young people now have internet on their smart phone and as my target audience is 17 to 21 year olds, this new modern way of creating a questionnaire would be quick and easy for my target audience to complete.

I used SurveyMonkey to create my questionnaire ad I was able to create a free account and make it accessible for my audience to complete. I was able to create multi choice questions, drop down answers, and one line answers which make it look professional.

This text box given means the individual can write in the answer.

The drop down boxes allows the audience to select the answer that most suits them.

The multi choice options enables the audience to simply tick which answer applies to them.

I also created a hard copy questionnaire to give out to 10 people in my class, which overall gave me 35 individual results to then analyse. In my hardcopy questionnaire I originally had 15 questions, however I felt 5 of the questions were not needed therefore I did not include them in my results. This is one filled in…


Question 1)

‘Age:’ Age

10 to 16 17 to 21 22-28 29+

15 people were 10-16

As the majority of people I asked to complete my

questionnaire were my friends, most of them being the same age, however from

other research, we discovered that 17- 21 year olds are the typical target

audience for modern alternative rock.

17 people were 17- 21

3 people were 29+

Question 2)

‘Who is your favourite artist?’

The majority of people chose mainstream artists as their favourite artist. This is most likely because this is what teenagers are usually

exposed to on the radio, TV and the UK Charts. Some of the choices were Beyoncé, Drake and Imagine Dragons.

Question 3)

‘Do you have a favourite music video? If so please state the name of the artist and the name of the song’

All the answers that I acquired from this all depended on personal preference. A girl who has a passion for dance said Sia- Chandelier was

her favourite music video due to the nature of the video containing dance. Again, the majority of people chose popular videos they would

have frequently been exposed to. This indicates that in my music video, I need to make it appeal to a wide audience and create a video that is of the same standard as the videos you see on the UK Top 40.

Question 4)

‘Are there any music videos you strongly dislike? If so state the name of the music video and why’

The majority of people said they disliked videos that were created to be humorous and push the boundaries like Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda as

they said they just don’t find that sort of thing entertaining. Also many people said they didn’t like

Some videos as they found them unintentionally boring, that the music video was intended to be exciting however just did appeal to an audience. For example Gotye Somebody That I Use To Know was

mentioned 3 times.

Question 5)

‘Which type of music video do you prefer?’Type of music videos

Performance based Narrative Based Concept Based Performance & narrative

14 people said performance and narrative based videos

10 people said performance based videos.

8 people said narrative based videos

3 people said concept based videos

These results portrayed to me that my target audience

would most like to see a performance and

narrative based video which is what we will

now focus on to create.

Question 6)

‘In a music video what d you like to see?’What you like to see in a music video

Romance Comedy/light hearted Heart breakThought provoking Abstract/artistic

12 people said abstract/artistic

6 people said romance

10 people said thought provoking

4 people said comedy

3 people said heat break

It I clear that the majority of my

audience would prefer to see a

artistic/abstract video, when I then asked

them why, many said because they are

unique which makes them intriguing.

Question 7)

‘Would you rather see multiple locations in a music video or just one significant one?’ Multiple or one location

Multiple One

5 people said one location

30 people said multiple locations

A staggering 30 people out of 35 said they would like to

see a range of locations throughout the video. This allows my group and I to focus on creating a video with a dynamic location


Question 8)

‘Would you like to be able to relate to the storyline?’

Relate to the stoyline

Yes No Don't mind

16 people said they didn’t mind

13 people said no

6 people said yes

These results convey that a lot of people don’t mind

whether they can relate to the storyline or not which gives my group and I a lot of freedom as we can now

decide how relatable to make the story or how

unusual we make it

Question 9)

‘Would you rather a music video had a narrative that is related to the lyrics or a video that is open to interpretation?’

Related to lyrics or open to interpretation

Related Open to interpretation

19 people said related

16 people said open to interpretation

Ultimately, more people said they like the video to be related to the lyrics, however only by 3 people.

However, I think making the video relate to the video will

allow my group to create a music video that is understandable and

memorable, so whenever the song is heard, the audience immediately remembers the

music video.

Question 10)

‘What comes into your head when you think of the work ‘Cycles’?’

People came up with a range of ideas, the word bicycle came up 16 times, life came up 10 and seasons came up 5. these were the

most popular answers, however we also got things like continuous, clock and time. This helped give my group and I a better of idea of what sort of themes to incorporate into our

music video.

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