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Comparing my preliminary

task with my current task

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Front coverconventions

My preliminary task is lacking many of the main conventions needed to be a successful magazine and to appeal to my target audience (students). These would typically consist of bright colours, bold fonts, lots of photographs and images and a relatable mode of address.

The only conventional features of my magazine is the large, colourful masthead which is eye catching in contrast to the background, the informal term ‘Newz’ as it is relatable and understandable to the target audience and the photograph of the two students since they are the age of half of the students so the target audience would feel more connected. The shot type is also conventional as it is a mid shot and only focuses on the top half of the models.

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However, after learning a wide range of media technologies and how to make a magazine more conventional, I was able to create my current product more successfully.

This is conventional for a number of reasons, to start with, the layout is quite cluttered which is what my target audience said they would prefer, there is a limited amount of colours, consisting of yellow, red, black and white which is extremely conventional and is the typical colour scheme revolving around metal. There are bands I have featured which would appeal to the target audience as they would expect to see these kind of bands. I also used a more gory, effective font to connote blood, violence and terror.

The image is conventional since I have used make up to create a scary and disturbing appearance. It is in black and white to minimalize the colour scheme and a close up has been used to enhance the detail and make it more eye catching.

I decided to name the magazine ‘Destruct’ since it means to destroy something which is a connotation of violence which is highly related to the genre.

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photographyIn my preliminary task, my photography was very limited since I only used one photograph. This is a very simple mid shot showing two people which is conventional but very minimalistic and boring which is not what would appeal to my target audience.

The models I used are clearly students and therefore the same age as my target audience, this would make the magazine appear more relatable and more interesting.

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MISE-EN-SCENEThe photograph was taken in high key lightning which creates a cheerful and lively atmosphere which is appealing. The models are also wearig school uniform and since it is a school magazine this is conventional.

To improve this there could’ve been both a male and female model rather than two models to appeal to both genders.

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There was very little editing on this image, all I did was remove the background and enhance the light slightly to make it brighter, both of which using just a simple tool on Microsoft word.

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