

The profile and audience I aimed for.

My magazine is multi genre, every month focusing on one genre,or more streamlined to one thing, so you may ask, how can you have an audience, well like a news paper that covers many sections they aim for a class, and a intellect.

My audience are smart lower middle to upper class music lover, they like music, good music, regardless on what genre it is, they appraise the people behind it. But no be more narrow to sum it up in 3 words, “smart, but cool” would be it.

Dress code. And position.I wanted my model to wear glasses, I wanted him to have the smartCalculated look, to link with my target audience.

The blazer presents a smart but professional look(as he is in theMusic business) but it’s causally worn, like a smart, but coolPerson would do. Again trying to link with the audience.

I wanted the hands in the pockets, to show that its casual, asThe nature of the magazine, and the casual audience it wants,As a more die hard crowd, they would be into a more genreFocused magazine.

This is a dominate interpretation since the target audience I wantedIs a smart but cool person, thus supporting the ideas about myChosen social group and stereotype.


It is when I saw this picture of Elvis Costello

Who was known for dressing smart and sometimes criticised for the mix of genres, and although my magazine is not for people who do multiple genres it features it, this guys style was a key inspiration

How this links to my target social group

This links to my target social group for many reasons I set my target audience to be young cool and smart, and smart

people don’t discriminate, they like all genres of great quality and I want to give them the niche experience in my magazine. In other words I want to represent my target audience how they should be.

Typical target audience member (left)

Thought I needed one female in my work.

Other images to support me.My model is the age of the target audience, dressed and styled the way I want to treat them, smart and un-discriminatory.

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