Download - Question 2


How effective is the combination of your main

product and ancillary texts?In our film promotion package, we have a trailer, magazine cover and poster. Our film is called Synthacaine, and it is based on two gangs in Brighton going head to head for a new strand of cocaine. We aim to get as many people interested using a variety of push and pull marketing. Our unique selling point for our film is that it is post-modern and due to this we have challenged the basic character conventions, with a female protagonist group. Our tag line for our film, is linked and presented throughout all of our promotion package. Our slogan is ‘the jokes on you’. This is effective because it is a personal pronoun and therefore you think that the joke is on yourself (whoever is reading it). It also enters questions into the viewer’s mind of what is the joke, and encouraging them to want to see the film to find out. This also adds another post-modern element into our film of breaking the fourth wall. We did plan to break the fourth wall in our trailer, but didn’t get the right footage. So therefore made sure our voiceover had elements of this! Additionally, our poster and magazine had an image of the main character looking directly at the viewer, making them feel engaged. (active audience)

In relation to marketing our film to our target audience of about 15-25, we have made this into a social networking hashtag. We have an active Twitter account to complement our hashtag #thejokesonyou - on this account we will post additional information about the film and characters before the release date to build the film Synthacaine’s reputation. We are sure that this will be a positive platform to promote our film on as social networking ( web 2.0) is VERY popular, and the hashtag will hopefully have a word of mouth marketing effect if it gets trending. This is part of our pull marketing. We have inserted a range of techniques throughout our film trailer to ensure we will attract the right audience. The trailer represents our film in a way that it shows the fast pace atmosphere to the narrative.

Platforms It will appear on will be film festivals in uk & usa to gain status from film critics and film fans. Mainly indie ones such as Raindance. We will work together with the festivals promoting them while they promote us, cross media convergence. As we have chosen film4 as our distribution company - this gives us an advantage due to it being a conglomerate of channel 4. Therefore we will use this to take advantage of day time tv shows such a Sunday brunch and chat shows such as Alan Carr chatty man. This should increase our promotion to a wider audience. The release date is 14th February, valentine’s day. We chose this as most indie films are in the winter due to the big films being in the summer which are hard to compete with. We therefore felt it best to put the film on a recognised day as one; it sticks in your mind but two the day valentine’s day is a common day to go to the cinema for our target audience of 15-25. If they are going on a dinner date and cinema with their boyfriend/girlfriend, or single and decide to go out with their group of friends and not stay in alone seeing everyone’s loved up posts! At first we plan to play our films in as many indie cinemas as possible such as the duke of York cinema in Brighton –part of the picture house chain of independent cinemas. With the help of FILM4 we hope to get it into a select few Cineworlds and Odeon’s. However we are aware that by putting our film in to mainstream cinemas, our film will not have a popular showing time which could have a negative effect, but we are hoping that because valentine’s day is the start of half term that our target audience will be out of school/college/university for the week and therefore will more likely go to the cinema in the day time. Eventually creating a good buzz about the film so it can be shown in more cinemas.

We carefully thought about our use of mise-en-scene throughout our trailer poster and magazine so it would psychologically attract our target audience. For example, presenting designer make-up in the brief case. (for when the girls swap the drugs for their make-up) We hope this gives our trailer a more sophisticated feel, and will encourage girls to see the film as make-up is very much a craze at the moment with the use of social media showing celebs crazy looks. We also have used fur coats and knee high boots in our poster and magazine, which we hope will have the same effect.

The twitter page I made for a mock-up of our marketing plan.

Additionally, our release date it one week after London fashion week so feel that the passion for fashion will be in full swing the weeks following this. In relation to our props and costumes I feel that they flow throughout all three media products and all complement each other to promote a new age crime film.

Our film poster has a striking images of our main character, placed central looking straight down onto the camera. The way she is looking down gives the impression of her character and how she loves herself. We changed the hue on Photoshop to create vibrant striking colours, so when we place our poster on notice boards and bus stops it will stand out. When comparing back to my research, one of our main influences in terms of having a female protagonist was ‘Kill Bill.’ There promotion packages had bright yellow colours and the character as the main sense of attention, so we knew this was the way to market out USP by making it the centre of promotion. We have placed a 5 star rating in the top corner of the poster, on the left as you read left to right therefore it is one of the first things that hits you, and encourages you that this film is worth taking note of. We used the 5 star rating in all 3 of our products for this reason but also creating Syngery as the rating was from the magazine Empire which we used. We decided to use Bright colours to our poster with our magazine as we felt that it would give our package a specific look and easily recognisable. This could have a negative effect as it the magazine and poster will both attract similar people but we feel like creates continuity between products.

With the film magazine, we added a new USP to the actual magazine of having it in association with the BAFTAS presenting an Indie film special. After researching special

editions of empire, it was clear that the front cover was much less crowded and basic to show it was different. For example the James Bond cover for Skyfall as a special collector’s edition. From doing this we hope it will encourage more people to read this edition of the magazine compared to the loyal empire magazine readers. I feel that all three products work together efficiently to create a promotion package and entice an audience.

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