Download - Quesition 6

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-Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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InDesign is what I used most when creating my magazine. I first used the software when doing my primarily task which was helpful when coming to do the real thing. At first I found it hard to understand how the layers worked and how to place things the way I wanted to on the page. However, after finishing my primarily task I felt more confident with the software. I spent a lot of time on InDesign to create all my pages. It was very useful and an extremely effective way to do it and after time the software got easier for me to use.

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Photoshop was the hardest software to use for me. There were so many different ways in which you could change the image that it all become a little overwhelming. Over playing with the software I began to feel more comfortable with it. I edited all my images in photoshop because it allowed me to remove backgrounds and make my images better. Although it made my photographs better, I did find that everything I had no matter how small or big tool a lot time so maybe more practice was needed so I could pick up the pace.

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I used prezi to display my work in a more creative way. It's an alternative way of making presentations and allowed me to do it in a more attractive way. I had previously used Prezi and not liked my experiences with it. However, this time round I felt a lot more comfortable with it and created presentations a lot quicker which is why I used it for other pieces of my work.

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Although I liked Prezi a less time consuming and just as effective way of doing my work was through Microsoft PowerPoint. I proffered this option as I had used it many times before and was incredibly comfortable with make presentations using the software. I had no problems with this. Along side this I used Slide Share which allowed me to upload my presentations on PowerPoint onto my blog. I found this really good and even though I hadn't used the site before I found it easy to get things done.

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To capture my images I used my own Fujifilm camera as I knew it would prosecute high quality images which was vital when taking my pictures for my magazine. Having a natural interest in photography already I knew that it was important to consider the background, lighting and distance of my shots. Before taking my images I had a rough idea of the shots I wanted so I could create the right feel to my magazine. I think all my images used in my magazine were successful and what I wanted to achieve.

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I had never used Blogger before until starting this task. I really like this software and it's even encouraged me to have a blog for another subject. For this topic it's been an easy way to track my work step by step. I like the layout and structure of the site. I also found it useful as I could download the app version for free on my phone and it was still just as easy to use and allowed me to do more work on 'the move'. Over all I really liked blogger as it have me a structured layout and easy way to locate and read my work.

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When making my magazine I used a laptop and the Internet for help with a lot of my work. I used the laptop to create most of my magazine and access the different software's that I needed. I used the Internet mainly for my research for my magazine and online publications. These two things have been vital for creating my magazine and I am more than sure that I will be using them again in the future. 

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