
Qualities that Make a Great Property Management Company

When choosing the right property management company for your community, you will be asking a variety of questions to assess whether the company will be the right fit for your board and your residents. Here is an easy checklist of the top qualities to look for in a property management company.

#1 Good Communication


#2 Financial Stewardship

#3 Standard Operating Procedures

#4 Valuable Maintenance Partner Relationships

#5 Knowledgeable on Rules and Regulations

Genaro Diaz is the CEO of Nova Eagle Trace LLC, a property management company based in Miami, Florida. Nova Eagle Communities is dedicated to serve its clients with the highest professionalism and devotion. Genaro Diaz has more than 20 years of experience in business ventures. Under his leadership, Nova Eagle Trace, LLC, has built up a high position for the attainment, renewal, financing and administration of multifamily and single family home contracts.

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