
Quackery Lesson (Consumer Health Unit)

TSWBAT to analyze if an consumer health product advertisement is quackery or not .

TSWBAT differentiate between different advertising appeals.

What advertising used to look like

Flintstones cigarette commercial

Old PSA commercial

What is a Quackery

Doctor or advertisement that makes false claims

Health Fraud Advertising, promotion, and sales of products and

services that have not been scientifically proven safe and effective

Why protect yourself from quackery?

$$$$$ Do not want to waste money on products or services that do not do what they claimed

Do not want to use harmful products

You don’t want to delay valuable medical treatment

How to uncover health fraud

Is there a promise of a cure for a condition, which currently has no cure

Quick/Painless Results

Does it claim to work by some secret formula

Sold by telephone, door to door, mail order

Promoted by little-known person or group

Serviced through infomercials


Popular Types of Fraud Products

Beauty AidsPlay on peoples

fear of getting old, fat, and promise youth, beauty and sex appeal forever


Fraudulent Devices

Devices that are promoted to cure ailments or make false claims


5 Factors That Influence YOUR Decisions

Price: brand names cost more, usually well advertised.

Convenience: Pay more for convenience. When we are in a hurry to save time we buy



Top 10 Advertising Appeals

1 - Brand Loyalty: Convince person that one brand is better then another

2 - False Image Appeal: Implies that certain image will go with certain product

3 - Bandwagon Appeal: Implies everyone else is using particular product

4 - Humor Appeal: Contains catchy slogan or funny act that gets your attention

5 - Glittering Generality: Has claim that is exaggerated to appeal to an emotion

6 - Scientific Evidence: Includes results of surveys and lab results

7 - Progress Appeal: Emphasizes that a product is new and improved

8 - Reward Appeal: Offers special prize or gift

9 - Sex Appeal: A product that hints it will make a person sexy or attractive

10 - Testimonial: Technique uses a spokesperson to promote the product

How to Evaluate an Ad.

What is being advertised?Who is their target audience?What techniques are being used to

attract my attention?What emotions did this product/ad tap?What does the advertiser want me to

believe?What do I know to be a fact?

Appeal Commercials

Watch the following 11 commercials.

On your worksheet, choose to analyze three of the ten commercials to respond to. Please answer ALL of the questions on each commercial.

This worksheet will be handed in for class credit at the end of class.

Commercial #1

Shake Weight

Commercial #2

48 Hr. Diet

Commercial #3

Cover Girl

Commercial #4

Under Armor

Commercial #7

Shape Up Sneakers

Commercial # 10


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