
Puzzle Game Design

Kurt Bieg, Simple Machine

Kurt @

Classic puzzle game, you say?

Some examples:

Triple Town

Candy CrushSaga


Tetris Angry Birds


To What End?

Everyone want success

Everyone wants zen

Everyone wants mastery

Everyone wants fun

Everyone wants brains

Time Learning Morse Code

4 Elements of Classic Puzzle

Game1. Single Step Mechanic

2. Compound Agency

3. Presented Randomness

4. State of Order

1. Single Step Mechanic

Do one single thing and only one single thing

The Rubix Cube

The player may only rotate one row or column.

1. Single Step Mechanic

The physical design prevents the player

from making more than one move at a time.

2. Compound Agency

Sequential repetition of the single step mechanic



Writing a number in an empty space so long as it’s not a duplicate in a row, column, or box.

1. Single Step Mechanic

The first answers are simple.

More answers require more problem solving.

2. Compound Agency

3. Constrained Randomness

A set of objects in randomness.


1. Single Step Mechanic

Swap any 2 adjacent gems to create 3 in a row.

2. Compound Agency

Make as many matches as possible.

3. Constrained Randomness

Randomly repopulated gems.

4. State of Order

A final state the player is attempting to reach



1. Single Step Mechanic

Place a card on a pile if it is the opposite color and 1 less.

2. Compound Agency

Putting cards on increases difficulty for additional plays.

3. Constrained Randomness

The deck is shuffled each time the player restarts.

3. State of Order

All cards sorted into 4 piles by suit and value.

Bonus: Frequency

How often something occurs

A 2x2 grid of GO is not a game. A 19x19 grid of GO is one of the hardest games you’ll find.

Match 3•Number of gem types

•Number of moves in a given turn

•Total time

•Time per move

•Grid size

•Empty spaces

•Direction of swap

•Distance of swap

•Combinable gems

If there’s one thing you think is unchangeable, change it.

Pro Tip

Thank You!


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