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Pushkara Navamsha

Push means to boost / nourish and Kara means who does or what causes. Pushkara is

a special energy that nourishes. Navamsha is the most important Varga. Planet

positions in their Navamsha finally decide whether they are strong or weak in the

chart. Therefore Pushkara Navamshas become very important. They are specific areas

in charts that nourish and give planets the capacity to fortify themselves. This special

Navamsha allow the personality to flourish and its qualities become replenished. It is

always the Navamsha ruled by the same signs within the same elements that become


                    Pushkara  Navamsha Table by Signs and Elements


Elements Signs Pushkara °s Pushkara Navamsha

Fire : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

20° to 23° 20′26° 40′ to 30°


Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

06° 40′ to 10°13° 20′ to 16° 40′


Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

16° 40′ to 20°23° 20′ to 26° 40′


Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

0° to 03° 20′06° 40′ to 10°



Pushkara Navamsha can be classified   through Nakshatras Padas as follows:

3rd Pada Libra of Venus Nakshatras- Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada

1st Pada Sagittarius and 4th Pada Pisces of Sun Nakshatras- Krittika, Uttara Phalguni,

Uttara Ashada

2nd Pada Taurus of Moon Nakshatras- Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

4th Pada Pisces of Rahu Nakshatra- Ardra, Swati and Satabhisha

2nd Pada Taurus and 4th Pada Cancer of Jupiter Nakshatras- Punarvasu, Visakha,

Purva Bhadra

2nd Pada Virgo of Saturn Nakshatra- Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadra

Note: The following do not have Pushkara Navamsha

Ketu Nakshatras (Ashwini, Magha and Mula)

Mars Nakshatra (Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanista)

Mercury Nakshatras (Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati).


Important Observations:

o While there are two Pushkara in each sign, they do not fall in Aries, Gemini,

Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius Navamshas

o Aries, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius are male signs and their Navamsha may use up

all the energy available to them to regenerate the planetary qualities.

o Scorpio and Capricorn are female signs but these are complex areas within

signs. Scorpio creates sudden transformation and Capricorn makes planet feel much

burdened, even if they are well placed.

o The rulerships of the Navamshas are by benefic planets.

o Jupiter and Venus rules nine Pushkara each, one in fire, earth and air elements,

whereas Moon and Mercury rule one each in Water elements.

Pushkara Bhaga

Pushkara Bhagas are specific degrees where planets become auspicious to do good.

The exact degree becomes very powerful agent for being positive, whereas the

Navamsha is still powerful but not as intense as the degree.


Jataka Parijata, Adhyaya 1 Shloka 58 gives the following degrees:

21º Aries (Libra Navamsha)

19º Leo (Virgo Navamsha)

23º Sagittarius (Libra Navamsha)

These three fall in Venus Nakshatras and Fire signs

14º Taurus (Taurus Navamsha and Vargottama- Moon Nakshatra),

9º Virgo (Pisces Navamsha- Sun Nakshatra),

14º Capricorn (Taurus Navamsha- Moon Nakshatra)

Above Three are in Earth signs

18º Gemini (Pisces Navamsha- Rahu Nakshatra),

24º Libra (Taurus Navamsha- Jupiter Nakshatra),

19º Aquarius (Pisces Navamsha- Rahu Nakshatra)

Above three are  in Air signs

8º Cancer (Virgo Navamsha)

11º Scorpio (Libra Navamsha),

9º Pisces (Virgo Navamsha)

Above three are in Saturn Nakshatras and Water signs

Note: Pushkara Bhagas are not found in Ketu, Mars and Mercury Nakshatras


 Uses of Pushkara Navamsha and Pushkara Bhaga

 Jataka Parijata says that Pushkara should be used in Natal, Mahurtha and Prashna



o Lagna, Lagna lord, and 10th lords in Pushkara give great strength and good

luck to the birth chart. More planets in Pushkara, the stronger the chart.

o Any planet / planets in PN or PB strengthen the chart. Lagna Lord in PN/PB will

elevate the whole chart whereas the Karaka of a particular House will boost that


o If the Dasha lord is in Pushkara or the lord of Bhava Madhya that are Pushkara,

it will give special results in relationship to its significations.

o Yogakaraka and Yogas formed in Pushkara will give excellent results during

their periods.

o Planet in an exact degree becomes much stronger. If you have Sun exalted in

21º Aries, it is in Pushkara Navamsha and Bhaga. But this is also the debilitated

Navamsha of the Sun. Pushkara will make Sun strong instead of weak.

o If Lagna lord is Pushkara in your partner’s chart or vice versa means that you

have the ability to understand each other and your marriage will be fulfilling and

lasting. The karakas Venus and Jupiter in Pushkara degrees help make partnerships


o If a woman has Jupiter in Pushkara, then she will have good partner and


o Planets transiting Pushkaras generally give good results or will reduce their

malefic effects if adversely placed.


o There are 24 Pushkara Navamsha and 12 Pushkara Bhagas. Therefore every

hour a Pushkara Navamsha rises and every two hours a Pushkara Bhaga rises.

o When you need to find an auspicious time, you can chose a Pushkara Navamsha

or a Pushkara Bhaga. Some degrees reflect both the Navamsha and degree of

Pushkara. In Taurus, the Pushkara Navamsha and the degree are Vargottama;

therefore that particular position is extremely strong.

o While planning a Mahurtha, it would be good to choose a Pushkara degree or

Navamsha rising. This protects the chart and enhances its benefic quality.

o To have the benefic planets, Lagna lord, 9th Lord, 5th Lord as well as the Lord of

the house for which you are performing the Mahurtha to be in Pushkara Navamsha will

further fortify the chart.


o If the Prashna ascendant falls in Pushkara or the Karaka for question falls in

Pushkara, there will be a positive answer.

o If the Karaka for the question is placed in an evil House, namely 8th House even

though in a Pushkara Navamsha, we may predict that the objective will not be


o Since it is a Pushkara Navamsha, there are some underlying factors that will

make this negative aspect positive and we may interpret that the objective will be

achieved but with difficulty.

 Author’s Note

In Classical texts there is very little information on this subject and Jataka Parijata and

Chandra Kala Nadi dwell somewhat in a concise manner. Sri CS Patel’s book

‘Navamsha and Nadi Astrology’ gives different Pushkara Bhagas than what is in Jataka

Parijata. I use only the latter and hence CS Patel’s version is not given. Students can

refer the book for more information. Ms Komilla Sutton has done extensive research on

this subject and many aspects described above are credited to her. Students can

access her research papers Pushkara Navamsha and Pushkara Bhaga Part I and II for

some more information.

 Always remember Pushkara Navamsha is 3°20′ arc of a sign while Pushkara Bhaga is

a specific point in space or specific degree in a sign.

Akshaya Tritiya

Akshaya Tritiya falls on the third day of the Shukla Paksha of Vaishaka month, when

the Sun and Moon are in exaltation, which happens only once every year.   In this

Samvatsara, the date of Akshaya Tritiya is Monday the 13th May 2013.

It is widely celebrated in all parts of India by different sections of the society

irrespective of their religious faith and caste. Akshaya Tritiya, also known as “Akha

Teej”, is traditionally the birthday of Lord Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord

Vishnu. People conduct special Pooja on this day, bathe in holy rivers, donate to

charity and worship Lord Ganesha & Goddess Lakshmi.

The word “Akshaya” means imperishable or eternal – that which never diminishes.

Initiations made or valuables bought on this day are considered to bring success or

good fortune. Buying gold is a popular activity on Akshaya Tritiya, as it is the ultimate

symbol of wealth and prosperity. Gold and gold jewelry bought and worn on this day

signify never diminishing good fortune. Indians celebrate weddings, begin new

business ventures, and even plan long journeys on this day.

Hindus believe in the theory of “Mahurtha” or auspicious timings in every step in life –

be it to begin a new venture or making an important purchase. Akshaya Tritiya is one

such momentous occasion, which is considered one of the most auspicious days of the

Hindu Calendar.It is believed, any meaningful activity started on this day would be


It is also believed that this day marks the beginning of the “SatyaYug” – the first of the

four Yugas. In the “Puranas”, there is a story that says that on this day of Akshay

Tritiya, Vedavyasa along with Ganesha started writing the great epic Mahabharata.

Ganga or Mother Ganges also descended to earth on this day.

It is further believed that people born during this time excel in spiritual life and their

name will be eternally remembered. Those born during this period include

Basaveshwara, Ramanujacharya, Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Chinmayananda and

Buddha. If you look at May Panchanga, in the month of Vaishaka, all their Jayanthis are


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