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Infrastructure as (real) Code -

Managing your K8s resources with Pulumi

Johannes M. Scheuermann Stuttgart, 05. November 2018

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• Cloud Platform Engineer

• Kubernetes

• Golang

• …


Johannes M. ScheuermannMacht Dinge mit der Cloud ?


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How do you deploy your code to Kubernetes?


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So many choices (this list is not complete!)4

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Fire and forget!


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Creating Kubernetes resources


“kubectl create –f ...“


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Getting Feedback from K8s


“kubectl rollout status ...“

„Waiting for deployment "todo-app" rollout to finish:

3 of 5 updated replicas are available... “

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“kubectl get po –field-selector=status.phase!=Running“

„List of Pods that are not running“

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● CLI in Golang● JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, Golang● Supports Kubernetes 1.5+● Gives direct feedback● Also supports AWS, GCP, Azure, Openstack

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Pulumi and Kubernetes

● Kubernetes provider in JavaScript/TypeScript● Allows to mix cloud-infrastructure with deployments● Allows to define dependencies● Allows to define custom functions● Allows to use conditionals● Use Helm Charts● Combine Docker image build + deployment● Cascading Deployments

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Do I need to rewrite everything?


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Pulumi basics

● Pulumi manages projects● A Stack is an instance of your project● Pulumi can manage multiple stacks● A Stack uses packages (e.g. AWS, GCP, ...)● Each stack can be configured

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Demo time!


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● Looks like a nice alternative to terraform● Still in the early days● Up to date Kubernetes client● Nice to use all features from your IDE● Take a look at kubespy● Try it out

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Vielen Dank

Johannes M. Scheuermann

Cloud Platform Engineer

inovex GmbH

Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 6

76131 Karlsruhe

[email protected]

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Reading list


cloud-native-pulumi-pearls ●

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