
PT IND@IIOBII SUKSES INTERNASIONAL TbKWISMA INDOMOBIL 6th Floor, Jl. l\,1T Haryono Kav 8, Jakarta 13330Phone: 62-21 8564850, 8564860, 8564870 (hunting)Facsimile: 62-21 8564833Web site:

No. 378/rMSl/CS-788/vV 16

Kepada Yth.Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Pasar ModalOtoritas Jasa KeuanganGedung Sumitro DjojohadikusumoJl. Lapangan Banteng Timur No. 2-4

Jakarta 10710

2 J uni 2016

Perihal : Penyampaian Bukti lklan Pemanggilan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham ("RUpS")Tahunan PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk ("Perseroan")

Dengan hormat,

Sehubungan dengan rencana penyelenggaraan RUPS Tahunan Perseroan, dengan ini kamisa mpaika n hal sebagai berikut:

L. Dalam rangka memenuhi ketentuan Pasal 22 ayat (3a) Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, pada hariini, Kamis tanggal 2 Juni 2016, Perseroan telah memuat Pemanggilan RUpS TahunanPerseroan ("Pemanggilan RUPS") disurat kabar harian Bisnis Indonesia dan Jakarta Post.

2. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas, terlampir kami kirimkan bukti iklan berupa masing-masing satu (1) eksemplar surat kabar Bisnis lndonesia dan lakarta Post terbitan hari iniKamis tanggal 2 Juni 2Ot6, yang memuat Pemanggilan RUPS dimaksud.

Atas perhatiannya kami sampaikan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk

Jusak KertowidioioDirektur Utama Direktur


Tembusan : Yth. Direksi PT Bursa Efek Indonesia

/+FFr\ zz \ '\( 1t]01(l.rj {*:} LH Y tt $' RENAUIT


$suzuxr \/I()LIT.)


-iasi t'€sar dfaltara kedua perusihaan.Akuisisi paten Mictosoft termasuk ko-munikasi suara, multimedia dan kom-putasi awan .

"Ini lan8kah penting ke depan unhrkmendukulg ekspansi kami secara g1o

bal," uiamla seperti dikutip dad keteEngan rcsmi Micmsoft pada Rabu (1/6) .

Wakil Presiden Ekskutif Pengem-bangar Bisnis Microsoft Peggy Johnsonmenuturkan melalui keia sama itu,

sameer singh, analia tang barbasisdi lnggris mengunS,kapkan kesepa-

katan i memungk-inkdn bagi Xiaomimenyasar pasar di wilayah barat.

Xiaomi telah menjual 70 juta peranS-

kat pada 2015 yang temebar di Taiwar,Hong Kong, Singapura, Malaysia,Filipina, India, Indon€sia, dan BnsilSemenura itu, Il{icrosoft memiliki ka-pitalisasi pasar sekitar US$416.6 mitidr(Reutets/LulLs He'drat



ltemenuhi ket€ntlan Pasai 22 aysl (3)Anggaran Dasar Pets€roan, de.san ini Direksl menguMsrc par, pemeqang shamPersem€n untuk n€nghadiri Rapai Umuln Pereg6ng Saham Tahlnan Perc€oan ('Rapaf)vang al(an diselenggaGk6n pada:

Hai, Tanggal : Jumat, 24 Juri 2016Waktu rPukul14.00Jd15.00WBTenoat : Wrsnalndoinobill.lafllais

Jl. MI Haryono Kav I, Jakana 13330

Itaia Aca6 Rrpal

fllra Acsn t I

Perseluilen atas Lapo.rn Tahunan Oilltsi tnetg€nai t€ dan jaLnnyi usaha Pe6€roan unlut Tahun Arto 2015

Peng€$nan alrs Pdhlt ngar Tahun.n (LaPor.n P6lsi Keuangrn Kon!.ilthst &o ttporar La!6 Rugi dlnP.nghr6ilan Komgeh€nsd Lrn Konsolldasianl untul Tahun Euku 2015, 3.rta PGluna$r (hn P.mbebasanbns;uns jrwrb s€Fnuhnya (rcqult el deh.'ge) kopada anssot Drctsi dan D6mn Komisarb P66clDan

oefleJa$n Vata Aca€ 1 dao lvb|a Acara 2:

Sesiai kelenban Pasal 18 ayal (9)dai Pasal 20 ayat (2)dan (3)Anggatan Dasat Pets€lbar seda Pas€l 69 dan Pael 78

aFt (3) Undaqundans Nomo. € Tahun 2m7 bntang'P€E€rcan Tsbatas ('UUPn, o!"ki mengus'rlksn kepada Rapat

uftrr: a) rnenyetqoi Lapolan Tanunan Dieksi mengenai keadaan da. ialannya ueh, Psss€n unluk Tahm Euku 2015

m€ng€sankan Pernitungan lanunan Perseio3n dan Alak Peii$haan untuk Tahln Euku 415 yang diaudil obn Kanlo.

Akunian Publik Pufl?nlo{o, slngkorc & sl]ria, dalam laporannya Nlo Rrc512/Pss2o16 te'bwd 24 Marel2016 d€r$npenrlapat wajar tanpa nndifikasia., sekaligus msnerima baik Lapocn Dewan Konisarili b) m€mb€ribn p€lunasal dan

p€mb€basa. s€penuhnya (ac4uit st d€cha,ge)kepa& anggois Direksi dan D€w8n Komisans Perseroan aias p€ngurusan dan

oenga{a$nrra di ranun Euiu 2015.

[ara r@r. 3:Psnbdgi:n dividen PeEer!6n Taftun Euku 2015.

96 ardt (1)dan (2)

m€nsbpl€n b€sar dan l€nisS€lanFtrya Dueksr

s€da fasillas lain bagi

anqgola Dile\s,. kep.da Dewan (on,sans ods'@n

Mata Ac:r. 5'


X.nrorm,nt"n rublirunt,|(nE rgdudiPsttbuloan Pers€tocou lkfahti 8&r 2016' tarihn PcNtaptnp.6ya6bn p.nunjulan bB€bot

Penielasan Maia A.ard 5:

Pe€€loan m€ngajukan Ndan pelimpaha.r wnang kepada oewan Komassis Pssenhn ui'tuk mgnlnjuk Kantor !tunlanPublik yan! aGn mengaudil p€mbukuan Pe'se|Dan untuk T€hln Buku 2016, boril'd pen€lap€n p€Fvaralan penuniul€n

CATAT li :

1) Pers€man tidak m€nglimkan urdangan le$endid kefada pa" penegang sahan Prsoroan {panggilan lnidianggaP sebagai

2) Yaig bsh;k hadn abu diwrkili dalam Rapat adalah para pene$ng saham yang flanEnva lel!3lat dalsm oaflar Pemegang

Sah;m Pe$ oan pada hari Rabu, bnggal 1 Juni 2016, jam 16.15 WlE Bagi p€meg€ng rekBning efek PT Kuslodian Senhal

Efek hdonesia (KSEI) dalan Penitjpan Koieklif (Anggota Butsa8ank Kustodian) diui ajibkan memb€tixan dala i.vesi yang

dik€ltanya kepada KSEI unbk mendapat€n Konfinnai Tertuli, Unt* Rap:t (KIUR)

3) Para pemegang s:nam yang b€fiatangatr hadn daprt msrunjuk sed g hasa d€ogan mgnb€d(an Surdl Kuasa vang sah

dalam b€ntrk dan isi

'"rE d',tenhrkan oleh Dit€tsi, dtEan kebn an bahe? anggol! Direkt dan Kdni$ds setb karyawan

PeG€man tdak dio€ftflantall unluk bertindd( s€bagai kuasa p€negang sahatn dalam Rapal te6ebut

4) Formulir S{rat Kua$ dapat djpemleh muhi hati Kamb tanggai 2 Juni m16, setap hati kerF anlara putul 09 0G17 m WIB

dlkador Petserc€n, Wsma Indonriil 1 adai9, Jl. Ml Ha.yono Kav 8, Jab.t? 13330, Indo]r€Eis d€ngan menghubungr

CorpoEte S€aretary Pers€rcan

5) Sagi paia pffEgang sabam Pe|setoan ya.E bed€ntuk pelseman ledatas, kotir6i' ydyara ahu dafla pssun agal

n€mb6,r3 folokopr anglFcn 6samya.6) Laporan Tahunan Fng n'erual PernitungEn Tahlnan Psls€ro.i (Lapd"n Po€ls K€{6l'gan Kon€olhasan dan L';poran

L!h, Rlgi dan Pengnasilan KornprelEnsif bin Konsol'das|an) tahun buku m!5. lels€G€ di kanlof PelssDan s€Fk haiKariis ta;glEt 2 Juii m16 dan dapat dip€Eleh alas p€nninla:rl ledul|s pem€gang sahan kepada Coqd-ate S€..ehry

Pec€Ean-;ada s€tiap h.d tefja. Lapor-an t€rs€but juga d.pal dipsoleh ps.a Phat '€ng

b€i<sp€nlingan pada had dait

lanooal diadalannva Raoat t€|s€but7) oe;i k6i6njban 6rs€lengga60ya Rapat leBebui. p.ra p€megdng saham atau kuasanva dihahpkan kshadi€nnya 30 menit

s€oeluF RrPal d,murai.

J.liir,lz Ini 2016

PT lll00 08lL suKsEs lrl-IERliAsloNAl ftk

Seslar d€nSan ksl€ntuan Pa*l 11 ayal (8) dar Pas.l 14 syal {13)&lgaraosbrb Pasat 113 UUPI, p€ne{apan keoiFksana,n be*rilan dengan remunerasj

Brsnrs lrdcresra, Kams 2 Jn 2015Fhlaren 11


oneksi PeFeroan dengan ini membeilahukao kepada PaE Pefi€ga'g sz

Pe6€rcan telah mengadakan Rapat Umum Pemegang saham Tahunan'('R

A. Iangg.l, $r.ktu, Tsmprt drn M.t AeE Rapn

: 31 Mbi2016. 10.45 - 11 .41


Jt. Oaan Mogot KM- 16

Jakarta,1145O-1. Laporan oircksi P€rs€rcan mngdai k€adaan dr

Peercan *laro Tahun Buku 2015temasuk LaP

O€wBn;is selama Tahun Buku 2o1s2. PeGsiujlan dan pengeshan Keuangan I

dan Entitas Anak untuk Taiun Buku 2015.

3. Penelapan Penggunaan L:ba Komprehensif Pels

1. Msta A€E Ra@t P€rlama dan Kedua :

RapBt s€cara mlsyawa6h untuk muiakat m€mltlskan menveljd I

Men€rha baik Lapo.a. Direksi mensenai ,al.nnya pensurusan Pds6r

ielah dEpai sdarm lahun b{ku 2015 l€.rnaslk laporan P*d€E& tKdDb€rs sdam lahun buku 201 5 atau yang berakhir pada langqalld* dleldit delt Karno.Atunlan Publik hi, B4$d'9, Sulislianb Dt€rr|l/'ata dan su€tnya No. R.11 .2015re3v16€l 18 M3rct 201{

10.45- 11.40wl8PI SuprenF calro Manufaclldns & Comherc€ ftk

c. Jrmlahsaham yang H.dlr -Raoat dhadin oleh para Pemegang Saham dan/atau kuasa Pemsgantbedumldr 179.015.824 saham abu mewakili87.08 % dad jwlah kes€lur

s!6ra yang sah yang tslah dikeluarkan Perseroan sanpar d€

D. P€mbni.n KcemDabd t.pada Pen€ Sah.m untlk cngaJut.tlmbdil€n Pe.tdaortDal€m faapat tekn dib€rikan kes€mPaian kapada Pemegang Saham lniuldan/alau reabeiikan pendapat p3da etiap mala M€ Rapar

E. Jumlah Fem.gans S.ham yans l|engaJuk.n Pert nvaan dartalauPada m6b @E F€pat Pe.L.n€ empai dengan ketujuh tdak ada yang

.dadaLq mhbsikan pend€par.

f. tLlanLlt|o P.igEmbil& K.putus taaparKeputuen diambil secara musyawarah untuk muialat, namun apabraK(le Pei€gEng Saham ad3 y4rg $dak rerryetujui atau ltMHkan slardlambll deng€n 6€ pemungulan suaE.

G. tlail P.mungutan 5@6Kelltlsd dalam mala acara Rapat Pe.tama s€mtai dengd ketuj!fi dia

ur r* nr'ifakBi.

Oeng.n ditdimanF Laporan Dneksi mengsnai kegiatan Peeroan u.

Pengesahan talo€r Posisi Keua.Ean Konelidasian da. Laporan

Ko.soldasian Pee@n untuk Tahun Buku yang b€.aknn bnggal 3

de.E6. demikianb€€dl juga menbsik n dan

d6 d|,EE] kepada DiBksi dan Ddan Kombstis Pe@roan alas tift. PelE4as€n yang reEr. jalankan selama lahm bsk! 2015 epanFn

merupak n lindak pidana dan terc€min dal6m Laporan Possr Ks(tapqan Laba Rlgi Kompr€h€nsrf Konsolida6lan Pels€@n

2l Mata l€ra F€P.i Kollga :

\ Rapat s@E musyasarah untuk mufakat mmutuslsn nFvetujua l

M€ng$Ekan i@nnhgan becih tah!.2015 s€b€. Rp 154 89€.97'' d€taoa.r miliar delapan EiB sbihn puluh deLpan jota s€mbilan re

enam ratus empat puluh Rupiah) s€bagai b€dkul :

S€b€$r Rp,- (enp€t puluh snam niliardua latus

.sU! 6nam putoh lima ribu Rupiah) dib6gikan s€bagaidividen iunyrng akan dibagikln kepada 205-583:400 (d!a Etus lima lota llm.

db! eopat Eus) $hah, *hingga i€tiap sahd trPndagat divld€

(du6 atusdua puluh lima Rupiah).

S€beer Rp,- 0!iuh mjtisr Rrpaah) untuk Oana Cada

s€dangkan sis,€ s€b€sr Rp 165.642.709.€,40,- (seatus lims mlir

due iula tujuh 6tus sembilan nbu enlrn |atc4mPat pirluh Rupiah


P€mbagian divid€n akan dilakukan pad6lsnggai 1 Juli 2016 de6ga

tunai $iumlah Rp 22s.- (dua Eius dua Puloh lim6 Rupiah)psr len

pefi;gang saham Pe6€rcan yang namanya tetcal.t dalam but! |

Pe6€@ftpada lanlgal l0 Jrniml6 pkul 16.15 WB dengFn @E per


ugnlefeq oymenr-

Sutoyo Siswomi-the AImy gener-

n attempted coup. The failed coup,iI, triggered a na-rsPected commu- .

of communism in

ected the ongoing

'cess that the gov-

t up, arguing thatle the rise ofcom-)untry and wouldh of a communist

elites, supportersre PKI enjoy tleireconornic arrd po-e of their relativesJ at various state; called for al ad-tr5 Constitution tocommunism, Le-

lforoner was sentenced :

ionment aDd r lst(US$36s,372) fine.ison since.Decem-

Law No. i3/2002on stipulates that'ison sentence f,orr with a maximuin,n, while the No. /2016 al-prison sentence ofcisonment and the

ajter the i4c'ident]re National Corn-Protection (Kom-

re children servicdbut they never vis-rr asked about theaughter.) govenmentdoto" AM said.)fessor at the Uni-ria Frieda M?ingunl-who lived aroundC support thenl belhappenedtothem

exual abuse alsoo who can Isten totheir side to watchrt. A-nd we should

' feel codfortablee," Frieda told the

conllurusl. sElruruEur uurrxB urcevent, he ref€rred to history, notingthat the PKI v/as the main opponentof t}le AImy, and thus deep distrustbetween their supporters was un-derstandable.

'Reconciliation is a comprehen-sive concept," he said, emphasizingthat the process went beyond thehistoric rivalry between the two in-stitutions.

ment. In lne luul 5uruey, lJ pefcenl0I re5p0lluellts lesolteu tu guvell lle lservices in addressing their welfate needs.

Survey c0ordinator Amalinda savirani, a political scientist from UGM, saidWednesday that this was the percepli0n of people because welfare securitywas only trumpeted by political hopefu-ls when campaigoing.

"Sinre the 2004 Social Security Law's implementation during the Mega-wati presidenct many politi(ians have used a welfare-based campaign toattract votert" Amalinda said during a visillo the Jokorto Post.

5he added that the use of "welfate-based campaigning" was also a result01 direct elections being implemented in the same year. -/P

Jakarta Post, Jre 2,Pa9 l



ln comdianc€ with Ar0cb 22 paragraph (3)ol th€ Adrcl€s ofAiso.aa0on of tE Com?any. tre Boad ol Dileclols heEby invites the Companys stureholders to atlend lo tEAnnual G€neEl Me€tjng ol Snarcholders ( Meeling') ol the Company vnicn wil b€ held on:

16! PT INDOMOBILt\gtIDs*.,1

Day. Dale.- llr|e


A!9!C9-c te-Ulrlilc


r Fdday, June 24i 2016

r 02.00 p.m. until03.00 p.m ['resl lndonesia l]mer Wsma Indomobil 1 , 5n Floor

Jl, MT Baryono Kav 8, Jakai6 13330

App.oval of tie Boad ot Diredo6 Annllal Repon te$ding condition and colrs€ of business ol tl€ Company lor be flscal Year o{ 2015.

As9!C!2Rarifcation ,or tlle annual calcularion (Consolidaled Slatemenl Oi Financal Position and Consoldaed Slatement ot Poft of toss and Olher Compfehensve lncome)for

the Fis€l Year of 2015 and the gFriing of a tull acquitial and discharge oi responslbililies (acqul ot decha,ge) to ali memb€6 of the Board of Dirccloc and lhe Board oi

Commissione6 of lhe ComDany

E plaiaton d Aoenda 1 and Ae rd, 2

tn accordance with Anicb 18 paragraph (9) aftd Mide 20 p3rasBph (2j and (3) ol he co,np6ny 6 A'tcles ol As,ocialion and Alde 69 and Adict 7s Fragraph (3) of fle Las

No ,lO Year 2m7 rega.ding Limited Uabilily Company ('Compa.y Law'), t€ Board of tl€.lors proposes to lhe Me€lin! fo. a) apprcving the Eoad of Oirecloc Annuai RePod

rcg6rdin9 condition and cou6e oi busin€ss ol lh€ Company tor fi€ FiscalYear o12015, rabtin! the Company! annualc€lculalron and its SubEdiaries for th! Fis€lYear oI'2015 which was audited by PublicAc.ountanl Firm PuManlono, Sugkoro & Srlia pursuant !o ils report No RPC612/PSS20]6 daled 24 Ua/ch 2016 w n unqualffied odrion,

and at the same lirn€ acceptins lhe €pon bt the Boad ofcommissione6 b) granling a tul acquit€l and discharge (rcqrd el de crarys) lo all membeE ot lhe Soard ot greclo€

and ltle Boait o{ Commission€rs of ih€ Company fof .ll of lheir managEmenl aM supervisory duli* during h€ Fisoal Year ol 2015

Aoenda 3

oisfiMion of h€ Coflrpany s dMdend for tE Fis.5l Yeti oI 2015

Erclanation orAo€ndi 3

In ac.ordanc€.wnh Anicle 25 of lne company s Articles ol Associauon and Article 71 oI rhe company Law, the Board ol Drleclo's Foposes lo h€ MeeDn! to apFo;e Ue

' disbbution ol dtidend to $e shaEholders ol tf)€ Company.


o€l€minalDn or polic-y regardrng remuneElDn lor the members oifie goarC of O reclo's ano golrd of Comm|ssone$ of the Compaiv

Erplarulior o'Aoenda 4

h accordance wldl Arlct€ 11 paragraph t8, and Aftd€ 14 pa?graph (.3) ol ge Company! Mcles 0t A.soc€l o- rnd Artd€ 96 parag'aph (1ia"d l2landAttcle 113 ol th€

ConFny La*, the deteminalion oJ policy r€garding ierurEration ot f€ membeE of he Eoad otDieclors and Boald of Comnissioners ot tle CooPany wec d€lemin€! by

ttE General Me€ting ol Shareholde6 rGMS'), while lire auhority of lhe GMS 1o detefnine tl€ amounl and knd of rEmuneralion and oti€r faciltes for the A€rd ot Dr€clols ol

lie ComFny may be delegated 10 the Boad of Commissione6 of ih€ Compsny. Furthet tle Board ot Direclors popos€s lhal trc GLlS delega€s he autholily lo determrf€ lh€

amounl and kind ol remunerat oi as ielL as other tacilities tor the memb€E of lhe Board of 0ire€1o6 lo the Board of CommissioneB ol li€ Company

Aoenda 5

Appoinlment of a Pubtic Accouniant to audir rhe Company's books ot aclounrs ior rhe F6cal Ye3. of 2016 includ ng d€iemination ol lhe requirement jor sJch appoinimefll


Tk Conpany d€tegalon ol authodly lo lne Eoard oi Co;missoners oi lhe Company to appoint a PubL Accounlanl Fim whach rill audil be Company s book tor he

Fiscal Year ot 2016 including C€lennioation or the requil€ nent ot sudr apginlnent.


1) Ihe Comp,any does nol send a separate hvilallon lo Compant's shareholders (thls noiice shall be considered as the oficiar invlla|on).

2) Thos€ w6 arc entrtt€d to attend lo the Meetino shall be hose shareholders dros€ names ae €gisiered n he Registe. of ShafehoLder oi lh€ Conpany on Wednesday

Jurp 1i 2016 ar 04 15 p m. West Indonesla llme. For shaGholder qhose sha€s arE deposrcd at lhe Colteclive Deposiiory (f€ member ol Slock Exchange/C6lodtan, Bank) in PT Kuslodian Sentral Efek lndonesia (XSEI) arc rEqurrEd 1o Fovide dala ol inrcslof managed by lhem in order to obtain a Wften ConfrfiEtion lor attendng t'e

' lleehg (XonrinrdsiTetulrs Unruk Rapar (XTUR,

O Tne sh;laholders who ar€ unable b anend may appoint a piory by submiting a Poirer ol Atto.ney in lhe tonn and conteni as delennined by tf€ Boad olojlEdo{s. pro/i,ed

hat tne member of lhe Board oi DnedoE and the Board ol Commissioners. including employe€s ol lie Conrpany, shall iot be permilled lo act as proxi€s in lhe Anrlual GMS

4) ne Hank foiri ot the Pow€r ofAtlomey can be obtained as _of

Tlursd4 JLhe 21i, i016, in every wo*ing day during 09 O0 a m to 05.m p m U{esl lndorEFra Tfne ,{ he .ComDanv's offce bv contaclno llre ConDan! s Coroorata Sec{elarv atWsma Indomobi 1, th F oor Jl MT Haryono Kav. S,Jakan:13330 IndonesiaCompany's offce by contactng 1ie Conpany s Corporata sec{elary atwsma Indomobi l,ghFoorJl MT Haryono Kav. S,Jakan:13330 Indonesia r :

5)Forlheconpany.sshareho|de6in|heiomro'a|imiled|dbifyc6mpanycooP'abon'Ioundation.orp€nsionfndsha|br]nlracopyofiisArlic|esoisd,||on,.,6) Ih€ Annual Repod omprisiig ol lhe Finandal Statemeri (Consolldalei Slat€menl Oi Fin3ncial Posilion and Consolidated Slatemenl or Prcfl oi Loss ald Of'€r

Comprenensi\€ IncomeJtor r,re FiscalY€ar o12015 shallb€ available al lhe Conpany\ ofic€ as ol Tlu|sday. June 2d,2016 and can be obltined upon a wrinen requesl

ol sharehol&B by conlactng the Conpany's Coryoral€ Secretary in e!€ry md{ng day Suct repon can dso b€ obtained by lhe slakeholde6 on lh€ day and tle dde o,

' t'e Meehng

I For ln€ good ord€r ol h€ hotding ot suc.t Meeling sha€holdeG of th€r proxies are €qL€sled lo adve 30 minules belore th€ scnedLrled ol tle Melmg

. Jakarta,2June 2016

Eoad of DirEclors




No. 378/IMSI/CS-188/VI/16 2 June 2016

To: Executive Head of Capital Market Supervisory Indonesia Financial Services Authority Gedung Sumitro Djojohadikusumo Jl. Lapangan Banteng Timur No.2-4 Jakarta 10710

Subject : Submission of Advertisement Regarding the Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) of PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk (“Company”)

Dear Sir,

Regarding the plan of holding the AGMS of the Company, hereby we submit the following matters:

1. In order to comply with the provisions as stipulated in Article 22 paragraph (3a) of theArticles of Association of the Company, on this day, Thursday dated 2 June 2016, we havepublished the Summon of the AGMS of the Company (“Notice of AGMS”) in daily newspaperBisnis Indonesia and Jakarta Post.

2. In connection with the above, please find enclosed the advertisement evidence each 1 (one)exemplar of daily newspaper Bisnis Indonesia and Jakarta Post which have been publishedtoday, Thursday dated 2 June 2016, which contain such Notice of AGMS.

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours, PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk

Jusak Kertowidjojo Santiago Soriano Navarro President Director Director


CC: Board of Directors of Indonesia Stock Exchange

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