Page 1: PSY 368 Human Memory Working Memory cont. Demos and reviews

PSY 368 Human MemoryWorking Memory cont.

Demos and reviews

Page 2: PSY 368 Human Memory Working Memory cont. Demos and reviews

Baddeley’s Model


Visual scribe

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Phonological Loop• Two parts: Phonological Store (PS) and

Articulatory Control Process (ACP)• PS - stores auditory info for 1-2 s and then it starts to

decay• ACP - recodes visual info into auditory code for

storage and controls rehearsal

• 4 Main Effects in Serial Recall Task to account for• Phonological similarity effect• Articulatory suppression effect• Irrelevant speech effect• Word length effect

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Phonological Loop• Demos

Listen to list, recall words in order


Listen to list, recall words in order


Listen to list, recall words in order, while I read the words say ‘the’ aloud


Read list, recall words in order, while I read the words say ‘the’ aloud


Listen to list, recall words in order, while I read the words say ‘the’ aloud


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Phonological Loop

• Memory worse for items that sound alike than those that look alike or have similar meanings

• Visual items are recoded to auditory for storage and rehearsal by ACP

• List 1 (Easy to remember/dissimilar phonology and semantics): • PIT, DAY, COW, PEN, HOT

• List 2 (Only slightly harder than List #1/similar semantics) :• HUGE, WIDE, BIG, LONG,

TALL• List 3 (Much harder than List

#1/similar phonology) :• CAT, MAP, MAN, CAP, MAD• What happens if you prevent the recoding of

visual information into auditory information?

• Works for both auditory presentation and visual presentation of the letters.

• Phonological Similarity Effect

e.g., Baddeley (1966)

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Phonological Loop• Articulatory Suppression Effect

• Engaging in an auditory task after study removes phonological similarity effect for visual items• Procedure: Say “the” aloud over and over

• No re-coding of visual info by ACP• Phonological info gets in directly, doesn’t need re-coding

Auditory presentation: PGTCD (similar sounding) harder to recall than RHXKW (different sounding)Visual presentation: PGTCD (similar sounding) recalled equally as RHXKW (different sounding)No re-coding, so no chance for

similar sounds to interfere

With suppression

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Phonological Loop• Irrelevant Speech Effect

• Background speech presented during study decreases memory for visual items

Salame & Baddeley (1982)

96 7 8 32

‘one’ ‘four’ ‘five’ Semantically similar‘tun’ ‘sore’ ‘fate’ Phonologically similar

‘tennis’ ‘double’ Phonologically differentQuiet control

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Phonological Loop• Irrelevant Speech Effect

• Background speech presented during study decreases memory for visual items

Salame & Baddeley (1982)• Amount of disruption is determined

by phonological similarity• In other experiments

• showed no word-length effect for irrelevant speech

• If rehearsal is prevented, irrelevant speech effect disappeared

Conclusions:• Irrelevant speech interferes with recoding of visual info

to auditory

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Phonological Loop• Word-length Effect

Results• Recall decreases as the

length of time it takes to say a word increases.

• Rehearsal takes longer for longer words - can’t rehearse as many times

Baddeley, Thomson, and Buchanan (1975)

• Retrieval from PS also takes longer due to auditory coding of items

• Reading rate correlated with memory ability• Digit span depends on language - how long it takes to

say numbers

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• Potential Problems with the model• Some of the supportive results can’t be

replicated (e.g., irrelevant speech effect)• Model can’t explain all results:

• why word-length effect is larger for visual than auditory items

• why it differs based on serial list position• Why some effects persist after extended delays

(e.g., 5 mins)

• Model is not precise in explanation of effects

Baddeley’s Model

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Cowan’s Activation Model

• Cowan (1999)

• WM = info that is currently highly activated from STM or LTM

• Focus of attention• Emphasizes attention’s

role in activation• Activation of info when

attention is oriented to it

• Activation will decay to cause loss of info from WM (also interference)



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Cowan’s Activation Model

• Central Executive • Focuses attention and

other control processes• Capacity of about 4 chunks

• Duration of 20s without reactivation

• STM• activated items that

are just outside of attention - passive store• Things within attentional

focus are available to consciousness



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• Potential problems with the model• Only general descriptions so specific

predictions are hard to make• Activation is not operationally defined very

well - when is something is “activated”?• What causes decay? Passage of time isn’t


Cowan’s Activation Model

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Nairne’s Feature Model

• Items represented in WM as individual features (e.g., color, length, etc.)• Features indicate

• presentation info (e.g., font, size, gender of voice, etc.) • meaning info (e.g., what the item means, category,

etc.)• Stays the same regardless of presentation

• Features represented by -1 or +1 when studied (yes or no for a feature, 0 if no info for feature)

• Interference: Later items with same features overwrite feature info for previous items

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Nairne’s Feature Model

Bold Lower Upper Blue

SCHOOL +1 -1 +1 -1

fish +1 +1 -1 -1

• “fish” presented after “SCHOOL”

- features in common can be overwritten - SCHOOL can become 0, -1, +1, 0

- interference

During retrieval, item features are compared with items in memory - lost features can be updated and restored

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Nairne’s Feature Model

• Quantitative model - numerical predictions are possible - can simulate data to generate predictions for studies• Simulations show that model can predict:

1) Recency effect2) Suffix effect

3) Phonological similarity effect

4) Word length effect

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Summary of WM

(1) Focus on processing (vs. storage)

(2) Three main modern models- Baddeley model

- Central executive controls VS, PL, EB- Cowan activation model

- WM = attention focus, STM = activated- Nairne feature model (quatitative)

- Items coded as features with overwriting interference

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