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Page 1: Ps for cover

Front Cover Print screens

The Sound

Page 2: Ps for cover

This is the first point I got to. I decided to lay out all the outsides first so I knew what would go inside and how big it would have to be. I started with

the left third and I added the text using shapes and text boxes.

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After I added the top and bottom strip these are important to add extra information and draw in the readers. I used the same colours using the

eyedropper tool to keep the house style consistent.

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Next I added the masthead to the page. This is arguably the most important part of the cover as it shows what it is and it is part of the identity. The

masthead I created is fairly simple and doesn't look great. I also added a red box for behind the splash.

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Now I’ve added two images as I could see where and how big they had to be because the layout was done. The main image needs to be good as it draws

lots of customers in when they see the feature artist. I cut out the background using the magic wand and put in on the cover. I also added the

smaller image with supporting text which I thought looked good.

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Next I added some effects to the main image and the pug. The effects I used such as stroke and drop shadow make the features stand out.

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After the effects I added the barcode, the barcode is a very important part of a modern magazine for the customers and the owners. I added information

on the barcode such as website, issue number and date like a real magazine would.

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At this point I added a background to the page. This makes the cover look more interesting with the gradient rather than just a white background. I also

moved the concert reviews section up a bit as I thought it looked better there.

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Here I added quite a bright white stroke to the main image. This made it stand out a lot but I didn’t really look too good. I also put the name of the

main artist on the cover and edit the font to a purple style.

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Here I changed the main image to a different angle. I changed the long shot to more of a mid shot. I also made it bigger as the first one was a bit small

and this was better sized. In addition I added lots of effect to the main image which isn't usual to see.

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Here I changed the masthead a bit making it stand out more. I added a 3D effect to really make it stand out more and I also gave it a drop shadow too.

This made the masthead stand out a lot more which is important. I also added a yellow box for where the cover line will go.

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Here I changed the big yellow box which was a bit boring and plain and I changed it to two smaller boxes which the text fits better. I put the cover line

as ‘Life as a worldwide superstar’ this stands out and draws people in.

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At this point I decided to take of the main image and change it. I thought the image was not really appropriate and didn’t look to good. I will change the

image to a different shot where the artist is facing more square on and maybe looking more down the camera so he is interacting with the viewers.

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This is the new image I decided to choose and I think it looks a lot better. The artist is looking at the reader which interacts with them and it is also larger which takes up more room as the other was a bit small. I also changed the

grey box to a red as it is part of my house style and I felt there was too many colours on there.

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Now I have added another picture and looks better as three is a good number of images and that I how many I wanted. I put a circle behind the image

which made it stand out and I also put some text about the article there too. I also changed the text supporting the main artist into a tidy little box which

looks better and more like something you would see on a magazine.

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Here I made the text at the bottom right bigger as it needs to stand out and be seen. I also added some more text on the left third to fill it up and I kept to the typography using the same font but added a white stroke to make it

stand out.

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Now I had done most of the cover I was just changing little bits that I thought could be better. I added more information to the top strip as it only had one

piece of information which made it look a bit empty which people would think about the magazine.

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Now I changed the bottom image as all three were mid shots which is ok bit I thought I needed some variety. I changed it to a close up which is better as

the variety is good.

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Finally I added the sound exclusive stamp and a red subheading saying it was the best pop magazine. These will both draw the readers in.

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