Page 1: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course

RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

their technique in film and theatre. The course culminates in being platformed in short films, show reels, optional

voice reels and an Inhouse Showcase.

Prospectus 2016

Page 2: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

RAaW (formerly YPTC) has nurtured talent in the heart of Camden for over 13 years. We attract brave, unique and raw actors with coaches as ambitious and pas-sionate as the people we serve.

We offer very affordable actor training and every last penny we make goes straight back into building up the training in the course and platforming the students in film and theatre. We respond quickly to change, adapting our teaching and course content yearly.

We teach in groups of no more than four-teen, to ensure that there is plenty of time for individual attention. Coaches differ with every schedule change to allow stu-dents to develop flexibility and confidence in many different styles.

We believe it is important for the actor to create opportunities for themselves, and to this end we empower the actor to do work of their own and develop a work muscle in writing and producing.

“I learnt more at RAaW than I ever ex-pected to learn. I mean, I learnt so much emotional availability, camera technique, what works for me, voice and how to take things to that next level with complexities, but I think most of all I learnt to be real. And raw.

I think that is mainly down to RAaW really making you discover who you truly are as a person, in the dark and in the light, dis-covering every side to yourself and being able to be so ridiculously comfortable and confident with that.

Maybe this isn’t a conventional acting technique but I feel that this was the key for me as an actress – and also for general life.”

Harriet Heath

0208 257 6477

07960 063 245

[email protected]

Twitter: @RAaWLondon

Facebook: RAaW London

You Tube: RAaW London

United Reformed Church

Halls, Buck Street,

Camden, NW1 8NJ

About UsWe aim to train down to earth, committed and passionate actors to a level so they can audition and operate in the industry with integrity and professionalism.

RAaW Training is part of a bigger com-pany called RAaW London. Other parts of the company include RAaW Films, Theatre, Kids, Education, Showreels, Workshops, Charity and more. We produce feature and short films, music videos, doc-umentaries, show reels, voice reels, straight plays, musicals and showcases as well as training children in film and theatre.

We also tour pantomimes and sketch shows to primary schools and more topical hard hitting issue led pieces in secondary schools. Finally we hold confidence and self esteem workshops for young people in need, the long term unemployed and more.

Page 3: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

The 6 Month Course The six month course is designed for actors who are very skilled through both train-ing and industry experience, but need to be able to compete with more professional ‘proof’. The course is made up of at least 8 hour days, working towards a broadcast quality show-reel and short films made by professionals at RAaW Films.

The process that we undertake with arche-types really enables actors to be sure of who they are and what they are trying to achieve. There is also classes in American dialect, writing and more.

There is an option of a voice reel recorded in a top end studio by professionals and quite often partnerships are formed through students that can in itself create work for the future.

At one point when we were leading up to our showreels, showcase and combat exam, I had about 12 characters and scripts to master. Although this was frus-trating, it is good practice ready for the industry as it kept me on my toes and gave me an insight for the fast paced environ-ment I am to enter.

The difference in me as a person is that I look completely different! One of the best parts about RAaW was finding our casting types and helping us enhance them. In this class I was told to grow my hair and get fitter! Some may say that’s harsh, but I feel it was necessary as to go into an industry that revolves around how you look, you need honest advice that enables you to stand out.

Michael David

RAaW Management was established in 2012 and represents quality and unique actors from an array of ethnicities aged from 3 up to 30. It grew out of successes in film and theatre from RAaW and aims to develop trusting relationships between artist and agent, where the actor still feels in control of their career, whilst feeling a hard working and confident team behind them. RAaW Management has succeeded in securing wor

Page 4: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

Acting and VoiceThe Stevens TechniqueWith Robbi Stevens

A technique born out of the challenges with actors Robbi Stevens has faced whilst directing film and theatre over 15 years. Within this radical and organic technique, there are 5 different focus points, all con-nected, which eventually become one.

The first of the five is called ‘The Tool Box’ made up of many different quick exercises encouraging the body not the mind. Using breath, muscles and physical exercises, actors access real emotions and freedom of thought and energy. This technique does not rely on emotional memory or personal experiences and consists of easy techniques to go back to.

The other four also encourage the actors individuality rather than a pre conceived notion actors have to fit into. They include Emotional Fluidity and Availability, The Other Life, From Freedom to Risk Taking and Bubbles.

0208 257 6477

07960 063 245

[email protected]

Twitter: @RAaWLondon

Facebook: RAaW London

You Tube: RAaW London

United Reformed Church

Halls, Buck Street,

Camden, NW1 8NJ

ArchetypesWith Robbi Stevens

Led and developed by Robbi Stevens in association with Australian psychotherapist and motivational speaker Katie Altham, Archetypes define personality traits and help you understand underlying fears and motivations, potential health issues, self destructive patterns and purpose.

Archetypes is not about putting something on and acting a part, more about finding the archetype within, getting to know it, playing around with it, strengthening it and using it. Working in RAaW Management acting agency every day, Robbi relates archetypes directly to what is being cast in the industry.

Film ActingWith Robbi Stevens

Film Acting is about the technical aspect of acting, not acting as we know it. The actor is an important, but small cog in a machine that makes up a film. An actor needs to know how to work with and around that machine to get the best cinematic results as part of a team of professionals.

Film ImprovisationWith Robbi Stevens

The opportunity to shoot a scene/piece of film purely improvised is too great to ignore. By creating a platform for actors to be purely and completely in the moment in between hook or continuity points, we are able to produce spontaneous and exciting short films that actors can use in their showreel.

Page 5: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

Starting with archetypes, actors take a recognizable incident from their ‘patterns’, and with their imagination develop it into a stimulating piece for film. This is all done from start to finish within two hours of the idea forming.

It is important to mention that you create your own course to a certain extent when it comes to the choice of films, how many films and who you work with in your films. You end up getting to know people and their archetypes and who would be right to fill a part in your story and in that pro-cess learn more about casting and where you would be best placed.

Overcoming Fears and Taking Risks! With Kandice Morris In order to really embody your characters mind set and patterns of behaviour, you must understand your own. This involves taking risks and reflecting on where your own boundaries and cycles lie to develop freedom in order to play a characters emo-tional journey.

Castings, Who Are You?With Kandice Morris The aim of the game is to know WHAT you are, Who you are, to then know what TYPE you could be. An actor must not limit themselves. You can’t be everything, however you can be more than one thing.

Knowing WHO you are from an aesthetic point of view, is a lot of what the industry looks for when casting. If you are able to have some knowledge of that yourself, it is easier for you to make choices of what to go for, how to market yourself and make the casting directors job easier to ‘see you’.

Scene StudyWith Victoria Howell

Working with two or three character short scenes, taking vocal studies into scene work to challenge and extend the students range. Looking at the specifics of finding the characters voice and techniques for transferring voice work from exercises to performance, as well as working on stu-dents’ individual vocal habits and issues.

Page 6: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

0208 257 6477

07960 063 245

[email protected]

Twitter: @RAaWLondon

Facebook: RAaW London

You Tube: RAaW London

United Reformed Church

Halls, Buck Street,

Camden, NW1 8NJ

Screen CombatWith Sam Kahn

Combat is a dynamic and exciting art form used in on film to create the illusion of vio-lence whilst keeping the actors as safe as possible. Fights and violence tend to hap-pen when words are no longer sufficient to express our emotions, and so it is not very surprising that writers often employ violence and fights at pivotal moments of the story they are trying to tell.

The Pain Workshop With Kandice Morris

Developed by Kandice Morris and Doc-tor Mekella Mehmet-Yesil, this workshop breaks down what the actor experiences automatically by the pain inflicted during stage and screen combat. The actor will un-derstand the level of pain and how long it lasts, alongside what effect the pain has on a person due to internal damage or where on the body the assault is inflicted.

Accents for FilmWith Nina Zendejas An advanced class, where we will intro-duce the General American Accent and UK Regional Accents for film. The course will include skills in applying accent to film monologues and duologues. Students should expect intensive feedback, with the ultimate aim to wound as embodied (or ‘native’) in each accent. The course will serve as preparation for Showreels.

Page 7: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

Writing and performance With Kandice Morris

Writing is not just about getting something on a page to act with, it is turning into an essential tool for any actor/writer to de-velop in order to produce their own work. We use many different formats and ways of accessing the ‘hidden writer’ which have manifested in comedy sketches, the spoken word, monologues and more.

Screen WritingWith Victoria Howell

Writing for screen is mostly about concept and then allowing the words to enhance the visuals without taking over. Coming up with a great concept that hasn’t been produced even for showreel purposes is a challenge, however by breaking down a combination of what you like to watch, who you are and what locations you have, we are almost half way there.

Writing and Producing

I have learnt more skills in the past two years than I have done in my entire life (and I’ve been acting since I was seven)! I feel as though I have ‘unblocked’ myself and now have the ability to let emotions run freely when in character. My acting is more ‘real’ and ‘raw’ than it has ever been before. I have gained confidence in film acting and no longer feel terrified by the prospect of having a camera pointed at me - now I love it! I have developed a large tool box of different techniques that I can use when building a role a role and have found a new passion for writing.

Lauren West

Producing With Robbi Stevens

We live in an overcrowded industry where actors are at the bottom of a long line of people trying to prove their worth and work at what they love. It is not practical to think that you can always expect other people to give you that platform, but very practical to create your own occasionally. Whilst RAaW does not hold classes on producing, the very nature of the course being so hands on, means that you will get experience of pre-production and on set producing.

TestimonialsWith Robbi Stevens

A great idea quite often comes from a true one or one based on real events. It is an in-teresting journey researching, writing then acting a part in a script, based on a life, journey or event that you are passionate about telling. This takes the full 10 weeks and not for the light hearted.

Page 8: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

0208 257 6477

07960 063 245

[email protected]

Twitter: @RAaWLondon

Facebook: RAaW London

You Tube: RAaW London

United Reformed Church

Halls, Buck Street,

Camden, NW1 8NJ

Platforms and ExamsShow-reels

Filmed by industry professionals at the top of the craft, actors bring all their skills together to undertake a week of filming in March or April.

The pre- production for show reels is not only rigorous and intense, but also puts the actor in a place where they are forced to take risks and work through sometimes years of boundaries that have been built up.

Actors are responsible for finding their own locations (RAaW also have a list of their own frequently used), and off the back of the experience of working with archetypes actors also write their own scripts. These scripts are tried and tested as part of film acting classes in front of a camera for weeks before hand.

The edit can take up to three months or more and a handful of the short films will be submitted into film festivals or film four etc for possible future filming. Show reels are then edited which are continually changing due to the industry’s demands. We film our short films for show-reels like our feature films.

We believe that whoever sees your show-reel, needs to believe that you are capable and experienced in working on the set of a broadcast quality production. Please see the show-reels page on our website.


The voice-reel classes will cover techniques for recorded voice work. Actors will have the opportunity to practice recording a variety of different material and analyse their recordings in class. They will receive feedback for development and guidance in choosing suitable material for their voice-reels which will be recorded at the end of term.

Page 9: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

Audition processApplication and Audition

The actor will first be asked to fill in an application form. On receipt of this, an audition date will be booked. At the audition you will be expected to perform two monologues. One should be from a play whether it be classical or modern and one from a film or that the actor has written him/herself. The actor then may be called back, after given direction at the first audition, and if successful accepted onto workshops.

We audition on Saturdays in Camden before 9.30am or Tuesdays or Thursdays between 10.30am – 2.30pm at our office in Chingford.

Please email [email protected] to book a place. “I think the best part for me was the con-

stant goal setting; from week to week there was always something to work towards and achieve. You gained more confidence and then try harder and go further.

It felt very rewarding and I feel I pro-gressed fast with this mind set of having something to work on, it’s very fulfilling. I also loved all the acting techniques we covered each one works in a different way and we have been equipped with so much, we will always know how to approach something and define moments and make it extra complex.

I also love each week in emotional avail-ability trying something new and if it doesn’t work for you it doesn’t matter one of them will and you can keep using it.”

Emma Hinds


In order to gain entry onto the RAaW 6 Month Course the actor must complete three, 3 hour workshops on a Saturday in Camden. Each workshop will cost £20 and will be taught by a number of different coaches from the main course. The workshops are designed to allow the actor and RAaW to individually make decisions about whether the course is right for the actor. They are also designed to get the actor up to speed in techniques taught at RAaW. If successful they will be joining the main course in September. Workshops will be running from June to September and unlike the main course – the actor can choose when to commit to the workshops to fit around holiday arrangements.

Page 10: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

0208 257 6477

07960 063 245

[email protected]

Twitter: @RAaWLondon

Facebook: RAaW London

You Tube: RAaW London

United Reformed Church

Halls, Buck Street,

Camden, NW1 8NJ

The Films

It is up to you how many films you do. The price structure is as follows:

Film A: High production value which is usually over 3 minutes with a lot of shots and movement, and maybe more than one location. Great for festival entries.

Film A Costs £300. If you do the film with one other person, you end up paying £150. If you do it with two people you end up paying £100

Film B: Simple scene usually under 3 min-utes with a medium amount of shots and movement, with one location. Showreel purposes only.

Film B costs £230. If you do the film with one other person, you end up paying £115.

Film C: Improvised scene usually under 1 minute and twenty seconds, with under 5 shots, with minimal movement and one location. Showreel purposes only.

Film C costs £150. If you do the film with one other person you pay £75.

Hidden Costs

Please note that on top of the above fee, actors are responsible for paying any location fees, parking and conjestion charge for crew, and petrol for crew if driving outside London. Actors will also have to pay for their own costumes, hair and make-up. It is important to note however that RAaW does have a list of free locations we can always use, that 90% of

films are shot where there is free parking and no conjestion charge, we rarely go outside the M25 and have to pay crew petrol and we have a props, set and costume storage venue, full of things you can use for free if we have it. You will know when you are making your choices if you are going to have to plough more money into your project. Part of the producing lesson. It is by marrying how much a script costs to produce, by choosing the type of film you are going to pay for and commit your time to, that you develop your producing skills. This is an important part of your development of going on to create your own work. Sometimes simple, inexpensive films can be as effective as expen-sive, high production value films.


Page 11: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

The Course

17th Sep 2016 – 17th Dec 20167th Jan 2017 – 8th Apr 2017

Times: 12noon – 7pm

We operate during half terms


Mon 13th Feb. This day is compulsory. Your films will not be produced if you and your acting partners are not present.


Sun 9th April - Sat 15th April 2017


Weekly - £27

Early on I did consider quitting, but that was my issue. You have to really ac-cept RAaW 100% as it is and embrace it wholeheartedly, and I wasn’t. I was being reserved so wasn’t getting the full experi-ence or everything out of it.

I now feel much more comfortable in my own skin, and in my abilities. I always enjoyed writing but never had such anopportunity to showcase it and use it as I did at RAaW. I cannot explain enough how much RAaW has helped me as an actor and a person. It’s a one of a kind, tour de force, and it deserves much more recognition than it gets.

It’s professionals, hiring professionals, who are creating professionals. What more can you ask for? I always felt encouraged to try more and do more but never pushed or forced outside of my comfort zone. The bal-ance between is found perfectly.

Matthew Deacy

Dates and Times

Page 12: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

United Reformed Church

Halls, Buck Street,

Camden, NW1 8NJ

0208 257 6477

07960 063 245

[email protected]

Twitter: @RAaWLondon

Facebook: RAaW London

You Tube: RAaW London

Robbi Stevens Producer, Director, Acting Coach

Kandice Morris Acting Coach and Mentor

CoachesRobbi was born in Australia, and after treading the boards as an actress, made her way across the world to the UK where she trained as a film and theatre director. She has produced, directed and co-written fea-ture films, shorts, stage musicals, straight plays and sketches as well as many docu-mentaries and show reels for RAaW.

As an acting tutor Robbi blends established techniques with her own methods to tackle the challenges modern actors face. As an accomplished producer and agent Robbi is totally committed to the artistic progres-sion of RAaW and is looking forward to seeing it grow and become even more suc-cessful in the years to come.

From an acting background, Kandice understands the needs of the industry. After appearing in her first feature film - Harry Potter, Kandice went on to do many fringe and West End Productions. Kandice then decided to follow the route of being an agent and acting coach and since 2011 she has been committed to the success of RAaW Management.

Page 13: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

Victoria Howell Vocal and Screenwriting Tutor

Nina ZendejasVoice and Dialect Coach

Sam is a Fight Director and Choreographer, and is a Certified Teacher with the British Academy of Stage and Screen Combat. He has designed and directed fights with a large variety of weapons, from historical beatings to fights of fantasy.

Following his qualification with the BASSC, he has continued to instruct students in the art of staged violence, teaching courses that result in an industry recognised qualification. He has done the choreography on most of RAaW Film and Theatre’s productions, most recently Detention and Promiseland.

Victoria trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama, and has worked as an actor in stage, film, online and TV projects. In 2009, she established Systir Produc-tions with her sister and writing/producing partner, Amy. So far as they can tell, according to Google, they are the only sister filmmaking team in the UK! With Systir, she co-wrote and directed a multi award-winning webseries and three short films. She is also developing her first feature film.

Sam KahnScreen Combat Coach

Nina Zendejas is a voice coach specialising in accent and dialect. Having graduated from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in Voice Studies as well as The Boston Conservatory in Musical Theatre, Nina’s synthesis of voice pedagogy and performer training allows for an intimate understanding of an actor’s needs.

Nina is currently the head of Speech and Accent training at Guildford Performance Preparatory Academy, Voice and Speech tutor at Trinity-Laban School of Music and Dance, and freelances at various institutions including Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, Italia Conti, and Urdang Academy.

Page 14: Prospectus 2016 -2017 - RAaW London · RAaW’s 6 Month Intensive Course RAaW’s 6 month Intensive Film and Theatre Course is for experienced 20 to 30 year olds, wishing to refine

Patrons: Sir Derek Jacobi, Zoe Wanamaker, Juliet Stevenson, Tamzin Outhwaite, Jessie

Wallace, Danny John Jules and Tamer Hassan.

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