  • Propagation of Horticultural Plants


    Guy W.tAdrial1c~ Head of Department of Horticulture, Agricultural

    and AJeelwnica/ College of Texas

    Fred R. Brison Professor of Horticulture. Agnculfllral

    and Mechanical College of Texas




    Copyright @ 1955 by the McGraw-Hili Book Company. Inc. Copyright renewe~ 1967 by Guy W. Adriance and Fred R. Brison.

    Copyright. 1939. by the McGraw-Hili Book Company. Inc.

    A II Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in

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    T M H Edition

    Reprinted ill India hy arrallgement lVilh McGraw-Hill Book Company. Inc . . Vew York.

    This edition can be exported from India only by the Publishers, Tata McGraw-Hili Publishing Company Ltd.

    Published by Tata McGraw-Hili Publishing Company limited and Printed by Mohan Makhijani at Rekha Printers, New Deihl-55

  • I Preface

    The propagation of plants hCls long been recognized as a fundamental practice in the fields 0f plant science. Various spe-cial treatments are followed in tIlt' production of horticultural plants, and for this reason their propagntion presents certain peculiar problems and difficulties.

    The original edition of the book was prepared primarily as a text for basic cOlIJ'ses in horticulture and related fields; and also as a guide in practical work, for both commercial growers and amateur horticulturists. In the revision. considerable new matf'-rial has been added, to include information that has been !nalk availahk within recent veal's.

    The esse'1tial featur~s of plant structure and rcprocluction h~ve been introduced in their relation to seed prodllction, root formation, wound healing, and other practical phases of plant propagation. The methods of ~sexllal propagation, including bulbs, layerage. cuttage, budding, and grafting are consid('red in comprehensive form. Practices followed in the propagation 'If certain important species are presented in detail. A discussion of pl'1lning and transplanting is also included because of the J'(la-tionship of these practices to the growth ~nd longevity of plants (after they are planted in permanent locations). Basic factors of plant growth and response are considered with respect to their relation to commercial practices.

    The material included in this work is considered to be of fundamental value to students in agriculture and especially use-ful to students in succeeding courses in vegetable crops, fruit growing, forestry, floriculture, and ornamentals. As a guide in practical work, the book assembles in readily accessihle form recent practices that have bt'en introduced by research workers and commercial propagators. '\10difications of standard practice~ are reviewed and evaluated; accepted methods for the commer-


  • viii Preface

    cial propagation of specific plants are given in detail. The rela-tive value of different rootstocks, as determined by results in many parts of the country, is given considerable emphasis.

    Review of the literature has been of a general nature, and no specific references have been given. Selected references to more recent publications OIl the various subjects have been included, with the idea that they would in turn supply references to pre-vious publications in the same field.

    In a critical review of the various chapters, in both the original and the revised editions, invaluable service has been rendered by various members of the staff of the Department of Horti-culture, who have assisted also in the preparation of photo-graphs for illustrations. Their cooperation is acknowledged with gratitude. Photographs for illustrations have also been supplied from other surces, and credit for each has been ,given in the text.


  • Contents

    PREFACE vii

    CHAPTER 1. History and DC\'elopment of Horticulture 1 2. The Structure of Plants 12 3. Inflorescences, Flowers. Fruits. and Seed 26

    f Special Plant growing Equipment 46 5. Methods of Propagation 62 6. Germination of Seeds..,. 71 7. ,Methods of Seedage 92 8. Layerage 100 9. Cuttage llO

    10. Bulbs and Other Modified Stmctures . 132 11. Graftage 148 12. Methods of Grafting no 13. Methods of Budding 188 14. Propagation of Important Horticultural Flants ]99 15. Transplanting 260 16. Pruning 272

    INDEX 29:3



    History and Dcvelopmcllt of II orticulture

    The plant is the basic source of all food and consequentl) the determining factor in life. The fumlallwntal process of photosynthcsis, by which the pLmt is ahle to combiue water and carbon dioxide to form sugar, permits the synthesis of tIll' more complex compollnds by tIl(' plant and tIlt' lIse of these COIll' pounds by man and tht: lower anilllals to sustain their life processes. From the earliest times, when herdsmen sought and protected grass for their herds, up to the present period of diverse plant form, man has always had a fundam('ntal interest in the production and care of plants.

    As soon as some adventmous soul found a fruit, a herry, or a plant to be edible. it immediately became an object of solic itous attention. The hest types were selected and propagated hy any means available, usually seeds, with the result that nHITl~' new forms were eonstantly corning into bring; froll) which hetter selections could be made. Over a long; pcriod of year" this process of selection and propagation of ncw and hetter typl>S has resulted in an array of plant materials that is lavish beyolld the imaginations of earlier generations.

    As man began to grow these plants in gardens. he became aware of the beauty that devdops in any systematic and we!l-cared-for planting. He began to scek and select flowering plants, ornamental shrubs, and trees of all kinds and to hlend them into pleasing landscapes. This latcr development of ornamental horticulture has expanded with evcr-increasing enthusiasm. \Vitl'. all the magnificent gardens of both past and presmt, there is little reason to doubt that even greater achievements will be made in this field in the future.


  • 2 Propagation of Horticultural Plants History. Many passages are found in the Bible concerning

    horticultural plants such as the fig, the vine, the olive, the rose, the lily, and the plant that grew from the mustard seed. In the ancient days, all formal groupings of plants were called gardens. From hartus, the Latin word for garden, has come the term horticulture, which includes everything from the small planting of Howers or shrubs around the humble cottage, to famous and elaborate formal gardens; from the single plum, fig, or pecan

    FIG. 1. Cherry orchard.

    tree growing in the back yard, to the endless miles of apple and citrus trees wherever they are grown; from the small vege-table garden 'around the farm home or on the city lot, to the broad acres of onions or tomatoes grown throughout the land.

    The Romans constructed magnificent aqueducts to provide water for their gardens, and Italy continues to be a paradise for those who love horticulture. France and England were also cradles for the development of horticulture in all its manifold expressions, and the early colonists brought this knowledge and interest to this country. The horticultural societies of Pennsyl-vania, New York, Massachusetts, ~, and many other states

  • History and Development of Horticulture s exercised a powerful influence in the early years of this country in stimulating the planting of fruit trees. Some of the early orchards would have been a credit to modern fruitgrowers, wIth large collections of excellent varieties.

    Horticultural Industries. In modern times, horticulture has been separated into several fields of specialized interest:

    Pomology. Fruitgrowing is one of the most ancient of horti-cultural industries, as indicated in records of many of the early

    FIG. 2. Grape planting.

    civilizations of the worlds. In this country, fruitgrowing has reached a very intensive stage of development, from the stand-point of technology. The commercial fruit industry of the United States, including citrus fruits , apples, peaches, grapes, pears, strawberries, cherries, plums, and many others, extends over an area of 4% million acres with an annual average produc-tion in recent years of 16 million tons and a cash value to the growers in excess of $900 million. Tree-nut production averages annually 200,000 tons with a cash value to the growers of $70 million.

  • 4 Propagation.l.)f Horticultural Plants Olericulture. Vegetable production is also an ancient horti

    cultural enterprise. Aside from home and market gardening, vegetable production in the United States has been expanded over tremendous areas with the growing of such crops as lettuce, tomatoes, melons, onions, carrots, cabbage, and many other truck crops, for shipment by railway and truck refrigeration to distant markets. The commercial vegetable industry covers ap-proximately 3Y4 million acres with an annual average production

    FIG. 3. Tropical garden ( vegetu hies and bananas ).

    of 14 million tons and a cash value to the growers of $800 million.

    Floricultur~ and Ornamental Horticulture. The commercial production of flowers and the production of trees and shrubs for landscape planting are much more recent developments, but both have reached tremendous proportions in a short period of time. There are -at present approximately 5,000 major growers of floral crops and 11,000 others operating on a lesser scale, employing 150,000 people and utilizing 200 million square feet of greenhouse space. The wholesale floriculture crop amounts to $330 million and the retail business to $650 millioD. The nurseries

  • History and Development of Horticulture 5 of the United States have a capItal investment of $110 million and an average annual crop value of $71 million.

    Throughout the world, there are many horticultural industries of outsta;lding interest and significance, such as the bulb indus-try of Holland, coffee in Brazil and Central America, bananas in Central and South America, and cacao in several of the tropical areas, principally in Asia and Africa. In the case of citrus fruits,

    F IG. 4. Pineapple plantation.

    world production, representing many countries, reached the staggering total of 400 million boxes in 1952-1953.

    In connection with these major phases of production based on type of plant materi:ll involved, there are also several im-portant kinds of work that involve various plants in each group.

    Propagation of plants is accomplished by many different methods, of which seedage is the most common; other methods inch,de the use of various plant parts such as bulbs, rhizomes or tubers, layers or cuttings, and finally budding and grafting. These practices are fundamental in the many types of green-house and nursery industries; and even in the case of seedage

  • 6 Propagation of Horticultural Plants many new techniques are constantly being developed to aid growers.

    Processing of horticultural products by dehydration, pickling, canning, and quick freezing represents another industry that has expanded rapidly in recent years. For example, the canned pack of three vegetables and three fruits in a recent average season was 127 million cases. The pack of frozen vegetables was 895 million pounds; of only three fruits , 300 million pounds; and of frozen citrus concentrates, 50 million gallons.

    Breeding of horticultural crops and testing of varieties are other types of work which continue to be of increasing import-

    FIC, 5. Well-trained trees in a commercial nursery.

    ance from year to year. , New materials are being continually introduced from other countries and new methods of inducing variations have resulted in a much wider range of characters for selecti n. A few years ago, most fruit varieties were the result of chance seedlings, but each year an increasing number of new varieties with desirable characters are being made avail-able as a direct result of this breeding program.

    Classes of Plants. There are many different systems of classify-ing plants, from the standpOint of botanical relationships and stage of 'development. As viewed by the horticulturist, however, plants may be classified according to the relative length of time that they require to complete a cycle of growth.

  • History and Development of Horticulture 7 Life Cycle of Plants. The life cycle of 'any plant is the entire

    process of growth that is involved from the germination of the seed to the production of a crop of seed by the new plants. The actual duration of this period is very variable, since some plants mature and produce seed much more quickly than others. Portulaca and some of the grasses finish the life cycle in a few weeks, while the Northern Spy apple does not bear fruit and make seed until ten to fifteen years old.

    The behavior of certain plants, from the standpoint of the life cycle, is quite different from that of others. One group of plants, known as monocarpic, produces only one crop of seed and then dies. In many of these plants the length of life may be prolonged by preventing them from flowering and producing seed. Other plants, which may also be said to have completed their life cycle when they produce seed, do not die but continue to live and produce seeds for many years.

    Annuals. These are plants that mature seed during the same season in which the seedlings are started. Many annuals, such as zinnia, produce their seed early enough to make a second stand of plants in the latter part of the growing season. Corn, bean, and watermelon are examples of annual plants. Some plants fall into this group of annuals as the result of certain conditions of environment. Cotton lives many years in its native environment but is an annual under the climatic conditions of the United States. The papaya in Texas and Florida also becomes an annual in some cases. Plants from other groups may come in the annual group under other conditions. With the long growing season of the South, many biennials complete their life cycle in one season. Other biennials, of which Canterburybell is a no-table example, have been changed over to annuals by the efforts of plant breeders.

    Biennials. Plants that make one season's growth, survive the winter in the dormant condition, and produce seedstalks and seed the second year are known as biennials. The entire plant may go through the winter, or it may die back to the root and come up again. The plants normally produce seed and die before the end of the second season of growth. In many cases, biennial plants run to seed the first year and do not last over into the second season. Mustard, cabbage, and hollyhock are examples of biennials.

  • 8 Propagation of Horticultural Plants Perennials. These plants persist from year to year. often not

    producing seed for many years, but usually not dying immedi-ately after seed production. Fruit orchards, especially nut orchards, produce seeds year after year, over a long period of time. There are three general classes of this group:

    Herbaceous perennials have tops that die down every season. while the roots persist. These plants are typified by mall(J\\. asparagus, and Queen's crown vine.

    Woody perennials have a perennial root also, but tht' tops last two seasons instead of one. Dewberries and blaeklwrrif,s are of this type; the canes that are produced one season will fruit and die the next.

    Trees and shrubs are completely woody plants, which pnsist from year to year, adding to that portion of the plant hod, previously prodncpd. Each of the annllal rings in the \vooe! oj trees cut transversely normally reprpsents one ~'ear's cOl1rrilmtion to the hody of the plant.

    Plant Dissemination. The origin of plallts was probahly re-stricted to a few large zones or regions, lmt plants t!t(>mspj\'e, are good travelers, and in the COHrse of their travels. their origins and even their original forms have become cOllsiderably ohscured. \iodificatiolls in Hower structure and function han' resulted in cross-fertilization and the consequent proc1mtion o! unlike individuals: and this in turn enabled species

  • History lind Det;c/op'lIcnt of Hortieulturc \:) limited distribution. It is not to be supposed that the small area of this country in which it grows wild is the only region to which it is adapted.

    Plant Introduction. j\Ian either purposely or by chance is often responsible for the distribution of plants. The American colonists very carly introduced into Anwrica plants that had been grown in the countries from which they came. The U.S. Department of Agriculture maintains plant explorers in sew'ral foreign countries, looking both for new fmits and for more dcsirahle forms of those which a1'(:' now available. Valuahle horticultural plants have been introduced by these explorers, many of them coming from China and South and Central America and many others from Europe and \Vestern Asia. \Iaterial secnred is tested in government introdl1ction gardt'ns before being distributed widely. Some of the most lIsdul fruit and vegetable plants are native to America. the prindpal ones \wing tIl(' tomato, potato, corn, \wan. strawberry, grapt" hll1e-bern', cranherry. plum, crabapple, and pecan. Several others, hO\\'(',,('r, such as the cultivated appjp, jlear, peach, cherry, citrus fnlits, date. fig, and most spccies of vcgetable~ have heen introdllc('d from foreign countries. Introductions are frequently valnahlt' in themsf'lv('s, but more oftl'n their chief valne is for breeding work.

    l,\lind. \Vim! is pwhahly the most l'ffpctive natmal agpncy in the disseminatio)) of plants. The s('cds and fruits of many plants have special stmdures and modificatiom that (:nah]" the wind to earn' them. The fruits of maple and ('1m have wings. and those of the lettllce have hairy disscminules that enable the s('('cIs to be borne by the wind. In other plants the seed is modified so as to he blown about easily. Examples of these are the willow, milkwl'ed, cotton, and cattail. Tumhleweeds, which roll across the prairies as whole plants, illllstrate a special ease of wincI dissemination. The Russian thistle is a plant of this kind. The plant hreaks off "t the ground after frost and may be blown a distance, frequently .50 to 75 miles, during the winter months. The small seeds are so enclosed that they do not all fall out, but instead are scattered along the path of the plant as it is swept along by the wind.

    R' ater. Ocean currents, running streams, and lakes are means whereby plants are scattered. Seeds and fmits have various modifications that enable them to float. The coconut, with its

  • 10 Propagation of H01'ticultural plants thick, fibrous husk and hard shell, is an illustration. Many nuts, such as the oak, pecan, and walnut, are readily distributed by water. Seeds of grasses and noxious weeds are often carried downstream by overflows of rivers or creeks.

    Animals. Seed may be distributed by animals in three prin-cipal ways: by carrying them in fur, hair, or feathers; by eating the seeds and passing them through their digesitve systems; or by storing or burying them. Cockleburs, clover, and needle-grass readily become attached to the hair or hide of animals. The fruit of Martynia, commonly known as devilsclaws, splits in a way that forms two incurving hooks, which readily attach themselves to animals. The seeds of many edible fruits, such as peach, plum, and berries, are carried in the digestive system of certain animals. Nuts are frequently transported by squirrels, blue jays, and crows and dropped at a considerable distance from their point of origin.

    In a few cases, plants are disseminated by parts other than seed. This is true of Bermudagrass, which is easily carried from one place to another attached to the feet of the animals.

    Propulsion. The fruits of some plants are characterized by an explosive action when ripe, and the seeds are thereby scat-tered. The distance to which they are propelled may not be great, and the rate of distribution is slow, but when continued indefinitely the effect becomes of importance. Propulsion of seeds is due to the unequal drying of different layers of the ovary wall, resulting in strains that are suddenly overcome when the fnlit explodes. The fruits of bull nettle, violet, "sandbox," castorbean, and cowpea illustrate this phenomenon.

    QUESTIONS 1. What is the meaning of the word horticulture? 2. Define pomology, olericulture, floriculture. 3. What is the life cycle of a plant? 4. What is the difference between a biennial and a perennial? 5. What is meant by a herbaceous plant? 6. Name some important horticultural plants that are native to

    America. 7. From what countries have many of the horticultural plants been

    introduced? 8. What is the most important plant part from the standpoint of

  • History and DeveJo/Jmenf of Horticulture 11 dissemination? What are the principal agents in the dissemination of plants?


    Boswell, Victor R, and Else Bostelmann: "Our Vegetable Travelers," National Geographic Magazine, 96:145-217, 1949.

    Edmond, J. B., A. M. Musser, and F. S. Andrews: "Fnndamentals of Horticulture," The Blakiston Company, 1951.

    Klages, K. H. W.: "Ecological Crop Geography," The Macmillan Company, 1942.

    Magness, J. R., and Else Bostelmann: "How Fruit Came to Americ~:' National Geographic Magazine, 100:327-377, 1951.

    Shoemaker, J. S.: "General Horticulture," J. B. Lippincott Company, 1952.

    Talbert, J. T.: "General Horticulture," Lea & Febiger, 1946.


    The Structure of Plants

    The propagation, culture, and management of horticultUTal plants are based to a considerable pxtent upon a knowledge of the structure of the plant and the function of its different parts. The larger structural units of the plant, which are known as organs, are the root~, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Each is composed of several different kinds of tissues, such as xylem. phloem, and cambium, and these tissues, in turn. are composed of cells. Some cells have thick walls, others have thin walls; cells differ also in size, shape. and ccll contents. The thre

  • The Strtlctllrc of Plants 13 lateral roots, or in some cases from stems. There is considerable variability in the extent of branching shown by roots of differ-ent species of plants. The tomato is an example of a plant in which free branching occurs; root branching in the onion, on the contrary, occurs less freely; and the hyacinth produces roots that are normally unbranched.

    The peach and apple are examples of plants in which there is limited development of the taproots but extensive development of the lateral roots. Plants in which this occurs are known as lateral-rooted plants. The spread and depth of the root system and the extent of branching are also influenced by methods of propagation, moisture, and soil. Free branching normally oecurs in fertile soil, and limited branching in poor soiL Hence plants in sandy soil of low fertility tend to produce long roots with relatively few branch roots.

    Regular Roots. As the radicle of the germinating seed begins to grow, it consists initially of primary cells which form primary tis-sues. As it and the branch roots that develop from it continue to grow, the region extending a short distance from the tips is char-acterized by primary growth. In cross section it has an epidermis on the outside, and successively i,nward, cortex, endodermis, peri-cycle, phloem, cambium, and xylem elements. Secondary growth of the roots of some plants is initiated as the roots become older, and a cross section will consist only of periderm, phloem, cam-bium, and xylem. Thus, during growth a given root will consist of a basal portion which is characterized by secondary growth and a terminal portion which is characterized by primary growth. Branch roots arise from the pericycle tissue, at a posi-tion shortly back of the growing tip. The youngest roots are always nearest the tip of the root, and the older ones are toward the base. Since they thus develop ill regular succession, they are known as regular or acropetal roots.

    Adventive Roots. Those that arise from other tissues and organs of the plant than the peri cycle of young roots are called adventitious or adventive. Briefly, adventive roots may form in varying degrees of readiness, from roots, stems, leaves, and modified parts of the principal kinds of horticultural plants. They never, or rarely, form from the roots of monocotyledonous plants, but form readily from the stems of certain ones; they form readily from the roots and stems of some dicotyledonous

  • 14 Propagation of Horticultural Plants plants, but less readily from others; they form quite readily from the leaves of certain monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, but not from gymnosperms. The tissues from which adventive roots originate are principally the cambium layer of roots, the cortex, pericycle, phloem, cambium, and callus of stems, and the parenchyma tissue near the cambium of vascular bundles of leaves.

    Root Hairs. Simple, hairlike outgrowths of the outer walls of cells of the epidermis of the root are produced by many plants . These are known as root hairs. They grow out into space

    FIG. 6. Adventive roots-blackberry.

    between soil particles and absorb moisture and nutrients for the plant. Most of the higher vascular plants, such as peach, apple, and blackberry, have root hairs. Some, such as the orange, grapefruit, cranberry, and pecan, do not have normal root hairs, at least under certain soil conditions. With these the absorption of moisture is' performed by various small lateral roots. They function for a short time as absorbing organs; then they either die or begin secondary growth and become a part of the permanent root system. Since the epidermis is present only on those portions of the root which consist of primary tissue, it is obvious that the root hairs occur only on the terminal portion of young growing roots. Root hairs normally function only dur-ing a relatively short period. As they wither and disappear, others develop near the terminal growing point of the root.

  • -The Structure 0/ PiClnts 15 Stem. In the gennination of a seed the plumule produces the

    first stem of the new plant. The continued growth for one 01' more seasons of this first stem and, in most species, the branch. ing of it produce the trunk and framework of the new plant. Stems, in turn, produce the buds, leaves, flowers, and fruit. They

    FIG. 7. A wdl-developed root system showing tap and laterals. (Courtesy of O. S. Gray Nursery, Arlington, Texas.)

    also serve as conducting systems for water and nutrients between the roots, leaves, and fruit.

    The principal grollps of horticultural pbnts are angiosperms ( including monocotyledons and dicotyledons) and gymno-sperms.

    Monocotyledonous Plants. In general structure the stems of these plants consist of a terminal growing point, nodes, buds,

  • 16 Propagation of Horticultural Plants and internodes. In cross section the stem consists of epidermis, perhaps a cylinder of thick-walled schlerenchyma beneath the epidermis, and isolated vascular bundles distributed in a mass of fundamental tissue similar to the pith of dicotyledons.

    The internodes of monocotyledonous plants provide most of the length growth of the stem. The lower part of each internode

    FIC. 8. Cross section of woody stem, showing pith; xylem with medullary rays and water-conducting vessels; and bark which includes cortex and phloem.

    is a region of elongation. This in part accounts for the exceed-ingly rapid length growth of stems of certain monocotyledonous plants, such as the bamboo, ]ohnsongrass, and asparagus.

    The elongation of the stem may continue for many years. The date palm, for example, lives for an indefinite period and may ultimately grow to be 50 feet high; corn, on the contrary, sur-vives only one season and rarely grows taller than 6 to 8 feet. In some species the terminal growing point produces the inHo-

  • The Structure of Plants 17 rescence of the plant. This is true of the onion, and also of corn, which produces the tassel terminally on the main stalk and the pistillate inflorescence on a lateral branch.

    The nodes of monocotyledons sometimes give rise to axillary buds. Such buds are rare on the date palm, with the result that the plants normally produce single unbranched stems with only occasional offshoots. Com, on the contrary, produces buds freely at the nodes, some of which grow into branch stems while others produce the ears of com.

    Dicotyledonous and Gymnosperm Plant;. Young stems of these plants have a pith, xylem, cambium, phloem, pericycle,

    , .

    ---"- ~ FIG. 9. Section of woody stem, greatly enlarged to show cambial cells.

    endodermis, cortex, and epidermis in successive order outward from the center. In old stems the epidermis and cortex have dis-appeared, and exposed phloem cells form a periderm, or bark. Stems of dicotyledons make terminal growth by elongation of cells near the tip of a growing branch. The terminal growing point in its process of growth may (1) produce a terminal bud, from which growth will be resumed the following season, (2 ) produce a terminal inflorescence as in the grape, apple, pecan, walnut, cabbage, and carrot, or (3) it may abort, in which case future growth of the stem will be from an axillary bud below.

    Young stems in the process of growth and development differ-entiate into nodes and internodes, Leaves and buds are normally formed at nodes. The area between nodes is known as the internode. The internode in stems may be very short, as in

  • 18 Propagaiion of Horticultural Plants cabbage, or relatively long, as in the grape, depending on the species. Rapidity of growth caused by growing conditions also influences the length of the internodes of many species.

    The cambium layer of stems of these plants is of peculiar interest and concern because of its relationship to several im-

    FIG. 10. The tissue shown in the area marked by X developed by regenera- I tion from the injured cambium wben the original bark was peeled off.

    ". portant horticultural practices and treatments. Briefly, the cam-bium layer serves the plant in these ways: (1) It is the meriste-matic tissue responsible for increase in size of the stem after it begins secondary growth. Cambium cells occur in a continuous ring between the xylem and phloem. During each season of growth they enlarge and divide and differentiate into new xylem cells toward the inside and new phloem cells toward the out

  • The Structure of Plants 19 side. IT the cambium fails to function because of mechanical injury or physiological causes, no xylem and phloem are formed. Since these tissues are essential to the normal growth of a plant, death results if the activity of the cambium layer is restricted for a prolonged period. (2) The healing of wounds is made possible by the cambium layer and is accomplished by

    FIG. 11. Healing of a wound by overwalling. No wound compound was ap plied and the wood checked as a result of exposure.

    two processes : Regeneration may take place where bark is removed and living cambium cells are exposed on the surface of the wood. Under the favorable conditions of high humidity and warm temperature such cells may become active and recon-struct new tissues on the surface of the wound. New growth from these cells is outward in a radial direction. Overwalling takes place as a result of the growth in a lateral direction of cambium cells around the margins of a wound, causing new tissues to advance from various sides to cover the wound. (3)

  • 20 Propagation of Horticultural Plants The cambium produces callus tissue which is essential to the success of budding and grafting. Callus also forms on the cut ends of cuttings of some plants. This may provide protection

    ' against decay-producing organisms. In rare cases, roots arise directly from the callus tissue, though in most cases they arise directly from the cambium and callus is not essential to rooting. ( 4) Finally, when adventitious roots develop on stems or on roots, they usually arise in the cambium or from recently differ-entiated cells near the cambium.

    Buds. A bud is a growing point, surrounded by small, partially developed leaves. It is in reality a rudimentary stem in a state of dormancy or limited growth, protected by an envelope of bud scales. It may consist of a mass of meristematic cells or of several nodes and very short internodes. Close examination of a well-developed bud reveals leaves and buds in the same order as on a growing stem of the same plant. Several classifications of buds are recognized, based principally on the mode or time of origin, position on stem, position on node, time at which they begin growth, and function.

    Position on Stem. In the growth of stems, buds are formed at different positions. The principal kinds of buds, with regard to their location on the stem, are terminal, axillary, and lateral. Terminal buds are those that develop from the terminal growing point at the en~ of a stem when growth ceases. In some kinds of plants, they are formed regularly; in others, the growing point tends to abort, leaving no bud. The shoots that develop terminal flowers or inflorescences do not produce terminal buds. In the event that a terminal bud does form, it is usually the one to begin growth first the following spring. A terminal bud i~ re-garded as being dormant or largely so; whereas a terminal growing poillt is regarded as being in a state of active growth and elongation. An axillary bud is one that occurs in the axil of a leaf-the angle between the leaf and the stem. They are designated as axillary buds even after the leaf has shed. These buds are also properly called lateral buds, because tliey occur on the side of the stem. Lateral buds, however, may occasion-ally occur at nodes where no leaf OCCurs or where the leaf was rudimentary. Examples of the latter class are frequently observed on parts of pecan shoots that are formed near the end of the growing season,

  • The Structure of Piants 21 The peach, tung tree, and less frequently the rose produce

    shoots with certain nodes and leafaxils at which no buds occur. These are commonly called blind buds or blind nodes.

    Position at Node. In most species only a single bud develops in the axil of each leaf. In some, however, two, three, or even

    FIG. 12. Buds on one year stems. 1, Hickory, showing (la ) terminal bud and ( Ib) lateral bud; 2, Pecan, showing (2a) lateral bud in terminal position; 3, Pecan, showing (3a) primary bud and (3b) secondary bud.

    more may develop. The bud nearest the terminal of the shoot is usually the largest of the group and is named the primary bud. The next bud, then, becomes the secondary bud, and so on. Commonly, however, all except the primary bud are referred to collectively as the secondary, or reserve, buds.

    The primary bud is the one of the group most likely to grow

  • 22 Propagation of Horticultural Plants when the tree starts growth in the spring. The reserve buds oftentimes begin normal growth with the primary buds, but they are especially likely to grow under conditions of excessive soil moisture or if the growth from the primary bud is injured by cold weather, insects, or other causes.

    FIG. 13. Blind \lodes of peach, between terminal and lateral buds which had begun growth. .

    Vegetative and Flower Buds. The growth in height of a plal~t and the production of branches is due to the growth of vegetative buds. These are also called leaf buds.

    Flower buds contain the rudimentary blossoms with various parts of the flower enclosed. Since flowers normally produce fruit as they continue to grow and develop, these buds are also known as fruit buds. Flower buds develop from, or in close

  • The Structure of Plants 23 association with, vegetative buds; hence, they occur on plants in the same general position as vegetative buds. In some species, they can be readily distinguished from vegetative buds; in others, the two are quite similar in appearance. The formation of Hower buds takes place in some species during the season previous to the one in which the Howers appear. In other species the Hower buds do not form until a time shortly before the buds begin to grow. In the peach, for example, the Hower buds that bloom in the spring are formed during the previous summer and fall. Flower buds of citrus develop in late winter or early spring preceding the blooming period. An accumulation ' of stored food in a plant is regarded as favorable for fruit-bud formation, and this accounts for the considerable variation in the time within a species when Hower buds are formed.

    Some species of plants produce mixed buds. These contain both Howers and vegetative parts within the same bud; conse-quently, when they begin growth they produce both vegetative growth and Howers. The apple, pear, and blackberry are plants that produce mjxed buds.

    Dormant and Latent Buds. The buds of most fruits develop and mature during a given season and remain dormant over winter. Such buds begin growth the following spring and either develop into shoots or fruits or fall off, or they may remain dormant for a period of one to several years, in which case they are called latent buds. They may even become covered over by layers of bark; however, these latent buds usually make suffi-cient annual growth outward to prevent them from being over-walled. When trees are cut back heavily, any of the "water sprouts" that develop arise from latent buds.

    Adventitious Buds. Normally shoots arise from well-formed buds, but occasionally they develop from other tissues, which form adventitious buds, and shoots that grow from these are called adventive. Those that arise from roots are known as "suckers"; for example, buds of the pear, blackberry, and per-simmon plants. The point of their origin is in the cambium of roots. Adventive shoots may also arise from stems. These orig-inate principally in the cambium layer. Those that occur on the body or framework of trees and which make rank, vigorous growth are called "water sprouts." Most such shoots, however, arise from latent buds. Adventive shoots are also produced

  • Propagation of Horticultural Plants readily by leaves of some plants and less readily by others. The shoots originate from parenchyma tissue close to the vascular bundles in leaves of dicotyledonous plants; and frequently from '

    . callus, formed at the cut or injnred portion of the leaves of monocotyledonous plants.

    Leaves. Mineral nutrients and water from the soil are com-bined with carbon dioxide in the leaves, under the inJluence of sunlight, to form plant foods essential to growth. Leaves are lateral appendages formed by the stem in elongation. Plants that shed their leaves at certain seasons, and hence have a period during each yearly cycle when they are bare and another when they are in full foliage, are known as deciduous plants. Examples are peach and apple. Those that retain their leaves for long periods, and do not shed all of them at one time but shed them so gradually that the trees have leaves on them at every season of the year, are known as evergreen plants. Broad-leaved ever-greens are represented by such plants as citrus and cherry-laurel, which retain their leaves for more than one year, and by others such as the live oak and yaupon, which retain them only until new leaves are formed the follOwing spring. The pines, arborvitaes, spruces, and junipers are examples of the coni-ferous evergreens.

    QUESTIONS 1. What are the larger structural units of a plant? 2. What are the chief functions of the roots of a plant? 3. Name functions of the part of a root near the tip that consists

    of primary tissue. 4. Name functions of the part of the root that consists of second-

    ary tissue. 5. How do root hairs arise? What is their function? How long do

    they live? 6. In what ways do branch roots arise? 7. What is the function of the stem of a plant? 8. Where is the cambium located? Of what value to th.e plant is it? 9. What is callus? Regeneration? Overwalling?

    10. Define a bud. 11. Classify buds according to pOsition on stem, position at node,

    and function. 12. What is the difference between a sucker and a water sprout? 13. Distinguish between deciduous and evergreen plants. What are

    common examples of each kind?

  • The Structure of Plants


    Eames, A. J . and L. H. MacDaniels: "An Introduction to Plant Anat-omy," McGIaw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1925.

    Hayward, H. E. : "The Structure of Economic Plants," The Ma(:millan Company, 1948.

    Hill, J. B., L. O. Overholts, and H. W. Popp: "Botany: A Textbook for Colleges," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1936.

    MacDaniels, L. H.: Anatomical Basis of So-called Adventitiou~ Buds in the Apple, ComeU Univ. Agr. Sta. Mem. 325, 1953.

    Strasburger's "Textbook of Botany" (rewritten by Fitting, Jost, Schench, and Karsten), Macmillan & Co., Ltd., London, 1920.

    Weaver, J. E., and W. E. Bruner: "Root Development of Ve~etable Crops," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1927.


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    Inflorescences, Flowers, Fruits, and Seed

    Some horticultural plants are grown primarily for their vege-tative parts. Others are grown for the flowers, fruits, or seed which they produce.

    Inflorescences. Although the flowers of many plants are borne singly on stalks or stems known as pedicels, in numerous other cases the flowers are borne in clusters known as inflorescences. The principal parts of the inflorescence are the peduncle, pedicels, and individual flowers.

    The peduncle is the main stem or central axis. From it arise the pedicels or in many cases the flowers directly without pedicels. A flower, then, may be borne on a pedicel or it may be attached to the main axis or peduncle without any stalk or pedical, in which case it is known as sessile. The area of attachment of the flower to the pedicel, or in the absence of a pedicel, to the peduncle is known as the receptacle.

    There are several distinct types of inflorescences, such as spike, raceme, corymb, bead, fascicle, and glomerule, based upon the positions and relationships of the different parts. A determinate inflorescence, for example, is one in which the inflorescence terminates in a flower, as in the apple, and an indeterminate inflorescence is one in which the terminal remains vegetative, with flowers borne laterally, as in the cabbage and hy.acinth. In some cases the peduncle is branched, giving rise to a compound inflorescence. In some flower clusters both sim-ple and compound types are represented. This is true in the grape and cabbage.

    Flowers. The flower is the forerunner of the fruit and seed. In order to consider the processes that result in fruit and seed


  • Inflorescences, Flowers, Fruits, and Seed 27


    FIC. 15. Infloresce~ce of onion consisting of many pediccled flowers borne terminally on peduncle.

    formation, it is important to give some thought to the structure of flowers. There are two essential parts of the flower : the pistil and the stamen. The pistil consists of the stigma, the style, and the ovary, which is the lower, enlarged portion. In it are borne the ovules, which, when mature, become seeds. The style forms

  • 28 Propagation of Horticultural Plants the connection between the ovary and stigma, and through it the pollen tube passes on its way into the ovary. The stigma represents the upper portion of the pistil; its receives the pollen and affords a favorable medium for its germination. The stamen is made up of the filament, or stalk, and the anther, in which the pollen grains are produced. Enclosing these essential parts in two outer whorls are the corolla and the calyx. The corolla is made up of petals and the calyx of sepals. The calyx and corolla

    FIc. 16. Two kinds of muskmelon flowers. The staminate flower at X is borne in axil of leaf A; this flower falls off shortly after it sheds pollen. The pistil-late Hower Z is borne in axil of leaf B; it contains stamens, and also a pistil, which develops into the fruit. Tendrils arising at the nodes where the flowers occur are shown at Y.

    are accessory parts but not essential to the formation of seeds. It is considered that their function is to attract insects, some of which are helpful in pollination; they possibly afford protection to some flowers. The calyx and corolla are absent or rudimentary in some flowers; in others they have grown together to form the perianth, as in the pecan. -

    In some plants the Bowers and fruits develop directly from a growing point of the plant. This happens with the tomato, muskmelon, and many herbaceous flowering plants. In other plants .the flowers and fruits develop from previously formed flower or fruit buds. Two general classes of flowers are recog-nized.

  • In/lore8CBnces, Flowers, Fruits, and Seed 29 Perfect. Those flowers that have both stamens and pistils

    and are, hence, generally capable of self-pollination are known as perfect or hermaphroditic flowers. Perfect flowers are borne in most of the common fruit and vegetable plants. Such fruits as the apple, plum, orange, grapefruit, and lemon have perfect flowers; the tomato, bean, lettuce, garden pea, onion, and many other vegetables likewise have perfect flowers.

    FIG. 17. Two kinds of watermelon Bowers. The Hower at Z is staminate and will fall off after it sheds pollen. The pistillate Bower shown at X wiII be pollinated later, and the enlarged basal portion will develop into the fruit.

    Imperfect. Species that have only stamens or pistils within a flower are divided into two groups:

    MONOECIOUS species are those that have the stamens and pistils borne on the same plant but in different flowers. Examples of plants of this group are the hickory, pecan, walnut, filbert, oak, and tung tree. Vegetables that are monoecious are the cucumber, squash, pumpkin, watermelon, and sweet com.

    DIOECIOUS species are those in which stamen-bearing flowers, and pistil-bearing flowers are borne on separate plants, produc-ing so-called staminate and pistillate plants, respectively. The

  • 30 Propagation at H orticaltural Plants date palm, fig, American persimmon, muscadine grape, aspar-agus, and spinach are examples of plants of this group.

    Pollination. An essential step in the development of seed from a flower is the process of pollination. When an anther is mature, it normally splits along longitudinal grooves and its pollen grains are discharged. This process is known as dehis-cence. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grain from an anther to the stigma of a pistil.

    Self-pollination. Technically, self-pollination is the transfer of pollen from an anther to a pistil of the same '::.:>wer. According to broader usage, however, selfing refers to the pollination of a

    FIC. 18. inflorescence of a staminate papaya pIant.

    pistil with pollen from a flower of the same genetic composition. Thus, the pistil and pollen involved in selfing might be borrie by the same flower, by different flowers of the same plant, or by flowers of different plants of the same variety.

    Cross-pollination. Technically, cross-pollination is the transfer of pollen from 1m anther to a pistil of any other flower. Accord-ing to current usage, how~ver, crossing refers to the pollination of a pistil by pollen from a plant of a different genetic composi-,tion. Thus, the Earliness blackberry was developed by crossing the Ness variety with the Louisiana dewberry variety.

    The. structure of perfect flowers determines to a marked ' de-gree whether pollen for pollination is supplied by the same flower or a different Hower. In the bean, for exam pie, the pistils

  • Inflorescences, Flowers, Fruits, and Seed 31 and stamens are enclosed in a complex floral arrangement; pollen is easily supplied by the anthers; it is in direct contact with the stigma of the pistil, and only rarely is pollen from other flowers involved in pollination. In other cases, such as the apple and tomato, pistils may be pollinated with pollen from the same

    FIG. 19. Pistillate and staminate inflorescence of walnut. Catkins borne singly from secondary buds on one-year wood; pistillate flowers in spike terminating new growth.

    flowers, or readily with that brought in by bees or other insects from other flowers .

    Pistils of imperfect flowers, obviously, can be pollinated only with pollen from other flowers. If the pollen comes from flowers of the same plant or from plants of the same variety, the process

  • 32 Propagation of Horticultural Plants would be selfing; if it came from plants of a different variety, the process would be crossing.

    Agents of Pollination. There are various ways by which pollen may be transferred from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the pistil.

    Growth Processes. In some plants the pollen is brought into contact with the stigmatic surface of the pistil in the process of

    F IG. 20. Flowers of pecan. Three-stalked catkins borne in pairs from buds on . one-year wood; pistillate spike borne terminally on new growth.

    the growth and development of the flower. For example, in let-tuce, at the beginning of anthesis, the pistil grows through the staminal cone and pollination takes place.

    Insects. Flowers of some plants have large showy petals and nectar glands within the flower that attracts insects. The pollen grains of such flowers are generall sticky, heavy, and in some

  • Inflorescences, Flowers, Fruits, and Seed 33 cases covered with an oily film. This is true of the pollen of flowers of such common horticultural plants as the peach, plum, cherry, apple, pear, tomato, and muskmelon.

    In the tomato, for example, the pollen is sticky and insects are helpful in transferring the pollen even the short distance from the anther to the pistil. Pollen will also adhere to the body of the insect for possible transfer to a blossom to be visited later. Likewise in certain monoecious plants such as the cucum-ber, and also in dioecious plants as the Smyrna fig, where the staminate and pistillate flowers are widely separated, insects that

    FIG. 21. Hn,np.vh"" sity at Missouri.)

    visit the flowers are helpful and almost necessary in providing for the transfer of pollen.

    Many different kinds of insects are instrumental in pollination. Some of the most common ones are:

    HONEYBEES. Of all the insects, common honeybees are by far the most important for pollination purposes. They have a body structure especially adapted to the carrying of pollen; they become active in the early spring when most fruits bloom, and continue throughout the growing season; they survive the win-ters in great numbers; they are constant for only one kind of a plant at a time and visit no others during a given period; and finally, they can be moved about and made available wherever they are needed.

  • Propagation CJ/ H orticultul'al Plants Fruitgrowers in sections where there are few wild bees often

    place hives . of bees in the orchard during the period in early spring when they are needed for pollination purposes. In the greenhol1se culttire of ~erican varieties of cucumbers, special provisions must be made for pollination. The pistillate flowers may be hand-pollinated, but a more successful way involves the use of bees. The hives are kept either on the outside of the greenhouse, usually with a pane of glass removed, and indi-vidual hives so placed that the bees enter the house through the opening; or the hives may be located inside the house.

    FIG WASP. The Smyrna fig is dioecious and the flowers must be pollinated with pollen from Capri figs for proper develop-ment. Commercial production of these Smyrna figs depends upon the so~called "fig wasp" for pollination, and apparently no other insect is suitable.

    OTHER INSEcrs. Many kinds of butterflies, bees, and flies are active in visiting flowers, and in doing so they act as agents in tbe distribution of pollen. In onion breeding, species of flies have been used successfully for pollination. The onion plants to be crossed are grown in wire cages, and the flies are intro-duced in the cages at the proper time.

    Wind. Some species of plants are pollinated by wind. The date palm, pecan, walnut, filbert, corn, spinach, and beet are examples of plants of this class. These plants do not have the conspicuous flOwer parts that characterize those pollinated by insects. The pollen produced by them is very fine, light, dry, and easily borne by the wind.

    Investigations have shown that pecan pollen may be carried 3,000 feet by wind, and it is generally believed that it may be blown much farther. Rain, dew, and fog inhibit the distribution of pollen by wind. It has been found that no shedding of pollen occurs in the pecan when the relative humidity of the air is above 85 per cent. Prolonged periods of rainy or extremely humid weather thus tend to reduce fruitfulness in wind-pol-linated plants. Such unfavorable weather during the pollina-tion period may account, in some degree, for the uncertainty of crops of wind-pollinated species in sections where such conditions are likely to occur. With some plants, both wind and insects are responsible for pollination. Such is the case with grapes.

  • Inflorescences, Flowers, Fruits, and Seed 35 Hand-pollination. The pollination of flowers by hand is a

    rather common practice in experimental work. It is also followed to a limited extent in commercial production of some crops, such as apple, where for one reason or another insect pollinators are not present in sufficient numbers to ensure a good set of fruit. Such controlled pollination eliminates the necessity for fruit thinning to prevent overbearing.

    Fertilization. The stigmatic surface of the pistillate flower, when the latter is receptive, usually has a sticky or viscid fluid upon it. The pollen grains, falling on this favorable me-dium germinate in a com-paratively short time, and a tube grows out from one of the pores of the grain. This tube, known as the pollen tube, penetrates the style of the flower, supposedly by dis-solving its way beween the cells, and finally penetrates the ovule. As it grows, the nucleus of the pollen grain, which has divided into two parts, follows down the tube. When the tube finally emerges into the ovule, the two nuclei are discharged into the em-bryo sac. The time required for this process varies, com-

    FIG. 22. Diagram to show the general anatomy of a complete flower and the process of fertilization.

    monly, from a few hours to as much as 5 days; in the pecan it requires from 2 to 3 weeks, and in the overcup oak it requires I year. In the meantime, within the ovule, certain changes have taken place that finally result in eight nuclei, arranged within the embryo sac. These consist of the egg cell and two synergids at one end, three antipodal nuclei at the other end, and two polar nuclei near the center. As the two generative nuclei are discharged from the pollen tube, one of them fuses with the egg cell, producing the embryo of the seed. The other generative nucleus usually fuses with the two polar nuclei, to produce the endosperm. This complete process is known as

  • 36 Propagation of Horticultural Plants double fertilization. In the first growth of the embryo after fertil-ization it becomes differentiated into certain regions. It is heJd in place by a suspensor, which may consist of only three or four cells, or it may be only one cell wide and very long. Next in order of development are the radicle, which is the root in the young plant; the hypocotyl, which is the lower stem; the epicotyl, which is the stem between the cotyledons and the first true leaves; the -cotyledons, or seed leaves; and the plumule, or growing pOint, of the young plant. As the seed develops and matures, food materials in concentrated form are deposited within the seed coat. These consist of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in varying proportions, and different kinds predominate in the different seeds. In some seeds stored food is largely con-fined to cells of the embryo; in others it is in the endosperm adjacent to the embryo.

    Seeds. Seeds are extremely variable in size, shape, color, and length of time during which they remain viable. Certain plants, of which celery is an example, produce seeds that are as small as grains of sand; and others, such as the begonia, produce seeds that are even smaller. Avocado seeds are often as much as 2 inches in diameter. In shape and texture seeds may be rounded, angled, smooth, irregular, thin, or flat. With all these variations, true seeds have three essential parts in common, which become their distinguishing characteristics: (1) The embryo is the most important component of a seed. It is the living plant developed from the fertilized egg cell, and its growth has been restricted by the maturity of the seed. Its parts are the radicle, plumule, and one 'l)r two cotyledons. (2) Stored food is another com-ponent of a seed. It is deposited in the seed while it is still on the mother plant. This reserve food may be contained largely in the embryo, as in the peach and bean; or in the endosperm which cIosefy encloses _ the embryo of certain kinds of seeds. Seeds of this latter kind are produced by the onion, for example. (3) The testa is the outside covering forming the protective coat of a seed. It is formed normally from the two integuments of the ovule, or in some seed from a single integument.

    Multiple Seedlings. Seeds of some plants are contained in fruits, with or without adhering parts. Such fruits may contain one or more than one seed and produce a corresponding number of seedlings. The so-called lettuce "seed" is a fruit that contains

  • Inflorescences, Flowers, Fruits, and Seed 37 only one seed and it produces only one seedling when it germ-inates. The so-called "seed" of the beet is a fruit that contains several seeds and hence when planted, it produces several seedlings. i Some true seeds contain more than one embryo. Such s eds

    upon germination produce more than one seedling. This condi-tion is known as polyembryony. It may result from several causes including (1) the development and fertilization of more than one egg cell in the embryo sac, (2) the occasional successful fertilization of synergids, and (3) the development of vegetative embryos in the nuceJlus of the the latter cas, the fertilized egg produces one embryo which has heritable factors from both parents. In addition to this embryo, a number of vegetative embryos are produced from the nucellus of the ovule. These produce seedlings that have the same character-istics as the mother plant. The. vegetative embryos and the seed-lings that grow from them are apogamic. Apogamy is fairly

    . common among plants. It has been shown that at least one species of -the apple produces apogamic embryos, and it 'has

    be~n ' observed frequently in citrus. In one test Imperial grape-fruit produced an average of four seedlings per seed and WiIlow-leaf Mandarin produced over six seedlings per seed.

    Fruit. From the botanical viewpoint, the fruit is the matured ovary with its seeds and other parts of the Rower that are intimately associated with it at maturity. The fruit then usually consists of seeds, which are developed from ovules; pericarp, which develops from the ovary; and perhaps other parts, that will be discussed later.

    Simple Fruits. These fruits develop from a single enlarged ovary to which other parts mayor may not be attached. If the ovary and later the pericarp is borne upon the receptacle, as in the grape, the flower and fruit are superior or hypogynous; if they are enclosed and surrounded by the adhering receptacle, as in the apple and muskmelon, the flnwer and fruit are inferior or epigynous; if they are borne within a cup-shaped receptacle, as in the peach and plum, the flower and fruit are perigynous.

    Simpk fruits may develop from an ovary of one carpel, as in the peaeh and bean; or more, as in the grape with two, the cucumBer with three, okra with four, the apple with five, and the orange and common tomato with many. The pericarp of

  • 38 Propagation of Horticultural Plants simple fruits may be fleshy at maturity, as in the tomato and grape; or dry as in walnuts, pecans, and filberts.

    Aggregate Fruits. An aggregate fruit is derived from a single flower having a large number of pistils. The structure of such a fruit is that of a single receptacle upon which are massed a large number of so-called "fruitlets," each of which is like a small fruit. In the dewberry, blackberry, and raspberry, the individual fruits are small drupes; in the dewb~rry and blackberry these drupelets adhere to the receptacle when it is detached from the stem, while in the raspberry, the receptacle adheres to the stem and the fruit separates as a hollow cup. In the strawberry, the small fruits are achenes or dry fruits and the receptacle is the chief edible portion.

    Multiple Fruits . The multiple fruit is developed from the ovaries of many separate flowers . These are closely clustered together on one peduncle and they may be sessile or borne on pedicles. Good examples of these fruits are the mulberry, pine-apple, and fig. The individual flowers in the pistillate inflor-escence of the mulberry are crowded together closely on the axis. Each flower possesses a single, one-carpel ovary, which develops into a nutlet enclosed by the thickened, juicy calyx lobes. These separate fruits become crowded together as they develop to form the mulberry "fruit."

    The flowers of the fig are borne on the inner wall of an enlarged fleshy hollow peduncle sometimes known as "recep-tacle," staminate and pistillate flowers occurring in some types of figs and only pistillate flowers 1n other types. The pistillate flowers have single, one-carpel ovaries, developing into nutlets, imbedded in the succulent flesh of the true receptacle inside the hollow peduncle. The edible portion consists of these flowers, their short pedicels, and the fleshy peduncle. The pineapple has an elongated central axis on which are borne numerous sessile flowers. The fleshy bases and ovaries of these flowers are fused with sepals to form the edible part of the pineapple.

    Accessory Fruits. Those fruits in which a part of the ripened fruit has developed from parts other than the ovary and ovule are known as accessory fruits. The apple is a simple fruit but also accessory because a large part of the flesh is derived from the receptacle. In general, fruits that develop from inferior (epigynous) ovaries are accessory. Accessory fruits, however,

  • Inflorescences, Flowers, Fruits, and Seed 39 develop also from hypogynous ovaries, as represented by the strawberry, dewberry, and blackberry. In the strawberry the receptacle comprises practically the entire edible portion and in the blackberry and dewberry a part of it. All these are, hence, accessory, aggregate fruits. The mulberry is a multiple, acces-sory fruit in that tbe "fnUt" consists of peduncle and fleshy

    bracts in addition to that whicb develops from the pistil. The fig fnUt is also a multiple, accessory fruit.

    Seedless Fruit. Some plants commonly produce fruits that con-tain no seeds. The conditions responsible for seedlessness may be conveniently discussed under two beadings:

    1. Parthenocarpy. Fruits that set and mature without being fertilized are designated as partbenocarpic.

    a. When plants set and m'lture fruit without pollination, the condition is known as vegetative parthenocarpy. The banana,

  • 40 Propagation of Horticultural Plants Japanese persimmon, English varieties of cucumbers, orange, grapefruit, and some varieties of figs are examples of plants characterized by this condition.

    b. In some cases, the stimulation of pollination on the ovarian tissue is essential, although fertilization of the ovule does not follow. This condition is known as stimulative parthenocarpy. Examples are found in the .pear, Jerusalem cherry, Thompson Seedless grape, and some varieties of squash. Thompson Seed-less grapes may be rendered seedless also, by embryo abor-tion, discussed in a later paragraph.

    c. If fruits are capable of developing into seedless fruit if not fertilized, or into seeded fruits when fertilized, they are said to be facultatively parthenocarpic. Certain varieties of Japanese persimmons, figs, cucumbers, and peaches are examples of fruits of this class. The J. H. Hale peach produces some fruits which are seedless. They are invariably smaller and later in maturity than normal fruit.

    d. If fruits will not develop seeds under any circumstances even when pollinated, the parthenocarpy is said to oe obligatory. The Thompson Seedless grape is an example.

    Fertilization of parthenocarpic fruits might be objectionable by causing the fruit to develop seed instead of being seedless, thereby causing the mother plant to be less fruitful. In the case of cucumber varieties that are capable of maturing fruit par-thenocarpically, flowers that are pollinated and fertilized pro-duce seed-bearing fruits which are usually different in shape from seedless fruits. They tend to' be angular in cross section instead of cylindrical. Cucumber vines of varieties that produce parthenocarpic fruits are very prolific of seedless fruits; if pol-linated, the cucumbers have seed and the vines are less prolific.

    The Hachiya variety of Japanese persimmon will set fruit readily without pollination, in which event fruits are seedless. In mixed plantings where pollination is likely to occur, seeded fruits are frequently produced. These have black, discolored areas immediately surrounding some of the seeds and are con-sidered to be inferior in quality to the seedless fruits.

    2. Embryo Abortion or Killing. Seedlessness may be due to causes other than parthenocarpy. As a result of the fertilization process, an embryo is formed. If its growth is not arrested, it forms a seed. In some fruits the growth of the embryo may be

  • Inflorescences, Flou,'ers, Fruits, and Seed 41 stopped by internal or external factors, and vet the fruit will continue to develop. Embryos are often killed' by cold or other conditions that do not kill the ovarv.

    If the fruit has developed far e~ough so that its growth will continue without the stimulus of the developing seeds, a seed-less fruit is formed. However, as a rule, death of the embryo results in premature shedding of fruits. If fertilization takes place in Thompson Seedless grapes, the fruits when mature are seed-less because of embryo abortion. This phenomenon has been observed, also, to result in seedless fruits in plum and cherry, though such fruits have no special merit because of the pres-ence of the bony endocarp.

    Factors Influencing Fruit Setting. In general it is necessary that flowers be fertilized in order to set fruit. Parthenocarpic fruits are an exception. There are several factors that may oper-ate to discourage or prevent fruitfulness; these are therefore of vital concern to the fruitgrowers.

    Defective Flower Parts. Incomplete development of pistils or stamens may be a cause of sterility within a species. Many species of native plums and other fruits regularly produce some flowers with defective pistils. These are incapable of being fertilized and they drop from the tree at the time of petal fall.

    Muscadine grapes produce some flowers in which the pistils are normal, but the stamens are abnormal. The pollen produced by these stamens is shriveled instead of normally plump and smooth. Such pollen is not viable. The J. H. Hale peach pro-duces flowers with normal pistils, but the anthers are abortive and therefore are pollen-sterile. Some varieties of hybrid toma-ties are known to produce normal amounts of pollen, but its development is not complete and it is sterile at the time of dehiscence. The Italian Red onion does not normally produce viable pollen. It is obvious that self-pollination cannot occur in such flowers in which either the pistil or anthers is defective.

    Incompatibility. Pollination does not always ensure fruit setting. In many fruits incompatability exists between pollen and pistils of the same plant. The pollen is viable, but it is not cap-able of effecting fertilization of the pistil of the same plants. Such conditions result in self-sterility. The pistils of such plants, when pollinated with the proper pollen, will become fertilized and develop normally. Several of the important commercial

  • 42 Propagation of Horticultural Plants varieties of apples are known to be self-incompatible, or parti-ally so. Some of the leading pear varieties, including Bartlett, Kieffer, Bosc, and Anjou, are regarded as commercially self-sterile, at least in certain localities. Many of the varieties of plums, such as Abundance, Wicks on, Burbank, and Bruce, are self-sterile. The same is true for certain varieties of almond, cherry, and blackberry. For all of the varieties that are known to be self-sterile at least one other variety known to be an effective pollenizer should be planted.

    When incompatibility exists between pollen and pistil of dif-ferent varieties or species, they are said to be intersterile. Each of three leading varieties of sweet cherries (Bing, Lambert, and Napoleon) is self-sterile and the three are intersterile. Hence, mixed plantings of them will not produce fruit unless the trees are within range of some other variety, such as Black Tartarian, that is interfertile with them. The Bartlett and Seckel varieties of pears are each commercially self-sterile; and the two are inter-sterile and hence are not fruitful when planted alone or together without an effective pollenizer, such as Bosc.

    Dichogamy. Plants frequently exhibit a difference in the time of pollen shed and the time of pistil receptivity. The period when pollen is shed may not coincide with the time when the pistil is receptive. If the two periods are entirely distinct, the conditiun is known as complete dichogamy; if some overlapping occurs, it is incomplete dichogamy. For example, a variety with pollen shedding from April 11 to April 18 and pistils becoming recep-tive from April 20 to April 28 would represent a condition of complete dichogamy. If pollen is shed before pistils are recep-tive, the plant is said to be protandrous; if pistils are receptive first, protogynolls. Isolated plants of a dichogamous variety are normally unfruitful. Plants that are incompletely dichogamous, if isolated, will set fruit only during the period of overlapping, and the quantity of fruit set is detennined largely by the length of the period during which pollen shedding and pistil receptivity coincide. It should be kept in mind that dichogamy also results in self-sterility or intersterility, not as a result of incompatibility but merely through the operation of the time factor.

    Data obtained in Texas showed dichogamy to be a factor limiting the fruitfulness of pecans. Many of the leading varieties have been observed to be protogynous in most years, and in only a few cases was there sufficient overlapping in blooming to allow

  • Inflorescence,,_ Flowers, Fruits, and Seed 43 self-pollination. A few varieties, on the other hand, were found always to be protandrous and produced pollen each year in time to pollinate any variety that had been under observation. At the time that the pistils of early pollenizers became receptive, ponen from other varieties was available.

    Dioecious Plants. Plants that bear on Iv staminate flowers never produce any fruit, since no ovary cap;ble of developing into a fruit is borne; isolated plants that bear only pistillate flowers are seldom fruitful unless some special provision is made to ensure effective pollination. The Smyrna fig, a dioecious species that bears only pistillate flowers, was not fruitful when first in-troduced into the United States because pollen that was neces-sary for fruit setting was not provided. In pollination of this fruit, Capri figs containing insects are placed in wire baskets and hung in the Smyrna trees. These are replaced at intervals of 2 or 3 days in order to ensure a continuous supply of viable pollen. The Capri figs are grown in protected locations to pre-vent possible killing by cold weather of the overwintering crop of figs, which contain the fig wasps. A similar practice of planting is followed with the male date palm. With some dioecious species, such as the Muscadine grape and pistachio, the staminate plants are interplanted to provide proper pol-lination.

    Environmental and Nutritive Factors. In addition to the fac-tors mentioned above, fruit trees may fail to set fruit properly, owing either to frost and other climatic factors or to internal nutritive conditions. The destructiveness of frost and cold weather is often quite apparent where warm winter weather causes early blossoming of peach, plum, and other fruits. In addition to the damage due to outright killing of the pistils, cool weather may slow pollen-tube growth so that the ovule does not become fertilized before an abscission layer forms and causes dropping of the flowers.

    High humidity may prevent pollen shed, as in the pecan. Low humidity may shorten the period of receptivity of the pistil, as in the tomato; unfavorable weather may discourage bees or other insect pollinators and thus prevent pollination.

    Unfavorable nutritive conditions within the tree often result in its failure to set fruit. Partly developed fruits may drop off, owing to the plant's inability to furnish the necessary nourish-ment required in growth of vegetative and flower parts. The

  • 44 Propagation of Horticultural Plants nutritive factor may often explain why certain vaPieties bear a heavy crop one year and a very light crop during the next sea-son. The explanation may be in the fact that undernourished or weak trees often produce defective pistils, fail to develop viable pollen, or fail to develop any flower buds at all. It may deter-mine, also, which of the branches will bear fruit; evidence indicates that those which are more vigorous or are in a more favored position with respect to a nutrient supply are more likely to bear fruit. This is especially noticeable during light-crop years.

    Practices That Increase Fruit Setting. It is suggested in pre-vious paragraphs that some plants are not fruitful because viable pollen is not transferred to the receptive stigma at the proper time for effective pollination. Several special practices are fol-lowed by orchardists in overcoming this difficulty:

    L Growers who have discovered an immediate need of pollen may provide it by distributing through the orchard blossoming branches of a variety that produces effective pollen during the time when the pollen is needed. Large branches, from 1 to 1% inches or more in diameter, are preferred. The pollen of flowers of such branches matures and is available for distribution by wind or insects for several days. The branches are placed in vessels of water and are replaced by fresh ones as the flowers wither.

    2. A permanent source of such pollen may be provided by grafting into each tree a scion of a good pollenizer. As the scion grows, it becomes a part of the tree and provides pollen for future years. One pollenizing branch on each tree is adequate. The chances of having pollen available when needed are in-creased by grafting a relatively early blooming variety on one tree and a later one on the adjacent tree.

    3. Planting pollenizing trees in the orchard at intervals may also be used to provide a permanent source of pollen. A rather customary practice is to plant one pollenizer to each 10 trees. In many cases, one or more varieties which will pollinate the commercial variety and produce good-quality fruit can be inter-planted.

    4. The location of bees or other pollinators in the orchard for pollinating purposes is a rather common practice in some sec-tions. One colony to the acre is considered adequate. It is not

  • Inflorescences, Flowers, Fruits, and Seed 45 necessary to distribute the hives singly throughout the orchard. They may be placed in groups of eight or ten on a site exposed to the sun and protected from the wind as far as possible. The bees should be brought into the orchard just as the nrst bloom opens so that they will be encouraged to begin work nearby instead of elsewhere.


    1. What are the three essential parts of a seed? What is the im-portant function of each part?

    2. Name the parts of a complete Hower. What is a perfect flower? An imperfect flower? A monoecious species? A dioecious species?

    3. Define pollination, self-pollination, and cross-pollination. 4. What are the principal agents of pollination? 5. What weather conditions discourage pollination by wind? 6. What is meant by dichogamy? 7. Tell what is meant by polyembryony or apogamy. Of what

    significance is it? 8. What is an inflorescence? 9. What is the essential difference between a determinate and an

    indeterminate type of inflorescence? Between a spike and a raceme? Distinguish between sessile and pediceled flowers.

    10. What is the distinction between a fruit and a seed? Between simple, aggregate, and multiple fruits?

    ll. Distinguish between fruits with fleshy peri carps and those with dlY pericarps. Give examples.

    12. Give examples of accessory fruits. What tissues comprise the edible part of each?


    Baldwin, H. 1.: "Forest Tree Seed of the North American Temperate Regions," Chrolliea Botanica Co., 1942.

    Crocker, William, and Lela V. Barton: "Physiology of Seeds," Chronica Botanica Co., 1953.

    Frost, H. B.: Polyembryony, Heterozygosis and Chimeras in Citrus, Hilgardia, 7:625-642, 1933.

    Griggs, W. H.: Pollination Requirements of Fruits and Nuts, Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Circ. 424, 1953.

    Hedrick, U. P.: "Systematic Pomology," The Macmillan Company, 1925.

    Pool, R. J.: "Flowers and Flowering Plants," McGraw-Hili Book Com-pany, Inc., 1929.

    Snyder, John C.: The Pollination of Tree Fruits and Nuts, Wash. Agr. Ext. Servo Bull. 342, 1946.


    Special Plant-growing Equipment

    Special equipment is used in the growing of many horticultural plants. This special equipment is used to start plants at seasons when outside conditions are unfavorable, to grow plants to maturity at off seasons of the year, and for the propagation, by seed or vegetative methods, of plants that reqllire special treat-ment.

    Types of Special Equipment. There are several different types of kinds of special equipment. The kind or species of plant to be grown, the length of time the equipment is needed during a season, initial cost, operating expenses, and other similar factors are considered in deciding upon equipment to be used.

    Forcing Hills ,and Plant Protectors. Certain structures are de-signed to cover the individual plants in the field. They are known as forcing hills or plant protectors.

    Types. Several types are used. Formerly, one made in the form of a box, usually 12 inches square and 12 inches high with a pane of glass for cover, was used extensively. The initial cost, cost of storage, breakage, and labor required to place them over the plants and remove them have all tended to discourage their use. -.

    Other types of plant protectors, however, are used for grow-ing plants in the open. Small conical covers made of translucent paper or plastic are used commonly, Some plastic covers are Hexible and are designed for using once only; others are rigid and may be used repeatedly.

    Uses. Plant protectors and forcing hills are used to protect plants from untiIiJely cold weather and from damage by wind. They are also used to increase the soil temperature to a degree


  • Special Plant-growing Equipment 47 which is favorable for the germination of seed. Workers in Arkansas have shown that muskmelon seed planted early in the spring germinate quicker when plant protectors are used, be-cause of the higher prevailing soil temperature. The plants which got an early start ultimately produced marketable melons at a slightly earlier date than plants in locations where no covers were prOvided. Forcing hills and plant protectors are used only for crops that produce a heavy yield of a valuable product from an individual plant. The tomato and muskmelon are examples of such plants. On the contrary, it would be impracticable to

    FIG .24. Conical paper covers used to protect tender plants in the field. use forcing hills for carrots or radishes because the unit return from an individual plant of such crops is too small to justify the expense for labor and material.

    Cold Frames and Hotbeds. Cold frames are designed primarily to protect plants from cold without the use of artificial heat. Hotbeds differ from cold frames in that they are provided with artificial heat.

    Uses. Cold frames and hotbeds are used widely in the stang of vegetable crops, and to a lesser extent for cuttings. Cold frames are used primarily in protecting plants against a few degrees of cold, usually in early spring. They are also useful in providing protection against wind and excessive rainfall, and in the hardening of plants prior to transplanting to the field, a practice that is discussed in the chapter on transplanting. In

  • 48 Propagation of Horticultural Plants some places, certain crops are started in cold frames and, when the weather permits, the frames are removed and the crops con-tinue to grow under field conditions. Plants may be grown in hotbeds at seasons when it would be too cold for them in cold frames' hence the season of prolitable use of a hotbed is much longer.' Oftentimes, young plants are started in late winter ill a hotbed and later as the weather becomes milder they are trans-planted to the cold frame. After a period of growth there, they are Dnally moved to the Deld when outside weather conditions have become favorable. '

    Flc. 25. Hotbed, standard sash covers, and mechanical conveyer to facilitate handling of sash.

    Construction. Cold frames and hotbeds are constructed in the same general manner. They are usually made of wood or con-crete. When wood is used, the structures can easily be made so that they are movable. This makes it possible to set them up at different places each year and to store them during off seasons. Insulating the walls, particularly those made of wood, makes them more effective in retaining heat and providing protection. This is cor: .monly done by lining inside walls with heavy paper or by banking soil against the outside of the walls. The standard width of cold frames and hotbeds is 6 feet; the length is Variable, depending upon the space needed. Cold frames and hotbeds should be located on the south side of a building or other barrier which will provide protection from north winds. The lengthwise

  • Special Plant-growing Equipmenf 49 direction should be from east to west. The north wall of the structure should be 6 inches higher than the south wall. This facilitates shedding of water when the frame is covered. It provides better exposures to sunlight in late winter and early spring and also provides some protection from north winds. The bed or floor of the cold frame or hotbed should be level to facilitate uniform watering, and it should be even with, or slightly above, the surrounding ground level to ensure good drainage. When concrete is used to make a permanent structure, the walls usually extend well into the soil and therefore special

    FIC. 26. Cross-section drawing of a manure-heated hotbed.

    provision should be made to provide adequate drainage by the use of a sand or gravel fill and tile drains.

    Covers. Normally, covers of some kind are used for cold frames and hotbeds. The most satisfactory cover is the standard sash. It is 3 feet wide and 6 feet long. Glass panes are imbedded in the frame and glazed to provide waterproof and airtight pro-tection. In use the sash is placed lengthwise across the cold frame or hotbed. The standard sash is expensive; yet it is a satisfactory cover. A frame covered with glass permits the ab-sorption of heat from the sun on clear days and it enables the bed to retain it during the night and during cold periods; it is possible in this way to provide temperatures that are more uniformly favorable for plant growth than would be the case if the frames were not so covered. Various other materials are

  • 50 Propagation of Horticultural Plants used as covers for cold frames. Screen wire imbedded in a transparent material similar to cellophane makes a satisfactory cover. This material is usually tacked on frames of dimensions that permit of convenient handling. Different grades and weights of cloth that range from heavy duck to light domestic are also used. The untreated cloth may be used, but treating the material with hot linseed oil or melted paraflln increases its durability, makes it more nearly waterproof and airtight, and renders it more effective in protecting the frame during unfavorable weather.

    Methods of Heating Hotbeds. Heating of hotbeds is accom-plished in four principal ways.

    HOT WATER OR STEAM. Where hotbeds adjoin a greenhouse that is heated by steam or hot water, the heating pipes may be extended into the beds also. Other provisions are sometimes made for steam or hot water. The pipes are usually placed about 5 or 6 inches below the seedbed surface. Where it is desired to protect plants against an occasional late frost or freeze, and where it is desirable to warm the air, but not necessary to warm the soil, the pipes may be suspended along the inside walls at about the level of the seedbed. Hotbeds heated with steam or hot water are very satisfactory because the temperature can be regulated accurately.

    ORGANIC MATTER. The heat liberated in the decomposition of organic matter can be used as a source of heat for hotbeds. Animal manures are used commonly and fresh manure from grain-fed horses is considered best. Hay, straw, and cornstalks are also used, though the heat produced by these is much less. The hotbed is excavated to a depth of from 18 to 30 inches. The manure or other organic material is packed well into this basin, especially around the edges and in the corners. When the required amount has been added, a layer of good soil, 4 to 6 inches deep, is spread ~oothly over the top. This constitutes the seedbed and its surf~ce should be slightly higher than the level of the surrounding ground. When moisture is added, heat is produced by organic material and the seedbed above absorbs some of the heat. The greatest heating effect is at the beginning of the period, and the temperature gradually subsides. Hence,

    . this type of hotbed is more satisfactory for use in the spring than in the fall. If manure, or other organic material, is available

  • Special Plant-growing Equipment 51 locally, the chief expense of providing heat is the labor neces-sary to put the bed in operation.

    FLUE HEAT. By another method, hotbeds are heated by flues. In the construction of such beds, a firebox is located at one end and tile flues extend from the firebox lengthwise of the bed to an outlet at the opposite end. Two lines of flues, properly spaced, give a more uniform distribution of heat than if only one line is used. Soil is placed over the flues to provide the planting bed. Hot gas and smoke from the firebox, passing under the bed, create the heating effe

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