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Promosi Wirausaha dalame-CommerceGuardian Yoki Sanjaya

SIMKES Fakultas Kedokteran

Outline• What is e-commerce?• e-business context in healthcare?• Does e-commerce only selling and buying?

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E-commerce• Technology-enabled transactions and technology-mediated exchanges of digitized information between parties (individuals or organizations) as well as the electronically based intra-organizational or inter-organizational activities that facilitate such exchanges (Doni Boje)• “…as using IT such as Internet and WWW to enable commercial transactions and it is revolutionizing the way companies conduct their business” (Al-Sudairy).

E-commerceIs not enabling technology but it is simply conducting business electronically through enabling technology such as EDI, VANs and Internet. At the application level typical technologies include:

electronic data interchange (EDI); electronic mail;electronic forms; electronic catalogues;electronic funds transfer; fax; technical data interchange; voice messaging; workflow

Cakupan e-commerceExchange of digitized informationTechnology-enabled transactionsTechnology-mediated relationshipsIntra- & inter-organizational activities

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What technology?• Internet, mobile network• Web-browser, mobile browser• Mobile Apps• Website• Social network• E-commerce server software• Web content management tools

Kategori e-commerceBusiness originating from . . .

Business ConsumersConsumersB2B C2B





Kategori e-commerceGovernment

Business Business


Mohammed A. Al-Sudairy. King Abdul Aziz University

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Business-to-Consumer(B2C)• Business to Consumer commerce, according to Patton “applies to any business or organization that sells its products or services to consumers over the Internet for their own use”. • In other words, it provides a direct sale between the supplier and in the individual consumer.

Business-to-Business (B2B)• Business-to-Business involves online transactions between businesses.• E.g.,, Milacron Inc.’s website for selling cutting tools, grinding wheels, etc. to more than 100,000 small machining businesses.

Consumer-to-Consumer or Peer-to-Peer (C2C/P2P)• C2C/P2P is defined as exchanges between/among consumers.• These exchanges can involve a third-party involvement, which can facilitate and provide the infrastructure, place and governance for the transactions/exchanges. • E.g., of this is the online market place, Here consumers can bid for and sell items of any description, for any price.

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Consumer-to-Business (C2B)• Consumer-to-Business is when Business present themselves as a buyer group. • Examples of this include consultant. Consultant provides client (business) with market strategies and businesses also use them to gain insight into consumer wants.

Business to Government (B2G)• This category covers all transactions between companies and government organizations. • Currently this category is in its infancy, but it could expand quite rapidly as governments use their own operations to promote awareness and growth of electronic commerce. • For example:

• in the USA the details of government procurements are publicized over the Internet and companies can respond electronically.• administrations may also offer the option of electronic interchange for such transactions as VAT returns and the payment of corporate taxes.

Government to Consumer (G2C)• This category has more likely Government responsible for their citizens.• However, in the wake of a growth of both the business-consumer and business-administration categories, governments may extend electronic interaction to such areas as welfare payments and self-assessed tax returns

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Benefits of EC• Cost reduction• Enhanced customer service• Access to new global market • Enhanced potential for partners

Example of Specific Business Benefits of e-commerce• reduced advertising costs• reduced delivery cost, notably for goods that can also be delivered electronically• reduced design and manufacturing cost• improved market intelligence and strategic planning • access to new markets• customer involvement in product and service innovation • more opportunity for niche marketing equal access to markets (i.e. for SMEs, larger corporations)

Supplier opportunities and demand benefits Supplier opportunity• global presence• improved competitiveness• mass customization & customerization• shorten or eradicate supply chains• substantial cost savings• novel business opportunities

Demand benefit• global choice• quality of service• personalized products & services• rapid response to needs• substantial price reductions• new products & services

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e-Commerce in health systems

25WHO SEARO. 2014. Reference manual on Health Information System

e-Commerce and Universal Health CoverageBadan


Peserta Jaminan Penyedia


PuskesmasDokter Praktik

Klinik PratamaRumah Sakit



Memberi pelayananMencari pelayanan

Peran Regulator:1. Regulasi sistem pelayanan

kesehatan (rujukan bertingkat)

2. Regulasi standar pelayanan kesehatan, kompetensi pelayanan masing-masing level, standar obat dan alkes

3. Monitoring sistem kesehatan

The pipeline of Healthcare costsCapital Investment Inventory Investment Transportation Costs Plant Scheduling Efficiency

Capital InvestmentInventory investment Transportation Costs Value Added Services

Capital Investment Increased Patient AcuityNew TechnologyUncompensated Care

Capital Investment Increased Claims ValiumsIncreased ReportingManaged Care Plans

Cost ShiftingSocial Problems

Manufacturer Distributor Healthcare Payer SponsorProvider

CompetitionCustomer Consolidation

Buying GroupCompetitionConsolidation

CompetitionPayer NegotiationsRate Setting

CompetitionUnderwriting Margins


Cost Forces

Pricing Forces

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Healthcare Industry Trading Partner RelationMedical / SurgicalProductManufacturers

Healthcare Providers

Medicare FiscalIntermediaries& CarriersHealthcare Financing Administration (Medicare)

Electronic Medical ClaimsCompanies

Wholesale DrugDistributors

Purchasing Group


Claims PayersIndemnityManaged careSelf insured


Medicaid Processors

Medical / SurgicalDistributors

E-business benefits in the healthcare • Improve quality of care• Provide operational savings• Reduction in fraudulent• Faster sharing of information • Searchable health information databases• Enhanced care delivery capabilities• Improved health outcomes• Market differentiation


E-business benefits in the healthcare• Control of the customer relationship• Dramatic cost decreases• Improved customer service levels• Reduced non-value-added work• Increased visibility • Improving healthcare delivery• New product offerings


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Does the e-commerce only or buying and selling products/services?

How about social entrepreneurship?• “…… the use of entrepreneurial skills to meet social needs or lead social change within private, public or not-for-profit organisations” (CCSE, 2001).• Who? health and social care professionals who take innovative action, that challenge the status quo and change culture

Nursing entrepreneur• Case Management• Camp Nurse• Care Management• Clinical Consultant• Coach (Executive, Life or Personal)• Companion Care Agency Owner• Continuing Education Provider• Cruise Nurse• Education and Training Nurse• Enterostomal Therapy Nurse• Environmental Health Nurse• Esthetician• Expert Witness• Detox Nurse• Forensic Nurse• Foot Care Nurse• Geriatric Care Management

• Nurse Mentor• Nurse Staffing Agency• Nursing Informatics• Nutrition and Weight Loss Consultant• Occupational Health Nurse• Parish Nurse• Pre-natal and Post-natal Exercise Instructor• Recruiter• Rehabilitation Consultant• Research Nurse• Sexual Assault Nurse • Telehealth Nursing • Telephone Triage Nurse• Travel Health Care• Travel Nurse Agency• Wellness Nurse• Wound Care Nurse

• Healing Touch (Energy Work) Nurse• Healthcare Architecture Design• Holistic Health Consultant• Home Health Care• Home Safety Assessment Nurse• Independent Contractor• Infection Control Nurse• Intravenous Specialty Nurse• Lactation Consultant• Legal Nurse Consultant• Life Care Planner• Medical Editor/Writer• Medical Coder and Biller• Nephrology Nurse• Nurse Coroner• Nurse in Commercials• Nurse Investigator

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