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  • 8/9/2019 Project3FergusonC


    Project #3 1



    Clinton Ferguson

    SOWK 300-01 Spring

    Ms. McArthur

    March 18th

    , 2010

  • 8/9/2019 Project3FergusonC


    Project #3 2

    Descriptive: In this graph we see the percentage of males and females from the 100,000

    slaves who were brought to Louisiana and documented during the 18th

    and 19th

    century. This

    pie chart shows us that there were more male slaves than female slaves. Male slaves were more

    valuable to slave owners than female slaves as indicated by price differential. I believe the reason

    behind this is that in majority agriculture industry male slaves can have more output in the fields

    than female slaves based sole on physical superiority. Many of the male slaves hold the jobs that

    profit the owners more thus the demand by the slave owners for more male slaves than female

    slaves. Female slaves are more likely to work in the house of the slave owner

    s family thanmale slaves. Being that plantation owners had more field than house it makes sense that there are

    more recorded male slaves than female.

    Interpretive: My interpretation of this data is that there was a greater demand for male slaves

    because they can profit the owner more in an agricultural business than female slaves. With

    56.43% of the slave sample population male and 43.57% female this is a very unequal

    population and is cause for an investigation into why these figures are so uneven. Physical labor

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    Project #3 3

    was what the slave owner pushed on their slaves and the better or more able to perform these

    dutys a slave was determined his or her value. By no means am I downplaying the womens

    role in the labor that was forcefully imposed on these slaves but I am interpreting this data as

    suggesting that male slaves are stronger which means they produce more which ultimately means

    more profit for the slave owner. Considered as property plantation owners profited heavily from

    the labor of many enslaved Africans and it is evident through this data the value that these slaves

    had for the owners.

    Descriptive: This data graph gives the race of the 100,000 documented slaves from the 17th and


    century. Here we can see the specific race of the slaves and shows the various races that

    comprised these 100,000 slaves to clarify a couple of terms that might be foreign I found

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    Project #3 4

    definitions on grif, mulatto, octoroon and quadroon. A grif was a name that originated during this

    time in 1715 its derived from the Spanish word grifo which means curly hair. Grif is one who

    has one black parent and one mulatto parent of Indian and black ancestry and as we see there are

    851 griefs in this sample. A quadroon is one who is one fourth black having one biracial parent

    of African and Caucasian decent and one parent of just Caucasian decent. An octoroon is one

    who is one eighth black and as we see there was only one documented octoroon of the 100,000

    slave sample.

    Interpretive: This data shows us the racial makeup of the 100,000 slaves. Nearly 85% of the

    slave sample is 100% considered black. Those who made up the half black population were

    called mulattos and there were 5,038 mulattos that are documented this is 5% of the sample.

    There are 253 quadroon slaves that are documented and to point out a trend the more white

    ancestry that an individual has the less likely they will be enslaved as the data suggests. Of the

    100,000 slaves that we are sampling there are only 295 American Indians that were documented

    as enslaved this is a significant find. The presence of so many mixed races with Caucasian

    indicates the inter racial mating that was taking place.

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    Project #3 5

    Description: This graph shows the African region that the sampled 100,000 slaves are originally

    from or enslaved at. There are many countries in Africa and Africa is a very big continent so it is

    enlightening to see where many of these enslaved Africans are from or taken from. We see here

    that many slaves were taken from Senegambia and the bright of Benin. Consistent with the time

    period and the routes of the Trans Atlantic slave trade many of these slaves were captured

    towards the western coast of Africa. As the years progressed and the slave trade increased the

    capturing of Africans moved inward towards central Africa. Many Africans didnt have a

    chance of escaping capture as their chiefs and leaders sold them to white slave traders this is one

    of the horrific dimensions of the slave trade of this era.

    Interpretive: 30.05% of the sampled slaves were from the Senegambia region of Africa and

    24.6% are listed as from Africa only. The data highlights the areas where the seeking of slaves

    took place in most instances Africans are taken from the eastern coast of Africa as this was a stop

    in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. This data shows us that the further inland of the continental

    Africa you go the number of slaves declines significantly. I also believe that physically bigger

    Africans comprise the specific regions seen here as the white slave capturers were seeking strong

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    Project #3 6

    slaves and the bigger a slave was the more profit they could turn for the trader. All this means

    that slave capturers were seeking big Africans and the correlation between this and the individual

    regions that we see here are purposeful.

    Description: Here we see the various skills that the sample slaves are categorized under. We see

    jobs such as agriculture, domestic, crafts, transportation and many others. This graph gives us

    insight into the different skills and jobs that these slaves had. As stated earlier a lot of the duties

    of the slaves were considered physically strenuous and to support this we see jobs like

    agriculture which generally means field or farm work and crafts which are both consideredphysical work this I believe is the reason there are more males than women slaves. Jobs that I

    assume are female dominated are domestic, land transport, water transport, health care and

    crafts. Many if not all of these duties are demanding physically and mentally not to mention they

    are done forcibly this makes me very grateful for how things are today.

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    Project #3 7

    Interpretive: Adding agriculture and crafts which are assumed to be male dominated we have

    46% physically strenuous jobs to choose from. Domestic means house and this alone makes up

    31.1% of jobs alone this is where I think most of the women were categorized as having. Women

    played a strong role in the house and were close to if not as hard as the male jobs. Things like

    cooking, cleaning, washing, child rearing, and maintain the house were duties listed under the

    skill title domestic. Though slave owners beat and exploited their slaves they also charged them

    with the duties of raising their children an ironic twist of the time it just goes to show the

    completely stupid logic and reasoning behind the slave owning culture. This graph goes to show

    the versatility and skill that these slaves had and were capable of even though history some

    books only show slaves in the field picking cotton.

    Descriptive: This graph shows us the percent of the sampled slaves listed as runaway and gives

    us the different categories. Of the data that I have examined this seems to be the most surprising.

    Here it shows that of the 100,000 slaves sampled 95% have ran away. In investigating runaway

    category the method of the runaway slave catcher is they would catch then interrogate the

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    Project #3 8

    runaway slaves in attempt to gain knowledge of conspirators thus we see the consorted with

    slaves category. 95% of these slaves ran away that means that 95,000 slaves attempted to run

    away. 1.8% of these slaves complained about runaways who show the Uncle Tom percentage of

    these slaves or in other words the slaves who would inform the masters of infractions of the rules

    by other slaves.

    Interpretive: This data is strikingsuggesting that nearly 95% of these slaves ran away this is a

    testament to the harsh treatment and conditions these slaves were subject to. 95,000 slaves ran

    away of the 100.000 and of the remaining 5 percent 3percent conspired with the runaway slaves

    this gives a 98% rate. To me this data speaks volumes about the will of these enslaved people to

    seek freedom that they are obviously not getting where they were as suggested in many

    American history books and lectures. To ignore or downplay the facts of the inhumane treatment

    that these people went thru is a testament to the strong feelings of racism that are still being held

    onto in this country as well as the strength this racism has now in this day the fact that people are

    still clutching to this racist thinking is preposterous.


    In conclusion I would like to note the enlightening and useful information that we observed all

    due to the documents found of these 100,000 slaves. That said I would like to conclude that these

    slaves that we have been so lucky to analyze are amazing of different races, talents, skills,

    genders, and regions. The shear diversity of the sampled slaves is astounding the skill ranges of

    these enslaved people is amazing and the stress they endured is un thinkable but I am happy to be

    able to see this data and be able to analyze it so quickly with the spas. As a history major I wasparticularly interested in this project topic I learned a lot of new information about the topic as

    well as a valuable tool to help me with my future experiments and research. The first graph

    shows us the makeup between the sexes of the 100,000 sampled slaves with 56% male and 43%

    female. The second graph gives the race of the 100,000 documented slaves from the 17 th and 18th

    century. Here we can see the specific race of the slaves and shows the various races that

    comprised these 100,000 slaves. Here we see the different degrees of black and mulatto that were

    among the 100,000 slaves. The third graph shows the African region that the sampled 100,000

    slaves are originally from or enslaved at. This data shows us that the further inland of the

    continental Africa you go the number of slaves captured declines significantly. So we get a

    glimpse into the region where these Africans are from as well as the region that slave capturers

    targeted to find potential slaves. Graph 4 this graph gives us insight into the different skills and

    jobs that these slaves had. When thinking about slave duties we are only told of the house jobs

    and the field jobs here we get to see the many jobs and talents that slaves had during this time.

    The fifth and final graph shows us the staggering figures of slaves that runaway nearly 95% of

    the 100,000 sampled slaves actually ran away. I have concluded through this data that life was so

    bad for these slaves that nearly every one of them tried to escape the horrors they were being

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    Project #3 9

    subject to. The gruesome physical and mental pain that was endured was tremendous I am

    thankful for this data and the chance to be able to take a look into this information. What is

    important to see about this data is the fact that 85% of slaves are blacks while 45% are female. In

    making my conclusions I have considered all the data in the graphs as well as information given

    to us in our required readings for this project.

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    Project #3 10

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