  • 1. Project Wonderland Innovation with Virtual Worlds
    • Rodrigo D' Agostini Peleias
  • 2. Sun Campus Ambassador

3. [email_address] 4. PROFESSOR 5. Donizetti Louro 6. Professor and Ressearcher 7. Pontificia Universidade Catolica de So Paulo 8. Ncleo de Pesquisas em Computao e Tecnologias Cognitivas 9. Agenda

  • About Virtual Worlds

10. What is Project Wonderland ? 11. Wonderland features 12. Using Wonderland 13. Creation of new worlds 14. Related technologies 15. Next steps 16. About Virtual Worlds 17. About Virtual Worlds What is virtual worlds ?

  • 3D environment for relationship between people

18. All around world people meetings 19. Normal activities realized in a virtual environment 20. Sharing applications in real time 21. What is Project Wonderland ? 22. What is Project Wonderland ? Developing overview

  • Collaborative application for creating and support virtual environments

23. 100% Java 24. Open Source 25. What is Project Wonderland ? Virtual Worlds overview

  • Corporations/Common places represented by virtual worlds

26. Global meetings 27. Users/customers represented by avatars 28. 29. Wonderland features 30. Wonderland features Completely extensible environment

  • Developers and graphic artists can add new contents

31. Possibility to create new virtual worlds 32. Content additionin existing virtual worlds 33. Wonderland features Completely extensible environment

  • Avatars behaviour changing

34. Importing the content created in modelling 3D objets softwares, like Blender 35. Wonderland features Global meetings with virtual worlds

  • Global meetings inside the worlds

36. Possibility to use own voice and record it and videos 37. Applications sharing in real time 38. Wonderland features More informations in community


39. Using Wonderland 40. Using Wonderland Where can I run ?

  • Binary application
  • Download in web site

41. In own server

  • Client

42. Movie Recorder 43. Server 44. Voice Bridge 45. Using Wonderland Where can I run ?

  • Java Web Start
  • Loading of Vitual Wolds of other serves

46. Binary application installed 47. Using Wonderland Optional applications

  • X11 Applicaqtion sharing
  • OpenOffice

48. Firefox 49. NetBeans 50. Using Wonderland Optional applications

  • PDF Viewer

51. Using Wonderland Optional applications

  • Video Player

52. Utilizando o Wonderland Aplicaes opcionais

  • VNC Player

53. Using Wonderland Optional applications

  • Whiteboard

54. Using Wonderland Optional applications

  • Telephone integration

55. Using Wonderland Optional applications

  • Audio / Movie recording

56. Demo 1 57. Creation of new worlds 58. Creation of new worlds New worlds and contents creation

  • Created by Open Source applications

59. Blender 60. Supported format: .x3d 61. Java3D 62. Creation of new worlds Extending worlds

  • Worlds defined by a group of Cells
  • 3D volumes

Controlled by a server 63. Each avatar moviment is registred by the server 64. Creation of new Worlds Example of a component creation with Blender 65. Creation of new Worlds Example of a component creation with Blender 66. Creation of new Worlds Example of a component creation with Blender 67. Creation of new Worlds Example of a component creation with Blender 68. Demo 2 69. Related technologies 70. Related Technologies Foundation technologies

  • Project Darkstar scalability, persistant server software infrastruscture

71. jVoiceBridge realtime immersive stereo audio 72. Java 3D scene graph on which the 3D world and scene manager is built 73. Project Looking Glass 3D scene manager 74. Related Technologies Technologies that will be supported by Wrolds creation

  • Blender

75. Wingds 3D 76. Sketchup 77. 3D Studio Max 78. Lightwave 79. Art of Illusion 80. Next steps 81.

  • Download Project Wonderland

82. Begin to contribute 83. Read theWonderland blog 84. Blog about Wonderland 85. Join now in the Wonderland mailing list Nexts steps Get Involved 86.

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  • Rodrigo D' Agostini Peleias

93. Sun Campus Ambassador 94. [email_address] 95. PROFESSOR 96. Donizetti Louro 97. Professor and Ressearcher 98. Pontificia Universidade Catolica de So Paulo 99. Ncleo de Pesquisas em Computao e Tecnologias Cognitivas THANK YOU!!! Project Wonderland Innovation with Virtual Worlds

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