
Project of 7 th form & Teacher Darya Sergeevna Eco -Project plan 3 Rs RRECYCLING RREDUCING RREUSING We protect nature by raking leaves at Subbotnik in Zdvinsk We make feeders for birds We put litter into garbage bins We reuse glass and plastic bottles We recycle paper We save energy by turning off light when leaving the room We don`t throw away plastic bottles, we use them for milk peppe r salt We don`t throw garbage, we use it for oven We burn paper, plastic bottles,woo d chips. We try to save as much energy as possible. For this we take energy-saving light bulbs. Plastic bottles from cleaning the Windows, we use for spraying water plants. We use water to a minimum. Dont hurt our little brothers ! Don't spoil the Earth! 7 . .

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