  • 7/29/2019 Project Electrical Equipments Control Through Sound


    Electrical equipments control through



    Electrical Equipments Control through Sound

    The electrical equipment control through sound circuit is a circuit

    which operates by sound from a remote point. When the circuit receives a

    sound from anywhere, the first output of the circuit is turned on. If another

    one sound receives, the second output is switched off. For example, fan,

    fluorescent light, TV and other appliances can be switched on (or) off by

    sound. This circuit can be used by changing individual situations.

    In this project, we can ON or OFF the electrical equipments through

    sound, for example, when for the first time we clap with our hands, the light

    circuit enabled through relay connected to the light and the light is ON. For

    the next time when we clap the hands, the circuit switches OFF the relay

    and the bulb is OFF.


    In this project, the clap signal is received by sensor ( microphone )

    which convert it into electric signal and this signal is further given to the

    multi vibrator which turns ON and OFF the relay and load (bulb), when

    the relay is ON, bulb will be ON and when relay is at OFF state, bulb will also

    be switched OFF.

    Block diagram is contains on major parts such as power supply, microphone,transistors, relay, connected load (bulb) as shown below.



  • 7/29/2019 Project Electrical Equipments Control Through Sound


    Electrical equipments control through



    INPUT (AC ) 220 VOLTS


    1.2 Materials used in Project

    The following materials are used in this project;

    i. Printed circuit board.

    ii. Power Supply ( Transformer, Diode, Rectifier, Filter, capacitors).

    iii. Resistors and variable resistors.

    iv. Transistors ( as multi vibrator ).

    v. Micro Phone.

    vi. Relay and LED.


    A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used

    to mechanically support and

    electrically connect electronic

    components using conductive

    pathways, tracks or signal traces

    etched from copper sheets laminated








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    Electrical equipments control through


    onto a non-conductive substrate. It is also referred to as printed wiring

    board (PWB) or etched wiring board.

    A PCB populated with electronic

    components is a printed circuit assembly(PCA), also known as a printed circuit board

    assembly or PCB Assembly (PCBA). Printed

    circuit boards are used in virtually all but

    the simplest commercially produced

    electronic devices.

    Alternatives to PCBs include wire wrap and point-to-point construction. PCBs

    are often less expensive and more reliable than these alternatives, though

    they require more layout effort and higher initial cost. PCBs are much

    cheaper and faster for high-volume production since production and

    soldering of PCBs can be done by automated equipment. Much of the

    electronics industry's PCB design, assembly, and quality control needs are

    set by standards that are published by the IPC organization.

    After the printed circuit board (PCB) is completed, electronic

    components must be attached to form a functionalprinted circuit assembly,

    or PCA. In through-hole construction, component leads are inserted in holes.

    In surface-mountconstruction, the components are placed on pads or lands

    on the outer surfaces of the PCB. In both kinds of construction, component

    leads are electrically and mechanically fixed to the board with a molten

    metal solder.

    After the board has been populated it may be tested in a variety of


    While the power is off, visual inspection, automated optical

    inspection, component placement, soldering, and inspection are

    commonly used to maintain quality control in this stage of PCB


    While the power is off, analog signature analysis, power-off testing.

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    Electrical equipments control through


    While the power is on, in-circuit test, where physical measurements

    (i.e. voltage, frequency) can be done.

    While the power is on, functional test, just checking if the PCB does

    what it had been designed to do.

    When boards fail the test, technicians may de solder and replace

    failed components, a task known as rework.

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    Electrical equipments control through





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    Electrical equipments control through



    In this project the main part is power supply, which converts A.C

    power supply 220 volt to 12 volt D.C supply. The term of power supply is

    most commonly applied to electric power converters that convert one form

    of electrical energy to another, though it may also refer to devices that

    convert another form of energy to electrical energy.

    Every power supply must obtain the energy it supplies to its load, as well as

    any energy it consumes while performing that task, from an energy source.

    Depending on its design, a power supply may obtain energy from:

    A power supply may be implemented as a discrete, stand-alone device or as

    an integral device that is hardwired to its load. Examples of the latter case

    include the low voltage DC power supplies that are part of desktop

    computers and consumer electronics devices.

    A power supply is a hardware component that supplies power to an

    electrical device. It receives power from an electrical outlet and converts the

    current from AC (alternating current) to DC (direct current), which is whatthe computer requires. It also regulates the voltage to an adequate amount,

    which allows the circuit to run smoothly without overheating. The power

    supply an integral part of any circuit and must function correctly for the rest

    of the components to work.

    You can locate the power supply on a system unit by simply finding the

    input where the power cord is plugged in.

    While most appliances have internal power supplies, many electronic

    devices use external ones. For example, some monitors and external hard

    drives have power supplies that reside outside the main unit. These power

    supplies are connected directly to the cable that plugs into the wall. They

    often include another cable that connects the device to the power supply.

    Some power supplies, often called "AC adaptors," are connected directly to

    the plug (which can make them difficult to plug in where space is limited).

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    Electrical equipments control through


    Both of these designs allow the main device to be smaller or sleeker by

    moving the power supply outside the unit.

    Since the power supply is the first place an electronic device receives

    electricity, it is also the most vulnerable to power surges and spikes.Therefore, power supplies are designed to handle fluctuations in electrical

    current and still provide a regulated or consistent power output. Some

    include fuses that will blow if the surge is too great, protecting the rest of

    the equipment. After all, it is much cheaper to replace a power supply than

    an entire computer.

    In this project a built in power supply provided. The Power supply contains

    on many parts such as under;

    i. Transformer.

    ii. Rectifier ( semi conductor diodes ).

    iii. Filter.

    iv. Capacitors.

    2.2 Transformer

    Transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one

    circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors. A varying current

    in the first or primary winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the

    transformer's core and thus a varying magnetic field through the secondary

    winding. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force

    (EMF), or "voltage", in the secondary winding. This effect is called inductive


    If a load is connected to the secondary, current will flow in the

    secondary winding, and electrical energy will be transferred from the

    primary circuit through the transformer to the load. In an ideal transformer,

    the induced voltage in the secondary winding (Vs) is in proportion to the

    primary voltage (Vp) and is given by the ratio of the number of turns in the

    secondary (Ns) to the number of turns in the primary (Np) as follows:

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    Electrical equipments control through


    By appropriate selection of the ratio of turns, a transformer thus

    enables an alternating current (AC) voltage to be "stepped up" by making Ns

    greater than Np, or "stepped down" by making Ns less than Np.

    In the vast majority of transformers, the windings are coils wound around a

    ferromagnetic core, air-core transformers being a notable exception.

    Basic Principle of TransformerIn ideal transformer, the secondary current arises from the action of the

    secondary EMF on the (not

    shown) load impedance.

    The transformer is based on two


    first, that an electric current can

    produce a magnetic field (Electro

    Magnetism) and second, that a

    changing magnetic field within a

    coil of wire induces a voltage across the ends of the coil ( Electromagnetic

    Induction). Changing the current in the primary coil changes the magnetic

    flux that is developed. The changing magnetic flux induces a voltage in the

    secondary coil.

    An ideal transformer is shown in the adjacent figure. Current passing

    through the primary coil creates a magnetic field. The primary and

    secondary coils are wrapped around a core of very high magnetic

    permeability, such as iron, so that most of the magnetic flux passes through

    both the primary and secondary coils. If a load is connected to the

    secondary winding, the load current and voltage will be in the directions

    indicated, given the primary current and voltage in the directions indicated.

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    Electrical equipments control through


    The voltage induced across the secondary coil may be calculated

    from Faraday's law of induction, which states that:

    Where Vs is the instantaneous voltage, Ns is the number of turns in the

    secondary coil and is the magnetic flux through one turn of the coil. If the

    turns of the coil are oriented perpendicularly to the magnetic field lines, the

    flux is the product of the magnetic flux density B and the area A through

    which it cuts. The area is constant, being equal to the cross-sectional area

    of the transformer core, whereas the magnetic field varies with time

    according to the excitation of the primary. Since the same magnetic fluxpasses through both the primary and secondary coils in an ideal

    transformer, the instantaneous voltage across the primary winding equals.

    Taking the ratio of the two equations for Vs and Vp gives the basic

    equation for stepping up or stepping down the voltage.

    Np/Ns is known as the turns ratio, and is the primary functional characteristic

    of any transformer. In the case of step-up transformers, this may sometimes

    be stated as the reciprocal, Ns/Np. Turns ratio is commonly expressed as an

    irreducible fraction or ratio.

    Detailed Operation of Transformer

    Models of an ideal transformer typically assume a core of negligible

    reluctance with two windings of zero resistance. When a voltage is applied

    to the primary winding, a small current flows, driving flux around the

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    Electrical equipments control through


    magnetic circuit of the core. The current required to create the flux is

    termed the magnetizing current. Since the ideal core has been assumed to

    have near-zero reluctance, the magnetizing current is negligible, although

    still required, to create the magnetic field.

    The changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force (EMF)

    across each winding. Since the ideal windings have no impedance, they

    have no associated voltage drop, and so the voltages VP and VS measured at

    the terminals of the transformer, are equal to the corresponding EMFs. The

    primary EMF, acting as it does in opposition to the primary voltage, is

    sometimes termed the "back EMF". This is in accordance with Lenz's law,

    which states that induction of EMF always opposes development of any such

    change in magnetic field.

    2.3 Rectifier

    A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC),

    which periodically reverses direction,

    to direct current (DC), which flows in

    only one direction. The process is

    known as rectification. Physically,

    rectifiers take a number of forms,

    including vacuum tube diodes,

    mercury-arc valves, solid-state diodes, silicon-controlled rectifiers and other

    silicon-based semiconductor switches. Historically, even synchronous

    electromechanical switches and motors have been used. Early radio

    receivers, called crystal radios, used a "cat's whisker" of fine wire pressing

    on a crystal ofgalena (lead sulfide) to serve as a point-contact rectifier or

    "crystal detector".

    Rectifiers have many uses, but are often found serving as

    components of DC power supplies and high-voltage direct current power

    transmission systems. Rectification may serve in roles other than to

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    generate direct current for use as a source of power. As noted, detectors of

    radio signals serve as rectifiers. In gas heating systems flame rectification is

    used to detect presence of flame.

    The simple process of rectification produces a type of DCcharacterized by pulsating voltages and currents (although still

    unidirectional). Depending upon the type of end-use, this type of DC current

    may then be further modified into the type of relatively constant voltage DC

    characteristically produced by such sources as batteries and solar cells.

    A device which performs the opposite function (converting DC to AC) is

    known as an inverter.

    Rectifier Devices

    Before the development of silicon semiconductor rectifiers, vacuum

    tube diodes and copper oxide or selenium rectifier stacks were used. High

    power rectifiers, such as are used in high-voltage direct current power

    transmission, now uniformly employ silicon semiconductor devices of

    various types. These areThyristors or other controlled switching solid-state

    switches which effectively function as diodes to pass current in only one


    Half-Wave Rectification

    In half wave rectification, either the positive or negative half of the AC

    wave is passed, while the other half is blocked. Because only one half of the

    input waveform reaches the output, it is very inefficient if used for power

    transfer. Half-wave rectification can be achieved with a single diode in a

    one-phase supply, or with three diodes in a three-phase supply. Half wave

    rectifiers yield a unidirectional but pulsating direct current.

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    Electrical equipments control through


    The output DC voltage of a half wave rectifier can be calculated with the

    following two ideal equations

    Full-Wave Rectification

    A full-wave rectifier converts the whole of the input waveform to one

    of constant polarity (positive or negative) at its output. Full-wave

    rectification converts both polarities of the input waveform to DC (direct

    current), and is more efficient. However, in a circuit with a non-center

    tappedtransformer, four diodes are required instead of the one needed for

    half-wave rectification (see semiconductors and diode). Four diodesarranged this way are called a diode bridge or bridge rectifier.

    Bridge rectifier: A full-wave rectifier using 4 diodes.

    For single-phase AC, if the transformer is center-tapped, then two diodes

    back-to-back (i.e. anodes-to-anode or cathode-to-cathode) can form a full-

    wave rectifier. Twice as many windings are required on the transformer

    secondary to obtain the same output voltage compared to the bridge

    rectifier above.

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    Electrical equipments control through


    Full-wave rectifier using a center tap transformer

    and 2 diodes.


    In electronics, a diode is a type of two-

    terminal electronic component with

    nonlinear resistance and conductance (i.e.,

    a nonlinear currentvoltage characteristic),

    distinguishing it from components such as

    two-terminal linear resistors which obey

    Ohm's law. A semiconductor diode, the most

    common type today, is a crystalline piece of

    semiconductor material connected to two

    electrical terminals.[1] A vacuum tube diode (now rarely used except

    in some high-power technologies) is a vacuum tube with two

    electrodes: a plate and a cathode.

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    Electrical equipments control through


    The most common function of a diode is to

    allow an electric current to pass in one

    direction (called the diode's forward

    direction), while blocking current in the

    opposite direction (the reverse direction).

    Thus, the diode can be thought of as an

    electronic version of a check valve. This

    unidirectional behavior is called

    rectification, and is used to convert

    alternating current to direct current, and to

    extract modulation from radio signals in radio receiversthese diodes

    are forms ofrectifiers.

    However, diodes can have more complicated behavior than this

    simple onoff action. Semiconductor diodes do not begin conducting

    electricity until a certain threshold voltage is present in the forward

    direction (a state in which the diode is said to be forward-biased). The

    voltage drop across a forward-biased diode varies only a little with

    the current, and is a function of temperature; this effect can be used

    as a temperature sensor or voltage reference.

    Semiconductor diodes nonlinear currentvoltage characteristic

    can be tailored by varying the semiconductor materials and

    introducing impurities into (doping) the materials. These are exploited

    in special purpose diodes that perform many different functions. For

    example, diodes are used to regulate voltage (Zener diodes), to

    protect circuits from high voltage surges (avalanche diodes), to

    electronically tune radio and TV receivers (variactor diodes) etc.

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    Semiconductor Diodes

    A PN Junction Diode is made of a

    crystal ofsemiconductor. Impurities are

    added to it to create a region on one

    side that contains negative charge

    carriers (electrons), called n-type

    semiconductor, and a region on the other side that contains positive charge

    carriers (holes), called p-type semiconductor. The diode's terminals are

    attached to each of these regions. The boundary between these two

    regions, called a PN Junction, is where the action of the diode takes place.

    The crystal allows electrons to flow from the N-type side (called the

    cathode) to the P-type side (called the anode), but not in the opposite


    CurrentVoltage Characteristics

    A semiconductor diodes behavior in a circuit is given by its current

    voltage characteristic, or IV graph (see graph below). The shape of the

    curve is determined by the transport of charge carriers through the so-

    called depletion layer or depletion region that exists at the PN Junction

    between differing semiconductors. When a pn junction is first created,

    conduction-band (mobile) electrons from the N-doped region diffuse into the

    P-doped region where there is a large population of holes (vacant places for

    electrons) with which the electrons "recombine". When a mobile electron

    recombines with a hole, both hole and electron vanish, leaving behind an

    immobile positively charged donor (dopant) on the N side and negatively

    charged acceptor (dopant) on the P side. The region around the PN Junction

    becomes depleted ofcharge carriers and thus behaves as an insulator.

    However, the width of the depletion region (called the depletion

    width) cannot grow without limit. For each electronhole pair that

    recombines, a positively charged dopant ion is left behind in the N-doped

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    region, and a negatively charged dopant ion is left behind in the P-doped

    region. As recombination proceeds more ions are created, an increasing

    electric field develops through the depletion zone that acts to slow and then

    finally stop recombination. At this point, there is a "built-in" potential across

    the depletion zone.

    If an external voltage is placed across the diode with the same

    polarity as the built-in potential, the depletion zone continues to act as an

    insulator, preventing any significant electric current flow (unless

    electron/hole pairs are actively being created in the junction by, for

    instance, light. see photodiode). This is the reverse bias phenomenon.

    However, if the polarity of the external voltage opposes the built-in

    potential, recombination can once again proceed, resulting in substantialelectric current through the PN Junction (i.e. substantial numbers of

    electrons and holes recombine at the junction). For silicon diodes, the built-

    in potential is approximately 0.7 V (0.3 V for Germanium and 0.2 V for

    Schottky). Thus, if an external current is passed through the diode, about

    0.7 V will be developed across the diode such that the P-doped region is

    positive with respect to the N-doped region and the diode is said to be

    "turned on" as it has a forward bias.

    A diodes IV characteristic can be approximated by four regions of


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    Figure shows the IV characteristics of a pn junction diode (not to scale

    the current in the reverse region is magnified compared to the forward

    region, resulting in the apparent slope discontinuity at the origin; the actual

    IV curve is smooth across the origin).

    At very large reverse bias, beyond the peak inverse voltage or PIV, a

    process called reverse breakdown occurs that causes a large increase in

    current (i.e., a large number of electrons and holes are created at, and

    move away from the pn junction) that usually damages the device

    permanently. The avalanche diode is deliberately designed for use in the

    avalanche region. In the Zener diode, the concept of PIV is not applicable. A

    Zener diode contains a heavily doped pn junction allowing electrons to

    tunnel from the valence band of the p-type material to the conduction bandof the n-type material, such that the reverse voltage is "clamped" to a

    known value (called theZener voltage), and avalanche does not occur. Both

    devices, however, do have a limit to the maximum current and power in the

    clamped reverse-voltage region. Also, following the end of forward

    conduction in any diode, there is reverse current for a short time. The

    device does not attain its full blocking capability until the reverse current


    The second region, at reverse biases more positive than the PIV, has

    only a very small reverse saturation current. In the reverse bias region for a

    normal PN rectifier diode, the current through the device is very low (in the

    A range). However, this is temperature dependent, and at sufficiently high

    temperatures, a substantial amount of reverse current can be observed.

    The third region is forward but small bias, where only a small forward

    current is conducted.

    As the potential difference is increased above an arbitrarily defined

    "cut-in voltage" or "on-voltage" or "diode forward voltage drop (Vd)", the

    diode current becomes appreciable (the level of current considered

    "appreciable" and the value of cut-in voltage depends on the application),

    and the diode presents a very low resistance. The currentvoltage curve is

    exponential. In a normal silicon diode at rated currents, the arbitrary cut-in

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    voltage is defined as 0.6 to 0.7 volts. The value is different for other diode

    types Schottky diodes can be rated as low as 0.2 V, Germanium diodes

    0.25 to 0.3 V, and red or blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can have values

    of 1.4 V and 4.0 V respectively.

    At higher currents the forward voltage drop of the diode increases. A

    drop of 1 V to 1.5 V is typical at full rated current for power diodes.

    2.4 Filter Circuit (Rectifier Output Smoothing)

    While half-wave and full-wave rectification suffice to deliver a form ofDC output, neither produces constant-voltage DC. In order to produce

    steady DC from a rectified AC supply, a smoothing circuit or filter is

    required. A filter is a device or process that removes from a signal some

    unwanted component or feature. In its simplest form this can be just a

    reservoir capacitor or smoothing capacitor, placed at the DC output of the

    rectifier. There will still remain an amount of AC ripple voltage where the

    voltage is not completely smoothed.

    Sizing of the capacitor represents a tradeoff. For a given load, a larger

    capacitor will reduce ripple but will cost more and will create higher peak

    currents in the transformer secondary and in the supply feeding it. The peak

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    current is set in principle by the rate of rise of the supply voltage on the

    rising edge of the incoming sine-wave, but in practice it is reduced by the

    resistance of the transformer windings. In extreme cases where many

    rectifiers are loaded onto a power distribution circuit, peak currents may

    cause difficulty in maintaining a correctly shaped sinusoidal voltage curve

    on the ac supply.

    For a given tolerable ripple the required capacitor size is proportional

    to the load current and inversely proportional to the supply frequency and

    the number of output peaks of the rectifier per input cycle. The load current

    and the supply frequency are generally outside the control of the designer

    of the rectifier system but the number of peaks per input cycle can be

    affected by the choice of rectifier design.

    A half-wave rectifier will only give one peak per cycle and for this and

    other reasons is only used in very small power supplies. A full wave rectifier

    achieves two peaks per cycle and this is the best that can be done with

    single-phase input. For three-phase inputs a three-phase bridge will give six

    peaks per cycle and even higher numbers of peaks can be achieved by

    using transformer networks placed before the rectifier to convert to a higher

    phase order.

    To further reduce this ripple, a capacitor-input filter can be used. This

    complements the reservoir capacitor with a choke (inductor) and a second

    filter capacitor, so that a steadier DC output can be obtained across the

    terminals of the filter capacitor. The choke presents a high impedance to

    the ripple current.[2] Inductors include iron or other magnetic materials, and

    add unavoidable weight and size. Their use in power supplies for electronic

    equipment has therefore dwindled in favor of semiconductor circuits such as

    voltage regulators.

    A more usual alternative to a filter, and essential if the DC load is

    very demanding of a smooth supply voltage, is to follow the reservoir

    capacitor with a voltage regulator. The reservoir capacitor needs to be large

    enough to prevent the troughs of the ripple getting below the voltage the

    DC is being regulated to. The regulator serves both to remove the last of the

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    ripple and to deal with variations in supply and load characteristics. It would

    be possible to use a smaller reservoir capacitor (these can be large on high-

    current power supplies) and then apply some filtering as well as the

    regulator, but this is not a common strategy. The extreme of this approach

    is to dispense with the reservoir capacitor altogether and put the rectified

    waveform straight into a choke-input filter. The advantage of this circuit is

    that the current waveform is smoother and consequently the rectifier no

    longer has to deal with the current as a large current pulse, but instead the

    current delivery is spread over the entire cycle. The downside, apart from

    extra size and weight, is that the voltage output is much lower

    approximately the average of an AC half-cycle rather than the peak.

    Filtering is a class of signal processing, the defining feature of filters being

    the complete or partial suppression of some aspect of the signal. Most often,

    this means removing some frequencies and not others in order to suppress

    interfering signals and reduce background noise. However, filters do not

    exclusively act in the frequency domain; especially in the field of image

    processing many other targets for filtering exist.

    The drawback of filtering is the loss of information associated with it.

    Signal combination in Fourier space is an alternative approach for removal

    of certain frequencies from the recorded signal.

    There are many different bases of classifying filters and these overlap

    in many different ways; there is no simple hierarchical classification.

    2.5 Capacitor s

    A capacitor (formerly known as condenser) is a passive

    two-terminalelectrical component used to store energy in

    an electric field. The forms of practical capacitors vary

    widely, but all contain at least two electrical conductors

    separated by a dielectric (insulator); for example, one

    common construction consists of metal foils separated by

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    a thin layer of insulating film. Capacitors are widely used as parts of

    electrical circuits in many common electrical devices.

    When there is a potential difference (voltage) across the conductors, a static

    electric field develops across thedielectric, causing positive charge to

    collect on one plate and negative charge

    on the other plate. Energy is stored in the

    electrostatic field. An ideal capacitor is

    characterized by a single constant value, capacitance, measured in farads.

    This is the ratio of the electric charge on each conductor to the potential

    difference between them.

    The capacitance is greatest when there is a narrow separation

    between large areas of conductor; hence capacitor conductors are often

    called "plates," referring to an early means of construction. In practice, the

    dielectric between the plates passes a small amount of leakage current and

    also has an electric field strength limit, resulting in a breakdown voltage,

    while the conductors and leads introduce an undesired inductance and


    Capacitors are widely used in electronic circuits for blocking direct

    current while allowing alternating current to pass, in filter networks, for

    smoothing the output ofpower supplies, in the resonant circuits that tune

    radios to particular frequencies, in electric power transmission systems for

    stabilizing voltage and power flow, and for many other purposes.

    Theory Of Operation

    A capacitor consists of two conductors

    separated by a non-conductive region. The non-

    conductive region is called the dielectric. In simpler

    terms, the dielectric is just an electrical insulator.

    Examples of dielectric media are glass, air, paper,

    vacuum, and even a semiconductor depletion

    region chemically identical to the conductors. A

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    capacitor is assumed to be self-contained and isolated, with no net electric

    charge and no influence from any external electric field. The conductors

    thus hold equal and opposite charges on their facing surfaces, and the

    dielectric develops an electric field. In SI units, a capacitance of one farad

    means that one coulomb of charge on each conductor causes a voltage of

    one volt across the device.

    The capacitor is a reasonably general model for electric fields within

    electric circuits. An ideal capacitor is wholly characterized by a constant

    capacitance C, defined as the ratio of charge Q on each conductor to the

    voltage Vbetween them

    Sometimes charge build-up affects the capacitor mechanically, causing its

    capacitance to vary. In this case, capacitance is defined in terms of

    incremental changes:

    CHAPTER -3

    3.1 Resistor

    A resistor is a passive two-terminal

    electrical component that implements electrical

    resistance as a circuit element. The currentthrough a resistor is in direct proportion to the

    voltage across the resistor's terminals. Thus, the

    ratio of the voltage applied across a resistor's

    terminals to the intensity of current through the circuit is called resistance.

    This relation is represented by Ohm's law:


    Resistors And Variable Resistors's_law's_law
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    Where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the

    potential difference measured across the conductor in units of volts, and R

    is the resistance of the conductor in units ofohms. More specifically, Ohm's

    law states that the R in this relation is constant, independent of the current.

    Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic

    circuits and are ubiquitous in electronic equipment. Practical resistors can

    be made of various compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire

    made of a high-resistivity alloy, such as nickel-chrome). Resistors are also

    implemented within integrated circuits, particularly analog devices, and can

    also be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits.

    The electrical functionality of a resistor is specified by its resistance:

    common commercial resistors are manufactured over a range of more than

    nine orders of magnitude. When specifying that resistance in an electronic

    design, the required precision of the resistance may require attention to the

    manufacturing tolerance of the chosen resistor, according to its specific

    application. The temperature coefficient of the resistance may also be of

    concern in some precision applications. Practical resistors are also specified

    as having a maximum power rating which must exceed the anticipated

    power dissipation of that resistor in a particular circuit: this is mainly of

    concern in power electronics applications. Resistors with higher power

    ratings are physically larger and may require heat sinks. In a high-voltage

    circuit, attention must sometimes be paid to the rated maximum working

    voltage of the resistor.

    Practical resistors have a

    series inductance and a small

    parallel capacitance; these

    specifications can be important in

    high-frequency applications. In a

    low-noise amplifier or pre-amp, the

    noise characteristics of a resistor

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    may be an issue. The unwanted inductance, excess noise, and temperature

    coefficient are mainly dependent on the technology used in manufacturing

    the resistor. They are not normally specified individually for a particular

    family of resistors manufactured using a particular technology. A family of

    discrete resistors is also characterized according to its form factor, that is,

    the size of the device and the position of its leads (or terminals) which is

    relevant in the practical manufacturing of circuits using them.

    3.2 Carbon Composition Resistors

    Carbon composition resistors consistof a solid cylindrical resistive element with

    embedded wire leads or metal end caps to

    which the lead wires are attached. The body

    of the resistor is protected with paint or

    plastic. Early 20th-century carbon

    composition resistors had un-insulated bodies; the lead wires were wrapped

    around the ends of the resistance element rod and soldered. The completed

    resistor was painted for color coding of its value.

    The resistive element is made from a mixture of finely ground

    (powdered) carbon and an insulating material (usually ceramic). A resin

    holds the mixture together. The resistance is determined by the ratio of the

    fill material (the powdered ceramic) to the carbon. Higher concentrations of

    carbon, a good conductor, result in lower resistance. Carbon composition

    resistors were commonly used in the 1960s and earlier, but are not so

    popular for general use now as other types have better specifications, suchas tolerance, voltage dependence, and stress (carbon composition resistors

    will change value when stressed with over-voltages). Moreover, if

    internal moisture content (from exposure for some length of time to a humid

    environment) is significant, soldering heat will create a non-reversible

    change in resistance value. Carbon composition resistors have poor stability

    with time and were consequently factory sorted to, at best, only 5%


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    tolerance. These resistors, however, if never subjected to over voltage nor

    overheating was remarkably reliable considering the component's size.

    They are still available, but comparatively quite costly. Values ranged from

    fractions of an ohm to 22 mega ohms. Because of the high price, theseresistors are no longer used in most applications. However, carbon resistors

    are used in power supplies and welding controls.

    3.3 Variable Resistor ( Potentiometer)

    A potentiometer informally, a pot, inelectronics technology is a component, a three-

    terminalresistor with a sliding contact that forms an

    adjustable voltage divider. If only two terminals are

    used, one end and the wiper, it acts as a variable

    resistoror rheostat.

    In circuit theory and measurement a

    potentiometer is essentially a voltage divider used

    for measuring electric potential (voltage); the component is an

    implementation of the same principle, whence its name.

    Symbol: Potentiometer

    Potentiometers are commonly used to control electrical devices such

    as volume controls on audio equipment. Potentiometers operated by a

    mechanism can be used as position transducers, for example, in ajoystick.

    Potentiometers are rarely used to directly control significant power (more

    than a watt), since the power dissipated in the potentiometer would be

    comparable to the power in the controlled load (see infinite switch). Instead

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    they are used to adjust the level of analog signals (e.g. volume controls on

    audio equipment), and as control inputs for electronic circuits. For example,

    a light dimmer uses a potentiometer to control the switching of aTRIAC and

    so indirectly to control the brightness of lamps.

    3.4Potentiometer Construction

    Potentiometers comprise a resistive element, a sliding contact (wiper)

    that moves along the element, making good electrical contact with one part

    of it, electrical terminals at each end of the element, a mechanism that

    moves the wiper from one end to the other, and a housing containing the

    element and wiper.

    The resistive element of inexpensive potentiometers is often made of

    graphite. Other materials used include resistance wire, carbon particles in

    plastic, and a ceramic/metal mixture called cermet. Conductive track

    potentiometers use conductive polymer resistor pastes that contain hard-

    wearing resins and polymers, solvents, and lubricant, in addition to the

    carbon that provides the conductive properties. The tracks are made byscreen-printing the paste onto a paper-based phenolic substrate and then

    curing it in an oven. The curing process removes all solvents and allows the

    conductive polymer to polymerize and cross-link. This produces a durable

    track with electrical resistance which is stable throughout its working life.

    Low-resistance wire-wound potentiometers may be made with resistive wire

    close-wound round a former with a slider jumping from turn to turn.

    Some potentiometers are designed to be operated by the user of

    equipment, and are fitted with a slider or rotating shaft which extends

    outside the housing of the equipment using it and is fitted with a knob; a

    familiar example is the volume control knob of analog audio equipment.

    Others are enclosed within the equipment and are intended to be adjusted

    to calibrate equipment during manufacture or repair, and not otherwise

    touched. They are usually physically much smaller than user-accessible

    potentiometers, and may need to be operated by a screwdriver rather than

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    having a knob. They are usually called "preset potentiometers". Some

    presets are accessible by a small screwdriver poked through a hole in the

    case to allow servicing without dismantling.

    User-accessible rotary potentiometers can be fitted with a switchwhich operates usually at the anti-clockwise extreme of rotation. Before

    digital electronics became the norm such a component was used to allow

    radio and television receivers and other equipment to be switched on at

    minimum volume with an audible click, then the volume increased, by

    turning a knob.

    Many inexpensive potentiometers are constructed with a resistive

    element formed into an arc of a circle usually a little less than a full turn,

    and a wiper rotating around the arc and contacting it. The resistive element,

    with a terminal at each end, is flat or angled. The wiper is connected to a

    third terminal, usually between the other two. On panel potentiometers, the

    wiper is usually the center terminal of three. For single-turn potentiometers,

    this wiper typically travels just under one revolution around the contact. The

    only point of ingress for contamination is the narrow space between the

    shaft and the housing it rotates in.

    Another type is the linear slider potentiometer, which has a wiper

    which slides along a linear element instead of rotating. Contamination can

    potentially enter anywhere along the slot the slider moves in, making

    effective sealing more difficult and compromising long-term reliability. An

    advantage of the slider potentiometer is that the slider position gives a

    visual indication of its setting. While the setting of a rotary potentiometer

    can be seen by the position of a marking on the knob, an array of sliders

    can give a visual impression of, for example, the effect of a multi-channel


    Multi-turn potentiometers are also operated by rotating a shaft, but

    by several turns rather than less than a full turn. Some multi turn

    potentiometers have a linear resistive element with a slider which moves

    along it moved by a worm gear; others have a helical resistive element and

    a wiper that turns through 10, 20, or more complete revolutions, moving

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    along the helix as it rotates. Multi turn potentiometers, both user-accessible

    and preset, allow finer adjustments; rotation through the same angle

    changes the setting by typically a tenth as much as for a simple rotary




    A transistor is a semiconductor device usedto amplify and switch electronic signals and

    power. It is composed of a semiconductor

    material with at least three terminals for

    connection to an external circuit. A voltage or

    current applied to one pair of the transistor's

    terminals changes the current flowing through

    another pair of terminals. Because the controlled

    (output) power can be much more than thecontrolling (input) power, a transistor can amplify

    a signal. Today, some transistors are packaged individually, but many more

    are found embedded in integrated circuits.

    The transistor is the fundamental building block of modern electronic

    devices, and is ubiquitous in modern electronic systems. Following its

    release in the early 1950s the transistor revolutionized the field of

    electronics, and paved the way for smaller and cheaper radios, calculators,

    and computers, among other things.

    4.2Simplified Operation of transistor

    The essential usefulness of a transistor comes from its ability to use a

    small signal applied between one pair of its terminals to control a much

    larger signal at another pair of terminals. This property is called gain. A


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    transistor can control its output in proportion to the input signal; that is, it

    can act as an amplifier. Alternatively, the transistor can be used to turn

    current on or off in a circuit as an electrically controlled switch, where the

    amount of current is determined by other circuit elements.

    There are two types of transistors, which

    have slight differences in how they are used in a

    circuit. A bipolar transistor has terminals labeled

    base, collector, and emitter. A small current at the

    base terminal (that is, flowing from the base to the

    emitter) can control or switch a much larger current

    between the collector and emitter terminals. For a

    field-effect transistor, the terminals are labeledgate, source, and drain, and a voltage at the gate

    can control a current between source and drain.

    The image to the right represents a typical bipolar transistor in a

    circuit. Charge will flow between emitter and collector terminals depending

    on the current in the base. Since internally the base and emitter

    connections behave like a semiconductor diode, a voltage drop develops

    between base and emitter while the base current exists. The amount of this

    voltage depends on the material the transistor is made from, and is referred

    to as VBE.

    4.3 Transistor As An Amplifier

    The common-emitter amplifier is designed so that a small change in

    voltage (Vin) changes the small current through the base of the transistor;

    the transistor's current amplification combined with the properties of the

    circuit mean that small swings in Vin produce large changes in Vout

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    Various configurations of single transistor

    amplifier are possible, with some providing

    current gain, some voltage gain, and some both.

    From mobile phones to televisions, vastnumbers of products include amplifiers for

    sound reproduction, radio transmission, and

    signal processing. The first discrete transistor

    audio amplifiers barely supplied a few hundred

    milli watts, but power and audio fidelity gradually increased as better

    transistors became available and amplifier architecture evolved.

    Modern transistor audio amplifiers of up to a few hundred watts are

    common and relatively inexpensive.

    4.4 Transistor as Multi vibrator

    A multi vibrator is an electronic circuit used to implement a variety of

    simple two-state systems such as oscillators, timers and flip-flops. It is

    characterized by two amplifying devices (transistors, electron tubes or other

    devices) cross-coupled by resistors or capacitors. The name "multi vibrator"

    was initially applied to the free-running oscillator version of the circuit

    because its output waveform was rich in harmonics. There are three types

    of multi vibrator circuits depending on the circuit operation:

    A stable, in which the circuit is not stable in either state it

    continually switches from one state to the other. It does not require

    an input such as a clock pulse.

    Mono stable, in which one of the states is stable, but the other state

    is unstable (transient). A trigger causes the circuit to enter the

    unstable state. After entering the unstable state, the circuit will return

    to the stable state after a set time. Such a circuit is useful for creating

    a timing period of fixed duration in response to some external event.

    This circuit is also known as a one shot.

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    Bi stable, in which the circuit is stable in either state. The circuit can

    be flipped from one state to the other by an external event or trigger.

    Multi vibrators find applications in a variety of systems where square

    waves or timed intervals are required. For example, before theadvent of low-cost integrated circuits, chains of Multi vibrators found

    use as frequency dividers. A free-running multi vibrator with a

    frequency of one-half to one-tenth of the reference frequency would

    accurately lock to the reference frequency. This technique was used

    in early electronic organs, to keep notes of different octaves

    accurately in tune. Other applications included early television

    systems, where the various line and frame frequencies were kept

    synchronized by pulses included in the video signal.

    4.5A stable Multi vibrator

    A stable multi vibrator is a regenerative circuit consisting of two

    amplifying stages connected in a positive feedback loop by two capacitive-

    resistive coupling networks. The amplifying elements may be junction or

    field-effect transistors, vacuum tubes, operational amplifiers, or other types

    of amplifier. The example diagram shows bipolar junction transistors.

    The circuit is usually drawn in a symmetric form as a cross-coupled

    pair. Two output terminals can be defined at the active devices, which will

    have complementary states; one will have high voltage while the other has

    low voltage, (except during the brief transitions from one state to the other).

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    Operation of a stable multivibrator

    The circuit has two stable states that

    change alternatively with maximum

    transition rate because of the

    "accelerating" positive feedback. It is

    implemented by the coupling capacitors

    that instantly transfer voltage changes

    because the voltage across a capacitor

    cannot suddenly change. In each state,

    one transistor is switched on and the other is switched off.

    Accordingly, one fully charged capacitor discharges (reverse charges)

    slowly thus converting the time into an exponentially changing

    voltage. At the same time, the other empty capacitor quickly charges

    thus restoring its charge (the first capacitor acts as a time-setting

    capacitor and the second prepares to play this role in the next state).

    The circuit operation is based on the fact that the forward-biased

    base-emitter junction of the switched-on bipolar transistor can

    provide a path for the capacitor restoration.

    State 1: (Q1 is switched on, Q2 is switched off):

    In the beginning, the capacitor C1 is fully charged (in the previous

    State 2) to the power supply voltage Vwith the polarity shown in Figure 1.

    Q1 is on and connects the left-hand positive plate of C1 to ground. As its

    right-hand negative plate is connected to Q2 base, a maximum negative

    voltage (-V) is applied to Q2 base that keeps Q2 firmly off. C1 begins

    discharging (reverse charging) via the high-resistive base resistor R2, so

    that the voltage of its right-hand plate (and at the base of Q2) is rising from

    below ground (-V) toward +V. As Q2 base-emitter junction is backward-

    biased, it does not impact on the exponential process (R2-C1 integrating

    network is unloaded). Simultaneously, C2 that is fully discharged and even

    slightly charged to 0.6 V (in the previous State 2) quickly charges via the


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    low-resistive collector resistor R4 and Q1 forward-biased base-emitter

    junction (because R4 is less than R2, C2 charges faster than C1). Thus C2

    restores its charge and prepares for the next State 2 when it will act as a

    time-setting capacitor. Q1 is firmly saturated in the beginning by the

    "forcing" C2 charging current added to R3 current; in the end, only R3

    provides the needed input base current. The resistance R3 is chosen small

    enough to keep Q1 (not deeply) saturated after C2 is fully charged.

    When the voltage of C1 right-hand plate (Q2 base voltage) becomes

    positive and reaches 0.6 V, Q2 base-emitter junction begins diverting a part

    of R2 charging current. Q2 begins conducting and this starts the avalanche-

    like positive feedback process as follows. Q2 collector voltage begins falling;

    this change transfers through the fully charged C2 to Q1 base and Q1begins cutting off. Its collector voltage begins rising; this change transfers

    back through the almost empty C1 to Q2 base and makes Q2 conduct more

    thus sustaining the initial input impact on Q2 base. Thus the initial input

    change circulates along the feedback loop and grows in an avalanche-like

    manner until finally Q1 switches off and Q2 switches on. The forward-biased

    Q2 base-emitter junction fixes the voltage of C1 right-hand plate at 0.6 V

    and does not allow it to continue rising toward +V.

    State 2 :( Q1 is switched off, Q2 is switched on):

    Now, the capacitor C2 is fully charged (in the previous State 1) to the

    power supply voltage Vwith the polarity shown in Figure 1. Q2 is on and

    connects the right-hand positive plate of C2 to ground. As its left-hand

    negative plate is connected to Q1 base, a maximum negative voltage (-V) is

    applied to Q1 base that keeps Q1 firmly off. C2 begins discharging (reverse

    charging) via the high-resistive base resistor R3, so that the voltage of its

    left-hand plate (and at the base of Q1) is rising from below ground (-V)

    toward +V. Simultaneously, C1 that is fully discharged and even slightly

    charged to 0.6 V (in the previous State 1) quickly charges via the low-

    resistive collector resistor R1 and Q2 forward-biased base-emitter junction

    (because R1 is less than R3, C1 charges faster than C2). Thus C1 restores its


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    charge and prepares for the next State 1 when it will act again as a time-

    setting capacitor.

    Mono stable Multi vibrator Circuit

    In the mono stable multi vibrator, the one

    resistive-capacitive network (C2-R3 in figure 1) is

    replaced by a resistive network (just a resistor).

    The circuit can be thought as a 1/2 a stable multi

    vibrator. Q2 collector voltage is the output of the

    circuit (in contrast to the a stable circuit, it has aperfect square waveform since the output is not

    loaded by the capacitor).

    When triggered by an input pulse, a mono stable multi vibrator will

    switch to its unstable position for a period of time, and then return to its

    stable state. The time period mono stable multi vibrator remains in unstable

    state is given by t= ln (2)R2C1. If repeated application of the input pulse

    maintains the circuit in the unstable state, it is called a retrigger able mono

    stable. If further trigger pulses do not affect the period, the circuit is a non-

    re trigger able multi vibrator.

    For the circuit in Figure 2, in the stable state Q1 is turned off and Q2

    is turned on. It is triggered by zero or negative input signal applied to Q2

    base (with the same success it can be triggered by applying a positive input

    signal through a resistor to Q1 base). As a result, the circuit goes in State 1

    described above. After elapsing the time, it returns to its stable initial state.

    Bi stable Multi vibrator Circuit

    In the bi stable multi vibrator, both the resistive-capacitive network is

    replaced by resistive networks (just resistors or direct coupling).

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    This latch circuit is similar to an a stable

    multi vibrator, except that there is no charge or

    discharge time, due to the absence of

    capacitors. Hence, when the circuit is switched

    on, if Q1 is on, its collector is at 0 V. As a result,

    Q2 gets switched off. This results in more than

    half +V volts being applied to R4 causing

    current into the base of Q1, thus keeping it on.

    Thus, the circuit remains stable in a single state c

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