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    A Project Report in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of

    Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication Engineering

    Name:THOM, Libion

    Reg #:2008-04-02078

    Supervisor: Ms Khadija, Mkocha

    Submission Date:

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    Statement of Authorship and Originality

    I declare that this report and the work described in it are my own work, with any contributions

    from others expressly acknowledged and/or cited. I declare that the work in this report was

    carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the University of Dar es Salaam and has notbeen presented to any other University for examination either in Tanzania or overseas. Any

    views expressed in the report are those of the author and in no way represent those of the

    University of Dar es Salaam.

    SIGNED: .............................................................

    DATE: .

    This report may proceed for submission for assessment for the award of B.Sc. in

    Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Dar es Salaam.

    Review Committee Signature: ............................................... Date: ..........................................

    Supervisor Signature: ................................................... Date: .....................................................


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    RFID , Radio Frequency Identification is an inexpensive technology that can be

    implemented for several applications such as security, asset tracking, people tracking, inventorydetection, access control applications.

    The main objective of this report is to design and implement a digital door lock security

    system which can deploy in secured zone where only authentic person can be entered. I

    implemented a security system containing door locking system using passive type of RFID

    which can activate, authenticate, and validate the user and unlock the door in real time for secure


    In terms of system design and development, this study consists of a combination of both

    hardware (circuit design) and software (program design). Unlike mechanical locks, which usekeys that are prone to duplication with encrypted serial keys that cannot be duplicated. This

    feature ensures the reliability of RFID door locks , providing a secure access control. T he tags

    ability to withstand environmental conditions such as intense heat, humidity, corrosive

    chemicals, mechanical vibration and shock also increases the reliability of the system, RFID-

    based door locks adopt contactless technology that utilizes smartcards embedded

    The advantage of using passive RFID is considered much as it functions without a

    battery and passive tags are lighter and are less expensive than the active tags. A centralized

    system manages the controlling, transaction and operation task. The door locking system

    functions in real time as the door open quickly when user put their tag in contact or in betweenthe specified range of distance accessible by the reader. The system also creates a log containing

    check-in and check-out of each user along with basic information of user.

    An RFID reader does not require the line of sight to see the RFID tag. The tag can be read

    inside a case, carton, box or other container and the same tag can be used to access all the locks

    connected to the same system.

    The RFID keycards do not have to be inserted into the lock and they are not susceptible to

    demagnetizing, like their magnetic strip counterpart, and are available to be made into fobs and

    wristbands. With this technology, owners have the option to have total security control from onecentral location, utilizing RF-online communication 16 capabilities. The keycards can be

    canceled or extended with the guest stay all remotely without having the guest to return to the

    front desk to make the changes.


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    This report couldnt be c ompleted without the support, help and encouragement of many

    people that have been by my side. I feel obligated to acknowledge all who provided their support

    during all my project period and resources for report writing.

    First of all I would like to thank the Almighty God for giving me strength, commitment, willand ability to do my project in all period allocated.

    I like to give my sincere thanks to project supervisor Ms Khadija Mkocha for her guidance,

    comments, challenges and valuable suggestions and inspirations during the entire project period.

    I express my deep gratitude to all ETE department staff members for their advice,

    encouragement, valuable analysis and assistance they gave me during all my project period

    towards the completion of study as well as my report.

    The Last but not the least, I like to express my profound thanks to all my class mates and friends

    who directly or indirectly helped me for the successful completion of my project report.


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    1.4 OBJECTIVES 12

    1.4.1 Main objective 12

    1.4.2 Specific objective 12



    2.2 TYPE OF RFID 14


    2.3.1 Tag Tag Collision 14 2.3.2 Reader Reader Collision 14

    2.3.3 Reader Tag Collision 14


    2.5 Student attendance system using RFID 16


    3.0 METHODOLOGY 18



    3.3 SYSTEM DESIGN 19

    3.3.1 RFID TAG 19

    3.3.2 PASSIVE TAG 19


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    3.3.6 LCD DISPLAY 22

    3.3.7 MICROCONTROLLER (PIC16F876A) 22

    3.3.8 Software requirement: 23

    3.3.8 RELAY 24

    3.3.9 Magnetic lock (DOOR LOCK) 24

    3.3.10 TRANSISTOR 25

    3.3.11 LED as output for PIC microcontroller 25



    4.0 CONCLUSION 30


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    RFID Radio frequency identification

    PIC Programmable integrated chip

    LCD Light cellulose diaphragm

    IC Integrated circuit RF Radio frequency

    CMOS Complementary metal oxide semiconductor

    SPDT Single pole double throw

    DPDT Double pole double throw

    LED Light emitting diode

    LPS Linear power supply

    PC Personal computer

    PCB Printed circuit board

    TWA Tree walking algorithm

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    FIGURE 1: Overall system of attendance using RFID . 17

    FIGURE 2: RFID door lock system block diagram . 19

    FIGURE 3: Data module 20

    FIGURE 4: Backscattering module 21 FIGURE 5: Tag reader 22

    FIGURE 6: LCD display 22

    FIGURE 7: PIC pin diagram 23

    FIGURE 8: PIC programming device 23

    FIGURE 9: Transistor.. 25

    FIGURE 10: LED 26

    FIGURE 11: Power backup system. 26

    FIGURE 12: A block diagram to connect a PC t o PIC 27

    FIGURE 13: Algorithm 28

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    As technology expands rapidly, there are different methods used for authentication indifferent systems. Electronics lock offers varieties means of authentication which are numerical

    words, passwords and pass-phrases, and RFID.

    Radio frequency identification (RFID) is the use of an object (typically referred to as an

    RFID tag) applied in modern electronic locks or incorporated into a product, animal, or person

    for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from

    several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader.

    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology uses radio waves to identify objects

    by retrieving data embedded within RFID tags. It is a contactless technology that uses radio

    waves to retrieve labels tagged to a product, animal or person. A unique serial number that

    identifies a product, person or object is stored on a microchip which is encased together with an

    antenna to form a tag or transponder.

    An RFID system is comprised of two sub-systems which are the tag and the reader, both

    of which have their own antennas. The tag is the device that contains the identification data. It

    identifies the item it is attached to. The reader retrieves data from the tag. It is also called an

    interrogator that reads or reads/writes from/to the tag. The antenna attached to the reader emits electromagnetic waves and receives responses from the tag.

    The RFID Door Lock System will consist of passive RFID tags , an antenna , a RFID

    reader module, a microcontroller, and an electronic door lock . Tags can be classified in two

    main categories based on their respective power source, passive and active tags. Active tags have

    their own power source. They use battery as the power source while passive tags do not require

    batteries, and can be much smaller and have a virtually unlimited life span. The reader module

    continuously scans for a tag. When a tag comes within reading distance of the antenna, it detects

    an activation signal and wakes up. The information on the chip is then transmitted through theantenna back to the reader module. The reader module processes the information and then sends

    it to the microcontroller. Once the microcontroller receives the data, it is compared to a list of

    valid Identifications (IDs). If the ID is confirmed to be valid, the data associated with the ID is

    logged into memory with the current timestamp, and the microcontroller sends a signal to unlock

    the door. The system will also have a maintenance mode. In this mode, tag IDs can be added or

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    removed from the system and the activity log, containing IDs and timestamps, can be transmitted

    to an external computer.

    I am planning to build an RFID Door Lock System. This project will use the ability

    of an RFID tag to signal a door to unlock. When one of these tags gets close enough tocommunicate with the antenna, the reader will react and unlock the door if the tag contains the

    correct information .The RFID door lock system has the following: RFID tags (miniaturized

    chips); RFID readers, and a data collection, distribution , and management system that has

    the ability to identify or scan information with increased speed and accuracy.


    Its gen erally said that the history of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology can be

    traced back to World War II. The Germans, Japanese, Americans and British were all using

    radar which had been discovered in 1935 by Scottish physicist Sir Robert Alexander Watson-

    Watt to warn of approaching planes while they were still miles away. The problem was there

    was no way to identify which planes belonged to the enemy and which were a countrys own

    pilots returning from a mission.

    The Germans discovered that if pilots rolled their planes as they returned to base, it would

    change the radio signal reflected back. This crude method alerted the radar crew on the ground

    that these were German planes and not allied aircraft (this is, essentially, the first passive RFID


    Since that time, the capabilities of Radio Frequency Identification have expanded exponentially.

    RFID technology has now been developed to the point where it can provide many types of

    businesses with precise information regarding the status of their valuable components and

    products. Such information can be utilized in terms of supply chain management, asset

    management, inventory control, as well as increasing safety and security. In addition, RFID

    technology has matured to the point where such systems can be implemented in a scaleable and

    cost- effective manner, therefore ensuring significant return on our clients investment.

    RFID can be explained in many ways, but one of the best explanations was provided by RFIDJournal in Thomas Friedmans book The World is Flat:

    RFID is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or

    objects. There are several methods of identification, but the most common is to store a serial

    number that identifies a person or object, and perhaps other information, on a microchip that is

    attached to an antenna the chip and the antenna together are called an RFID transponder or an

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    RFID tag. The antenna enables the chip to transmit the identification information to a reader. The

    reader converts the radio waves reflected back from the RFID tag into digital information that

    can then be passed on to computers that can make use of it.


    Security breaching at UDSM campus, hospitals, banks and homes occurs regularly.

    This is caused by low level of security offered to the door locks used.

    Carrying a bundle of keys for accessing different rooms at campus or home is

    another major problem. When using the password door locks, each door has its own

    password which can be used by any of the user thus increasing the difficultness of

    knowing the user being granted the access. Also having the bulk list of passwords

    and keys or tokens for each entrance is another problem concerning the otherauthenticating locking system. Or giving a single password at the entrance for a

    certain users level to use it to access will decrease the level of security as the ID of

    each user is not known.

    Time wastage when searching for the right keys to be used and passwords for login

    onto the system.

    Maintenance frequency of the door locks is too high when using the mechanical

    door locks as they are manually accessed. The magnetic cards or keys to be used for

    login needs to be manually inserted into the locks for granting the access.

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    1.4 OBJECTIVES 1.4.1 Main objective

    The main objective of this project is to design and implement a simple and cheap door lock

    system which uses RFID tags to grant access to a user and be able to learn new tags and save it

    for the future use. The system can avoid multiple collisions and has power backup system. 1.4.2 Specific objective

    Designing and implementing the system that opens the door when the authorized

    RFID tag in brought within the range of the tag reader.

    The system does not only automatically open and close the door for the authorized user but it

    also can be like a punch-card system where it has the capability to link the system to the database for

    a record. The system consists of passive reader and door lock controller. It is an easy system to be

    handled and installed. So with this technology, the user does not need to touch the passive tag to the

    receiver or reader for the authorization to check in. The system will have a power backup system for covering up the power shortage when the

    power is off. Developing the codes for the algorithm of the system Microcontroller programming to control the system using C programming

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    2.0 LITERATURE REVIEWThe literature is a valuable resources and an important storehouse of knowledge and

    thinking about a topic area. This chapter will discuss more about all of the information related to

    the project. It is structured in subtopics of RFID, short message services, children monitoring

    system and other related applications. The literature review in this paper is based on Internet,

    journal, books, articles, and from newspapers.


    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging technology consisting of three key pieces:

    RFID tags (miniaturized chips); RFID readers; and a data collection, distribution, and management

    system that has the ability to identify or scan information with increased speed and accuracy. Comparedto the bar code system, RFID promises long-term gains in supply chain management, transportation,

    defense and health care, to mention a few. RFID is increasingly used in commercial supply chain

    applications through pallet level tagging.

    RFID technology will make organizations more effective by enabling real-time visibility of

    information regarding items in and out of the supply chain. Having more accurate and immediate

    information about the location of items, the history of items, and the number of items in their

    process will enable organizations to be more responsive to their customers and consumer needs

    through more efficient, customer-driven operations. RFID enables manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to identify the exact location of their

    goods at any point in time. And better product visibility will enable the entire supply chain to be

    more focused on the end customer, producing and shipping goods based on demand and

    replenishing store shelves with products customers want to buy. Moreover, RFID technology can

    be effectively used to significantly reduce theft, loss, and time wasted trying to locate and

    account for valuable equipment.

    RFID, like the Internet, requires smart privacy and security policies that address questions

    that arise as a result of the growth and interconnectedness of information and communications

    networks. Disclosure, transparency and choice are important considerations for consumers as

    RFID migrates to item level tagging over the next few years. Policies that are informed by

    industry best practices and consumer concerns will foster the potential of ICT and facilitate

    acceptance of emerging technologies such as RFID.

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    The RFID system consists of readers/interrogators and tags transponders. RFID operates in

    different frequency bands (e.g., 125 kHz, 13.56 MHz, 868/915 MHz, 2.45 GHz, and 5.8 GHz).

    RFID has several important advantages over the traditional barcode.

    1) It does not require line-of-sight (LoS) access to be read.

    2) Multiple presenting tags can be read simultaneously.

    3) Tags can be used in a rugged environment.

    4) Tags can carry much more data.

    5) Tags can be rewritable; they can modify their data as required.

    6) Tags can be coupled with sensors to supply environmental information.

    2.2 TYPE OF RFID There are three types of RFID, active, passive, and semi passive RFID tag. Active RFID and

    passive RFID are fundamentally different technologies. Active RFID tags have an internal power

    source (battery).The battery that can be used as a partial or complete source of power for the tag's

    circuitry and antenna, and may have longer range and larger memories than passive tags, as well

    as the ability to store additional information sent by the transceiver. Some active tags contain

    replaceable batteries for years of use (JR Tuttle, 1997).

    2.3 TYPES OF COLLISION IN RFID 2.3.1 Tag Tag Collision

    Tag-tag collision occurs when multiple tags respond to the same reader simultaneously. Due tomultiple signals arriving at the same time, the reader may not be able to detect any tag. This

    problem prevents the reader from detecting all tags in its interrogation zone. A popular solution

    to this problem is the tree walking algorithm (TWA) , which is generally used in UHF readers.

    2.3.2 Reader Reader Collision A reader-reader collision occurs when a tag hears multiple readers at the same time. In this

    situation, the tag might be unable to respond to any reader at all.

    2.3.3 Reader Tag Collision Reader-tag collision occurs when the signal from a neighboring reader interferes with tag

    responses being received at another reader.

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    There can be tag collision or reader collision, when two tags talk back to an interrogator

    simultaneously, or when two readers use the same frequency. Most interrogators currently have

    built-in systems for avoiding collision. Tags are asked to respond in sequence, based on

    predetermined algorithms. I'll explain how this works in a very simplified way.

    Each transponder has a unique serial number. For instance, the reader might ask all tags with

    a serial number starting with one to respond. Several tags might respond simultaneously, so the

    interrogator would then signal all tags with a serial number that begins with one, two to respond.

    If more than one tag responds, the device might then ask for tags that start with one, two, and

    three. In this way, the algorithm can ensure that all tags are read without interference.

    Readers also have systems for ensuring they do not interfere with one another. One is called

    "listen before talk." Interrogators can use a portion of the radio spectrum, which is divided into

    channels. In Europe, for example, readers operate from 865 to 868 MHz, which is divided into

    10 channels. With "listen before talk" enabled, each reader listens for any signals on a channel

    before utilizing that channel to communicate with tags. If there is a signal, it chooses another

    channel. Another option is to use frequency hopping, in which readers randomly jump between

    channels. If one channel is being used, the device can then jump to another channel and

    broadcast a signal to the tags.

    There are many related work and projects done so far concerning the applications of RFID in thefield. Some of the related works of the RFID technology is:

    Military hardware and even clothing make use of RFID tags to help track each item

    through the supply chain

    Student attendance using RFID system

    BARCODES systems

    RFID Watches Over School Kids in Japan Comparative Study On RFID, Hotspot And Car Plate Scanning Method: ForIntelligent Parking Management System

    Ee495m Mobile Communication RFID Data Transmission

    Car tracking system using RFID

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    RFID passports (E-passport)

    Identification of patient and hospital staffs using RFID

    Tracking sports memorabilia to verify authenticity using RFID

    Airport baggage tracking logistics using RFID

    2.5 Student attendance system using RFID

    The RFID system is used to record student attendance automatically. This project used

    student ID card as RFID tag and it has a RFID reader. This RFID system is being integrated with

    software. This method is more effective to prevent problems in process getting attendance


    The RFID reader will use to detect the student ID card code. The code will use to

    compare with Access database and the information in database will be display and store by using

    interface on Visual Basic 6.

    This system consists of two modules which are RFID module and Visual Basic 6 module. Both

    modules will be combined together in order for this system fully functioning. This project is

    developed by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system and student card to get

    student attendance. Before this lecturer needs to use the paper to get the student attendance.

    There were a lot of problems when using the paper as student attendance such as cheating.

    This project can help lecturer to reduce the problem like that by design automatic attendance

    using RFID and student card. The project system was running by get the code of card student to

    compare with the database in Access . Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed usingVisual Basic 6.0 to make the database easier to access.

    Firstly, lecturer needs to fill forms in an interface like lecturer name, subject and code

    subject. This part is important because we need the information in this part to use in the next

    interface. In the next interface, lecturer needs to choose port and speed to make connection with

    RFID reader. After the reader was ready, process to get attendant will started. Students need to

    swap their card on the reader and the code from the card will use to compare with database in

    Access. When the code is match with database, the student information like name and ID number

    will show on interface and that information will trigger into a list. This list will use as a studentattendance. In that list, all information like student name and ID number will attached including

    the lecturer name and subject. If the code were not match with database, it means that student

    was in the wrong class or not registers yet in that subject. When this happen, lecturer can register

    that student by using registering form and the information of that student will be update into

    database. This project will help lecturer taking the student attendance more easily and

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    automatically. As the conclusion, RFID technology can be used in student attendance


    It is possible to configure an RFID reader so that it sends the radio pulse only in response

    to an external event. For example, most electronic toll collection systems have the reader

    constantly powered up so that every passing car will be recorded. On the other hand, RFIDscanners used in veterinarians offices are frequently equipped with triggers and power up the

    only when the trigger is pulled.


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    Literature review on different systems which employs the RFID technology as well as on

    development of code for the control system

    Hardware design and Circuitry development

    This includes the designing of the circuit overview including the power back circuit

    system. Checking the hardware features to be used for concisely good operation of the

    system so that the approach to solve the objectives is achieved. Preparing the wiegand tag

    reader and the tag for circuiting.

    Software design (Code development). This is done through the C programming language

    which is one of the languages which are compatible with the PIC microcontroller Linking the system to the computer for record keeping and display of personal

    information of the user.

    Integrating the system and testing



    A tag used is a passive tag RFID operates in several frequency bands. The exact frequency is controlled by the RadioRegulatory body in each country. The generic frequencies for RFID are:

    125 - 134 kHz 13.56 MHz UHF (400 960 MHz) 2.45 GHz 5.8 GHz

    In practice, inductive RFID systems usually use antenna sizes from a few cm to a meter

    or so, and frequencies of 125/134 KHz ( LF ) or 13.56 MHz ( HF ). Thus the wavelength

    (respectively about 2000 or 20 meters) is much longer than the antenna. Radiative

    systems use antennas comparable in size to the wavelength. The very common 900 MHz

    range has wavelengths around 33 cm. Reader antennas vary in size from around 10 to

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    >30 cm and tags are typically 10-18 cm long. These systems use radiative coupling, and

    are not limited by reader antenna size but by signal propagation issues.

    High frequency RFID systems (850 MHz to 950 MHz and 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz) offer

    transmission ranges of more than 90 feet, although wavelengths in the 2.4 GHz range are

    absorbed by water, which includes the human body, and therefore has limitations. Power supply of 12V is required with a backup rechargeable battery of 12V

    Anti collision modified system

    A PC connected with a PIC for record keeping and GUI provision


    The RFID door lock system is described by the following block diagram


    3.3.1 RFID TAG

    RFID tags consist of an integrated circuit (IC) attached to an antenna typically a small coil of

    wires plus some protective packaging (like a plastic card) as determined by the application

    requirements. Tags also sometimes are called transponders, and sometimes they are called inlays,

    although technically an inlay is a tag mounted on a substrate that is ready to be converted into a

    smart label. RFID tags can come in many forms and sizes. A tag used in this system is a passivetag.

    3.3.2 PASSIVE TAG

    In an RFID system the transponder which contains the data to be transmitted is called an RF

    tag. Passive RF tags obtain operating power generated from the RF reader. They are smaller and

    lighter than active tags but have a shorter communication range and require a high powered

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    reader. Passive tags are generally read-only and as such, once it is programmed with data, that

    data cannot be modified. Passive RFID tags do not contain an internal power supply. Passive

    tags cannot generate and transmit a signal to a terminal for recognition and storage.

    Passive tags use the radio frequency from the reader to transmit their signal. Passive tags will

    generally have their data permanently burned into the tag when it is made, although some can berewritten.

    3.3.3 RF SIGNAL INTENSITY DETECTORIntensity-Detecting Tags: It is easier to integrate an RF-signal intensity detector into a tag than

    an accelerometer, because only RF technology is used in the former, while both RF and

    microelectromechanical-system (MEMS) technologies are used in the latter. However, this

    approach would still increase cost, and require a new generation of RF tags.

    Intensity-Detecting Readers : It is simpler, cheaper, and more feasible to modify readers

    rather than tags. However, there are a couple of problems.

    Since the transmitter needs to keep emitting power continuously for the passive tags to

    respond, and the receiver generally includes an automatic-gain-control (AGC) loop, the accurate

    measurement of the RF signal at the reader is very difficult.

    It is also difficult to identify the desired tag response (for measuring received-signal intensity)

    because multiple tags can respond simultaneously (i.e., the tag collision problem). Thus,

    appropriate signal-processing algorithms and protocols are required to disambiguate the desired

    tag response from the multiple returns.



    This term refers to the communication method used by a passive RFID tag to send data to the

    reader using the same readers carrier signal. The incoming R F carrier signal to the tag is

    transmitted back to the reader with tags data.

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    3.3.5 WIEGAND RFID TAG READER - RFID tag reader with specification reader to card and binary reader to controller interface - Standard 26-bit binary card data format

    Operate with 5V supply

    A reader (now more typically referred to as an RFID interrogator) is basically a radio

    frequency (RF) transmitter and receiver, controlled by a microprocessor or digital signal

    processor. The reader, using an attached antenna, captures data from tags, then passes the data toa computer for processing. As with tags, readers come in a wide range of sizes and offer different

    features. Readers can be affixed in a stationary position (for example, beside a conveyor belt in a

    factory or dock doors in a warehouse), portable (integrated into a mobile computer that also

    might be used for scanning bar codes), or even embedded in electronic equipment.

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    3.3.6 LCD DISPLAY

    Interface LCD (2x 16 Characters) with PIC16F876A

    To use the LCD display, users have to solder 16 pin header pin to the LCD display. LCD used in

    this project is RT1602C, for other type of LCD.



    This powerful (200 nanosecond instruction execution) yet easy-to-program (only 35 single

    word instructions) CMOS FLASH-based 8-bit microcontroller packs Microchip's powerful PIC

    architecture into an 40- or 44-pin package and is upwards compatible with the PIC16C5X,

    The requirement and specifications: 8-bit microcontroller with 22 I/O Operate with 5V supply

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    3.3.8 RELAY

    A relay is a simple electromechanical switch made up of an electromagnet and a set of

    contacts. Current flow through the coil of the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever

    and changes the switch contacts. The coil current can be ON or OFF so relay have two switch

    positions and they are double throw (changeover) switches. Relays allow one circuit to switch asecond circuit which can be completely separate from the first. For example a low voltage

    battery circuit can use a relay to switch a 230V AC mains circuit. There is no electrical

    connection inside the relay between the two circuits; the link is magnetic and mechanical. The

    coil of a relay passes a relatively large current, typically 30mA for a 12V relay, but it can be as

    much as 100Ma for relays designed to operate from lower voltages. Most ICs (chips) cannot

    provide this current and a transistor is usually used to amplify the small IC current to the larger

    value required for the relay coil. Relays are usually Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) or

    Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) but they can have many more sets of switch contacts, forexample relays with 4 sets of changeover contacts are readily available.


    3.3.9 Magnetic lock (DOOR LOCK)

    A magnetic lock is a simple locking device that consists of an electromagnet and armature plate.

    By attaching the electromagnet to the door frame and the armature plate to the door, a current

    passing through the electromagnet attracts the armature plate holding the door shut. Unlike an

    electric strike a magnetic lock has no interconnecting parts and is therefore not suitable for high

    security applications because it is possible to bypass the lock by disrupting the power supply.Nevertheless, the strength of today's magnetic locks compare well with conventional door locks

    and cost less than conventional light bulbs to operate.

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    3.3.10 TRANSISTOR

    The transistor used to amplify the current for the relay is an NPN transistor, 2N2222A.


    3.3.11 LED as output for PIC microcontroller One I/O pin is designated for a LED as output of PIC microcontroller. The connection for a LEDto I/O pin is shown in Figure below. The function of R2 is to protect the LED from over currentthat will burn the LED. When the output is in logic 1, the LED will ON, while when the output isin logic 0, the LED will OFF.

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    This is a power system which supplies power to the system depending on how the situation is.

    When the power is on the normal routine supplies and charges the battery to full charge. When

    the system runs out of power the battery start to supply power to the system to encounter the



    A battery system uses energy that is stored in batteries. Batteries are charged by a number of

    methods. In most backup systems, the grid charges the batteries and keeps them charged and will

    recharge them once the grid comes back online. One can use a generator to charge batteries, or

    use the sun, wind or falling water. One can even generate electricity by human power.

    Batteries deliver to you the exact amount of power you require at that moment. The running time

    of the system is directly related to your loads. For instance, if you know the outage will be

    longer-term, you can only operate the most essential loads; whereas if you know the outage will

  • 7/31/2019 Progressing Printing


    only be brief you can use up much more power knowing the batteries will be charged up by the

    grid when it comes back online soon


    This is for users interface. Checking the details of the user who have been granted the accessand storing the record of the procedure. The personal details of a user can be inserted and edited

    through this PC.


    The block shows how to link the PIC microcontroller using the USB or serial cable. A PC has

    a database to store the records of the users to prompt the granting process. A specific user is felt

    in with his personal records in the database so that when he prompts to have access to the

    entrance, his records are known. The records are stored using the ID of the user in the TAG. No

    two users can have the same records as each user has its own ID on the TAG.

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    STEPS: Preparing the PIC microcontroller Preparing the printed circuit board Mounting the device in a printed circuit board and Door lock connection Wiring the tag reader Loading the code configuration in the microcontroller Management system preparation, TESTING and execution LCD Display mounting to the PCB

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    How it works: The interrogator sends a command to initiate communication with tags in the fields. This

    command signal is also used for energizing the passive device.

    Once a tag has received sufficient energy and command it responds back with its ID foracknowledgement.

    The interrogator now knows which tag is in the field. It send a command to the

    identifying tag for what to do next (processing or sleep). If the tag receives the processing and read commands, it transmits a specified block and

    waits for the next command. If the tag receives the processing and reading commands together with the block of data,

    it writes a block of data into a specified block of memory and transmit a written block for

    verification. After processing the interrogator sends the end command to send the tag into sleep mode. If the device receives the end command after processing, it sends an acknowledgement

    (8-bit preamble) and stays in the sleep mode. During the sleep mode, the device is looking for the next tag for processing as long as it

    remains in the power up.

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    Strong security properties are achievable within simple security protocol designs that are

    suitable for implementation in RFID systems. In this project I described a simple door lock usingRFID technology equipped with a power backup system.

    The RFID door lock system designed in this project allows it to be applied even in places of people

    with low income as it has a power backup system to be used when the power is off. Instead of having a

    generator or solar power backup which is expensive to afford, a simple source of power that has

    rechargeable battery is installed in a system.

    On future extension the system can manage even to send a text to a specified user who needs grants at

    the entrance. When a tag ID is within the proximity range, the PIC16F876A will trigger and send the textto the user's number. This will increase the level of security as when the user tag is lost, and someone use

    it the user will be notified.


    1N4001 diode Diffused Junction

    High Current Capability and Low Forward Voltage Drop

    Surge Overload Rating to 30A Peak Low Reverse Leakage Current

  • 7/31/2019 Progressing Printing


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