
Bricklayer Demir(Demia) Gelo.4 years experience. Built the Itatiba Theater and Itatiba Rock Center.

Actor Robsbawn(Robilia) Pimentel. Inexperienced. Just some points at SBT soup operas. Bad actor. Contact: [email protected]

Executive Roberto(Roberta) Justus Jr. 23 years of experience. Ex-employers: Microsoft, Vodafone, Shell, Nike, Google and Ophel.

Economist Tony (Tania) Money. 40 years on the area. Workaholic, lifted up companies like Apple and TAM.

Racing Driver Richard (Sonya) Tougharm. Motto: crash n burn!. Experience with teams like Minardi, Campos, Copersucar, Itatiba Racing.

Doctor Tony (Shirley) Braxton. Specialist on plastic surgery. 10 years experienced. Graduated by Long Distance University.Soccer Player Vampeta. Experience: 15 years at curintia. 0 world titles. 0 Libertadores. In the year of centenothing, I want a new job.

Janitor Roberval (Robervia) Wellinto Silva Pinto Aparecido. Experience of 6 years. Clear like a glass, is my motto.Singer Maxwell (Wonderful) Weasel. Experience of 10 years of shower-singing.Played at Bar do Boz, Sabadao Sertanejo and Galeria do Rock.

Teacher John(Mary) Book. 230983029382 years of experience. Saw Nero burning Rome (not only CDs), the middle age and all the important facts in history like the big bang.

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