
Production Techniques Evaluation

Production Techniques EvaluationJordan B

Graphic Design Experiments

Include an image of your experiments2

Graphic Design ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumEasy to get a very specific point across, using text and images.Takes hardly any time.Can be very appealing to the eyeEasy to produce to a good standard.

Disadvantages of working in this mediumMuch less personable than a video or radio production for example.You can only fit so much info about the product onto the poster so you have to cram as much in as possible, while also trying to make it have a good aesthetic.Can be made to look shabby and under/over done.Harder to produce to a great standard.

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?3

Graphic Design Production

MinimalistFollows Colour Scheme.But is very basic.LogoSlogan

Include an image of your final product and a similar existing product and, using text boxes and arrows, reference the similarities and differences.4

Graphic Design ProductionMinimalist with slight classic styleFollows basic red/black colour scheme


Include an image of your final product and, using text boxes and arrows, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product. Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece5

Radio ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumReadily available to tonnes of people, in cars etc.Easy to produce.Takes little time to produce - little planning required.Disadvantages of working in this mediumOnly have a short amount of time to broadcast ideas.Only have audio, cant have video, imagery, etc.Has to be simple to keep the user interested.

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?6

Radio Production

Radio Ad 1

Radio Ad 2

Discuss the content of your final product and the content of a similar existing product referencing the similarities and differences.


Video ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumThe most used form of advertising and the most availableCan get the most acrossShortSimpleDisadvantages of working in this mediumTakes a lot of timeTakes a lot of planningOnly have a short period of time to advertiseDidnt have the ability to do some of the things in the story boards due to budget

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?8

Video Production

Include some screenshots of your final product and a similar existing product and, using text boxes and arrows, reference the similarities and differences.9

Video Production

Include a series of screenshots of your final product and, using text boxes and arrows, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product.Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece


Video Game Experiments

Include an image of your experiments11

Video Game ProductionAdvantages of working in this mediumAppealing to a specific, very large audience of people.Easy(ish) to create.Easy to plan.Available to a very large portion of people, even if they are not in the target audience.Photoshop is very easy to use at this basic level.For this specific format, it only requires 8-16 bit pixels to create a basic game, which simplifies the task.Disadvantages of working in this mediumCan be done poorly if you dont have a very in depth plan.Can be very badly designed if you dont have half decent artistic skill.Can become clunky and poorly animated when you have little time work with

What makes working in this medium better/worse than the other mediums we are exploring?12

Video Game Production

Include an image of your final product and a similar existing product and, using text boxes and arrows, reference the similarities and differences.13

Video Game Production

If I had to change anything about the product I would take more time to make the animations smoother and develop the enemies further and have more references to multiplayer, for instance Flappy Bird(pictured above) Has very good player response and good flying animations, my product could use something like this.Photoshop creates a very small gif file, that produces a very low quality when blown up to a certain size.

Include an image of your final product and, using text boxes and arrows, discuss the strengths, weaknesses and changes you would make to the product. Reference tools/hardware employed in the production and/or post production of the finished piece14

Video Game Production

ComparisonWhich product do you believe advertises the product the best? Why?In a professional setting with good actors and a high budget for location the video will always be the best option to advertise a product as millions (if not, billions) of people are always watching the TV/Video Advertising outlets, such as YouTube, at any given time, however out of my products I think the video game ad provides the best advertisement for the product; the video of mine was lacklustre due to a stale concept and lack of schedule, the video game ad had time to be thoroughly planned out before it was put into progress.Which of your products is the most professional? Why?More than likely the video game ad due to the ability to plan out the designs and characters beforehand, as well as having a decent knowledge of Photoshop before actually starting the design in the first place.


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