
Prize Fight

By: Mariya MoseleyPer: 4th

Whitman vs. Poe

Born in January 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts.

Son of David and Elizabeth Poe.Ms. Poe was from England, and after

she died in 1811, Edgar Allan Poe went to school in England for five years.

Poe went to the University of Virginia, and his freshman year he was reported to showing up in class drunk even during the examinations. The interesting fact is that Edgar Allan Poe finished with highest grades in his class and became

Edgar had no money, and no job skills, and in 1830, Edgar entered West Point as a cadet.

In 1831, he went to New York City to publish his poetry, and in 1835, he found a job as a newspaper editor.

He dried to commit suicide in 1848, but eventually died from a long term illness the next year.

Round 1: Biographies

Edgar Allan Poe Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman was born on May 31st, 1819 than in West Hills, New York.

He was the second of nine children. In the first half of the 17th century, Whitman’s family settled in North America.

Whitman began reading at any early age. When his family moved to Brooklyn, New York, Whitman attended school there, and got a job as a printer.

While being a schoolteacher, printer, and journalist; Whitman published many poems in the newspapers.Whitman died in 1892.

Winner Of Most Interesting Bio Is:Edgar Allan Poe


Scored: 4For Being so Different!

Whitman Scored: 2Only received two points, because he

is boring!!

Round 2: Style

Walt Whitman

Whitman doesn’t rhyme, but yet He still knows how to make a poem Sound well.Some say that Whitman’s style of writing Is very unique. Whitman displays what he wanted people to do, which was to get people in the world to change their beliefs. As techniques, Whitman uses imagery, Personification, and repetition.

Edgar Allan PoePoe had a very mysterious style of

writing. Most of his writings present dark

and gloomy images. Poe had a very wild imagination. He used different elements such

as: literary criticism, and detective story.

Besides his mysterious style of writing, Poe also had a macabre style of writing.

Winner Of The Best Style Is: Walt Whitman


Scored:3.5Just to Depressing to Read, with his mysterious style.


Scored: 4.5For deciding to he decided to go apart from all the other styles or rhythmic pentameter.

Round 3: Theme

Walt WhitmanRather than employing the stiff,

erudite language so often found in nineteenth-century verse, Whitman widened the possibilities of poetic diction by including slang, colloquialisms, and regional dialects in his poetry.

By creating a captivating, spellbinding quality of incantation, Whitman’s poems rely on rhythm and repetition.

Edgar Allan PoePoe has the rhyming art to excess,

an incorrigible propensity toward nocturnal themes, a demoniac undertone behind every page.

His best known fiction works are gothic.

In his short Story, “The Tell-Tale Heart” Poe writes about Murder, Insanity, Obsession and Guilt.

Poe has also shown many themes such as: popular imagination, a gothic genre, and self -destruction.

The Winner Of Theme Is:Edgar Allan Poe Poe

Scored: 5For his variety of themes.


Scored: 4.5For going out the box.

Round 4: Ease OF Reading And Understanding

Poe: He does have a good ease of reading, and understanding, but he sees this in a way that no other author does.

Whitman: does have a good ease of reading and understanding, but his poems lack much of the standard of recognized poetic measure. But he is very intelligent.

The Winner Of Ease of Reading & Understanding Is:

PoeScored: 4Understands things the way many don’t, but lacks some normal knowledge.


Scored: 5Whitman scored so high, because he was very intelligent, and understood things very well.

Round 5: Who has the Funniest cartoon?

Winner Is: Edgar Allan PoePoeScored: 5He has a very funny cartoon character.

Whitman Scored: 2Just not a funny picture, at all.

Poe has a total of: 21.5 Points

Whitman has a total of: 28 Points

Official Winner!!!!!

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