  • Bob Levin [email protected] --______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    TM & 2013 Bob Levin, Investigative Journalist All Rights Reserved.


    Sunday, June 16, 2013 [Last updated: 07.13.2013, 7:10 AM PST]

    Ongoing Illegal Cyber Cointelpro Operations conducted by the Surveillance State and

    the global continuing criminal enterprise of the US government; a tentacle of the

    psychopathic groupthink orchestrated from the head of a monstrous octopus named

    The World Bank - the Classified NSA PRISM/US-984XN Program operating in parallel

    with (TS/SI/NF) FAA 702 Operations, code name "Upstream".


    Thanks to NSA Whistleblower Patriot, Edward Snowden, "We the People" of the 99% rank and file,

    now know the classified name of the ongoing illegal Cyber Cointelpro operations that have

    evolved since the program's inception in 1956. The program name PRISM/US-984XN has already

    been changed, but in the same manner as the Cointelpro program officially ending, the

  • operational methods continue beneath the prostituted mask of the "War on Terror" and against

    targeted individuals as covert and overt acts of terrorism and torture.

    How interesting that FEDbook's bot technology algorithms are subverting my ability to publish

    commentaries containing tripwire buzz words. Last night in the early morning hours and minutes

    after checking my email and starting some online research, a pulse of energy destroyed my desk

    lamp causing sparks to fly and the power to shutdown in my office and bedroom. Later in the

    morning when I checked the new formatting on my YouTube account, they had unsubscribed me

    from Democracy Now and Al Jazeera English..I subscribed again!

    These are the type of sanctions recognized through their repeated frequencies of occurrences that

    are intended to fractionalize the lives of targeted individuals. These acts of ongoing illegal Cyber

    Cointelpro operations, are being carried out by the use of a U.S. militarized NSA and their private

    contractor mercenaries. For over thirteen years as an FBI Whistleblower Patriot, myself and

    others have named many of these companies and ever citizen should document these events in a

    personal log to maintain a record that will demonstrate a pattern and a repeated frequency of

    occurrence. These military, political and privatized sanctions are illegal, unconstitutional,

    undemocratic, and the anti-American empirical intrusions that are railroading our nation towards

    unbridled tyranny. These crimes by government are covert and overt acts of terrorism, torture

    and "no touch" invisible physical torture. Coconspiratorially orchestrated by the NSA and

    Commander and Chief, these cyber attacks are the tradecraft and operational tactics, techniques

    and technologies employed for the resulting harm of systematic systemic genocide for negative

    eugenics. They are further applied under the four principles of the CIA Torture Paradigm and in

    conjuncture with the evolved fractionalizing methods of McCarthyism and ongoing illegal cyber

    Cointelpro operations under a host of classified program titles.

    Whistleblower Patriots, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden are American Heroes who stand

    for genuine freedom and liberty against the government criminals and traitors of the corporatist

    military industrial complex who oppose them, because war for profit is this government's

    genocidal mechanism for perpetuating the corporatist agenda to process the total aggregate of

    the world into a commodity.

    Whistleblowers who expose these erosive tools of an outlaw terrorist government and

    demonstrate how they are being used under ulterior motives and a medium of perpetual

    counterintelligence reverse tactics against the American people and the World of Human Beings.

    These crimes of government against the American people are supported by the legalized

    criminality of congressional capos who turn tricks of, for and by their corporatist pimps while

    clearly demonstrating that our government has been overthrown and cannot be trusted.

    These actions are the waypoints of an American holocaust that signals, "We the People" must

    purge the criminal actors of government and continue forward with a restorative revolution under

    the lawful terms of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the buttressing principles of our

    Constitution wherever possible.

    Obama and the 1% minority cannot tell the truth unless it is to cover-up one LIE with another.

    When you hear Obama say "we are in this with you", understand that the only thing they have "in

    you" is government's nose stuck so far up your behind that it will break-off unless we give turn


    The 99% rank and file and constitutional ruling majority, recognizes the human beings, our

    citizens, truth tellers, activists, advocates, writers, journalists, the free press, all targeted

    individuals, and whistleblower as patriots and heroes. Whistleblowers are not traitors and those

    within government who attack whistleblowers with the rhetoric of counterintelligence reverse

    tactics are the unmasked true criminals.

  • In this life and the next, I stand with the human beings and for the genuine dream and promise

    of America, which must not be allowed to continue its conversion into the guarantee of layered

    virtual death camp environment.

    (TS/SI/NF) FAA 702 Operations, code name "Upstream", NSA classified program

    working in parallel with the PRISM program.


    Former FISC judge, the Hon. James Robertson, has broken ranks with government.


    [Photo credit: Cliff Owen/AP]

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  • The Whistleblower Patriot, Bob Levin

    Below: "The Mole", code name "M", who remains one of several known actors being shielded from

    prosecution by an equally complicit USAG Eric Holder and others. Index crimes, congressional

    perjury, the theft of government funds, illegal reverse targeting under FISC, espionage against

    the United States, rape, assassinations, deaths of non-criminal federal witnesses, terrorism,

    torture, systematic systemic genocide for negative eugenics, ongoing illegal Cointelpro operations

    that have continued long after the official end of the program; etal. *Should Democracy Now

    wish to give me a polygraph exam as a vetting for being on the show and to further support the

    evidence and my special knowledge, I stand ready to accept. - Bob Levin, Investigative Journalist

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