
Term 2, Week 6

Friday 28 May, 2021

B e l l e v u e H i l l P u b l i c S c h o o l P H : 9 3 8 9 3 9 2 8 E M A I L : b e l l e v u e h i - p . a d m i n @ d e t . n s w . e d u . a u

B e l l e v u e H i l l P u b l i c S c h o o l

Principals Report

Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This week, students in various grades at BHPS learned about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and explored how each of us can join the national reconciliation journey through respectful relations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Students also explored the symbolic features representing the landscape, moon, planets, waterways and spirit souls in this beautiful artwork “Action” by Jessica Johnson. The artwork also provided inspiration for this year’s poster which you can see inside the newsletter today. Our School Captains & leadership team ran a 3-6 assembly to celebrate Reconciliation Week as well.

Classroom Visits We are very aware of the disappointment that the cancellation of the Mothers Day breakfast caused. We are currently working on visits for parents, initially for Kindy & Year 1 parents who have not had the chance to ever visit their child’s classroom. Year 1 have organised a Blast From the Past day on 16 June in association with the culmi-nation of their unit of work on Heritage and Tradition. Students have explored chang-es in technology, school, family and community life and will be dressing up and carrying out activities associated with living and learning in the past. A special part of the morning will be devoted to a visit from parents into their classroom. Parents will be interviewed by their children about their school life and what it was like when they were growing up. Kindergarten teachers are working on a class visit for their parents as well. Details soon. Super Blood Moon

The super moon and lunar eclipse provided a perfect combination of rare events for all students to witness on Wednesday evening. However, none were more excited than Year 4 students who are currently studying a Physical World: Earth and Space unit of work looking at the earth’s relationship with the sun. Perfect timing for authentic learning at BHPS.

Sue Bennett Principal

Today was a very exciting day because the leadership team led the first Friday primary school assembly since March 2020. We are so happy that things are getting back to normal here in NSW. Merit awards were presented and Peer Mediators received their badges. It’s so good that our Peer Mediators are helping so many kids on the playground resolve some of their friendship disagree-ments and to work out rules for games. We can’t remember when we all sang the school song and the national anthem together. It made us so proud to hear the beautiful singing from all the students. Mrs Bennett addressed the assembly and we spoke about Reconciliation Week and the great activities that are happening in classrooms. It was fantastic to see our school coming together again for an assembly. We are look-ing forward to leading many more assem-blies this year.

Primary - Yrs 3-6 Friday Assembly Returns to Bellevue Hill Public School

By school captains

Reconciliation Week artwork, poster and symbols

Student Wellbeing In Yr 4

National Sorry Day

This week in Year 4 we commemorated National Sorry Day. We learnt that National Sorry Day remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communi-ties, which we now know as ‘The Stolen Generations’. This day is an opportunity for us to remember past mistakes, build stronger relationships with everyone around us and embrace a unified future in Australia. “On National Sorry Day we need to think about the Stolen Generations, and make sure that it never happens again” - Lily Rose O.

“National Sorry Day is about saying sorry to the generations of the Aboriginal people whose children were taken away for no reason” - Audrey S “It is important to recognise the mistakes of what was done to the Aboriginal people a long time ago” - Chris G “We respect the Aboriginals who lived here before us” - Max S

On Tuesday, Kindergarten students visited Calmsley Hill City Farm. This excursion was arranged as part of our conceptual unit of work ‘Animals and Me’. Kindergarten has been learning about the interrelationship between living things and how humans use living things to meet their needs. Once we arrived at the farm, we split up into groups so that we could explore the different areas of the farm. The farmers led the tour and taught us many interesting facts about all of the different animals on the farm. We explored the Nursery, the Aviary and the Cow Sheds – where all the students were given the chance to milk a cow! The farm also houses some of Australia’s native animals, such as koalas, kangaroos and wombats. We also enjoyed our tour around the farm on a tractor! On our tour we learnt about the importance of the natural environment, such as dams and native trees. We even saw some beehives! After lunch the students enjoyed watching a stock whip show. We were very impressed with all of the different tricks the farmers were able to do with their whips. The students loved the working dog show where we cheered on Charlie, the very well-trained Kelpie, who rounded up a flock of sheep and we were all fascinated by the sheep sheering demonstration.

We had such a wonderful time at the farm! We learnt about the importance of farms and how farmers and their animals help each other.

Kindergarten - Excursion - Calmsley Hill City Farm

YK Excursion Calmsley City Farm— Abbotsbury

May 2021

Bellevue Hill

World Cup

By Sports Prefect Zev

There was much excitement in the back playground as the BHPS ‘World Cup’ foot-ball tournament commenced this week. The first tournament to kick off was ‘Stage 3 Boys’ who were placed in pools to play a round robin competition at lunch time. The teams involved are Juventus, Real Madrid, PSG, Manchester City, Liverpool and Manchester United.

The pool games are now finished and unfortunately Real Madrid and Manchester City have been eliminated. It has been really good seeing the friendly competitive play. All teams have played good football and showed good sportsmanship.

Bellevue Hill

World Cup

Merit Awards

Week 6

Kindergarten: Maddalena B, William W, Nate M, Cianan O, Remy M, Stevie C, Leon S, Arielle P-Mc, Rhys T, Ariana S Year 1: Ethan N, Amalia B, Levi F, Claudia A, Eli O, Esmee G, Jade P, Jake Mc Year 2: Aden T, Theo H, Sophia V, Madison G, Jamie B, Violet M, Rose R, Leah M Year 3: Zachary P, Lyla T, Maya S, Akiva T, Abigail S, Sofia R Year 4: Sofia L, Mia W, Stella N, Raquel S, Ethan E, Rachel J, Year 5: Eligh B, Chris M, Austin L, Jeremy S, Ariana T Year 6: Rafi J, Asha R, Mika R, Zev E, Kosei M

Languages Hebrew: Ella G, Joel L (YK), Paige P, Lila V (Y1), Demi K, Jay T (Y2), Sarina M, Benjamin N (Y3), Noam M, Chloe G (Y4), Greg C, Sianna M(Y5), Joseph O, Jamie M (Y6)


Years 5 & 6 Camp The Great Aussie Bush Camp

19—21st July

$100 Deposit due by Wednesday 9th June

Balance of $220 due by Wednesday 23rd June

To make a payment at any time go

to the school website:

Go to the top right hand corner— Make a Payment section

You only need to know your child’s

class/year and their date of birth, no need for a reference number.

The North Sydney Kids Musical Theatre Co are proud to announce their June 2021 production, Disney Aladdin Jr. This musical showcases a cast of young people all under the age of 18. They will be performing in either the jnr cast (Age 7-12 years) or the snr cast (Age 13-18 years) in alternating performances. The production is designed to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in musical theatre, and star in a live production. Over the past few months, students have given up their free time on Sundays to contribute to the creation of a fantastic show. Their efforts and enthusiasm have been highly commendable.

One of our students, Bartram E in Year 3 at BHPS is involved in the production. Please find below the ticket link if you would like a special treat for your family.

Performances Run 18-20th June at The

Indepenent Theatre North Sydney

Congratulations Bartram


Disney’s Aladdin Jnr Fri 18 June

Sat 19 June

Sue 20 June

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