Page 1: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

Old Forest d Forest Road Lugarno NSW 2210

Phone 02 9153 9843 Email [email protected]

Tuesday 8 May 2018, Week 2, Term 2

Calendar dates

May 9 – School Photos

May 10 – Mothers’ Day Stall

May 15 – 24 - NAPLAN

May 16 – Look In and Learn (Kindy


May 24 – District Cross Country

May 29 – SPAF Choir Rehearsal

May 30 – SPAF Audition Senior


June 5-7 – Create South

Thought for the Week…

“You can’t go back and change the


but you can start where you are and change

the ending.

~ C.S. Lewis ~

Principal’s Message

SMILE!! School Photos - TOMORROW School Photos will take place tomorrow Wednesday, 9th May. Please see the information below: * Group photos will be available to view and purchase online after they are taken tomorrow. * Family photos will be taken at 8.30am in the hall. Online orders for Family Photos are to be made by 12:00 midnight tonight. * Students are requested to wear their full Summer school uniform. NOT Sports Uniform for the photos tomorrow, including black shoes.

Please note that due to the school photos

tomorrow, the three dance troupes will have

In this issue School Photos

School Uniform

Student Wellbeing Update

After School Lego Program

Sport News

Mother’s Day Stall


Code Camp

Learning Support Team at LPS ….

Page 2: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

Old Forest d Forest Road Lugarno NSW 2210

Phone 02 9153 9843 Email [email protected]

their lessons on Thursday this week (Intermediate Dance Troupe 8.00-8.40am,

Junior Dance Troupe 8.50-9.30am; Senior Dance Troupe 1.00-1.40pm).

School Uniform

From the beginning of next week (Week 3), students can wear their Winter school uniform. It’s important

that students come to school dressed in their full school uniform every day, which includes black school shoes

on non-sports days (Monday-Wednesday), school hat and, now that the weather is getting cooler, their

school jacket or jumper. The Uniform Shop has a large supply of second-hand uniforms in great condition

and at a fraction of the cost. Our Uniform Shop is open Mondays and Thursdays from 8.30am in the school

hall. Orders can also be placed online using the new and convenient, ‘Flexischools’. This year, there is the

new girls’ Winter option of a long sleeved white blouse or white polo with bottle green trousers.

Student Wellbeing Update – BE GREAT LIKE GARNO!

Positive Behaviour for Learning and Bounce Back –

What’s the focus this week?

This week, LPS students are engaging in activities about expectations during

lunchtime eating. This week, all staff K-6 are reinforcing with students the following expectations:

Learn at all times Participating Safely Showing Respect

Listen to and follow teacher instructions

Go to the canteen at the correct time

Stay seated while eating

Place lunch boxes/water bottle in class tub

Put all rubbish in the bin

Place lunch boxes/water bottle in class tub

In our Bounce Back lessons, students will be doing activities to develop their understanding of the following focus areas:

ES1 – ‘Understanding fear’ (to understand what fear looks and feels like); S1 – ‘What is courage?’ & ‘Being scared of the dark’ (to understand what it means to show courage); S2 – ‘The Wobblies’ (to understand that everyone feels nervous sometimes); S3 – ‘What is courage?’ (to understand what courage is).

Page 3: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

Old Forest d Forest Road Lugarno NSW 2210

Phone 02 9153 9843 Email [email protected]

Our After-School LEGO Programs have commenced!

Last Wednesday, the ‘Bricks Challenge’ program facilitated by ‘Young Engineers’ commenced for registered

students in Years K-3. Our junior engineering students had a wonderful afternoon of learning about stable

and unstable structures and how to make a structure more stable. Students built a pirate ship model to

consolidate their understanding.

Yesterday the ‘Galileo Technic’ Program for students in Years 4-6 commenced. Our senior engineering

students learnt about centrifugal and centripetal forces before building a flying chairs ride where after

turning it on, the chairs flew outwards (demonstrating centrifugal force).

The students had lots of fun seeing the chairs flying outwards after turning it on. They also had a chance to improve the model to make it work better based on some of the improvement suggestions brainstormed on the board. There are some places still available in the Galileo Technics Class which runs every Monday from 3.00-4.15pm in The Hub (school library). Please contact Angela Yang at Young Engineers to secure a place for your child (contact details on attached flyer)

Page 4: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

Old Forest d Forest Road Lugarno NSW 2210

Phone 02 9153 9843 Email [email protected]

Sport News

Mothers’ Day Stall

This Thursday, our hard working P & C and parent volunteers will set up our annual Mothers’ Day stall. There

will be a selection of items on sale at a cost of $6 each. At Recess, siblings can view their options and make

decisions in preparation for buying which will occur after Recess (class by class). The Stall will be held in the

Connected Classroom (the spare classroom next to Mrs Flett’s room).

Lukas and I (Ali) had trialled for Sydney East Soccer team on Wednesday the 2nd of May. We represented the Georges River and Botany Bay district at the Sydney East Gala day, held at Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never played with all the players in our team. We all played our first game against Eastern Suburbs and Sydney Costal at 9:45am, the score line was 0-0 which gave us 1 point. The rest of our games we unfortunately lost. Although when we played against Engadine and Sutherland District, Lukas scored our first and only goal of the day, which was a volley from a corner. After all our 5 games we had a presentation where they announced the winning district of the gala day and the players that were selected for the state carnival. Sadly, Lukas and I didn’t make the next stage. We had an awesome day playing soccer and we would like to thank Miss Stewart for coaching us. By Ali and Lukas

Page 5: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

Old Forest d Forest Road Lugarno NSW 2210

Phone 02 9153 9843 Email [email protected]


Absence Notes

A note explaining the reason for a child’s absence is required as soon as your child returns to school.

Partial Absences

Whilst, we understand that sometimes appointments cannot be made outside of school hours, please try to

avoid where possible. Also, it’s extremely important to arrive on time and ready for class each day by


School Banking Volunteer Wanted

Do you have some spare time? We are looking for a volunteer who would be willing to learn how to

coordinate school banking for 2019. Please see Mrs Kotevski or notify the front office if interested.

Student Travel / Holiday during School Term

As part of Department of Education policy parents are discouraged from taking students out of school during

school terms for the purpose of travel or family holiday, as this can be disruptive to a student’s learning.

If it is absolutely necessary for a student to take time off school for this purpose, it is required that an

Application for Travel be completed. This form is available on the school’s website or from the school office.

Although the form says extended leave, this form needs to be completed for one or more days. The form

needs to be received and approved by the Principal prior to travel and in ample time to issue a Certificate for

the Leave. When travelling overseas, authorities may request to sight the certificate.

‘CODE CAMP’ is returning to Lugarno PS in the Winter School Holidays!

During the first week of the upcoming Winter school holidays, Lugarno PS will host ‘Code Camp’ for students in Years 2 - 6.

‘Code Camp’ is three days of fun, creativity, logic, problem solving and coding where participants get to design and code their very own app. ‘Code Camp’ will run for three days from Wednesday, 11th July until Friday, 13th July. There are two program options: the ‘Spark’ program which is designed for first timers and ‘Ignite’ for returning students.

Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.

Page 6: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

Old Forest d Forest Road Lugarno NSW 2210

Phone 02 9153 9843 Email [email protected]

Learning Support Team at Lugarno PS.

The priority of the Learning Support Team is to foster differentiated learning for all of our students including

those with disabilities, learning difficulties and challenging behaviours. These students will have differing

levels of educational needs, which may require the provision of one or more educational support services

provided by or organised by the school. They may experience difficulties at any time throughout their school

life and in varying forms. The classroom teacher is the prime person in the school who meets the needs of

students with learning and behaviour difficulties. The school Learning Support Team assists the classroom

teacher in supporting their students.

The Role of the Learning Support Team (LST)

The Learning Support Team focuses on addressing the learning needs of students by ensuring that

collaborative planning and programming occurs, that effective implementation strategies are in place, that

available and appropriate school resources are being utilised, and that monitoring, assessment and reporting

strategies have been developed.

The Learning Support Team considers the type and level of support for students with disabilities and learning

needs or behaviour difficulties. It addresses curriculum, communication, social skills, personal care, safety

and mobility needs. The team identifies and brings together key personnel within the school community who

are most suitable to support the classroom teacher in meeting the student’s learning requirements

The Learning Support Team meets regularly and:

• Implements an identification and referral procedure for students experiencing difficulties in learning. • Facilitates a range of appropriate support strategies for students. • Facilitates a range of appropriate support strategies for classroom teachers. • Prioritises students based on needs and availability of resources. • Develops a coordinated plan for each student that might access external specialist personnel • Develops individual learning support plans that include progressive monitoring and record keeping. • Selects, implements and evaluates learning support resources. • Communicates and liaises with the school community regarding referral and follow-up procedures. • Reviews learning support strategies against current research and best practice models and programs. • Develops whole school programs to address the needs of students. The Role of the School Counsellor

Parents often have concerns about their child’s academic progress, social interactions or wellbeing.

If so, the first course of action should be to make a time to discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher.

The teacher can then seek advice from their Stage Leader or other colleagues.

It may then be decided that a referral to the Learning and Support Team would be helpful. The LST consists

of staff members including the Principal, Assistant Principals, Learning and Support Teachers, and the School

Counsellor. The LST will determine what sort of intervention can assist students. Referral to the School

Counsellor for assessment and support is one option.

School Counsellors, most of whom are also Registered Psychologists, are trained in the use of cognitive,

behavioural, academic and other forms of assessment, which can be used to assist in educational and

intervention programs. They are also trained in counselling techniques and can help with referral to agencies

which support wellbeing.

Page 7: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

Old Forest d Forest Road Lugarno NSW 2210

Phone 02 9153 9843 Email [email protected]

Our School Counsellor, Leah Piazza, attends our school every Wednesday. She can be contacted through

the school to discuss how she could be of assistance.

The Learning Support Team at Lugarno for 2018:

Dyana Maloney – LST Coordinator/Chair & Learning & Support Teacher (LaST) Justine Williams – Principal Leah Piazza – Counsellor Carolynne Wilkie – Assistant Principal (Early Stage 1)/& K-2 Literacy and Numeracy Learning & Support Teacher (LaST)/RFF Teacher Athina Malakonakis – Assistant Principal (Stage 1) Allyson Bartley – Assistant Principal (Stage 2) Judy Harris – Assistant Principal (Stage 3)

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)

Each year the Government collects information on school students who have a disability in both Government

and Non-Government schools.

During Term 2, teachers at our school will be involved in collating data on students with a disability and the

type of adjustments they require in order to participate in the curriculum. The information collected will

assist the Government to improve support and resources to students with a disability.

Further questions may be addressed to Ms Dyana Maloney (Learning and Support Teacher) or Mrs Williams


Mrs Williams



Our Year 3 and Year 5 students will be participating in Online NAPLAN assessments during Weeks 3

and 4, from Tuesday 15th May until Thursday 24th May.

There are 4 tests; Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. All tests will be

completed online with the exception of Year 3 Writing, which will be a pen and paper test.

The assessments will take place in the Computer Lab each day (with the exception of Year 3 Writing

which will take place in 3/4B’s classroom).

If any students are away on a test-scheduled day, they will have the opportunity to complete the

test on the day they return to school. The allocated testing period will cease on Friday 25th May.

Mrs Bartley NAPLAN Coordinator

Page 8: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

Old Forest d Forest Road Lugarno NSW 2210

Phone 02 9153 9843 Email [email protected]

PSSA Results Friday 4/05/18

Girls Cricket Junior 50 - 193 loss

Girls Cricket Senior 230 - 69 loss

Girls Basketball Junior 10 - 27 loss

Girls Basketball Senior 71 - 18 win

Boys Softball / T Ball Junior 15 - 8 win

Boys Softball / T Ball Senior 6 - 0 win

Boys Oz Tag Junior BYE

Boys Oz Tag Senior BYE

PSSA Draw Friday 11/05/18

Girls Cricket v Narwee at Gannon’s Park 4

Girls Basketball v Peakhurst South at Lugarno PS

Boys Softball / T Ball v Beverly Hills at Gannon’s Park 4

Boys Oz Tag v Mortdale at Peakhurst Park 5

Stewart House Bags Clothing Appeal

Could you please return filled bags to school by tomorrow,9 May 2018. Filled bags can be left on the

verandah of the craft room (building in front of double storey block, in Primary playground).


Please note that you can download notes from our website. If students need a copy of a note from the

office, there will be a charge of 50c.

Lugarno Public School does not endorse or recommend any of the advertisers in this newsletter. Persons

who utilise the services list in this newsletter are responsible for checking that the advertiser has the

necessary licences, permits and insurance to conduct their business.

Money due for excursions etc

Deposit for Stage 3 Camp - $50 due by 10 May

Page 9: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never


Dear Parents/Carers

This year our school has registered to participate in the NSW Premier’s Sporting


The purpose of the Challenge is to encourage students to participate in sport and

physical activity to lead a healthy lifestyle.

During Term 2 all students at the school will be monitoring physical activity levels

during class time, at recess and lunch as well as during sport lessons. Physical activity

outside school hours will also count towards the Challenge award. The aim is to work

towards an average at least 60 minutes of activity a day for ten weeks.

We would like to invite families to support us in encouraging students’ healthy use of

leisure time and to experience the joy of being active together.

Each student in years 3-6 will be issued with a logbook to record their daily physical

activity. Whilst K-2 students will work towards a Gold class award level.

Students completing the Challenge will receive a personalised certificate (Diamond,

Gold, Silver or Bronze), signed by the Premier of New South Wales.

Physical activity is valued for its physical, social and emotional benefits. It also helps

young people to develop communication skills, confidence and resilience.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Justine Williams

Page 10: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

Due to popular demand, from Term 2 Young Engineers will be offering the Bricks Challenge program and, for the

first time, we will also be offering the Galileo Technic program.


Bricks Challenge – PROGRAM FULL

Age Group Years 4-6 or Bricks Challenge graduates Years K-3

Day and Time

Mondays 15:00 – 16:15 (Starting Monday, 7th May 2018)

Wednesdays 15:00 – 16:15 (Starting Wednesday, 2nd May 2018)

Overview Advanced STEM program. Investigates mechanical systems from a real engineer’s point of view. The program focuses on finding solutions using teamwork in order to build complex machines.

Foundation STEM program providing theoretical and practical knowledge on basic principles in mathematics, science and engineering using motorized LEGO® bricks and other methods that produce motion.

Key Focus Deepened knowledge in engineering, physics and various natural phenomena

Strengthen social aptitude and teamwork ability

Improve negotiation skills to communicate design ideas

Improve engineering design flaws

Hypothesize, make observations and draw conclusions

Plan and execute mini projects and present final products

Improve fine motor skills

Think creatively

Ability to analyse engineering processes

Strengthen communication skills

Expand horizons and general knowledge in engineering, physics and various natural phenomena

Build confidence and sense of capability

Young Engineers is a STEM education provider that ignites a student’s passion for Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics. We equip students with the necessary skills for the economy of the future all while

having fun with motorised LEGO® models. Students get to build various motorised LEGO® models while

understanding its application to our daily lives and the problems it solves. What we deliver is e² – Education with


Term 2 enrolments have closed for the Bricks Challenge but there are places still available for the Galileo

Technic Program. Classes will be held at the Library for a maximum of 16 students. To reserve your child’s spot

in the Galileo Technic program for students in Years 4-6 visit:

15mins Lesson topic and theory

50mins Building and enhancing model

10mins Lesson summary and dismantle

Young Engineers Sutherland Shire and Botany Bay

0451 7836 32 | 0451 STEM e2 [email protected]

Page 11: Principal’s Message - · Kareela Soccer Fields. We were at the park by 8:30am and the team were already there warming up and receiving our jerseys; we had never

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