Download - pril 6 2015


KaBlooey the Explosive Game of Card Warfare

This version of KaBlooey contains everything you need to play with the exception of any tokens for Damage +1 / -1 and Timers. You might need some coins or such for that. In the finished game there will be more cards which you can put on top of the base card to modify them, but I ran out of time for this test version (as I had to cut out over 1000 cards).

You will need to sleeve these cards maybe behind another card to give them some weight.

Last Minute Changes

Drama Deck / DefCon check out a game without this first and see if it makes any improvement to the game

The ORANGE Drama Deck is the reworked Event cards. There are 5 DefCon cards and 8 Drama Cards.

Take 1 Drama card for each player* and shuffle them into the Action Card Deck after you have dealt out all the Bases and Action Cards (so theyre all in the deck before the first player draws their first 2 cards).

Whenever a Drama card is revealed, apply its results immediately, increase the DefCon by 1 (and apply its results). Thats about it for the Drama Deck. It affects the Nuke as it increases its damage and means it will blow up at DefCon 1. It might need some tweaking but I hope it works as expected.

ABOUT THE DRAMA DECK: I still have space for 5 more cards and I was thinking of adding some cards to mitigate the power of the Drama Deck and to either reduce the DefCon or to cancel some of its effects. Comments?

Ive already got 2 expansions planned with 32 cards each plus a mini expansion to increase the numbers to 8 players (there are enough cards for 8 players right now but it will be a short game) it works best with up to 6.

One Draw DeckThe original game had 1 draw deck but it was very difficult to keep out the Bomb cards from the deck (which would make their way into the Bases). This meant with a bad luck, you could have up to 20 bombs as Bases, which was bad for everyone, so right now, weve got 2 decks and I think it works quite nicely, but Id still prefer one deck (even though 120 cards is a hell of a lot to shuffle in one go).

*Or play with ALL 8 Drama cards for a fruitier and more dangerous gaming experience.


The object of KaBlooey is to blow the living hell out of your opponents with bombs, grenades, and any weapons you can get your hands on! Each enemy has 3 lives (Bases) and if youre the last Bomber standing with 1 or more Bases at the end of any turn - you WIN! But, theres a twist: the cards you play dont have to be actual bombs! You can bluff your way to military supremacy with a non-Bomb card to try and get your opponents to waste their valuable resources. War is hell, and alls fair in love and KaBlooey!

The Key Rule of KaBlooey: There are two playable card types in KaBlooey: Actions and Bombs. Action cards are made up of Action and Artillery cards, while Bombs are Bomb and Sabotage cards. When you make your one Action card play per turn, it can be any of the Action cards, while your one Bomb play can be a Bomb or a Sabotage card. A bluff is ANY Action card.

QUICK START GUIDE Take the (30) red Bomb and (10) purple Sabotage cards and shuffle them. Then place them in the Bomb Deck area within easy reach of all players. Then take the (60) yellow Action, (10) blue Artillery cards and shuffle them. Then place the Action Card Deck next to the Bomb Deck. Deal 3 cards face down to each player from the Action Deck: they are now those players Bases which must be protected. See figure 1 for a detailed look at setting up the play area. Deal 5 cards to each player: 3 from the Action Deck and 2 from the Bomb Deck. The player who has seen the most combat action takes the first turn. Play then goes clockwise. Draw Phase: Draw any combination of 2 cards from either the Action Deck or the Bomb Deck. Play Phase: Play one Action and / or one Bomb card. These cards can be played in any order (so you could play a Bomb and then an Action card or you may choose to play only an Action card). Finally, you may pass, and play no cards at all this turn. Playing Bomb Cards: Bomb cards have icons which indicate how they can be played: < / > - play on an adjacent player to you / * - play on any player around the table. You own any cards in your Blast Zone. If you pass one of your owned cards to another player, that player then immediately owns that card (and all cards attached to it). Reveal Phase: At the end of your turn, you must reveal all of your owned face down cards that do not have a timer on them. Turn each card face up, one at a time (if there are multiple cards in a stack, turn over the top-most card first and work down). Note that Reaction cards cannot be played in the Reveal Phase. Youre on your own at this point! Timers: Cards with Timers are not revealed. Instead, remove 1 Timer from that card. Bluffing: Any non-Bomb / Sabotage card in the Blast Area is immediately discarded without effect. You may use Blast Reactions in the Reveal Phase to capitalise on Bluffs (see Bluffing). Reaction Cards: You can only play Reaction cards in response to another action or event. You cant play the first Reaction in your turn and you can never play two Reaction cards together (if you play a Reaction, someone else must play a Reaction before you can play another). Dealing Damage: Bombs do damage equal to their D score (so 1D = 1 damage). An unmodified Base has 1 life each (so 1D would destroy one Base). Taking Damage: When taking damage, turn over the far right face down Action card (Base) and apply any Base Effect it may have to the attack. A Base that is not destroyed is discarded and replaced with another face down card at the end of the turn. Bases regenerate at the end of a round to their full health. See Base Effects on p. xx for more information on the different Base text. Once you have dealt with all damage from Bombs and cards played on you, your turn is over. Play continues until one player is left with one or more Bases at the end of any turn. Note: some card effects may still activate at the end of a turn, and it is possible that several players go out at the end of the same turn. This just goes to prove that there are no winners in War (but there usually are in KaBlooey)!

BASE EFFECTSRetaliateImmediately play a bomb on your opponent (if you have one).DefenceDiscard X cards (if you have them) to prevent 1 damage. You can do this as many times as you have cards.DrawImmediately draw X cards once this Base has been discarded.ReclamationSuffer the damage from that card, BUT, if this damage destroys a Base, you get to put that weapon it into your hand if you wish.Splash XX Damage is done to opponents on either side of you. They have to treat the attack as though it were attacking them as well.ImmunityYou take the damage from this one attack and then you are immune to all further damage this turn from all sources. ShieldWhen you lose that 1 Base you take no further damage from any source this turnDisarmTurns a Bomb into a Dud. That Bomb stays on the table and just sits there until something either removes it, passes it (yes, they can still be passed), or it is reactivated by another rather nasty card.

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